We have been flooded with many ideas originating from the voting system. This is a great way to convey your opinions to us and make your point with support of many others who join in voting for it.
However, the number of suggestions, and even good suggestions, is very high and in no relation to our capacity to implement all these ideas. As a result, many of these suggestions will have to wait for their turn. We will keep the effort and continue to add as many new features as possible.
Proposals that have been implemented and proposals that are nice to have but are unlikely to get the priority and enter the game are removed from the vote news page. We have also removed many repetitions and all the rejected proposals. Sometimes features become irrelevant when another proposal is implemented or because of other changes have made such functions obsolete. In all such cases we remove such items.
We are publishing all the ideas that have a good chance of being implemented into the game. We do not publish any proposals that are very badly written and advise everyone who submits a proposal to check and recheck the text and use a spelling checker.

Table of Contents:

Detailed Description:
Please implement again the automatically option to buy ammunition and weapons needed when a army unit or supply unit is set up.
Buying item by item to set up an military unit is hard and takes much time, is like counting grain by grain of coffe before you drink your hot beverage.
Thanks in advance for your vote.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The feature is back in the game and can be used to build one army unit. It was first stopped and then restored to only one unit at a time because it was used to build many units at once and we were blamed for stealing money from a player.
The player used the option in a big way and spent a huge amount of cash in the process because many weapons and ammunition were bought automatically.
It was quite stupid and we terminated the function. It can be used now to build one unit, we check in advance if you have the money and then execute. Once done, you can use it again.

Detailed Description:
Would it be possible to create a new "Finance Index" for Enterprises, with the corresponding ranking shown on the list of Enterprises.
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We would like to add such an index. It is not clear from your proposal what index should be used. You can place another vote or even better, start a discussion on the forum for people to react and we will participate.

Detailed Description:
Please abolish the term "Slave Country for empires."
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This was voted on before and we have promised to do so. It is already removed from several pages and we will continue to do so.

Detailed Description:
We should be able to search our own countries for new natural resources. For example my country is on a coastline but I don't have sand as a natural resources. I am proposing that the ability be added to search our own countries for natural resources. If you agree please vote yes.
2 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This makes sense and we have a design for a discovery mechanism that will allow everyone to roam countries in search of natural resources.
It will take a lot of work to implement and it is not a short term project. There are many outstanding issues that are very urgent.

Detailed Description:
as a leader of countries, it is very hard to keep up with the cost of living and to further growth and prosperity of our countries. I propose a 500B be added game monthly to countries to help better development in ones country.
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Getting free money is of course nice and it will trivialize the game.
Profitability of countries is now extremely high. If you learn to do basic management of the economy the country will become very profitable.
New players get large sums of money to support them in the initial period. Corporations upgrade in the meantime and become very profitable. We are improving profitability even further and will improve conditions for beginners to make it easier for them.

Detailed Description:
Islands are very special pieces of land and there should be more of them. 20-30 would be enough. Players are always looking and fighting for these lands so it is fun to have more of them.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The proposal is rejected. The maps of the worlds are fixed and cannot be changed.

Detailed Description:
Resources running out is realistic. However this game is not Realistic because you can have one president for many centuries. Eventually all Resources will run out which is a disadvantage for players who play this game over 480 years. Therefore I propose there be a limit on resources not exhaustion of resources. Game months are shorter than real life so resources will run out too quickly.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The proposal is rejected.
The depletion of resources is a very important feature. New resources are found in countries and there are many countries with no president with up to 80 different natural resources.
The proposal is rejected. You can easily conquere/purchase such countries and build many extremely profitable corporations that will provide you with very high profits during a long period.

Detailed Description:
Can we please be able to use chemical bombs on c3 countries
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The idea of C3 wars is to make you learn war strategies and gain experience. Using chemical and nuclear weapons is brute force that does not prove any knowledge of the war game.
If such a feature was part of the game then we would include the possibility of C3 countries respond to such attacks with their own nuclear weapons and use them very effectively.

Detailed Description:
Many games have mentors which assist new players. I propose that Simcountry have an easily accessible list of mentors (say a button on the page for players under 60 days playing time), so newer players can message mentors and receive advice and help. Many questions new players have are not in the documentation or FAQ, or the information is outdated. Mentors would be a way to easily communicate current information and promote more interaction between players. There are other ways this could be implemented and there is a lengthy forum post under Suggestions for further reading. Vote YES if you would like a mentor function added. Vote NO if you feel this is a poor suggestion.
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We would like to make such a facility available and help new players in getting the information they need.

Detailed Description:
Honestly, I love this game, it is the only thing I play, but I think it could use a few new features like: -Legislation proposals and signing -tourists (where visitors of other nations could visit your nation, but also add a feature where u could see how much tourists or in your country and how much money they spend in your country per month) -Create a government to help run slave countries (now this feature the leader could assign their friends email address to access a slave country of leader choice to run, so it could be a group thing also) -Members of parliament (So we could also choose friends who're running slave countries to be apart of some government department like a ministry of education or health etc IF YOU AGREE WITH ME VOTE YES
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. These are good ideas and we are working on new features. Natural resources for example, were added in the last couple of months and we are working hard to improve the war features in Simcountry. We will add game features as fast as we are able to.

Detailed Description:
Should there be a feature in the game where you can campaign to remain the leader of your country?
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
You are probably the only one for it. Please do it again and explain who are the voters, who are the candidates and what will happen if the vote turns out to be against the president.

Detailed Description:
I purpose a change to the war levels. Currently every war fought v's a c3 advances the player to the next level by default. Each level then gets harder. My problem is this. I want to help my empire by doing worker exchanges. I have MLM shortages and I'd like to take over some c3's and correct it, like we used to. I'm at WL 11 though and the prospect of facing a wl 12 c3 for some workers is daunting. This is only 1 problem with the WL restrictions. The lack of being able to move around the world is another. I propose we be able to choose which war level we fight a c3 at? All those in favor say yes Against say no I chose to do a poll with this, with the hope that enough people agree and the GM's would consider it.
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The issue was discussed on the forum recently and we have published a proposal that will make this possible.
Implementation will take a while but the feature will be added ASAP.

Detailed Description:
Since I have seen that the progress of videos for tutorials have been slow, I ask if I can be in charge of it.
2 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We would like very much to improve these videos and add more. We frequently lack resources to do so. I will make an extra effort to move this forward.

Detailed Description:
Create a mailing system that would notify all premium members that a polling vote is underway. Similar to that of the Security Council voting system.
6 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will add this feature as soon as possible. Voting numbers are indeed very low and this might help.

Detailed Description:
Please allow us to customize navies as we see fit, within the weapon size limits. Currently, the game forces me to have seals in my navy, which I do not want. It forces me to have all sorts of weapons that are not useful. I want to be able to customize my navy and have more navy fighter planes and cruise missile ships instead of all the garbage weapons that are forced into the fleets.
1 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The feature is on our development plan and will be added ASAP.

Detailed Description:
CEOs constantly move corporations from a country to another that is more suitable for the corp. itself. Whether it was due to war, poor labor force or other political reasons. We need some sort of notifier that this country and its president has been active in the last week. Otherwise we’re wasting time and B$ requesting to move corps from inactive to inactive without any answer. Maybe a Green(active) tick near each president name?
3 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We would like to prevent disclosing information about presidents being active or now but we will shorten the waiting period period.

Detailed Description:
I have noticed that the sum of deaths for all age categories does not match the total provided. This applies to the “Death rate distributed by Age” table on the Health page. Example: Even though all of the age categories have falling death numbers, the total relentlessly rises. Vote Yes to have this looked at and fixed. Vote No to leave it be.
2 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is indeed true. There is a “delay” between computations and the total is the total of the previous month. We will however change the order of computations and the total will be corrected. This is a change of the code and requires an upgrade. It will be part of the the next Upgrade of Simcountry, later in September

Detailed Description:
Since I have seen that the progress of videos for tutorials have been slow, I ask if I can be in charge of it.
2 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We would like very much to improve these videos and add more. We frequently lack resources to do so. I will make an extra effort to move this forward.

Detailed Description:
Create a mailing system that would notify all premium members that a polling vote is underway. Similar to that of the Security Council voting system.
6 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will add this feature as soon as possible. Voting numbers are indeed very low and this might help.

Detailed Description:
Please allow us to customize navies as we see fit, within the weapon size limits. Currently, the game forces me to have seals in my navy, which I do not want. It forces me to have all sorts of weapons that are not useful. I want to be able to customize my navy and have more navy fighter planes and cruise missile ships instead of all the garbage weapons that are forced into the fleets.
1 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The feature is on our development plan and will be added ASAP.

Detailed Description:
CEOs constantly move corporations from a country to another that is more suitable for the corp. itself. Whether it was due to war, poor labor force or other political reasons. We need some sort of notifier that this country and its president has been active in the last week. Otherwise we’re wasting time and B$ requesting to move corps from inactive to inactive without any answer. Maybe a Green(active) tick near each president name?
3 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We would like to prevent disclosing information about presidents being active or now but we will shorten the waiting period period.

Detailed Description:
I have noticed that the sum of deaths for all age categories does not match the total provided. This applies to the “Death rate distributed by Age” table on the Health page. Example: Even though all of the age categories have falling death numbers, the total relentlessly rises. Vote Yes to have this looked at and fixed. Vote No to leave it be.
2 gamers voted for the proposal. 0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is indeed true. There is a “delay” between computations and the total is the total of the previous month. We will however change the order of computations and the total will be corrected. This is a change of the code and requires an upgrade. It will be part of the the next Upgrade of Simcountry, later in September

Detailed Description:
In my opinion the biggest piece of war index could be calculated from military units the country has. This would encourage military vs military combat rather than destroying mostly cities and factories. Today to take over the country you have to destroy almost all targets from the list but hundreds of military units just stay, which means you win the war without destroying the army which defends the country which is not realistic.¬
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Although supported but one, this is an obvious problem in the game. We have already done most of the work needed to implement it. We are already counting the units in each country and now need to implement the formula to give each unit a value in terms of the defense index and add to the total index.
I will check the status of the function and try to move it forward.

Detailed Description:
This is a two part proposal:
1) I propose that there be a way to choose the individual tax rates for citizens. Currently, there is no way to adjust individual tax rate(s).
2) I also propose adding a setting that would allow you so choose the age when Social Security benefits kick in. (Currently my life expectancy in my country is 125+ years - SS kicks in at 65+)
Yes - to add the additional Settings
No - Keep the game as is.
Thank you!
2 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. This is a good proposal. Supported by 2 is not convincing. The tax rate is more urgent although complex.
It is not just changing numbers. You will be able to increase taxes and your income will increase too, but what is the tradeoff.
You could increase taxes to 90%. Lots of income but what are the consequences?

Detailed Description:
I don't think there needs to be a distinction between offensive and defensive units. I believe this is a product of the old war engine, and makes war more complicated than it needs to be. Light Tanks and Heavy Tanks should all just be Tanks. Same with all the other duplicate units like Offensive AA and Defensive AA. Just make them one kind and allow the player to decide whether to put them into defensive garrisons or offensive divisions. This way we could simplify the insane number of weapon systems and different ammo types we have to stock. Also, it would change the dilemma of finding the right balance of offensive and defensive weapons that fits the country economy. Instead we can focus on finding the right strategy and deployment of the weapons we have.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Rejected but the numbers are minimal. There are currently army units that are partially offensive and partially defensive. We agree and will mix weapons even more as the units evolve. In the future, we may decide to unify some of the weapons and make the function as both defensive and offensive weapons.

Detailed Description:
Vote for yes if you want more transferring options for the Low Level Workers and Executives transfer to make the game easier and transfer upgrade to 200,000 per month and add more priority numbers increase to like 200 points instead of the low 120.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Rejected. Increasing the priority numbers does not change anything. Increasing your education index does a lot.
Recent increase in the availability of HLWs reduced the shortages and the need for workers transfers. If more tuning is needed, we will do more to reduce the need for manual workers transfers.
Tuning your education priorities is essential. The education priorities page is probably the most important in Simcountry. We will make it more prominent. Check it frequently and update and you can prevent shortages.

Detailed Description:
Allow players with negative country assets to build corporations to make profit and get better.
2 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will look into it. It is a very old measure that could be obsolete.

Detailed Description:
(If this is already a feature please let me know.) I would like the ability to host a federation partner who cannot expand on the continent they reside on, to wage war from my countries base's on to attack C3 countries.
2 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
A member of your empire is able to station units in your country. Remore bases and depos are part of the game. Moving units by air too. This is an old feature, not used a lot. Once the country declares war, its units can attack the enemy.
If these units happen to be in your country they will be able to attack a country they are in war with.

Detailed Description:
I purpose this proposal before the maker(s) of this game and my peers, as stated in the subject of this proposal, I plan on raising this idea of allowing financial aid to financial failing countries. This proposal will allow financially failing countries to ask of financial aid, this aid is not a mere loan but a voluntary act of the sending country. That leads to my next point in this proposal, there should be a 10% withdraw from countries that receive bonuses and with that 10% it should be automatically sent to a emergency funding account for the country it was withdrawn from and this is not only for countries receiving bonuses but for any country that is willing to set aside 10% of their earnings for emergency funding, this proposal also allows for the sending of voluntary funding to other players. And with this I have this final point, players or debtors should have a say so on how much they should pay on their loan despite the interest rate this will take pressure off the player and his or her possessions. Thank you for your time.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The security country can vote to send help to a country. This proposal adds little and it is very complex to implement.

Detailed Description:
Game instructions should be simplified for new players. I get contacted by new players all time asking me questions on how to play. I also struggled myself and has received help from another player.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. Part of the problem is that people do not read. It changed a lot in the past years. It used to be different. We have probably too many documents for todays players.
We are now in the process of simplifying many pages. Some are alredy simpler than before, some will be updated in the next upgrade and there is much more to come.
We are also rewriting some documents and many hints to make them shorter.
Part of the problem as I said, is that people are just not reading. Simcountry is intended to be a non-trivial game and playing without any reading will not help them to become excellent players.

Detailed Description:
I'm proposing a new newspaper system. Countries should be able to create their own entrys, to bring more roleplay into the game. If you don't know what I mean, take a look at the newspaper system from Call of War. It'll be great- and fun!
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Should be implemented ASAP.

Detailed Description:
The limit used to be 300M and now reduced. How far will it go? This is a proposal to increase the limit much higher. Allow players set up countries that will become as large as China, or twice that. It will be more interesting and more fun. Please don't push us all into a small population range.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:

Detailed Description:
Make an army only use an ammunition if it is increasing its Fighting level for units, otherwise ammunition should not be used monthly.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Very few votes and rejected.
The use must continue or otherwise the entire ammo industry will become unstable and then, when you need ammo, there will be none.

Detailed Description:
Hello, I would like to propose making the government type a little more interactive. I think it would be fun to add the type of government or how it functions on the main page. For example, add more choices for types of government and have it displayed so other players can see the type of government your country runs. Please vote yes to add more government types and display on the country home page. Thank you!
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Good proposal. Should be added.

Detailed Description:
Debt is cash. Cash is an asset.
Enterprises should be able to use their investment (loan in that case) to bid on/purchase corporations. If an enterprise is willing to go into trillions of debt and hardly come out of it, that's its opinion. But debt is cash. Cash could be invested.
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Enterprises can invest beyond their available cash positions and will automatically receive loans. This is part of the game.
There is however a limit to the debt level.

Detailed Description:
Currently the Electric Corps in the game consume Oil in order to produce electricity. It would help spread out the need for certain materials if you could use different primary resources for production. For example a Gas Power Plant that uses Gas rather than Oil, a Coal Power plant, Solar Power, Wind Power, Hydroelectric Power. Also an Ethanol Corp that can produce Gasoline from Corn and Sugar.
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We now have power produced with Oil and we have nuclear power. We have already prepared power from corn sugar and wind. We are looking at other parameters depending on the choice and how to create incentives for one or another.

Detailed Description:
Is it possible to incorporate into the game insurance companies. Where it would be optional for countries and corporations to pay premiums Incase of disasters and loss of revenue. The mechanics of how it would work can be discussed on the forums and how it would all work.
1 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.

Detailed Description:
The Materials purchased category shows up on the year to date as an expense for the government. but the description says it is paid for by the population. If it is paid for by the population then why is it there. Why not have it taken out of the income tax or something. I can't balance my economy if it shows that my government is spending over a trillion on goods supposedly purchased by the population. I feel it will make the financial part of the game easier if it was either removed or fixed.
2 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Rejected. The reason these numbers are there is that they influence cash and are not adding up to zero each month. If someone wants to know where cash is gone and these numbers will not show, there will be questions and the cash total will not be correct.

Detailed Description:
Allow to create military units without size restrictions. Only limited number of weapons would participate in attacking or defending. This would allow to fight army vs army and finally you would not need to create hundreds of different units and use them in war. This would apply for fleets as well.
2 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Not realistic to have units with 10.000 tanks.
We have now made it possible to attack from bases, without the need for a military unit.
Even to win a war in this way. We think these units are ok. Very large units will require many supply units.
Try attacks from base. Let us know if this is a good alternative.

Detailed Description:
High population ages can be extremely tedious to fix and normally require GCs one way or another to solve. Why not just add a booster that can lower your avg pop age directly?
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Nicely requested but what is expected?
The number of people in an age group depends on the number in the previous, younger age group.
People age and move from one group to the other. If you have many older people, your health index might be at 2000 and then nobody dies. Or you are fighting many wars and many young people die.
Do you want a booster that kills older people? Or add young ones? This is a very delicate issue in the simulation and changing numbers may have explosive consequences.
We can make a booster like this but the numbers per booster will be small as we need to prevent everybody from doing this at a large scale. If it happens, 30 years later, (60 real days), the number of old people will explode. Then what. Another booster to kill them I suppose�.
If anyone has extreme examples of countries with a large number of old people, please mail the gamemaster. We will look into the reasons.

