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Detailed Description:
I feel that the developers need to start showing some initiative and taking some time out of their day to develop some sort of instruction manual; a manual would allow new players to learn how to play the game without wasting time and would allow veteran players the ability to keep up with the changes.
There is a lot about this game that I don't know about and it is all because the developers have failed to create an adequate, and up to date instruction manual.
Vote YES if you are in favor of the developers creating an up to date instruction manual.
Vote NO if you would rather not see something like this created because you enjoy the edge the lack of an up to date instruction manual affords you.
57 gamers voted for the proposal.
13 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
A next step with more help for beginners will be introduced in the coming weeks. At the same time, we are gradually improving the current manuals. We have recently finished a round of updates on all manuals and will start a new round shortly as many features are added or updated.