Detailed Description:
This suggestion is to add two features to enhance and offer incentive to war game players. Implementation of these features will allow players to voluntarily choose to leave the war level system and participate in a community of nations more indicative of a multi-player game experience. Battlegrounds offers a PvP game experience where players have the ability to compete on neutral ground. The addition of these features does not affect players who intend to continue to play a more peaceful economic game experience. Details of these addition can be found on the suggestions forum under "War College - Aries" and "Battlegrounds (revised) - Aries). https://www.simcountry.com/discus/messages/8/25043.html?1453899584 https://www.simcountry.com/discus/messages/8/25045.html?1439461174 Vote "Yes" if you are interested in having these war game options added to the game. Questions or comments on these features are welcome on their suggestions forum threads. thank you!
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
There are good ideas here and we believe that we should indeed move to make PvP wars more attractive and reduce the fear of total devastation.
I do not think we can implement it as is and I also think that there are many complexities added here that will make it hard to implement.
I do want to use it and make steps that will improve the war game and move it towards our aim.
The war College is a way to teach players how to play the war game. War levels intend to do the same but obviously you think they do not. We can talk about the specifics on the forum.
As to the battle ground idea, this too is trying to create a practical way to fight a war, separating some assets from the main assets you want to secure.
Creating a list of countries that are seeking PvP wars with incentives for winners is a good idea. These countries cannot setup war protection, will have time to recover between wars.
Also here, Not too many additional conditions that will prevent implementation.
I will copy this to the forum to continue the discussion.
In the mean time, we have developed a plan to improve the war game and will start to implement it ASAP.

Detailed Description:
as corporations, countries, enterprise get larger we need to be able to borrow more cash; it's too time consuming to repeat borrowing 600B each time, and 600B isn't much to do anything. VOTE "YES" to get 1T loan each time.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Amounts in the game are declining, sometimes the process is stoped but t hen it continues. We think that amounts should decline and borrowing is not a great solution. 1T today has a purchasing power of several Trillions before and we would like to see purchasing power doubling in the coming year.

Detailed Description:
I think it would be cool( not needed but would be an interesting thing to add )to have the global production value of all corporations in that world. Seperated with the Total Production of State Corporations and Total Production of Private Corporations. This information is already in the game to my knowledge, so I don't know if it would be too much for the gm to add: Total Production Value of State Corporations Total Production Value of Private Corporations On the World Statistics page
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will add to the world statistics ASAP.

Detailed Description:
I believe that how the war game is simulated is awful and needs major changes, it is clearly outdated as it focuses not simply "conquering a country" but instead requires players to bomb a country, REALLY?, has any war been won by bombing a country, if you occupy a country with your enemy forces in my opinion you pretty much just won the war. My idea may seem radical to some people but I believe the simcountry war game could use some limited aspects of games like Hearts of Iron 4, such that your goal is simply to occupy a enemy country to end the war after the country capitulates. A country would set up defenses around all of its cities and the invading country would have to fight its way through by use of tanks, infantry, air support, and other aspects of a realistic war. Finally I would be interested in seeing simcountry add a military chain of command when you can pick generals to lead your army with the benefit of increased effectiveness of your forces.
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The war game can be improved and we would like to do so. We think that currently, we have very urgent issues with the war game that need to be resolved before. The main issue is PvP wars that should become more frequent and generally accepted as the way to wage war.

Detailed Description:
at the moment there is no way for a player to control all the productions from his own corps, it needs to be that the player can control all the productions of his corps without sending them to the markets (local or world). make it so that the player can send all his productions to one of his entities (country, ceo, local market) where he can have total control of these products. this storage entity will allow the player total control to feed his own corps with the products the corps need, without having to pay premium on the world market for products that his corps need, when there is a large deficiency on the world market. a fail safe feature for this would be that if the storage entity does not have funds to pay for the productions, then these productions revert back to the world market until the storage entity can pay for those productions again. there is already a local market concept in this game, but it is of little value for players at the moment; this storage entity could be the local market where the player could feed only his own corps or those corps in the local market. make it so that a player can only be in one local market for all the worlds he play. please vote YES to make this game better for players.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Corporations can keep their product and not sell it, they can contract it to the country, or to an enterprise and do with them what they want. This is part of Simcountry from the start and it was enhanced several times in the past years.

Detailed Description:
at the current SC conversion rate of $36 United States Dollar (USD) for 360 gold coins (GC), that's 10 gold coins for each $1 USD. For the five Earth years that I have played Simcountry (SC), I have not known of any player who has paid 300 GC for a C3 country, that's $30 USD. Also I have not known of any player who has paid 100 GC for a player owned country, or $10 USD. the minimum current price of 300 GC for a C3 country from the Gamemaster (GM) is useless. the minimum current price of 100 GC for a player owned country is also useless. these gold coins are useless to grow this game. is it not this game called Simcountry (SC), and not SimEnterprise or any other name? If the primary intent of this game is to own and develop countries, then vote YES for this proposal so players could own more countries in this game and make this game better. this proposal is to allow player to buy a C3 country from the GM for the price of $1 USD and the price be negotiable between the buyer and seller for a player owned country. I would buy at least 1000 countries or spend $1000 USD, to do my part to grow this Simcountry game, if this proposal is passed with the following rules: (1) the GM will not implement any rule to take back any player owned country to become a C3 country again. a player owned country could only become a C3 country again, if it is abandon by the player or turnover to the GM by the player. (2) any player owned country could be owned by other player if the country is loss through a player-vs-player war (PvP). (3) allow the player to unify his countries with a common boundary as a single united empire. if through PvP war, the original countries could be won by another player. (4) the game to provide better mechanisms to manage countries, no more micro managing countries. Vote "YES" to this proposal to make this game better for players.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We never discuss pricing but would like to refer you to a better way to get a country: fight a war with a C3 country and conquer it. The first war, as described in a document for beginners is trivial and can be won in 5 minutes. Beginners have everything they need to win that war and can do it directly after registration.
If you want more countries, it remains quite easy for some time and you can conquer more quite quickly.
If you want a large empire, you either need to fight much harder or pay for the countries.
We do not encourage large empires, they are hard to play and people with very large empires tend to neglect them and at the end, bankrupt.

Detailed Description:
I was taking notice of both the wars going on my planet as well as the disasters being recorded on the international newspaper. I was wondering about the possibility of adding the concept of refugees to the game, as this might help increase the population of some nations, as well as their overall reputation in the game as a country of aid. Would this be a good idea to implement?
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We would love to have such a feature but there is so much we need to do here. Also, this is not as simple as said. Population is a major asset in Simcountry and in the real world it is initially a problem. We will nee to implement many other aspects of immigration to make it work.
Currently we do have immigrations that depends on your economic level. Some countries accept thousands of immigrants each game month.

Detailed Description:
I would like to propose a booster for changing the profession of workers in a country. I propose 1GC for a one time profession change of 500,000 workers within a single country. This will help those players who are busy during the work week and cant sign in regularly check profession levels. Sometimes it takes a long time to get professional levels back to normal. Vote Yes, if you want a Profession Booster Vote No, if you disagree
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. This will be a good feature. We will put it on our short term wish list.

Detailed Description:
I think everyone can agree that the limit on the military transport range is a disadvantage and having to build airfields to transport troops takes a while. What I am proposing is adding a marine type unit that you can deploy from your aircraft carriers and paratroopers to send in. This should make the war part of the game more realistic.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We think that it is a good idea and it is on our plan to implement. However, this feature is quite complex, and will also involve the creation of so called naval depots and it is limited to countries that have a shore line, making these countries at risk for war declaration for the sole purpose of setting up such naval depots.
Just dropping troops somewhere will leave them without supplies or require very complex, new supply methods.
As a short term solution, we will increase the range of air transport and air supply units so that longer distance operations will become easier.

Detailed Description:
Allow the president of the country to change the professions of his workers population, that the higher level profession can be changed to any profession lower than that high level profession. For example, Senior HTE to be able to change to any class of profession lower than the Senior HTE class. Currently higher level professions can only change to LLW, MLW, HLW. Make this game better for players Vote YES to this poll Thank you
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We see of course why this is asked for. It will make it all a little easier or will it trivialize the education system? We will consider this but in the short run, we will increase automatic adjustments that are considered to depend on the shortages and availability of professionals. It will generally reduce the need for conversions.
We think that conversions are a bad but needed solution for a not perfect education system. We have already started rebalancing of workers to reduce the shortage of medium and high level workers.

Detailed Description:
Instead of having to remember/copy another persons country name down as you go to the Messages tab perhaps there should be a "Send Message" button somewhere in their country homepage so you can just click that?
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is a great idea and it is easy to implement. We will add to the game ASAP.

Detailed Description:
Vote YES for the TRUMP. Vote NO for Hillary.
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Now look what happened.

Detailed Description:
GMs, Is it possible you could please start those new players who randomly get assigned to any country in a world who are very new to the game next to active experienced players countries in the hope they will more likely get more interaction from other players in the game? As I can only see new and inexperienced players being placed in isolated regions of the world of where they usually go inactive very quickly and then disappear from the game. Please vote yes to place them next to active and experienced players and increase the chances of more interaction with them, or vote no to leave it as it is.
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The place on the map is chosen randomly. We have looked into it in the past and we differ on the opinion here. Some players do not like it when a new country next to them gets a president, they might consider it a player who is looking for trouble.
We have not seen that interaction is related to physical distance between countries. We just need to get more players and everyone will have close neighbors.

Detailed Description:
Let the president decides whether to keep the borders of his countries open or close for the flow of its population. Currently GM can take population from your countries via migration, but you are not allowed to bring in population unless you pay GM for them with GCs or transfer them through the often does not work method of exchange professionals or change of workers' professions. open borders can optimize production of your corps, rather than limited production due to worker shortage in a specific profession. let your workers go wherever they can find jobs in the countries of your empire. please vote YES to make this game better for players.
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The borders are wide open. People move in and out depending on the economic situation of the country. If your economy is very good, you will have many people enter your country, if the situation is bad, people are leaving.
We think that we need to leave the people to decide if they want to move between countries.

Detailed Description:
I believe that it is realistic for players to have unlimited fortifications in their countries as it allows players to easily defend themselves against larger and more powerful empires. Although I do believe Unlimited Fortifications is realistic THERE SHOULD BE increased number of soldiers and officers that are required to defend them and also increased cost to maintain them, the only limit should be the number of soldiers and officers available to defend them. Finally the majority of warfare realistically is fought on the ground not in the air so this would be a more realistic approach to in-game warfare. Vote Yes if you agree that this is a realistic strategy that should be unlimited forts but increased cost and manpower required to maintain them.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
7 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This suggestion is rejected.
However, other votes and comments from the past request a limitation to the number of fortifications. We think that the higher the limitation, the higher the maintenance cost to enforce some thinking on the player�s side as to the balance between the protection level and associated cost.

Detailed Description:
First, put a space between the list of weapons that the specific weapon is effective against, and the section that says what weapons can destroy that specific weapon. Second, reorganize the list of what weapons that specific weapon can be destroyed by to resemble that list of weapons that the specific weapon is effective against. Example, when I look at say, armored vehicles, I presently see a list of hit rate and damage of weapons armored vehicles can potentially destroy. The list of weapons that can destroy armored vehicles should as well show a list of hit rate and damage that the armored vehicles could receive from such weapons, rather than us having to click each weapon individually and compare numbers. It is not only important the strength of the weapons, but also what other weapons these weapons are vulnerable to. To summarize, the two lists should be of the same format, and of course spaced apart by at least one break so the lists may be more easily distinguishable from each other. As it is presently, the info on hit rate and damage given by weapons is easy to read, but the hit rate and damage received by other weapons requires bouncing around that very lengthy page. Vote yes to improve layout of the weapons documentation page. Vote no if you like to needlessly click lots of links.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. The document is automatically generated and it will require some development time but we will make this change ASAP.

Detailed Description:
I think in an effort for those of us who want more communication, the creation of �banks� that can only be accessed by members of a fed or common market would help to promote growth. The banks would be similar to the Security Council but only accessible by the group in question. Let�s say something like one percent of each nation or CEO income is added to the bank each game month. The money then can be given to nations or CEO's based on the voting of the group members. This would help to allow inside trading, economic growth, and would allow feds to help new players grow in military assets. Vote yes - To ask the GM to explore this idea Vote no - If you dont think this is a good idea
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The creation of banks might be beneficial to the game but this is a complex option. We think that for example: the addition of the resources game will be much more beneficial to the game. We will add this feature to our wish list.

Detailed Description:
The practice of contracting unlimited forts into a country has been so abused that some players are building thousands of forts in their countries and using this tactic to threaten other players or outright declare war on them knowing that they can't be conquered. This abuse has nullified the normal offensive war scheme and turned war making into a farce. I know one excellent player who has left the game and others who may soon follow. I ask the GM to return to a 150 fort limit.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. 150 is maybe too low but unlimited is too high. There are multiple ways about it. One is preventing the purchase of such fortifications, another is, to increase the maintenance cost of fortifications.

Detailed Description:
Selling and buying countries can become a tedious process. It's far too difficult to babysit the value of a country to avoid a 5% value change, I have attempted to sell a country about five times, each time bids rejected and the sale closed because of the value change. Some of us prefer to just allow selling directly to each other. If we can't, the bidding has to be made easier or more clear as to how avoid the disqualification. It's borderline ridiculous.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. The reason for this is past misuse of this feature and ridiculous payments paid for worthless countries.
To try to make it a bit easier, we will increase the max value change to 15% and see if ot helps.

Detailed Description:
Through recent tests it has come to my attention that any of my fed mates who have a war level higher than 8 would not be able to defend me from an aggressor whose war level ranged from 3-8( which is the bracket I am also in). While I understand the initial idea of war level restrictions it is ridiculous that, if attacked by anyone with a war level ranging from 3-8, fellow federation members with higher war levels would not be allowed to join the war in my defense even if they signed the war treaty. Either there should be no higher war bracket once you pass war level 3 or members with war levels higher than 8 should be able to defensively join wars if they have signed the war treaty.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We are currently looking at possibilities to relax war limitations but we do not think they should disappear completely. We are also reacting to suggestions on the forum and hope to come to some conclusions in the coming weeks and update the game strategies.

Detailed Description:
allow the owner or controller of a corporation to transfer funds (money) out of all the corporations. The current rule only allow a ceo to transfer from private corporations (ceo fully owned corporations), but a ceo cannot transfer funds from ceo control public corporations (enterprise control public corporations). a president cannot even transfer funds out of state corporations nor country control public corporations. There is no need for corporations (state corporations, country control public corporations, ceo control public corporations) to hold billions of funds (money) that do not need in the short term (one game year) to maintain itself. Allowing the owner or controller of the corporations to transfer funds from the corporation increase the circulation of the funds, and to make better use of the funds. Let the president of the country or ceo to truly run their corporations, instead of ancient game mechanics that prevent full control of the corporations. Let players demonstrate their true skills in this game, vote YES to this poll.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
First on the CEO owned corporations and public corporations in general. The CEO is not the sole owner of the corporation. He cannot remove cash out of the corporation as others also have a share and it is not in their interest that one shareholder is taking out money. The same in the real world.
The good way to do this is to pay dividends. In that case, every shareholder will receive the same amount for every share they own.
As to state corporations, there is an automatic process that is moving out funds from the corporation to the country when the corporation has enough cash. This is done to protect corporations against presidents who want to use the cash now and do not care enough for their corporations.
Also in the real world, state corporations are managed by their managing directors who take care of the corporation and pay the country taxes out of the corporation�s profit.

Detailed Description:
The demand for food isn't high enough and these corps don't make any money I've stuck by my other food Corp till maximum upgrade levels and wages at 300% and it made a loss of 15B last game year how can that be? The demand for food should be a lot higher than it actually is.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The use of food products is very stable. There are hardly any other products that are as stable as food, on average.
If there is oversupply on the market, it means that there are too many corporations producing food, prices are then falling and corporations make losses.
Players however, can decide to sell large quantities of any product and influence the pricing. I do not think that they are capable of influencing the market for a long time for multiple products. The solution is to move to other products. There are some products that show shortages nearly all the time and are very profitable.

Detailed Description:
In order to make a country self sufficient. it would be nice with a menu telling how much is produced of each product and how much is consumed, within the common market or country. eventually average Profit of corporations producing that product.
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
It will indeed be very helpful. I added to our wish list.

Detailed Description:
improvements on transporting through space between locations need to be upgraded. the current process is time consuming and has too many freezes. make it so that you only need to setup a transport request once, then just select all the products that you want to transport from an origin to a destination. currently you have to do one request per product. you only need to make more than one transport requests if you are transporting to different destinations. it's been more than 10 earth years, basics such as these should be done already for this game. please vote YES to make this game better for players.
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We think that space transport could be improved. We will add to our plan.

Detailed Description:
I am aware that it is easy to purchase cargo shuttles, but a CEO or President who does not want to make as large an investment in aerospace industry as others already have, may find it more affordable to merely borrow a shuttle or so on the rare occasion. When creating a transport request, I propose there should be another button, or checkbox or similar, that allows a CEO/President to utilize another CEO/President's cargo shuttle[s] at different variable [competitive] rates of cost. When looking at owned cargo shuttles, a CEO/President that owns that shuttle should be able to set a rate at which the cargo shuttle can be utilized by other CEO/Presidents for transport requests. This would create a new industry of profit-driven space transport, as well allow access to transport resources between space stations and planets for smaller or less advanced countries/enterprises. It would be even better if there was a way to purchase resources, that would be transported via such method, without the requirement of directly owning a dock on that particular station (that is, of course if the actual owner of the borrowed cargo shuttle[s] has sufficient dock storage on that station, to handle the cargo before the shuttle arrives). I admit I am unsure precisely how that would be implemented into the current system, but perhaps the GMs can figure that out for us, so I thought I'd throw that out there as well. Lastly I'll summarize in that creating a space transport industry would allow for resources to be transported regularly and for profit by owners of cargo shuttles, as well more affordably for the borrower who only requires the occasional small transport requests for those less involved in space, than actually owning cargo shuttles directly. The process should be easy and likely would be something newer players would utilize before they eventually come to directly own cargo shuttles.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is indeed an old issue and we have already looked into the possibility of having players offer transport services. To make it workable, the service must be profitable and it is not clear whether others will use it and how much of it while they already have space centers and all they need is several cargo shuttles and they can get 5 of them for one gold coin without the need to set up any space industry.

Detailed Description:
Ok i think it would be a great idea is there was global warming aded where there wa co2 greenhouse h Gases fumes etc added which would have devastating consquences like rising oceans floods damaged corporations crippling economoys and then eventually worlds end yes or no? Second i think there should be disease added like ebola cancer there should be a tab which allows u to see infected rate treatment options etc yes or no ??
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
6 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We have a CO2 module on our plan, looking into each industry and its CO2 contribution, with additional forms of energy to allow players to reduce their emissions. It is quite large and will take some time to complete.

Detailed Description:
I feel that instead of going threw the long prosses of setting up a bunch of contracts after a war and take over you should be able to select what you want to take in a one click solution to not have to spend 25 min just to set up a bunch of different contracts.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This request comes from the assumption that the only thing you want to do with the country is take out whatever is there. Currently it is not worth the time except for the amount of money in cash.

Detailed Description:
Get rid of the current rule of charging 5 percent of the corporation value as damage that a ceo has to pay to a country when the ceo moves its corporation from that country due to the president causing massive problems in the country. as a ceo, I spent great deal of resources to build my corporation, I have no control over how the president runs the country, why do I have to pay this fee to the president when the president does not take care of the country and my corporation suffers? I already paid plenty of money to the country such as taxes and fees for utilization of the country's resources. Vote "YES" to get rid of this rule to make the game better for players.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
A fee should be paid in the country has reasonable or good conditions for corporations and nothing should be paid if the president is creating hostile conditions.
I will have another look at the conditions and numbers involved and make sure this is how it works.
Moving out corporations from a country that offers good conditions should be expensive as it is very damaging for the country.

Detailed Description:
Make buying weapons easier
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We thought that purchasing products was easy. Please make a specific proposal how the purchasing of weapons could become easier.

Detailed Description:
i love the idea that it pays some of the money out to my people but i wish i could control it more. basically i just want it to be the same as the country's shares. the rate of profit is to slow and if i could have same control over that then those living in my country would prosper, resulting in higher investing into housing and all of that which then increases the migration to my country.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will look into possible improvements to the fund. The difficulty is of course that the money in the fund is separated from the money available to the president. The president should not be able to take out the cash from the investment fund.

Detailed Description:
To start with, each capital is the center of a demographic which initially has a random name as does new countries' names. That is only the beginning, though to get it going. Demographic groups spread along with migration, as well new groups can be created/renamed by Players. On the migration page it will display demographic groups entering or leaving the country. Demographic groups will have no measurable effect on countries, at least at this time. Presidents of countries can set policies where particular demographic groups can be barred entrance from the country, which will drastically, but not entirely, limit migration into the country. Presidents as well can set policies where particular demographic groups can be very gradually removed from the country. Demographic groups within any country will be visible on either the migration page or a similar page determined by Simcountry developers. Policies of countries in regards to particular demographic groups will be visibile on the countries' main page in a demographic subsection, along with general demographic information (FOR EXAMPLE: 80pc Byzentuan, 15pc Arisean, 5pc Roman). Acceptance or resistance to demographic groups (IE Roman/American/Byzentusan/Zenean/etc) will allow for Presidents to develop excuses to engage in conflict with eachother. For example, countries with high percentage levels of Byzentusan population may be viewed favorable by OR be targeted by countries with high percentage levels of populations of Ariesean population. Policies favorable to other demographic groups will publicly show a president's loyalty to that group, as well policies against a demographic group would show the opposite. Again these would all be visible in a demographic subsection on the countries' main page, visible to everybody. For example, you would be able to see Roman Province etc, 65pc Roman, 25pc American, 9pc Byzentusi. This would allow for, eventually demographics to span multiple nations and federations even, but probably inevitably conflict with other demographics. Presidents will not be able to encourage particular demographic groups to migrate, but be able to set policies AGAINST particular demographic groups. Demographic groups would be simply summarized as percentage rates of the five largest groups in a demographic subsection on the main page of a country, and fully detailed in a subsection on the migration page, or otherwise as determined by Simcountry developers.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This proposal means a major development and the addition of a large function to Simcountry. We do not see very large support for it right now.
We have lot of very high priority items and functions we would like to add to the game, including improved natural resources game, pollution and CO2 controls etc.

Detailed Description:
I propose that there be a screen we can go to in our countries that show how many companies each enterprise has in country so that I may directly contact an enterprise that isn't at max already. Something that shows, Enterprise A has 14/15 allocated spots. And Enterprise B has 15/15. Something a long those lines would be sufficient. No need to get crazy technical with it though it might help to have more information on the page. Maybe average profit the enterprise has made in the last game year? Right now the way of going about finding the enterprise with room in your country is cumbersome. Having to go into each corporation and keep a running tally of which Enterprise it belongs to in an effort to see who has room to expand in the country. Thank you for your time.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Good idea. We will add ASAP.

Detailed Description:
sc needs to stop stealing player's population from his country via migration (exiting the country). player pays for population in GC or grow the population naturally thru time and balancing of resources/indices. w3c needs to stop stealing population from the players.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
There is no need to purchase population. Population growth is quite substantial if the right conditions exist in the country.
Migration works both ways. Migrants come in or people leave. When people leave there is a reason. If the economy is doing very badly, some may decide to leave. It is very easy to stop it and also have many migrants enter your country.
Take care of the basic economic functions of the country, make sure you have good education, health and a lot of work, and people will come into your country in large numbers every game month.

Detailed Description:
I feel like this is a feature problem as the game on White Giant isn't currently producing goods, or trading, or something and we desperately want to hear something from W3C in regards to what is going to happen on the planet and to know that you are aware of the issue and working on rectifying the problem that we are currently facing on the planet. Please W3C let us know we aren't being ignored.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
For a short period, WG economy became unstable. The problem started with severe shortages in several products, including Services. The emergency procedure that is in place to prevent disasters did not kick in as expected. It did happen later and it also alarmed us to the situation. {text] We have immediately added products to the market that had at that point in time severe shortages in more products and the situation improved very quickly.
In the past, we were asked many times to stop any interventions in the market and we have answered that in some situations, interventions are inevitable. This case, unintendedly, proved our point. The intervention should have taken place earlier, and could have been much smaller than was needed at a later stage.

Detailed Description:
The first country a president begins on Fearless Blue in particular should receive 30 real days of temporary war protection. As usual, leader countries on other worlds can still have secured mode, as well presidents on all worlds can trade coins for temporary war protection. The ONLY DIFFERENCE here being that non-leader countries on other worlds, and all countries on Fearless Blue (the "war world"), are no longer protected by not raising their war levels! To summarize: Any country on Fearless Blue, and any non-leader country on other worlds, should be fair game unless: 1. They are a brand new initial country on Fearless Blue, 2. A leader country not on Fearless Blue (in 'Secured Mode'), or 3. They trade coin for temporary war protection!
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will look at current conditions and may adapt some suggested changes. However, we will make sure we do not get back to the situation where small (new) players are taken out by very experienced players and never came back.

Detailed Description:
I believe there should be a way for a country to force nationalize an enterprise controlled public corporation. Currently the only way to gain control of a public corporation is to own the majority of shares. If the enterprise owns over 50% of their shares they will always control the corporation no matter what. The owner of the country can not do anything about a public corporation they do not want in their country besides raise tax and buy the shares that they can. There should be an option to force buy ALL shares from all shareholders and force the corporation in their state control. Obviously paying extra for compensation. This is a way for people to protect themselves from enterprises being able to do what they want without concern of the country owner and a way to take control of public corporations owned by inactive enterprises that won't sell their shares.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Like in the real world, there is a way to purchase the shares. If you make an offer to purchase the shares, the price will increase until share owners sell them. In nearly all cases, many share are owned by investment funds and they hold them for dividends or to make a profit by selling them at a higher price.
Investment funds automatically start selling the shares if the value is high enough and they make a good profit.
In some cases, very few, the shares may be in the hands of an active player who may want to keep them whatever you do.
In nearly all cases however, if you just place buy orders, you will be able to purchase enough shares to have a very high percentage of the shares.

Detailed Description:
This would come with a number of restrictions. 1 - The GM's should not, and would not have to, offer any GC on the market. Ideally, the coins offered would come from players only. 2 - If possible, only GC that players have purchased with real money should be eligible. GC that players have been awarded should not 3 - A "tax" or "fee" should be charged on this as well. 4 - Any other restrictions W3C feels appropriate to make this function as intended (detailed below) W3C makes it's money when people buy gold coins. The problem is not everyone has the same real-world financial means. Some have ample time to put into this game to make in-game success stories, while others have ample money, and are able to boost their way to success. Either way is a valid "win" in my mind. I feel that you could encourage people to buy more coins if you allowed those with more IRL time to buy GC from those with more IRL money. The objective, as such, would be to allow people to use in-game money to buy gold coins off players who have purchased gold coins from W3C. While the "base" price should be roughly equal to the GC-IGMoney, but with extra fees. This would be a good way for W3C to create a "money sink" for in game money. Possible introduction method: W3C would begin to demarcate between gold coins purchased and gold coins awarded. The excellent record keeping means that this could be retroactively applied to all accounts. Purchased Gold Coins or PGC could be put up for sale. The "going rate" would start at 29.6B IGM (In Game Money) Applied to that would be a 100% tax. Meaning a player needs to pay 59.2B IGM to purchase a PGC. Once a player *does* purchase a PGC, it comes a EGC (Earned Gold Coin) and can not be re-sold. Due to the tax, the player selling the coin only gets 29.6B and the other 29.6B simply vanishes into the ether. GMs would only sell their own PGC, printed on demand, if they feel the game needs more of a money sink. Should they feel that no money sink is needed, they could reduce the tax to 0%. Players would only be allowed to sell 10% of their PGC a day, and would need to keep at least 10PGC in their account in order to offer any PGC for sale. PGC would include Gold Coins from buying a membership Gold Coins from extending a membership Gold Coins from the "Purchase Gold Coins" option EGC would include Gold Coins from odd bonuses, including the odd extra free gold coins from being a player/member Gold Coins from awards Gold Coins purchased from other players Gold Coins purchased with in-game money from the GMs For the record, while I'm very hopeful this will pass, I'm also realistic about it's chances.
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Probably a good idea but quite complex. We had bad experience with the trading of gold coins in the past and are quite reluctant to step back into this issue.
We might do so when activity increases and the numbers become much larger.

Detailed Description:
I think as soon as we defeat a country. Can we have the choice between taking the country, OR taking the equivalent amount in cash straight away for defeating that C3 country and not taking that country? As I think this will be much easier than taking the country and then withdrawing its cash in the direct trading menu.
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Winning a war is intended for the buildup of an empire. We understand that you are mainly interested in the material advantage but we would not like to trivialize the process.

Detailed Description:
Personal Income Tax should be adjustable from 0 to 100pc. This will either negatively or positvely affect spending by population in consumption, housing, pension contributions, health and education participation and spending, and any other things purchased by population (as their income is either increased or reduced by taxation). As well, corporation productivity will be increased or decreased by Personal Income Tax, as less taxation allows workers to retain (and spend) their income, thus increasing their morale and productivity. For empires that have over 10 countries and experience rebel attacks, higher Personal Income Tax rates will increase the chance of rebel attacks. Import Taxes will affect the priority of receiving products. Import Taxes should be adjustable for each product individually, or all products at once. Presidents that set high Import Taxes for products that are in world market shortage may not receive the products (as they are pushed to/towards the back of the line), or experience delay, because corporations (excluding contracts of course) will automatically export to countries with lower Import Taxes over countries with higher Import Taxes. Presidents that set high Import Taxes on products that are in world market surplus, however, should have no problem receiving their products. Simcountry developers of course can make changes to this proposal as necessary (or implement these drastic changes in stages) to make it work, which of course we the players may make additional proposals to suggest modifying these variables as they are implemented by the developers.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Allowing players to change income tax levels is on our wish list. I will see if we can move it faster. Tax levels are different for low income and high income workers and professionals but it should be possible to reduce or increase them by a certain percentage.
Changing taxes will of course have an effect on the income of the country. It may also influence other parameters. It is clear that reducing taxes will have a positive effect in some situations and a negative one in ithers. Otherwise we could just abandon taxes for all countries.
We currently do not have any import taxes and introducing them, compared to other features and the effort involved, is does not have the highest priority. We will look into it at a later stage.

Detailed Description:
I'm tired of waiting to take opportunities to use the next month only for it to automatically either be in the 2nd month forward or at the end of the month where I barely have any time.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We are running 6 game months per day. This used to be 2 at the start, it was limited by the processing power of the servers.
When the number was increased to 3 and then 4 months a day, we had a lot of players objecting.
Many do not want to be forced to look into their country many times every day. We think that 6 is quite fast, and maybe too fast but we intend to leave it at this pace for now.

Detailed Description:
Cannabis corporations should produce this agricultural resource and Cannabis should be part of population spending in country consumption.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Cannabis is a possible new product to be introduced. We think that many more products should be added and they will have a major influence on the way the game functions.

Detailed Description:
Currently the only visible ranking system on simcountry is one that ranks countries and enterprises based on their index levels, size, trade, and score penalty. There should be a separate ranking system that ranks players based on their total account assets. Very simple. The more assets the higher the player is ranked. Does not matter if it is monetary, military, corporate, government, or materials. This involves all assets in that players account which is found on the Account Status page. This ranking system will be found on the home page. Like many other MMO games, this will make it easier to see who ranks on top among all servers( worlds in this case ) Edit: It would be even better to rank accounts based on different asset types. Who has the most cash, who has the biggest military, who has the most corporations, who governs the most population, who accumulates the most net profit/income based on country/enterprise income. This will make players more motivated to push themselves to try to get on these leaderboards.
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
In Simcountry, you can purchase assets for money. Measuring assets will be unfair because some will be able to purchase a lot of gold coins and end up at the top of the list.
Assets do count in the index but not heavily so to make the competition fair. However, we agree that there should be more ranking possibilities and we will make it our priority to come up with some ideas.

Detailed Description:
After looking at the top players in each world, people who are in the higher war levels(above level 3) often score lower overall then players who don't war. After looking at FB only 4 of the top 15 players are war level 3 or higher. I would like to ask the GM to allow the War levels to yield a high bonus to the overall scoring system. I believe that each war level should represent 50 or 100 points per level. Doing this I believe would have a number of positive benefits. First, This would highly encourage players to increase their war levels as to have better chances to gain monthly GC. Second, It would increase the number of people who can PvP war promoting communication and engagement in chat/forums. Third, it would help the GM in testing out new rankings or future points based systems. Vote Yes = War levels have more effect on scoring. Vote No = To leave as is
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Unfortunately, not many voters here.
War levels award players with many gold coins. The higher you get, the more gold coins you win. We agree that the system should encourage players to fight, and mainly p v p wars.
We will look into it and try to offer more incentives.

Detailed Description:
in every simcountry planet, there are more GM owned countries than countries owned by players, to improve this game encourage players to own more countries by changing many of the existing rules, such as increasing rebellions in a player's empire just because the player owns more countries in the empire and increasing magical expenses for the players just because he has more countries in the empire. make the game fair to all players, encourage more activities in SC via these.
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
7 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will look into rebellions, as that concept is as old as the game and might be up to a revision. However, we do not think that the aim should be for players to own many countries. It requires a lot of time and we have seen very large empires crumble because the president did not have time to take care of them.

Detailed Description:
When creating a unit there should be a text box (which could, for example, be at the bottom after weapons and ammunition and called "units") that multiplies everything to no limit, other than available weapons required. For example, instead of 850 tanks, you put 2 in that box and it creates 2 units, which would require 1700 tanks. If you have 1700 tanks, then 2 units are created. When selecting targets to attack(before you hit the 'attack' button that brings up the window for attacking that target), there should be checkbox besides all targets of that type, along with a button at the top and bottom of the target lists that toggles all checkboxes, not unlike the corporate shares page. After you have selected all or whichever targets you wish to attack, there should also be checkboxes beside units you have which are within range of at least one of the targets. They should not be required to be within range of all of the targets. Then, once you proceed to choose which weapons to attack with (for example, attacking with 2 divisions each comprised of 450 tanks and 400 artillery batteries, would allow you to choose up to 900 tanks and/or 800 artikllery batteries), any weapons within range of targets will begin attacking the targets one at a time until either all attacks have been completed, or you have no more weapons/ammo to attack with. To not overload servers, there could be a delay between attacks (say for example, an attack every 1 or 10 milliseconds or even 1 second). Clarification: attacking a target with multiple units would not attack repeatedly with the same units, but merely cycle through multiple single attacks from one unit at a time until all units selected have completed a single attack. If, for example, a president selected 4 units to attack 2 targets and the 4 units are all in range of the 2 targets then the 2 targets will both be attacked once by 4 units. If 1 of the 4 units is either not within range of 1 of the targets, or has been destroyed during a previous attack, than that individual attack will be skipped. As it is now, I will probably only attack somebody if they have somehow considerably upset me, because it would require a lot of clicking, and I often have distractions when at my house. I am the president, not a general, and as such I shouldn't have to click so much to conduct a war. That is not fair to me or any other player, including my enemy! This change would benefit new and experienced players alike! I think the war system overall is brilliant but I believe many players have given up on the war system as it is now due to how many clicking is required to get through a war. Let us stop punishing players for attacking large defenses with large forces and allow them to attack multiple targets in a way not so unlike airlifting units or trading shares! Vote YES to allow presidents to simply use a checkbox system to create units and destroy targets just as we do with trading shares. Vote NO if you like to spend a lot of time clicking 'attack' over and over and over again.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Creating multiple units is part of the game for a very long time. When creating new units you can just type the number of units you need.
The game will even order everything you need for these units and you do not have yet. It will order all the weapons and ammo you need for these units. Creating very large numbers can result in huge orders. Materials may not be available on the market and you may not have all the cash needed to pay for these materials. When it comes to multiple targets, using multiple units, we think that the automation of it will create a lot of unwanted effects. You may run out of ammo and you may think it was used to attack the wrong targets and prioritized in a wrong way to mention just one.
We think that this request comes because sometimes you need too many attacks to achieve your target and that attacking multiple targets will shorten the process. This may indeed be true.
The solution is probably in making the units larger and allowing them to destroy a target faster than they can do now. Such a change should not result in making war trivial or far too fast. The enemy should have a fighting chance and counter attacks should be more devastating too.
We will look into the size of units and may make changes. Such changes will be small or otherwise, you will need very large numbers of weapons and ammo to increase the size of current units. This may also be an opportunity to reduce the number of units and make the management of the army easier.

Detailed Description:
Please enable ability to build stealth bombers. Buying them on my he space market is too expensive Alain
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This will make the issue quite trivial. We could allow this on all worlds. The issue here is that these bombers are meant for the war world. There, it is easy to produce them and use them.
On the other worlds, it is possible but you need to do a little more to make it possible. You either trade directly with others or you transport them from another world or you trade them on a space station.
It is possible but not trivial.

Detailed Description:
I believe it would be beneficial to everyone if we were able to sort our corporations. The way i imagine it would be similar to any website that sells things. Click on production, hiring, name, etc, and have it be arranged highest to lowest, A to Z, and vice versa. As our days grow longer, and our free time shorter, speed is essential for the midday checkup. If i have low hiring, instead of scrolling to find what corps are low, clicking on hiring and having it be sorted low to high would help tremendously. In the period of 5 minutes i could move several corporations to better countries, rather than scrolling to find each one in the ever growing list.
16 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. This is an old issue and should be resolved. We will add ASAP.

Detailed Description:
Currently in C3 wars all Weapons/Ammo just appear out of no where. My suggestion is that all Weapons/Ammo to come off the world market. How it would work is that when the war starts the game creates all the units outlined in the war guides. After the war is won the game takes the total number of weapons/ammo lost and removes that amount from the market. This would create a massive demand for weapons and ammo. It would also allow the GM to massively increase the production of weapons corporations, decrease the cost of weapons, and allow players to become more self-sufficient in producing weapons/ammo. Vote yes to require C3 to take weapons/ammo off markets Vote no to leave as is
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The best contribution for a very long time, really. This proposal is spot on. We have known this problem for a long time and thought that fixing it will help but never resolved. The C3 weapons come from nowhere indeed, and disappear when the war ends. The disappearing compensates for part of the added weapons but this is of course not good enough.
Counting all the losses and adding up is difficult but we can compare the numbers when the war ends, and place orders on the market (gamemaster orders) for the missing weapons and ammo. This is not very complex.
The result will be exactly as you described. It will benefit the weapons market, and may indeed result in cheaper weapons and ammunition. We have already reduced the prices many times and would like to reduce more. Higher use will allow that.
We intend to implement this function. The engineer is now not available, he is on a different project but as soon as he is back, we will have this function done.

Detailed Description:
These new rules of GM automatically creating corps in a player's countries need to be abolished. Players like me pay USD to play this game, yet GM always create corps in my countries which do nothing more than increasing the debts for the country, especially creating corps that has no supplies to the corp because the consuming products can only be sold to the corp via direct trading, as well as creating corps that the world market situation for the product is all green (over supply). I have been playing this game for more than 3 earth years now, I don't need GM to play this game for me. I can build my own countries and enterprises. These new rules have destroyed and allowed GM to take more than 400 countries from my empire already. I only have 24 countries left so please stop these stupid rules of playing the game for players. Those of you with large empires should know what I'm talking about here. Those of you looking to build large empires will encounter these rules, which where were implemented last year. Please vote YES to abolish these rules, make this game better for players.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We have not changed any rules on the automatic creation of corporations for several years. Corporations are automatically created if you are a new player, in a low game level and you turn the support flags on, or if you are in a very bad economic situation, close to bankruptcy and your country must be saved. This can happen if you do not login for some time.
If you are not in one of these situations, and you have automatically created corporations, please mail the gamemaster, with specific names of the player, the world and the country and we will look into it and answer you.

Detailed Description:
I have a suggestion for a Navy unit which might help to increase naval usage that doesn't include massive amount of fleets. My suggestion in a Naval task force. It includes limited number of offensive forces giving the player the option of using naval units without the demand for a fleet. Its numbers are half that of a fleet and it lacks defensive support, I believe this is a fair compromise and still makes the fleet a stronger option. ---Naval Task Force --- 6 Attack destroyers 5 Submarines 8 Guided missile 20 Seals 8 Cruise missile ships
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We have looked at the existing units and think that this type of unit will be a good addition. We will add as soon as possible.

Detailed Description:
Like many other presidents of small countries and CEOs I use the common market feature to streamline my industrial policies and strategies throughout my countries and enterprise. However, contracts require adjustments every few game months in order to keep up with production/demand changes. Clicking through the common market pages of every country and enterprise can become very tedious very soon and mistakes are bound to happen. I thus propose adding a corporation section to the Homescreen through which players can get a quick overview (listing the location, owner and common market) of all the corporations they control and can easily offer/accept common market/corporation/country/enterprise contracts similar to the currently available common market page of individual countries/enterprises. This would not only make coordinating the internal economics of one's empire easier, but also the external economic/industrial interaction between different empires/players and thus add greatly to the perceived value of the currently available feature and encourage cooperation/interaction between players. Further thoughts relating to the above proposal are: A) Prioritisation in Common Markets: Contracts can be preferentially offered/requested from specific players/countries/enterprises/corporations B) Demand/Supply Overview Displaying the Civilian/Government/Corporation Demand and Domestic/Common Market Supply for the Country/Enterprise/Common Market in order to pinpoint and resolve possible bottlenecks in the supply chain.
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree that this will be an improvement. It is quite complex and with fluctuating production may be difficult to understand. We will implement it as part of a better local and common market feature.

Detailed Description:
Like how the share market allows you to set target for percentage of ownership, we should be able to set percentage targets for supplies required by percentage, or for production output by percentage, and for country consumption by percentage. These would automatically renegotiate contracts to maintain the target percentage, by closing last contract and opening a new one that meets the target percentage. For 1st example: I would be able to set a contract target to receive 50 percent of a corporations monthly production of fighter missiles, which automatically readjusts itself if the production increases or decreases. 2nd example: I would be able to set a contract target for a corporations supply of services required for the monthly production process. 3rd example, I would be able to set a contract target to meet 50 percent of electricity needs for the country. When dealing with needs higher than a single corporation can supply, the country would renegotiate contracts divided between the selected corporations to meet the needs for the country as the country grows, based on monthly usage. Perhaps this would require an additional page for consumption contract targets. Thanks for your consideration
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Good proposal but quite complex to understand for many players and even much more complex to make. The function also looks at the market from the buyer side while the contracting must be efficient for both parties.
Production levels change a lot, mainly because of shortages of raw materials that can occur.
We do think it makes sense. It has to be part of a major redesign of the local and common market part of the game. There is a lot that can be improved there and it is a prioiority for us.

Detailed Description:
When natural disasters destroy a corporation, it closes it. We should have the option in the settings to automatically repair destroyed and damaged corporations if you got money to repair them. This would help avoid supply contract shortages in common, and local markets for products that trade in space only, like plutonium. It would also make the current contract systems less of a hassle. VOTE YES FOR KEEPING AND REPAIRING YOUR OWN CORPORATIONS!!!!!
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
If a corporation is damaged, it is automatically repaired in the following game months. If it is destroyed, it is gone. Removing or diminishing earth quakes will probably make it all easier but we also get messages, asking for other disasters to be added.
We do not want to trivialize Simcountry. An large earth quake should destroy a corporation or even more.

Detailed Description:
We the players should be able to write a paragraph somewhere which would appear visible to all in a simple window on the 'my country' or 'my enterprise' pages. This would appear below the country map for countries (above the assets, government, war and army windows), and for enterprises, below the enterprise assets window (specifically I think below the score and world rating window would be ideal, but above it wouldn't be bad either). In this window we can write whatever we want within the rules of the game along the same rules applied to uploading images, that is I guess we can't write anything racialist or nationalistic in regards to real world, as understandably the owners of the game get upset about these sort of words. (not my game, if it was I personally wouldn't care, but that's besides the point...). The amount of space for paragraph would be able to contain approximately as much more or less (I suggest the window dynamically increases in size as required if that's not too challenging to implement). This would allow us to explain whatever we want, for example the present objectives or past accomplishments of the country or enterprise. An example of intended use of such window I will provide here for your amusement. EXAMPLE: Good day to you my great Simitizens!! I am humbled to be your president with 100 percent of the vote!! No other dared run against me as they know deep in their hearts, the word is true!! Yes, yes I know we are cold and hungry, but the price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with total recklessness. And so we let go what we must so that we may have the finest cold steel. We have come so far, but to no end we will not proceed until we have restored sovereignty to the nations of our world Fearless Blue!!!! and we will throw all opposition down the wells!! Thank you for your infinite support my people!! That is all. END OF EXAMPLE
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Please login and check account status on the left side menu. Check this page, it allows you to enter a mission statement and a speech. This page has been there for several years.

Detailed Description:
Production is already brilliantly scalable to hiring. Corporate hiring should itself also be scalable rather than as as it is now where each corporation has approximately a quarter million employees at 100 percent. The level of hiring should be an adjustable number rather than a percentage rate. I should be able to create corporations with tens of employees or tens of millions of employees. If it makes it easier on your database system than fine let us at least adjust hiring by either x hundreds, or thousands of employees. This of course means ALL variables such as fixed property costs also become scalable, because a small corporation with only tens of employees would reside in a single office, whereas a corporation with 1 million employees would probably have several properties. I understand it has been this way since perhaps the beginning, but it is obviously highly unrealistic and actually quite silly. I think the potentials for improvement are well within the game mechanics. This issue has been overlooked forever while other features were implemented, and that's great, but I think it's time to return focus to a this majorly unusual area of the game, where each corporation at "100pc hiring" is approximately a quarter million employees???? Really??? Are you kidding me???? I know it's just a game and the developers may be set in their ways, but it's also a simulation, so please return to reality and allow corporate hiring to be scalable. This would be an awesome upgrade to the simulation making it far more realistic, where for example an enterprise or country can have the option to have one corporation that makes certain products, and another corporation that makes certain products, rather than a series of redundant identical corporations that probably increases the overhead on the database system for no sensible reason other than perhaps diversifying by spreading operations over multiple countries, which should not be forced on CEOs. There should be either no limit, or at the least very low and and high limits of employee hiring. For example, if there must be a limit then a potential range of 1000 employees to 100 million employees. I doubt that many, if any corporations, would actually reach that limit. The default hiring can be as it is now, approximately a quarter million employees. Some "megacorporations" should be allowed to grow larger than the entire population of small countries!! Rather than a collection of redundant corporations all at approximately a quarter million employees??? THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION.
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The numbers are unrealistic, we agree. This issue was discussed many times in the future and we have explained many times. Here is the explanation once more: With small corporations, a country may need thousands of them, like real countries do. The US may have millions of them and they are manages by many millions of people.
In Simcountry, having 5000 corporations in a single country will be impossible to manage. Huge pages that will not load and presidents who will forget what kind of corporations they have.
The main problem however will be in the processing of millions corporations in each world, with many millions of transactions that must be processed 6 times each day.
We have thought about super corporations with 2x, 4x or 10 times the size of the standard ones. This could be done but it has some risks too.

Detailed Description:
the current limit of 750 private corps that a ceo can own needs to go; this ancient rule is nothing more than babysitting players. allow a ceo to own as many corps as the owner/player desire.
the current process of buying public corporations to turn them into private corporations is time wasting and useless because you can not own 100% of the corporation if someone else does not want to sell his 10% ownership, so you end up with a free rider on the corporation.
any corporation that the owner/player does not take care of will be revert back to GM or close down anyway.
W3C needs to stop babysitting all players, let players demonstrate their skills and potentials.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The limit is set because there are only a few players who are setting up very large enterprises. As it is now, one player can setup two such enterprises with 1500 corporations in a single world.
This is far too many. A player with so many corporations could try and may succeed in controlling the market for some products, and cause a lot of damage to other players.
If we had 100.000 private corporations in a world, a single players with 3.000 could be tolerated although 3% is a lot. With the curremt numbers, even 750 is in fact too many.
The only reason for the limitation is the total size of the enterprise market. As long as these numbers remain low, the limit will have to stay for the protection of all other players on the world.

Detailed Description:
there needs to be an automatic acceptance when you are sending and setting up contracts between your own countries, enterprises, and corporations. the existing procedures of you sending from one entity then you have to go to the other entity to accept is nothing more than wasting time; simply that when you send something to yourself, so you want it. please vote to make this game better and more efficient.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
In some cases, such acceptance is already implemented. We agree that it should be implemented in all types of agreements between entities that are controlled by the same player.

Detailed Description:
currently all space stations are owned by GM and a player can only own the docking stations, these limits the space portion of the game to be more active. this proposal is to allow any player to buy and sell space station, and increase the capacity of each docking station to infinity. vote YES to make SC better for players
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Space stations currently have spare place. If we are alerted to any shortage of available docking stations for sale, we will immediately fix it. We als have the possibility to increase the size of space stations and add more docking stations.
Players also have the possibility to trade docking stations but not many do so because of the availability of such docking stations from the gamemaster.
We think that more space stations should be added, in different places and more variations should be added to the trading on these space stations. However, we need more players to use that feature and make the trade in such assets become more interesting.
The price of an entire space station would be very high and hard to earn back in the current situation.

Detailed Description:
ok i think it would be a great idea if there was nimrod planes what do u guys think ? nimrod planes that could track nuclear submarines in ur waters to avoid a nuclear blast yes or no ?? I also thought that it would be a great idea if there was co2 global warming etc like the more cars you have the higher the levels of gases and the warmer the countrys get the higher the seas go and the more co2 each country gets taxed like co2 tax yes or no ??
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Not many votes here. These are two proposals. The radar planes we have could be extended to report on the position of nuclear subs and other navy assets, maybe also on other army movements.
The CO2 emissions is a good idea and we have already done a lot of work to make it possible. We would like to add this feature and also other forms of energy to allow countries control their CO2 emissions.

Detailed Description:
When looking at the 'Cash and Debt' page for all corporations in an enterprise, I would like the 'Total Cash' to have a graph option.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is a good proposal and easy to add. It will be added ASAP.

Detailed Description:
Allow presidents and CEOs to write a short paragraph about our countries and enterprises on their main pages that, for countries will appear below the country map, and for enterprises in a similar location.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is a very good proposal. It will be added ASAP.

Detailed Description:
Right, there is just something that is really missing in Kebir Blue (maybe elsewhere too). Everyone is peaceful. I am too :) But sometimes you want to get into a little of fight. So... I thought I will take one of the satellite countries and do some warfare through it. That way I do not ruin my main country, but I can still have a bit of fun. The problem is that war level applies to whole of the empire, so there is not much to attack if you go a few levels up. There are a few players that have no protection, but they are at level 0. Protection disabled solely to get extra score for ranking :D THE SUGGESTION. ------------------------------------- It would be great if war level did not apply to satellite countries if you attack via satellite country too or maybe using your main country. That would allow people to engage in PVP warfare without being afraid of loosing everything. After people get experience and confidence, they may choose to actually use their main country for warfare too. ----------------------------------------------- It is a great game, but it is lacking action. If to leave it as peaceful as it is now, then economics and country management has to be more difficult/complex. People are not staying for a reason. Putting app on android will attract interest, but what you actually need is people retention.
2 gamers voted for the proposal.
8 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.

Detailed Description:
I think enterprises should have a 200 character description. it would be simple and also help describe what a future country may want to know. for example i run Enron Corporation on LU. so my description would be: " at Enron we facilitate the trading in and production of energy as the largest single enterprise focused on the market with 8% share of all energy transactions"
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

Detailed Description:
This proposal is an addition of information about future employment projections or documentation for corps and for the total country employment. First, One screen would show the countries corp upgrades vs current unemployed persons so proper planning can take place to ensure a future outlook when those upgrades that are ordered are applied. The second could be in documentation or in game. Just as weapons have its stats, so should each corp type showing a non-upgraded, upgraded to 200 and fully upgraded corps employment numbers and even a description of the corp. Yes for a future employment screen and more details on employment used in corps, or no for the information given is enough as is.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We are nearly ready with a corporation�s document that will provide much more information about each and every type of corporation that can be built in the game.

Detailed Description:
On the share page there are links for buying shares and corps. None of these list corps in C3's. This is a vote to make it easier to find C3 Corps to buy, by also displaying C3 corps in these lists. Also could someone start a vote to eliminate the 6 corp limit on buying gamemaster corps, and C3 corps.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is a good idea. We should add a link to show a list of corporations that are available to be purchased in C3 countries. The list will not be complete because it is very long and might take very long to create but it should show a page full of corporations in C3 countries that can be purchased.

Detailed Description:
I think producing strategic weapons on kebir blue should be allowed.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Building strategic weapons is a features reserved to the war world (FB). We do not think it should be available everywhere. You should develop a strategy to make it possible for you to get the strategic weapons where you want them. This is possible and many do so.

Detailed Description:
We should be able to petition the decision that Simcountry makes for accepted suggestions. Too many of the suggestions that pass here are brushed aside by a simple comment saying "We already have this" or "We do not intend to introduce this" or "We feel this would add little to the game". These responses rarely address the subtlety of the suggestion. Once we put the suggestions through it's a yes or no answer which doesn't leave much scope for actually getting anything done because the accepted polls are read and answered so infrequently. If we've gone to the trouble of making a poll and many people seem to agree with the suggestion then perhaps we should be able to petition your responses with a timed comment section on your decisions. Of course, if you're only going to look at them once a month then there's really no point in having that either.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Many of the game features we have today are based on comment, questions and votes by users. We take these seriously and implement what we are able to.
However, the company has its own vision and strategy for the development of the game and decisions are taken in view of this strategy while making an effort to accommodate requests by players.

Detailed Description:
I did some digging upon noticing all worlds now run at 6 game months per 1 real day, and I saw where the proposals to bump all the worlds' time schedule from 4 months to 6: Proposal #262 (https://www.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgid?votenews#green_rainbow_speed_increase____status__please_read_our_response_older_voting_news) and proposal #323 (https://www.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgid?votenews#increase_the_spin_____status__please_read_our_response_older_voting_news). While fine points are made by those who made these propositions, I passionately and wholeheartedly disagree with having uniform game speeds among separate planets - for SO MANY reasons. I think EVERY planet should have a DIFFERENT number of game months per real day. I'm not going to ascribe these separate gameplay paces to any particular planet as of now, but here's how I think the game months per real day should work out. Given there's 5 countries, and I'm of the conviction they should each run at different paces, one planet will run at a snail's pace of three (3) game months per real day (resulting in one (1) game year per four (4) real days - ideal for lovers of Simcountry who have jobs, kids, and other responsibilities which would preclude them from playing under a faster model). Another planet would run at four (4) game months per real day (resulting in one (1) game year per three (3) real days). This would be perfect for the old school war lords of Simcountry. A third would run at the standard six (6) game months per real day (resulting in one (1) game year per two (2) real days). The next two would run at a pace never seen before in Simcountry: eight (8) game months per real day (resulting in two (2) game years per three (3) real days. Now here's what I'm sure will be the controversial part. I think if we go ahead with this model, the last planet should run at a pace of twelve (12) game months per real day (resulting in one (1) game year per one (1) real day). This would be perfect for a Simcountry addict like me. This proposal will certainly require further discussion, so I'm certainly down to go over the details regarding how I think this proposal should be implemented. So for the sake of clarity: Vote YES if you think each planet should run at a different pace. Vote NO if you want every Simcountry world to run at the uniform pace of six (6) game months per one (1) real day. KEEP IN MIND: Voting YES doesn't mean you necessarily agree with the game paces I laid out above, but merely that you think there should be SOME SORT of variation of game pace between planets. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my proposal!
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
In the past, we had planets running at 2 or 3 game months per day. The reason was not a choice by ourselves or by players, it was enforced by the time it took to run one game month.
There were many complaints and players did not like the slow pace.
When the servers were replaced by much faster ones, speed was increased to 4 game months a day with the smallest world, Little Upsilon, running at 6 game months a day. (This is why we created it smaller). We had complaints about 4 game months a day.
All the servers were replaced again, hardware improved, new storage technology and more memory etc.
Now a game month runs in 90 minutes. There are addition technical functions but in theory, we could have 9 game months a day worlds and LU could run 12.
All complaints stopped with the increase to 6 game months a day.
Now this.
We can discuss but there is a big problem. It is very hard to reduce the pace of the simulation while many players in that world count on it.
Even increasing the pace is a problem as existing players may not want a higher pace. In our opinion, a different simulation pace will be possible on a new world. We hope to have enough players to start many new worlds.

Detailed Description:
I propose creating tourism as an economic branch, a little more complex and direct, to be part of the budget.tourism can be measured. depending on the growing infrastructure of the country andsecurityif you are in war you will have not turist. as hospitals, schools, roads etc increase your visitors . the more developed a country that receive more tourism and clear earn money.while fine will impact companies like air Transports, shows, holidays and sports and perhaps many more.you could create a special department for tourism. which of options creear events in your country to increase tourist arrivals, of course also cost money to earn money. these events could be, concerts, art exhibitions, sporting events. oh just spend money on promoting your country in the world, to be gaining tourists. which of course will be an investment that will come out of the pockets of each country. but shall gain future. it could also create random events globally, choosing the host country so the game would do much interesting and entertaining, and countries that are peaceful could focus on other activities, I just wars. as it could make a raitnk of the most visited countries and of course have extra income in the profit and loss.his could be very attractive for the game, and would give a more realistic and complex touch. and if you have ideas for this activity. Might help me to improve this idea. vote yes if you are agree
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We think that is will be a very good addition. We have however several features we need to implement before, including resource management and scarcity, a spending upgrade, CO2 emissions and pollution functions. We also have a lot of work remaining on our mobile app to bring it up to par with the game on the website.

Detailed Description:
I think that a country should have the option to be able to hire military personnel based on at-will recruitment, instead of conscription. There should be a goal number placed by the leader of the country limited by available civilians. Buying soldiers and officers is too expensive and limits our ability to feel safe and well staffed military-wise. p.s. we should be able to set military personnel salaries separate from government salaries. Vote Yes if you want a cheaper, more realistic, and more efficient way to have a military. Vote No to keep as is.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
You do not need to purchases soldiers and officers. There is also no conscription.
When you purchase weapons, low level workers are hired as soldiers and medium level managers are hires as officers. The numbers depend on the weapons you purchased and the number of weapons. This will continue to happen until you have used all your LLWs and MLMs under 50 years old.
They all earn salaries and become unavailable for the industry that may run short on workers.

Detailed Description:
Maybe I'm just missing the button...but I'm sure we have no in-game sent message box? I need one due to having enough of trying to remember what I actually wrote while I was smashed on a Friday/Saturday night :) So poll is Yes if we haven't got one already....
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

Detailed Description:
(1) allow a premium player to merge his CEOs in a world. there is no need for the current limit of 750 corps per ceo in a world, let the player decides how many corps he wants in any of his CEOs. lift the limit of 6 corps that he can buy each time, make this process less time wasting to buy corps so he can buy as many corps as he has money to buy them. (2) get rid of the enterprise tax for ceo. this tax is nothing more than w3c taking money from working players. we don't pay tax to GOD on earth, we do not need to pay tax to w3c because we already paid $4 USD every month to w3c to play sc.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
There must be a limit to the number of corporations in an enterprise. New players must have some hope to climb up in the scores and competing against someone who is there for the last 6 years and has 5000 corporations is hopeless. 750 is already too high. It used to be 500 which was more reasonable. Also, there are ways to go above 750 but we may make it a real limit in the future.

Detailed Description:
increase the military transport plane range to 20000 miles.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Not a very strong support. The range is chosen to be las that half the world to force a two-step transport if you want to go very very far. We think that increasing the range to 20.000 will help to trivialize the game.

Detailed Description:
Remove the 6 corporations limit for an enterprise and for countries within the empire you own simple as that
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Building in your own country brings a financial advantage. This is easily done. However, the enterprise game is intended to create cooperation with others and have other players place corporations in your country while you place corporations in their countries.

Detailed Description:
make an easyier interface for the game so it is easier to play and more people play the game
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
It helps if there is a specific suggestion. We intend to adapt the APP interface for the site. We think it will be easier.

Detailed Description:
Make it more productive for a player to manage his countries without having to go into every single country to setup the country's parameters. Allows the management of the countries within an empire similarly to managing the corporations within an enterprise, not necessary having to go into each corporation to change a corporation's parameters. each country remain as it is, as a country within an empire so that in time of war when you conquer that country it becomes yours just as when you conquer a stand-alone country. if you sell a country within an empire, it will be same as it is selling a corporation within an enterprise. an empire with countries bordering each other to be unified with a new border so that the player and other players can distinguish the size of the empire. allow the empire owner to choose a single colour to distinguish his empire. allow the owner to manage the economies of the countries from a single point, as he does for managing the corporations within his enterprise; that is, he can channel all the productions of the countries to his common market, one enterprise, one country, or wherever he choose to. but if he has no money to buy his own production within 12 game months, then whatever the balance that he cannot afford to buy automatically reverts to the world market. please vote "YES" to make this game better for the players
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This was voted before several times and we have explained why this will not happen.
It did not happen in any of the real empires in the history of the world and it will be bad for Simcountry. Having many countries makes it harder to play and limits the total power of a player.
Uniting 6 countries with 300M each into one, will give that country an advantage no new player can ever achieve.
There is no need for such super countries and having a large empire should be more and more complex with the increasing size of the empire.

Detailed Description:
The recent rules of blocking a player's access to his country and ceo when such entity has a reach negative 1T cash available is unfair, please retract (get rid) of these rules. Premium players pay $4 USD per earth month to play this game. If you have only one entity and you are blocked then you cannot do anything about it. I have the largest empire in this game, with nearly 500 countries on FB and the implementation of these rules allow W3C to take away my neglected and bankrupted countries, reducing my empire to less than 30 countries now. Now I have the most asset rich CEO in this game, with nearly a quandrillion SC$, yet every time its cash available falls below negative 1T I am being block to access it. I am building this entity to be bigger, but these rules are nothing more than to cheat me thru blocking my access to make the entity better. Every entity (ceo and country) were allowed to have negative 14T of debts, and this new rules of negative 1T cash available is just cheat players. Please vote "YES" to retract these rules, and make this game better.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The text of this proposal included misinformation that was removed.
You can ALWAYS continue playing.
We are talking here about failed countries, close to bankruptcy that are neglected by the owner and became worthless. We should in fact just let them bankrupt and remove from the empire.
When there is so much money in the enterprise, it can be moved easily to save these countries. It is the choice of the player to let these countries go down.
These are no new rules. This is part of Simcountry in the past years, to prevent outright bankruptcy and give players the opportunity to fix bankrupt countries.
There is always a way out. You can move money from the account to the country and unblock it.
There is something to say about premium players who have only one country, we might do something in that case but this does not happen a lot at all. A one country player can easily be very profitable.
Players with many country are not blocked. Some of their countries may be blocked but then these countries are worthless anyway. You cannot manage many many countries and be profitable, it requires a lot of work and at the end, in all cases in the past, huge empires failed. We see countries with zero corporations as the player does not have time to take care of them. Neglected countries that make huge losses etc.
The only way to keep such an empire, is by moving funds from outside these countries into these countries and pay the debt. This is of course always possible. So in such cases, if you want to keep all these failing countries, you need to transfer the funds and save them.

Detailed Description:
There needs to be mechanisms to own 100% of a public corp, which then becomes a private corp when it only has one shareholder. to simply specified or set your target share ownership to 100% for a corp does not do the job. I have been waiting for many earth months to own 100% of a corp; I cannot own 100% of the corp because the other shareholder who holds 10% will not sell its shares. to reflect reality on earth share markets, the game must have rules to allow hostile takeover. If I own 90% of the corp, I must automatically be allowed to buy the remaining 10% of the corp regardless whether that shareholder wants to sell or not. I am willing to pay 10% premium for those remaining shares. if the other shareholder owns 49% of the corp, the hostile buyer will just pay a 49% premium to those shares. this is a very equitable mechanism to all shareholders. there needs to be improvements to the buying and selling of shares. the share market of this game is getting boring without these improvements. please vote YES to make this game better.
3 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
No massively supported. We have chosen not to implement a hostile takeover. In most cases, when you offer to purchase all the shares, the price will increase and keep increasing until they are offered on the market. All investment funds will at some point sell their holdings and this is what happens in almost all cases.
We do have some cases when a player refuses to sell. We do not see this as a major problem as the majority holder can manage the corporation freely and the minority shareholder cannot disturb in any way.
Such a feature could be implemented but we are swamped with many features we want to implement, it may take a long time.

Detailed Description:
The Security Council should be allowed to: 1) Issue a War Level Override, 2 Countries ask Security Council to vote to allow a war. The council votes and general assym. If accepted it will allow a war dec regardless of war levels. Secured mode will still prevent a war dec even with override. 2) Enterprise resolutions should be added that can prevent bids, corp building, and others that could be enacted. There is insufficient ways to deal with enterprises and adding some resolutions can add value to SC world functions. Vote: yes for the additions of an override and more resolutions concerning enterprises. no, to reject all ideas of expanding the SC powers. I cannot access the forum (banned), but if someone wants to expand on these ideas there, please do so. Thanks for listening.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree that such resolutions will improve the Security Council. We will add to our wish list. It is however very very busy and may take a long time to implement.

Detailed Description:
Please excuse me if my understanding of the system is incorrect, But if my nation is attacked, realistically I would expect my offensive units to support my defensive units in the national defense. I know this would be a major change, but I cannot understand why offensive units would merely spectate their nation being destroyed to another offensive force. I think this would be fair considering that I believe offensive units are presently more expensive than defensive units, and I am not arguing that defensive units should be able to be utilized for attack operations, but merely be supported by the more valuable offensive units. So to summarize: I propose that the game developers figure a way to integrate offensive units into the defense system. What that basically means is you have to defeat both the offensive and defensive components to defeat the enemy's military. If there is balance applied, that is fair, for example less of combat effectiveness (because they are not specialized in defense operations), etc., that's OK. I would just be happy that somehow the offensive units play some part whatsoever in the defense of their nation. Thank you for your time.
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Such a feature is planned for only a certain type of military units and will be added to Simcountry.

Detailed Description:
This proposal is to increase the newspaper functionality within the game. The change will allow empire leaders to subscribe to the newspapers of the countries under their control. On the landing page of newspapers the newspaper blurbs will show each country feed. Additional functionality will be to allow fed members to subscribe to fed news of the countries in the fed. Also the newspaper upgrade will show multiple months at a time when on the newspaper page. A yes vote is for this change while a no vote is to keep everything the way it is.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. This proposal is added to out wish list.

Detailed Description:
I believe that there need to be some modifications to the rebellions system. The current state of rebellions is moderately to severely damaging to many empires. Even though an empire may have one of the greatest welfare indexes that can be tangible, they are still struck by rebellions and are forced to pay tens of billions of dollars to repair the damage to the country's corporations despite the fact that the country has paid an exorbitant amount of money in order for the country to maintain a high welfare index. It almost makes some of the extra spending by players to have top notch health, education, salaries, and social security payments seem silly. Why try and spend so much work on a country's indexes if rebellions are still going to happen despite the fact that you invest almost the entire budget's costs to promote the general welfare? Although it does decrease the chance of a rebellion happening, I believe that the reasons above should quell any need of a riot to happen, especially after many players have spent so much time to groom their countries to be perfect in every way. So my request is this: If an empire is to reach a certain welfare index average, I believe that the rebellions should stop in all the countries of the empire unless the average falls below the limit. Adding this change I think will allow many players to build greater empires while still retaining the fundamental aspect of catering to your citizens' needs.
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Very large empires always had problems with people in some of the empire provinces trying to regain their freedom. We have chosen for a rebellion, especially if conditions in some of the countries are not good.
We can of course choose the other way which is to let countries in the empire just gain their freedom again, after beeing in the empire for some time.
Most rebellions can be prevented if the empire will take care of its countries. We see most rebellions in countries where education is cloise to zero, very high unemployment, sometimes there are no corporations at all.
If you build an empire, please make sure the economy in all the countries is developed and the damage from rebellions will become very small.

Detailed Description:
I propose that in order to establish a well managed economy we need: 1)GDP: I propose that a new feature to measure economic growth, this would ensure that we are able to see where we stand in the world. 1a)The GDP should include: Personal Consumption Expenditures(Consumer spending) Net Exports of Goods and Services Government Spending Business Investment 2)Country's%ofWorldGDP:This would not only include how much of the World's GDP a country owns, but also how much of the worlds resources and services a country produces as an individual entity. 3)Minimum Wage: A country should be able to set a minimum standard in what a private business is able to pay workers in a country 4)Tax Controls: A country should be able to set a rate of taxation based on income brackets, added to the monthly budget. simple as that.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
These are all very good suggestions and we will add them to our wish list.
The wish list is unfortunately longer than what can be done and we have to choose.
Currently, we are trying to create a first version of a game app for mobile devices and we we have some urgent features that have to do with the availability of raw materials.
The requested options are very nice to have but will not have a major impact on the game, just add some nice details that are good to know.

Detailed Description:
W3C should fix the world market so that individuals cannot fix prices though wholsale manipulation of supply and demand. It's going to be a problem, especially if I just tell everyone how to go do it. Which I may if it doesn't get fixed.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
6 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This has always been part of Simcountry. Players buy and sell products and manipulate the market.
In general, with the declining price of all products, it became easier to do in recent months. We have recently updated to max spending space to follow the reduction in the price of products.
The market has its own mechanisme to prevent damage if market movements become extreme.

Detailed Description:
This is a vote based on recent discussions on the ammunition stock in a county. If a country runs out of ammo, the army unit should not be dismantled and put into deactivation mode. Whole units would be deactivated because one weapon was short on ammo. That makes no sense. I don't think many armies launch anti-nuke missiles in training exercises either. You see my point as to why this change was unrealistic. Our voice should be heard and seriously considered. Vote yes to end the automatic dismantling and deactivation of units.
25 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Many aspects of the game are unrealistic. We have corporations that employ 300.000 people and there are 150 corporations in a large country. The are some more in the real world.
The use of ammunition in peace time must extend to all types of ammunition. Before, there were no corporations producing some of the ammo at all.
Having army units with no ammo does not make sense. Army units in the real world without ammo? the have no reason to exist. If you build army units, you need to take reasonsibility and make sure they can function.

Detailed Description:
We should have a page which lists the profit and loss of all corporations in a country. That way a user can quickly pick out which corporations need to go or to be altered. It would make managing finances much easier.
17 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Please check the tabs at the top of the corporations page. There is a page showing all the corporations with their profit and loss. This page is there for years.

Detailed Description:
I know sounds crazy right but I'm a good guy and I want CEOs to have the option to build infrastructure in countries where their corporations reside this includes hospitals schools and transport infrastructure the CEO would pay the one time build cost and the country would decide weather to deny or accept the request...
14 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This sound great but does not add much. You can do this of course as a president and there are so many other features that will add more to the game.

Detailed Description:
I am requesting that the old cap of 25 members per Common Market be abolished and that we return to no limit on the number the of members. This limit arbitrarily stifles the free trade market. Larger common markets ensure the availability of all of the products and in the quantities that are needed. This is an important part of economic success. With this limit in place many of us when we expand our empires will not even be able to put our new countries in the same CM as our others due to this limit. Please vote that you agree the limit on members in a Common Market should be abolished and that there are NO limits on the number of members. Thanks

Detailed Description:
Stop the "feature" of automatically deactivating weapons due to lack of ammo. This needs to stop immediately. If the GM is so concerned over the lack of ammo, then make it so that we could reactivate more at a time. At least the total amount deactivated after the dismantling of our units after all of that hard work.
14 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Deactivation is the least that can be done to reduce the use of ammunition and trying to make sense of an army without ammo.
We currently think that if there is no ammo, the weapons should be sold away as there is no need for weapons if the country does no have ammo.
The issue of ammo is simple. You can purchase it easily at all time on the market even if there are shortages on the market.
A player who does not have ammo, neglected buying it. If you do not want to purchase the ammo you need, you should not have an army at all.
Every army has ammunition for its weapons.

Detailed Description:
I would really like to see it easier to set up my empire next to my original country. I'm on the the KB and I thought it would be easier to establish an empire if I paid my dues. I would like to be able to just buy free countries that are connected to my own.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Countries without a president can be bought by any player. If you have such a free country next to yours, you can purchase it.
Some countries look like they are free but are not. It can take a while from the time a president has left a country to the time the country becomes available. Abandoned countries must be reinitialized and their economu set up to proper conditions.

Detailed Description:
As one can only start one poll every 3 weeks this is a two-part vote, vote 'yes' if you agree with both suggestions, vote 'no' if you disagree with one or both. 1.: The 'Advanced Search' as it is now can put Countries one allready has ordered a corp build/moved and produces an error message if you want to build/move another one to there, even though the search brings the country on the list. The first suggestion is: Do you agree that Countries should not be listed in the search if you allready move/build a corp there and can't do a second corp to move/build there? 2.: The 'Advanced Search' uses unpractically search-parameters per default, namely 75% tax, 80 welfare index. This generates artificial server load if you are not lucky enough to have a country comes up with good enough index/tax. Second suggestion: Do you agree that those indexes should be by default: 30% tax, 110 Welfare? Again, please vote 'yes' if you agree with both suggestions, vote 'no' if you disagree with one or both.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will look into this and try to improve. The issue with this option is that the search, into thousands of corporations and checking exact status in each one of them, takes a long time. As a result, players click again and again and never get a result.
We have to optimize and make sure there is a reasonable result in a short time.

Detailed Description:
Mobile units can be lent to the lenders fellow federation members and the lenders empire only. This is limiting. A lender should be permitted to lend a unit to whosoever they please. A friendly country is one the lender determines as friendly not the system. Please vote YES to change this limiting feature to lend to whoever you choose.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
You can move your units to any other player by selling the unit. In Simcountry, we have a way to move assets from one country to another, even in a different world. The way to do it is thorough the markets. This is true for any products you want to move and any other assets.
Trading movile units is easy and makes it possible to help friends anywhere, to quickly build their fighting capabilities.

Detailed Description:
the existing bottleneck of hiring workers based on the lowest available number of workers in a profession is creating massive unemployment for countries; that is, if I have 10 percent HTE for a corporation then the maximum hiring in all other professions can only be 10 percent regardless that I have 100 percent in all those other professions that this corporation requires. this proposal is to allow the maximum hiring for all professions that a corporation requires; that is, if I have 10 percent HTE for a corporation, then only 10 percent HTE will be hired while 100 percent will be hired in all the other professions for this corporation. this proposal will help increase employment, and lessen the confusion for a player to decifer which profession is bottlenecking the corporation's hiring process. this will help the player to clearly pinpoint that bottleneck profession and fix the problem. this proposal will require players to review their workers for corporations carefully because if the corporation's production is not at least 100 percent due to workers shortage in a profession then there may be a loss in the financial statement of that corporation. but this proposal let's the player run his corporations without the unnecessary numerous interventions or babysitting procedures created by GOD/W3C, and that SC will be more realistic like in our Earth world. please vote YES to this proposal to make SC better.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This proposal will trivialize the entire eductation system in Simcountry. Why would you worry at all about education if the hiring works anyway.
We do not think that this is a good proposal.
Education is essential for successful countries and if you do not want to do anything with education, even not setting it in automatic mode, then the success of your country will be limited.

Detailed Description:
I would like to suggest a simple change to the selling of weapons. Currently there is a tab that allows us to destroy military assets, which has NO point what so ever. I would like to suggest that we remove the "destroy" feature and instead replace it with a sell all feature. That way a player would be able to sell deactivated weapons and un-needed ammo much more quickly(reducing clicks) and it would help people fix a nations military more easily in case of over spending. Vote yes to change Vote no to keep as is
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The feature to destroy weapons is being used so we will leave it in peace.
We will add a function that will sell all your weapons and ammunition.,br> You will need to dismantle all your units before or many weapons and ammo will remain in the units. There are functions to quickly dismantle units.
Currently it is possible to sell everything, but requires a selling order per type. Ths new function, when implemented, will make it faster. It will not add any new functionality.

Detailed Description:
the nuclear fighter planes will carry 4 nuclear tactical or chemical weapons or two of each and have a range of 10000 miles and has a auto counter attack capability . they can be deployed in air wings with up to four such planes but only one nuclear missle or chemical missile will be deployed per attack and only one plane will be able to attack the target .all nuke strikes results in 100% damage if nuclear defense is not present or quality to low to defend the target.
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.

Detailed Description:
I believe that in order for a government function efficiently and be well maintained, there needs to be more people to concentrate on less things. I mean really, I love the simplified government departments that we have at the moment, but I feel we could do more with this. We need more options, more freedom to run our countries and actually take part in our economies and demographic by doing more than just building corporations and proving welfare/social security. All of the following either need more options or to be added. seriously, add more excitement, I like a challenge and I'm sure some of you do too. We should be able to actually feel like we're running a REAL country. Federal Treasury- run by main country. Department of State Department of the Treasury Department of Defense Department of Justice Department of the Interior Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services Department of Housing and Urban Development- should act as national bank for loans, both private and public. Department of Education
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree and think that the game should have more functionality. Many players however do not and do not want us to continue and add functions.
It is however unclear what some of these departments should do.
Example: Justice. It is not enought to add the department, you need to have a good idea what (many) other functions should be added to the game to make the justice department make sense at all.

Detailed Description:
I propose a change to how game levels and building corporations are tied in together. The way the rules are at the moment is a hindrance to empire building. I can't expand my empire without the game level dropping. I've achieved level 7. Soon as I take another country I drop to 1 and have to wait till it rises again before I can build good corps in my empire. It can take real life days for the index's to get to the required level. So I propose that once you've achieved a level you can always build the corresponding corps even if you drop below that level.
16 gamers voted for the proposal.
6 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Fair enough. You are right. The game level can decline and with it your score. You still need to bring the new country in line with the other countries, but in the mean time, you are able to build corporations as with the highest game level you have achieved.

Detailed Description:
I don't think many of us like the term slave state. Instead of that term, I suggest we choose from a small variety of terms that would better suite our preferences, such as "state, republic, satellite state, province, etc.." Vote yes to change this.
19 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will change the name in the game. It might take some time before it is changed everywhere but we will start using a new name shortly.
Satellite state seems a good suggestion.

Detailed Description:
I have played this game off and on for a few years. I recently just started playing again, and found many changes, mostly good in my opinion. However the game still has the same problem I found before. Players just aren't active. The game lacks communication and for the most part, I feel pretty on my own. I propose that the chat feature be constantly on screen much like facebook has it. you can access everyone you are associated with in the game, as well as see who is online. I also propose game challenges that encourage players to be active for reward, as well as coop challenges. These could include: killing population, or damage dealt to other countries (fearless Blue), co op wars, score gains, rank improvements, military power gains, Money gained in a year, etc. The reward could be anything. gold coins, money, products, population, etc.
20 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will discuss and consider adding some of these suggested features.

Detailed Description:
This proposal is to allow the people of an empire to move freely between the empire's countries, to wherever there are jobs for them. allow the president/player of the empire to tick the box that will let his people move freely between his countries, or not tick the box so his people will stay within their own respective country. the current transferring method is too much works for players, especially spending so much time figuring out how to balance the exchanging workers. i have tried this current transferring, it's near impossible to figure out the balance. for those concerning about their ranking in SC, this proposal will automatically distribute people of the empire to improve the indexes; as existing the indexes for the ranking country (leader) are based on the average of all the countries anyway, but you/player have to figure out which of your countries are pulling down your indexes.
17 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is a different proposal that we have seen before and we agree partially and will make some changes.
We do not think that population moves should be unlimited and very fast. We also need to make this easy to implement, otherwise it will take a very long time before it is added to Simcountry.
We would like to make it easier to transfer a certain number of people each game month between countries in the empire while making sure that these transfers do not decrease the population of any of the countries below a certain limit and do not increase the population of the receiving country above a certain limit.
This can be done by using the existing exchange function, without any need to balance the numbers. You will be able to specify the numbers you want to move up to a certain limit.

Detailed Description:
My country always makes automatic orders that are displayed in the trade overview. I always see the amount of items ordered and the quality etc. I think it would be a good idea if a new column was added to that table that would include the estimated total price of each item ordered as well as a total cost at the bottom of the table. I think this is a good idea as you often cannot see the difference in prices when you order at a higher/lower quality until the order has actually been purchased, if you could see the total price it would help with budgeting as you will see how much all of your orders will cost before they are purchased.
24 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree. It will be added.

Detailed Description:
A mobile app would make the game a lot more accessible and probably attract more users. While this is a difficult undertaking another alternative would be to make the game more friendly to mobile browsers.
18 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We are in the midst of a process that should define what will run with such an app.
We agree that an app will add a lot to the game but we also realize that running a war will not be easy on your phone.
Functions like chat and the forum, and functions that will allow you to update game parameters easily on your phone are needed and we plan to make such an app.

Detailed Description:
This is a proposal for the GM to add an option even if it cost us a gold coin, to allow a simulated PvP battle vs a player. A wager by the countries./empires involved is the prize, but the game allow this to be a simulated battle. Here's what the game does: It copies the selected country and allows the 2 players to fight without loss. The whole battle is simulated and the countries act like it's a new country, no one take control at the end of war and only the wager is consumed. The country has no wait time in war and it does not matter about secured mode or war levels in this simulated battle. even at 1-5 gold coins (i'd hope for 1 g/c) i'd and other players would love to test their skills against another player. Here is the catch, the limit the new state is created as simulated (uses no goods/services ect) is limited to 6 game months or what the GM would find acceptable. SO: simulated battles w/ no losses or war level/protection used. it copies the country as is and freezes it. you cannot transfer in or buy more goods. It allows us to contest without losses, which many would like to do. It would liven up the war game for us type of players and would be a realistic war game function to the real world. like using blanks and lasers to simulate a naval battle. W3C: you benefit from having us pay for this simulation and its limits. It may make the game a better conceptualization and allow more income to flow. It may help us gain more players as well. Most don't want the real loses and allies should be able to contest without loss in a simulated fake war battle that will also appease us high war level players that want to teach new players how to play the game. It's an all around plus for the game, its future, and the players. Please vote YES, if you'd like to see a new function even at a small cost to the war game, or NO to leave as is. Please take this as a rough idea with room to grow into a real concept. Thank you for your considerations!
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
15 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Although it is rejected, it is an interesting proposal but not a good one.
A function like this will allow people to fight a no risk. They will do things they would never do if it was for real and they will never fight a real war, or only after they tried it ahead of time.
We suggest that you should not be afraid to fight a real war. We should forget about fake wars.

Detailed Description:
We need a place that lists every corporations supplies that are short and an option to Immediate Order at least a 2-4 month supply of the product in question for all. Something like a Master supply table would be perfect. Those of us that have hundreds of corporations, have a tedious task of going through them to ensure they are stocked, when the Markets go nuts. The recent change allowing us to set High and low water marks was a great move towards improving manageability and a change like the one above, would be outstanding addition to build on that move.
29 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
You can set the level of product that is considered a low water limit and the number of months of supplies you want to order when the low limit is reached.
Using this function, under supplies in the corporations menu is sufficient to prevent any manual settings and if set correctly, with a reasonable low water mark, will order everything, on time and will prevent shortages.

Detailed Description:
I would like to propose the creation of a new unit "Anti-Air Cruiser". My proposal is that we create a ship which allows us to attack enemy aircraft, the ship would act just like an anti aircraft battery( with the obvious exception of it being much stronger). Allowing a player to have a naval fleet of 15-20 ships being able to attack and destroy several wings of enemy anti air would go a long way to helping players who need to take C3 or enemy nations at a distance. Vote yes to add idea Vote no to reject idea
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We think that this will be a good addition to the navy.

Detailed Description:
I don't think a worlds community should be able to vote on resolutions. Enacting a proposal or resolution is the power of being on the security council. There are times where the Sc sees that someone needs aid and the proposal passes, but then the community gets to vote and some people are ass' or don't like the person that vote is for and decline it or just plain don't understand and thus don't vote. Centralize the Security council, make it so they hold the actually power they are supposed to be awarded. The White Giant Sc has 511 trillion dollars and aid proposals get passed by us, but then it goes to the community and they vote it down. It honestly doesn't make sense, when the UN proposes something, the UN votes on it, not the billions of people residing in UN countries. Make it so when the SC passes something, that is it. It is passed.
18 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The security council members vote and take decisions. Other do not vote. This is how it works for a very long time.

Detailed Description:
I propose that the population cap be removed. 300M is simply not enough for some people and it leaves us with a "what now?" feeling. My population is getting old, already 32M are retired and my economy is stuck at 1.2T per month(14.4T annually), I don't see the necessity in the population staying at 300M, seriously....why? It would make this game a lot more interesting to not cap the pop. Vote YES to have population cap removed/or at least raised Vote NO to keep as is
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The population cap is at 300M, up from 70M before.
The reason for a cap is that new players will take many months to be able to build up to this level. we think that 300M is too high.
We also think that the problem is very limited. There are only very few countries with population at 300M.
You can of course have more countries in the empire, and each of them can have a population of 300M.

Detailed Description:
(1) there are products, such as air transport, that only a country could produce, yet a ceo can take ownership of that product corp but cannot move the corp even though the president has rundown the country creating horrible outcomes for the corp. (2) there are products, such as defense fortification, that cannot be stockup in a ceo or country, yet it can be moved on the country map. it makes no sense whatsoever, so please allow these products to be able to put into the stockpile of a country or ceo as well as be removable, as well as able to sell it. currently you can only buy defense forts, you cannot re-sell it to the market. you must destroy it if you don't want it. (3) there are products, such as strategic airports, that cannot be direct contract to a ceo, yet a ceo corp could produce for a country. this needs change so that these products can be stockpile, direct contract to ceo and country. for example, you need strategic airports as a feed to your military base maintenance corp yet you have to buy from the world market because you cannot stockpile in your inventory, such that you can "trade with own corporations" if you have it in your inventory.
14 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Air transport have an airport linked to them, this is why they cannot be moved. It does make sense to unlink the two but it is a major project and it is not important at all.
Fortifications are huge structures, like military bases. I do not see how you can stock them up, or move them between countries. I don't think you expect real armies to move military bases from one country to another. Instead, you just build a new base at the other location.
The US is doing this all the time.
There are many products that are free for everyone and can be moved around and more are coming.

Detailed Description:
What is the purpose of having a 20 corp limit in each country for one enterprise? They are both my country, and my enterprise. Enough restrictions on my own country and how I conduct business. No limits on my own enterprise in my own countries. Vote yes to remove this needless restriction.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The idea of the enterprise game is that you build corporations in many countries. If all the corporations in the country are owned by your own enterprise, what is the purpose of it? what kind of enterprise is it that takes over all the corporations in one country?

Detailed Description:
Addition of a new policy page: A page which lists all the policies that country can take on, such as minimum wage, abortion, gay marriage, gun rights, voting right, civil right, religion, immigration(visas, residency, border control/open borders) and many more that we see in our everyday lives. Every policy has an effect on the country. In democratic countries, they are either voted on by the people or a congress and senate or left to the discretion of the leader.(This would give more use to the government a country picks to live under) 5a)Demographics: A new page that allows us to see who our country is made up of. like, the gender ratio in our country, the births, deaths, marriages, divorces, race, age, religion, drivers, language spoken, immigration/emigration, homeless, homeowners, public debt, private debt, etc. Capital having the overall(and its own) statistics of the entire country and every other state having their own unique statistics as well. 5b)Culture Page: Allow for a country to invest in a specific art or multiple arts in order to create a more unique experience for the player, plus allow for every country to have its own unique culture. This including things such as dance, art, music/movies/tv(every genre, not just subject itself), etc. Complete list, like they have in "Rulers of Nations"(PC game) 5c)Sport Page: same as culture page, just change some words to sports and sports names(soccer, rugby, polo, etc.) Federal Reserve: I believe that a percentage of the money accumulated from all state budgets' surplus should be added up to one giant fund as a sort of safety net and a country should be able to send that money to either another player as international aid or a state as federal aid, buy necessities or loan it to someone else as well as pay off debts. Military: Pretty simple, merge all military units and personnel of a country into one. Just 3 separate branches(2 sectors for each branch-defense & offense): Land, Air, and Naval. This would create a simpler defense system for every country as well as accurate measure of military strength of a nation/empire. In conclusion, I agree that all the mentioned features would add more the game and create a better experience for all players as well as attract new ones, since this would be the ultimate online government simulation game. Vote YES if you agree with all or even some of the features mentioned and would like to see them all or even some added ASAP. Vote NO if you believe this would be a terrible mistake and think we should stick with what we have.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This was discussed in other formats before and we agree it is a very good addition to the game, although many of the rules, laws and policies will have no consequence for the way the economy works. In time, some may influence the economy.

Detailed Description:
There should be a facility for us to treat wounded people from newly acquired colonies in the war hospitals of the conquering empire. It makes more sense to do this because the conquered country's infrastructure is too poor to deal with this. In real life the conquering country would help with this kind of thing anyway. Also, wars should be treated as disasters on the disaster page. Countries should be able to send aid to defeated countries to help with rebuilding.
17 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We agree and will put this on our wish list.
The exchange of wounded, or disabled people from one country to another makes sense and allowing help from one country to another in case of war too.

Detailed Description:
How it is nowadays: Corps have 10% hiring no matter how low the salaries in these Corps are, thus binding important workforce that could benefit other Corps and therefore reduce tax/profits. The only way a President can stop this is to nationalize the Corp, which is quite the same as a hostile takeover. To avoid making it necessary to nationalize whilst no workforce is bound I suggest the minimum hiring should be reduced to 0%. Vote yes if you agree, vote no if you disagree.
16 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The number of workers in these corporations is relatively small. we could try to reduce a bit but the corporations may bankrupt.
Such corporations should in fact be closed, or nationalized at a very small cost.

Detailed Description:
Currently we can upgrade weapons/ammo ---ONLY--- in units. I propose that we be able to upgrade weapons and ammo that are located in our bases.
18 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The feature was developed. It is either in the game now or will be within a very short period.

Detailed Description:
The already important broad views need improving to allow cross inspection of countries. Thank you for the considerable input into countries from a leadership position. Public Voting Welcomed
16 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We need a specific idea. Cross inspection of countries could mean a lot of things.

Detailed Description:
There need to be improvements to the management of an empire. Currently there is no tool to manage my empire. The existing �my empire� tab does not offer any management tool, just some tools to view the characteristics of your empire. I need to be able set the education priorities for all my countries from one page, manage my military resources from another page, manage the economics parameters of my countries from another page, and so on. Currently you have to perform the number of tasks equivalent to the number of countries you have in your empire; that is if you have 10 countries, you have to set the education priorities for each of them or performing this setting education priorities task 10 times. On military resources, the argument from SC that it does not want another player to suddenly have a huge military next to my country just over an earth night, has never convinced me that such player is a threat to me. But rather I think SC just wants me to waste so much times spreading out my money among my 10 countries because I cannot do buy all the military wares due to the existing SC imposed 500B SC$ spending limit per game month. So I have to spread my 5T SC$ among my 10 countries, in order to buy within the spending limit of each country; therefore, I have to go into 10 countries to order military products 10 times. What is the purpose of having a leader country if it cannot act for its slave countries? If I have 9 slave countries why is my leader country not able to buy military products on behalf of those slave countries? We players need to be allowed to do this so that my leader country can purchase 5T SC$ of military products per game month without having to go to each country in the empire to do this task, or else get rid of the spending limit so any player can buy as much as he has SC$ or GCs for any products in SC. SC wants players to fight real wars, yet it has put roadblocks on every corner, such as this spending limit; who's got the times to fight a war over an earth week? Currently SC has no tool to build the economics of an empire, but rather that W3C strongly discouraged players to build large empires due to paranoia of new players never be able to catch up to players who dedicated several earth years to groom their countries with times and money. W3C has installed many obstacles merely to destroy large empires, including increasing riots within the countries of the empire just for the heck of it, mysteriously increasing the general cost of government within the countries of the empire, and so on. Obstacles such as these are merely penalties to build large empires, which do not reflect how the player runs his empire or how skillful the player is. Riots have destroyed many state and state controlled public corps in my countries, just merely for the GM�s amusements of destroying my hard works and dedicated times to make my empire successful; even though the game docs stated that riots does not damage public corps, they have totally destroyed many of my public corps. to be fair to players and to be base on skills of the players, riots must be base on how well or poor the player runs his country, such as if welfare index is say below 50 percent then there is an "x" percent chance of riots in the country. SC game docs and GMs stated that the general cost of government in a country within an empire is a function of the population and number of countries in the empire. I have managed to reduce the military costs in each of my countries to under 200M, and W3C's system has increased the general cost of government in each country to over 1T SC$ without changes in the population of the country. I have hundreds of countries in my empire, and each country is operated independently because SC does not allowed the unification of my countries so how does the general cost of government in each country increase? If each slave country pays tributes to my leader country, and I have to setup many layers of management within the empire then the general cost of government may increase slightly, but certainly not by doubling, tripling, or at exponential rates as W3C has programmed SC to be now. We players need more details on the general cost of government in our countries, so that we can skillfully counter this variable. Across the countries in my empire, the general cost of government has been more than $500 per population head; with nearly 5B population in my empire, I am being punished to pay high general cost of government in each country without relevancy to my game skills. W3C needs to be fair to players by providing information to truly test the skills of the players, and not merely jacking up things to destroy players' entities.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The management of empires is increasing at a close to linear rate with the number of the countries in the empire. Making it easy to manage very large empires will make it impossible for smaller players to compete.
It is very hard to compete against large empires as it is, but at least, a player with a large empire needs to do a lot to keep it which limits the long term survival rate of empires that are too large.
The government cost is among others, a function of the number of countries in the empire. It is by design and will remain this way. It should require the player to do more, and invest, if he/she is interested in a very large empire.
Most empires, up to 10 or even 15 countries are reasonably easy to maintain and can be profitable. Much larger empires are harder to manage and will remain harder to manage.
The SC game is not about huge empires. It is about smaller ones that can develop a small number of countries to become economic powers.

Detailed Description:
would be interesting that each country has its own fictitious currency. but the currency can compete in this case to the dollar as the currency of measurement. that market prices are quoted in dollars to facilitate understanding but each player can see the prices in the market depending on the value of its currency against the dollar. for example if a car costs 5000 dollars, but if the dollar is two for one against its currency. that car cost 10000 then the currency of your country. but also the currency of a country that the dollar may be worth the price and then the car would be less than 5000 dollars. this will be as a reward to countries that manage their finances well, and suggest that the currency value is through, the asset of every country, your profit and loss and how much money you have available, and also how many factories to produce their goods state and private and more realistic world would be built, and with the same chances of becoming superpowers to the nations, a more dynamic way, and that it will be more balanced with the armed forces economiadel country. because this economy better, easier builds an army. if anyone has more ideas, that you can add to mine. please include them ( sorry for my English. I hope you all have understood my idea)
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The proposal is discussed several times before. It is a good idea but also one that will require a lot of development. Currently however, we are too busy with other issues and such a feature may take a long time before it is developed.

Detailed Description:
We need to have a clear view of what is going on in our enterprises. Exactly the same as we have now for countries. " Corporations bought, closed or moved and Enterprise Tax " On my case I have NO CLUE why CEO LU 2in LU is paying monthly hundreds B on this item. I have read the tooltip hundreds of times and I havent relocate a corp in a LONG LONG time, nor no one was closed.... however I keep paying a lot of time there.
16 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will add an enterprise finance log ASAP.
It will be easier to understand the details of all financial transactions. There are no errors in this procedure which is unchanged and unchallenged for a long time but we agree that a log will be helpful.

Detailed Description:
This proposal is to 1) Replace: Replace the pricing system(for both buying and selling) to a less confusing one. I propose that instead of using numbers like 148 to price a car(?god knows how much that is?) we use the simple number like $SC8,500. I, for one, have always had trouble understanding what it even means to sell something at 348%. same goes for buying products(applies to both countries/enterprises and corporations). 2) Private-Corp Aid: I think that countries should be able to aid debt-ridden corporations to help pay off their loans, as they do state corporations. simple as that. p.s. this would help struggling enterprises tat wish to keep corporations open but can't since debt is causing a great burden to not only the corporations value/profitability but puts the host country at risk of losing money and jobs(which is on average 200K+). It also creates a stronger relationship between the country's leader and enterprise owner. 3)Wages: a)Private: Salaries should be set by the corporation owner, but, can be no less than the minimum wage, which the president may choose to have or not.(simply set it to 0) it would ensure that not only enterprises, but also countries and their workers actually profit from this in bigger ways. not only this, but corporations should be able to set how much they pay each profession(executives, workers, managers, techs.) on every level b)Public: Governments should be able to set a minimum wage,not only this, but corporations should be able to set, like actually set how much they pay each individual profession(executives, workers, managers, techs, teachers, cops, soldiers, etc.) on every level. 4)Country Supply and Demand: I believe that countries should actually profit from what it sales to it's people. I've had times where I only sold 2T worth of things to my people and somehow bought 4T, this is no way to run a country, no matter what I try, it never works. I always lose money, always in the trillions. a) Stores: I think that countries should instead have a system in place where individual stores(perhaps added as another corporation that can be built like any other) are able to buy the products themselves and sell it to people for a profit. yes, the government should still ensure that the quality meets the requirements. not only would it take a HUGE load off the government's budget, but, create another market, that is always profitable and for sure will always have unlimited growth. Of course, the store would only sell products that are sold by stores irl. b) (Optional)Prices of Products:Countries should be able to instill a price cap on all products in order to enure that corporations do not over-price products sold by stores in the country. c) Agriculture: Agricultural products can be sold in the stores. obviously giving them more use. d) A page should be added for a country to be able to see how much of every product they produce in their country. This would be helpful in trade with other countries, as it would allow for a nation to be able to make realistic trade agreements. c1)Kinda like a Rulers of Nations(it's a PC game) sort of trade agreement. in which a certain amount is bundled up(a set amount of products is takes from each corporation(president gets to choose how much from each corporation is taken till amount on contract is met) and created as a contract. this ensures every company gets a fair chance and trade contracts are kept since more companies will be used. 5) More tradable products: such as TVs', Computers, Laptops, Bottled water, water, basically consumer-based products that could be sold in store corporations(mentioned in article 4a)
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Too many proposals. Some of the items mentioned are part of the game as of today and some are based on misunderstanding of game functions.
Please put one short proposal to a vote, make sure it is a real issue and you will get a direct answer from us as we always do.

Detailed Description:
At the moment, you can offer a maximun of 100% corp production to local+common markets. most corps have a production of 110%-130% so have to sell the excess on the world markets. I propose to raise the cap to 150% so players can easily contract all of there corps production.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Contracting should be possible for the entire production.

Detailed Description:
I think we should have control to create police and all other feaderal branches of law inforcment it will help keep law and security in your country what do you think yes we should or no we shouldnt?
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
13 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.

Detailed Description:
The level of GC reward for moving through the game levels is at a good level, but I would propose that there be an in game benefit to maintaining higher Game Levels. Achieving and maintaining higher game levels is a little difficult and requires a lot of maintenance. In my opinion there should be a benefit to doing so other than the initial GC reward. I would suggest that for every Game Level above 10 a president can upgrade the Corporation Efficiency and Quality by a further 10 points up to the max of 250 like in a truly public corp. This would allow lower costs in these corps that help offset the increase in costs that are required to maintain high game levels.
20 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We think that players should keep their game level at all time and try to achieve higher game levels. When they do achieve higher game levels, there are increasing awards they can earn.

Detailed Description:
Right now we have all voted on diff aspects of running countries. We have voted things about taxes, min wage, education, etc. Here is what I propose and I know it would be a massive undertaking and possibly a massive remake of the whole system, But, my proposition is that we take everything that we see the government do in real life and implement it right down to if you have a Democracy country You have a Parliament a Congress etc. to the little things like police fire along with more frequent realistic disasters. Another words make this a game to a more real life setting right down to your people voting on laws. And to top it off come out with more automation Technics that will help run everything even after Game level 4.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
12 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.

Detailed Description:
Yes, I know this topic has come forth and been rejected before. What I propose is different though. This is about merging countries into one, with X amount of countries(limit set by GameMaster) and bunch of other ideas I hope are at least considered since they would make the game a lot more realistic and entertaining. First and foremost, I propose that an empire have the OPTION to merge as one country with states(being the conquered countries- capital being the main country). This meaning that ALL workers and professions from all be countries be available to work in any of the states in the empire/country and be able to travel freely from state to state. I believe this would solve all issues with shortages and would stop the brain that many countries now suffer due to lack of doctors and university teachers, worker exchange contracts is a start but it should be for international trade only. just like people in a country do in real life, they should be able to move where the jobs are(this being where the president/ceo has decided to build the next corp). no longer will a state/country have to wait till they have enough laborers, since it will already be available in another part of the country in another state. Not to mention, this would make it WAYYYYY easier to maintain a large empire. This would include: Resources, stocks, corporations, populations, The country's overall surplus/deficit and assets and production values. 1)Education: Merge the educational system of every country, to one whole educational system where each time an Elementary school/High School/University/"Back to work" schools is built and the amount, a drop down menu is available that lists all the countries and their education rating(each one based on type of building being built). The overall/average score being the MAIN measurement for how well the empire is doing as a whole. Of course this feature should only be available when playing as the main country/capital, as an extension of the education page itself 2)Health Care: same as education, just replace some words with Health care and hospitals/special clinics 3)Transportation/Public Utilities: This is much more fun, since I believe we should actually be able to profit from trnaportaion. 3a)Public Transportation: Bus Routes, Light Rail, Plane Tickets(Airports)- All or some should be something that is added to the game and is built in each individual state(except for Travel/Plane Tickets) based on need just like a school would be built based on need(although user may build more than needed. Revenue would be collected from its use and used in the government budget. To give us more control over this, users should be able to set prices of each service, each state having a different price based on their salary index to keep it fair. This would give more use to air Transport corps, since it would become a consumer product used for international travel. 3b)Water/Electricity: Water & Electricity should be billed as a utility, no longer counted as something the government buys, but instead provided by private corporations and bought by private citizens. Although prices should be based on salary index to keep corporations from hiking prices higher than people can afford. This would create an even bigger, more sustainable consumer based market for these two things that governments and corporations can actually benefit from being that government makes money from taxes on the corps and the corps from the services they provide. 4)Salary: as I have proposed before, I propose that we enact a minimum wage law for private, sate corp, and public workers. this being effective in every state in the country. 5)Addition of a new policy page: A page which lists all the policies that country can take on, such as minimum wage, abortion, gay marriage, gun rights, voting right, civil right, religion, immigration(visas, residency, border control/open borders) and many more that we see in our everyday lives. Every policy has an effect on the country. In democratic countries, they are either voted on by the people or a congress and senate or left to the discretion of the leader.(This would give more use to the government a country picks to live under) 5a)Demographics: A new page that allows us to see who our country is made up of. like, the gender ratio in our country, the births, deaths, marriages, divorces, race, age, religion, drivers, language spoken, immigration/emigration, homeless, homeowners, public debt, private debt, etc. Capital having the overall(and it's own) statistics of the entire country and every other state having their own unique statistics as well. 5b)Culture Page: Allow for a country to invest in a specific art or multiple arts in order to create a more unique experience for the player, plus allow for every country to have it's own unique culture. This including things such as dance, art, music/movies/tv(every genre, not just subject itself), etc. Complete list, like they have in "Rulers of Nations"(PC game) 5c)Sport Page: same as culture page, just change some words to sports and sports names(soccer, rugby, polo, etc.). 5ca.Addition of an International competition like the Olympics, which is optional for a player to participate in, held every 4 years. Held in a country hand picked by the security council or voted on by all participating countries. Federal Reserve: I believe that a percentage of the money accumulated from all state budgets' surplus should be added up to one giant fund as a sort of safety net and a country should be able to send that money to either another player as international aid or a state as federal aid, buy necessities or loan it to someone else as well as pay off debts. Military: Pretty simple, merge all military units and personnel of a country into one. Just 3 separate branches: Land, Air, and Naval. This would create a simpler defense system for every country as well as accurate measure of military strength of a nation/empire. In conclusion, I agree that all the mentioned features would add more the game and create a better experience for all players as well as attract new ones, since this would be the ultimate online government simulation game. Vote YES if you agree with all or even some of the features mentioned and would like to see them all or even some added ASAP. Vote NO if you believe this would be a terrible mistake and think we should stick with what we have. These are all ideas that I would love to see become reality for this game and I'm sure you would too. P.S. please add a GDP feature, for every state. and an overall one for a country as a whole
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
11 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This proposal was rejected before and this vote is hardly convincing.
A 5 line proposal will have a better chance to get read and voted on.

Detailed Description:
Currently there is only one tax which can be adjusted by the president of a country, and some other taxes which the president has no control over. The taxes which the president has no control over are country resource payments by corporations (they aren't called "taxes" but functionally they are, since the corporation is forced to pay them to the government.), and also miscellaneous taxes paid by the citizens. The one tax which the president has control over is the corporate profits tax. The problem is that the corporate profit tax is only paid by corporations which earn a profit. This would be perfectly fine if every CEO of every enterprise in Simcountry diligently ensured that his corporations were profitable, but unfortunately many CEOs neglect their corporations for various reasons. For instance, some players build corporations producing military weapons because, for strategic reasons, they want control over the production of their preferred weapons. Then even if those corporations can not possibly be profitable, for instance because so many players want to build those same corporations for military reasons that there is a perpetual surplus of the product they produce, their owners frequently continue operating those corporations anyway, simply giving them financial bailouts on a regular basis to prevent them from going bankrupt. Also some CEOs simply abandon their accounts after a while, but don't bother to formally close their accounts, close their enterprises, close their corporations, or else provide for any sort of continued administration of their corporations after they stop playing. One way or another, we Presidents get stuck with unprofitable, failing enterprise-controlled corporations which pay little in taxes, but which pay excessively high wages thus usurping scarce workers, thus preventing those workers from being employed in more profitable corporations which would be able to contribute more in taxes, which take ages to go bankrupt and close down on their own, and which are sometimes kept alive indefinitely by repeated transfers of cash from the enterprises which control them if their owners want them for one reason or another despite their unprofitability. Private corporations like those can be frustrating for presidents, because they usurp many valuable resources, pay little in taxes, and take forever to go away on their own. If you get stuck with one of them in your country, there's no way to make it contribute very much to your country or to stop usurping valuable workers, and your only real options to get rid of it are either to send the CEO a polite message asking him/her to remove his/her unprofitable corporation from your country, or in the event that the CEO doesn't remove the corporation from your country, to nationalize the corporation simply in order to gain control over it so that you can shut it down. If you send the CEO a message, the CEO may not get your message for some time, and may simply ignore it anyway. Conversely, if you nationalize the corporation so that you can close it yourself, you have to pay the CEO for the corporation. Thus you are forced to pay money to remove from your country something which was costing you money anyway. What is more, free players can't nationalize corporations, and so are powerless to do anything about this other than registering a country which doesn't already have any private corporations in it, and then banning CEOs from building corporations in the country or from bidding on corporations already in the country. OK, enough griping. Here's my proposed solution: Keep the corporate profits tax as an adjustable tax just like it currently is, but eliminate country resource payments, the miscellaneous taxes paid by citizens, and any other miscellaneous taxes which I may have overlooked. At the same time, ADD one of two other taxes: If it is feasible from a programming perspective, add a national sales tax so that whenever citizens purchase products bought by their government, i.e. coffee, fruit juice, bread, butter, gasoline etcetera, they will pay whatever the price of the product happens to be, but they will also pay a separate sales tax to the government, calculated as a percentage of the price of the product. Furthermore, make this tax adjustable by the president to any percentage he/she wishes within a reasonable limit. In other words, let's say the citizens of a country buy a product which costs 1,000 SC$. If the sales tax is zero, they would pay 1,000 SC$ for the product and nothing in tax, for a total of 1,000 SC$. If the sales tax is 10%, they would pay 1,000 SC$ for the product and 100 SC$ in tax, for a total of 1,100 SC$. If the sales tax is 20%, they would pay 1,000 SC$ for the product and 200 SC$ in tax, for a total of 1,200 SC$, and so on. With a national sales tax, it won't matter to a president if an enterprise controlled corporation in his/her country is profitable or not, because even if the corporation is a financial wreck, so long as it pays good wages its workers will still have plenty of money to spend on various products and to pay sales tax on them. On the other hand, if the corporation pays lousy wages, all the president will need to do is to build a better, more profitable corporation and raise wages to draw workers away from the failing corporation, or else invite a CEO to do the same. Either way, so long as there are plenty of citizens working and they are all well paid, they'll have plenty of money to buy products purchased on the world market and to pay plenty of sales tax on them. As long as the sales tax was adjustable by the president so that the president could extract the maximum amount of revenue from it without harming the economy, this would completely undercut the problem of neglectful CEOs leaving failing corporations to rot and fester in players' countries, usurping many resources and contributing little in taxes. Alternatively, if a national sales tax is deemed too difficult to program, then instead implement a national income tax, also adjustable by the president. In other words, whenever workers in corporations earn money, a fixed percentage of the workers' salaries, the percentage being set by the president, should be paid to the government in the form of taxes, the rest being made available to the workers to spend on various goods. I would consider the national sales tax preferable to the national income tax, because the national sales tax would only tax the money spent on goods and services (milk, butter, eggs, electricity etcetera) whereas the national income tax would also tax money which might otherwise go into the citizens' investment portfolios and be used to earn more money. However, if the national income tax is easier to program than the national sales tax, then it might be a good alternative. Please vote yes or no depending on whether or not you agree that Simcountry should eliminate country resource payments and the miscellaneous taxes paid by citizens, and replace them with a national sales tax and/or national income tax adjustable by the president.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Far too long to make a point.
It should be clear that taxes are on profits (although all private corporations pay a percentage of their turnover).
In addition, tax rules are the same for all corporations in the country. There are no exceptions.
We agree that the president should have more freedom in setting tax levels but implementing it should have other consequences.
Increasing taxes, will increase the income of countries short term but corporate owners should be able to move out of the country immediately without any compensation to the president.
Lower taxes should be published and help in getting new corporations into the country.
These are examples of consequences but any such change should look into more details and make a system change with more possible parameters.

Detailed Description:
Hello i am a returning player to Sim Country from years ago and i see all these new changes have been made. These changes are great so far, especially the war level system. It offers a good amount of GC's per level up. I know that War levels 1 and 2 are prone from being declared war at by countries owned by Presidents level 3 + however i believe that feature be disabled on the Fearless Blue world. Clearly FB is a war world and such features implemented make no sense to be in this world. I believe the W3Creative staffs should modify the warring system on FB regarding the war levels. There are too many players who stay stuck at level 1 or 2 and are in the world just to play peacefully however Fearless Blue is a war world. Vote yes if you agree or vote no if you disagree.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We have now relaxed the war levels on all warlds to allow for more player to player wars. Players in war level 3 who fought 20 wars or more, will automatically move to war level 4 when they start a new war.
We have further increased the number of gold coins you win when you move up the war levels.
There is some protection for players in the lowest war levels. This is done to prevent what happened in the past, when very experienced players prayed on inexperienced ones and took everything they had. We do want to prevent it, even on FB.

Detailed Description:
I do believe we are due a revamping of the Federations: 1) mutual aid funds at option of members or required by rules that function similar to the Sec. Councils. 2) Mutual disaster relief, I think we could manage this on a federation level and eliminate the need and time consuming sending goods function we use now. which is as realistic as what is proposed. members send goods there and if you don't have it it will auto respond using goods that are set mutual. the disaster country uses its planes or both could be used for more realism. ALSO setup like you would a space center, one page to transfer all to the holding account. 3) just like the rank system we use for empires, we should have for federations. It has not to be complicated, just who is who or a easier to use list. 4) federations and CMs have the potential for being a more social game center for players. expanding it past just defense and war into a organization or bonded group of players that would like the options to help others build their defense and countries. 5) I do think we should leave the mutual defense alone though some may disagree, its a very complex matter and you can achieve this same goal by a proper unified defense setup by the Federation members though their own units. 6) Revamp, revise, and revisit the federation's page, make it more like a countries page and a center base for our players. maybe even add a message board that is on that page, like a federation forum on the Federation screen. to post like an always open chat or bulletin board. 7) Its over due, please consider these options. and expand and excite the federation's again by listening to these ideas condensed.
28 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The federations feature is due for an upgrade. I am not sure we will be able to implement it all, and we have our own wish list for federations too. We will however use this to add to our plan and try to schedue it in the near future.

Detailed Description:
At the moment, you can only offer 100% production in contracts. I want this raised to 150%, as many corporations produce in the 110%-130% area, meaning 10%-30% of there production goes onto the world market instead of local/conman market contracts.
19 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
You should be able to contract the full production whatever it is. This feature was planed before and might have been implemented but this vote suggests differently. We will check and make sure that contracting all the products each month will be possible.

Detailed Description:
Take these as you will, I hope that at least some of these are considered and added. Give players a few more options to establish a budget and political/economic freedom! This proposal is to: 1)New Tax Code: Establish a simple "low level(earns >10,000)- mid level(earns >25,0000)- high level(earns >50,000" tax code in which a player is able to decide how much of the income is taken based on a percentage set by the leader of the country. kinda like an income tax 2)Minimum Wage: Player is able to set a minimum wage($9.00/hr- separate for both government and private workers) instead of using an index number. it would make the game a lot more simpler and give a player a better idea of what to expect in the income from taxes paid by citizens. It would also create a better system for salary management which changes dramatically over time and makes it harder and more expensive to maintain hospitals and schools, would also make it easier for corporations to manage paying their employees based on a solid number without worry of constant fluctuation. 3)Sales Tax: Instead of collecting revenue from goods and services purchased from the government, citizens should be able to just buy their goods and services from local (and possibly international) corporations directly without having to set up contracts. This would create a more stable economy for everyone and maybe even domestic-transnational self sustaining for some. Instead of having corporations pay part of their profit to the country, we instill a sales tax(player is able to choose the percentage)on every sale made. International sales would be recorded as an import tax. 4)Foreign/Development Aid: A nation should be able to make monthly payments to another as a form of development aid. This would create a sort of a big brother big sister kinda program in which a nation sends a lump sum monthly/annual payment to a nation. Possibly even a food/resource aid program. 5) Entrepreneurs: Citizens of a nation should be able to start businesses on their own. This would be listed under "private citizen" corporation or something like that. the idea is simple, Have citizens be able to start businesses that use country resources(this would create a huge demand for everything and create sort of culture for every country-plus big profits), but more domestic-type businesses, like, restaurants(Olive Garden, McDonald's, Five Guys etc.) grocery stores, stores(Walmart, Target, Home Depot), and whatever else there is to add. The way things are run now are just a little too bland and feel so communist-esque to me. 6)Government Policy: Country governments should actually be able to pick domestic policy like gay marriage, abortion,immigration, marijuana use, pick if the country has an official language, religion, or even animal and so much more. 7)Currency: I know this might be asking for too much, but countries should be able to have their own currency and control the interest rate, actually have a taste of what real financials are like. how demand and supply, debt and all other things can affect the way a country works and the value of their country's money and how much their country is really worth. create a more unique and fun game experience full of challenges and achievements. give this awesome game more meaning. Above all, please at least consider adding a way to measure growth( a GDP).and maybe a credit rating agency to grade a nation on how well they are able to manage their agencies(find a way to merge this with the security council) this will create a way to establish if a nation really deserves a loan/aid 8)Real Estate: The real estate market in the real world is probably one of the most crucial to a nation's economy, which is why I'm honestly surprised to see it is not a big thing on here. Simple as I say it: add an option in which a national bank(8a) is able to loan money to a private citizen in order to purchase a home(mortgage). 8a)National Bank: A bank which exists to provide domestic loans to private citizens for homes/cars/business start-ups and maybe introduce the concept of credit cards to make it a bit more interesting. 9) Newspaper should include a monthly report of financials and the indexes of the country.
17 gamers voted for the proposal.
7 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
A vote on more than one feature does not help us in measearing the opinion of players. However, we will look into these ideas and see which ones could be implemented.

Detailed Description:
Presidents can set a low-water mark and order quantity for supplies consumed by the country (trade / order strategy and quantity). For example: "When my country has only 6 stock months of butter, place an order for 24 stock months of butter." VOTE YES if you would like to permit Presidents and CEOs to manage the supply ordering strategies of corporations in the same way. Why is this a problem? For mysterious reasons (despite experimenting with trade strategies + regardless of temporary surpluses/deficits in the world market), I have certain corporations that face chronic supply shortages. If I do not manually order supplies for these corporations (which takes forever), then they will fail. VOTE YES if you would like to manage the low-water mark and order quantity for supplies consumed by corporations. We can already place time-based bids for supplies at percentages relative the market price, and then increase the bid by a percentage for each month that the supplies are not delivered. All this proposal does is let us control when those bids are made (e.g. 6 months before the corporation runs out of supplies). VOTE YES if you would like to control when corporation supply bids are made relative to remaining stock months.
22 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The feature is being implemented now and will become available in one of the following game updates in the coming weeks. We will however implement a minimum size of orders to prevent our systems from being flodded with very small orders.

Detailed Description:
Countries that have been inactive for a certain length of time, or where membership has expired, are automatically reset to C3 status. I propose that there be a period of time that active players can declare war on these 'to be reset' countries even if they are secured. Currently any progress with countries that presidents make is lost and the country is reset to default, why not let active players take these countries and make use of them.
19 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
What you ask is in fact, to be able to conquer a country that had a president and could fight back, without any danger that the president will defend it.
Instead, I suggest a real war against a president and see who wins.
We think that the war game should change, step by step, into a real war game where you fight other players.,br> Winning resources in fake wars should not be expanded.

Detailed Description:
Make "exchange products with countries and enterprises" at direct trading to include all the products in SC. The current restriction to 16 arbitrary products is nothing more than creating extra steps for a player to play SC efficiently, such he has to use shuttles to transport the products that he wanted. Eliminate the $500B spending limit for a player who is only trading between his entities (countries and CEOs), and that means allow the player to enter above the current seven digits for the quantity of the product. It makes no difference to a player if his Country X has 100T plutonium or his CEO X has that quantity, because it's still all belong to him no matter what inventory the product is storage at. Please vote "YES" to these proposals to make SC more efficient for players.
16 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
These products cannot be traded in space, this is why they can be traded in this way. All other products can be traded on space stations.
The limit on trade between your own countries in the empire is intended to prevent large shifts of assets, including army assets between countries, creating an unfair advantage.
A small country neighboring you, could get a huge war power in a very short time while you are not able to see it growing and prepare for war.

Detailed Description:
Our Social Security payment system is unrealistic. it requires a good Social security payment of 80% at all times with the option of decreasing it or increasing it. with this countries have not only a little more automation but the ability to have a better economy. What I propose is that the Social Security payment be automated just like the government salaries and to be implemented as soon as possible that way we don't have big deficits all going to Social Security payments and have it just as level as the economy will allow it too be. Fun Fact: USA pays approx. $1,000 - $2,000 Social Security payments every month. This game at 80% Social Security payments $6,000 - above.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
You can reduce the percentage and reduce the cost of social security. The amount paid will follow salaries. If the economy imporves, and salaries increase, social security payments will follow automatically.
This is how it works today.

Detailed Description:
When making contracts, a user can either buy/sell a specific quantity or buy/sell the corp's entire monthly production. However, a country/corp should be able buy its monthly use from a corp. Just like there's the contract full production option, there should be a contract monthly use option, so that the country/corp buys exactly how much it needs every month automatically and users don't have to go back and change quantities on contracts every month.
13 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Seems like a reasonable feature. It will however take some time before it can be implemented as there are many very urgent features waiting to be implemented.

Detailed Description:
I was thinking why not have an ally and Enemy list added to the federations 1. The ally list (shows up green) and lists other federation that are friendly to your cause and can assist you in war. 2. The Enemy list (shows up red) lists all the unfriendly players and blinks when they declare war on you or your allies. 3. Only a chairman can modify either list or a vote must be taken, chairman's authority supersede s all votes.. and any federation can add an ally by clicking on the ally button near that federation the ally status must be accepted on both sides.. and being allies prevents you from attacking each other at any time .. as well you can only have a certain number of allies say about (10). Enemies do not have to be accepted on both sides but do have to be declined on both sides..... and blinks blue when one side wishes to do so... the enemy list requires less control because anyone can be added with a click on either side...
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

Detailed Description:
I propose the war log's shown after an attack is made to include how many War index points the defender lost. This makes calculating the best way to attack easier, and lets the defender see much more clearly what was too poorly defended so they may adapt their defenses.
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This will help. Currently you see only the total damage points. adding the change by the last attack will be nice. This is a very small addition and we will implement it ASAP.

Detailed Description:
The current trading features on the share market is frustrating, to say the least. I'm proposing to add two features (F1 and F2) that will improve the share market: (F1) Hostile Bid, which allows you to hostile buying out any shareholder who owns less units of shares than you do in a corporation. To be fair to that shareholder, you will have to pay premium price for his shares. For example, if you own 50.01% of a corporation, then you can hostile buyout any other shareholder of the corporation; to buyout a shareholder who owns 20% of the corporation, you will have to pay a 20% premium for his shares; say if the unit share price is $100 at the time your hostile bid for his shares, then you will have to pay $120 per share for his shares. If you're the shareholder who owns 20% of the corporation, you can hostile bid for the shares of any other shareholder who owns less than you. This feature (F1)protects the biggest shareholder of the corporation, who may be the founder of the corporation, if he maintains a 50.01% ownership of the corporation; yet it allows other shareholders a way to gain more ownership of a corporation, rather than just put out a share buying offer and wait for any of the existing shareholders to sell their shares of the corporation. (F2) Trading shares of a specific public corporation. currently it is near impossible to search to buy or sell the shares of a specific public corporation. Some of the public corps do not show up when you search for them thru the "list of products" or "product groups" that is now available. This new feature (F2)should be similar to the feature for a ceo to buying a specific corporation, such as thru going to the country and then select the corporation you want to buy in that country. Please vote "YES" for these two features to improve the share market in simcountry.
7 gamers voted for the proposal.
8 gamers voted against the proposal.

Detailed Description:
Aries finds that he has have a protection he does not want. It is the one provided by war levels. Why should Aries raise his war level, collect the coins needed he earned as a result of higher game levels too, yet be bound to his choices as every other player is. That isn't fair. He proposed a way to choose for your empire to be removed from war level declaration limits. He collected the coins for game and war levels and now wants to go back down war levels. Should we have to return the gold coins for the game and war levels you earned as a result of going higher if we went back down? Aries' suggestion is to allow himself to work around war levels after he took the 'incentive' to go higher. Let's remove war levels for Aries, vote yes!
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
12 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We do agree that players with high war levels should not be protected and lower war level players should be able to declare on them.

Detailed Description:
This would add a direct link to a corporation's shareholder list from both the share page and the share market page. As part of this redesign also add something to denote whether you are the controller of public corporation or just a minority owner. A yes vote is for these changes.
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The suggestion is added to our short term list. It does not require major development work and will be added ASAP.

Detailed Description:
At the moment, many of us create multiple military units, but because you have to name them individually, you either have to tediously name them one after another, or struggle to identify them in wars (I personally am currently use the quality of the units as identification) I recommend 2 additions to solve this. 1: A rename page for units, separating land, air, mobile land etc. Basically a page with information on all unit's size, fighting levels etc and its name in a box that can be rewritten and saved. 2: Multiple name creation after you make multiple units. Have page when you can either name units individually (as above), or be able to write one name, Interceptor Wing for example, and tick one of two boxes. One would automatically name 30 units "Interceptor Wing 01", "Interceptor Wing 02"... "Interceptor Wing 30", the other would name them "Interceptor Wing AA", "Interceptor Wing AB"... "Interceptor Wing BD".
15 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The nameing problem must be resolved. We will add to our plan and find a solution ASAP.

Detailed Description:
Allow the buying and selling of a country, corporation, empire, and enterprise at any price the buyer and seller contractually agrees on. Once the entity is put on the market, the seller is not allowed to change the entity�s assets or liabilities. The existing baby-sitting steps by GameMaster are not necessary nor needed in Simcountry. Each party to the transaction needs to fulfill his/her obligations according to their agreed terms, without the intervention of any GameMaster, such as �w� number of corporations entity, �x� amount of sc$, �y� amount of total assets, �z� amount of gold coins, and so on. The existing restrictions of buying and selling only a single country and enterprise at any one time, is just an obstacle to players. Eliminate the current GM commission charge of 15 gold coins for selling a country or enterprise for premium players, because premium players already paid a monthly fee in USD to play this game. Please vote �YES� to make Simcountry better.
14 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The pricing is set as it is now because before, when pricing was free, with no cost attached, there was a lot of misuse of this feature and it was widely used for cheating. There is no possibility to go back to that situation.

Detailed Description:
An interesting idea to add to the ever expanding space game would be for players to buy there own space stations and then mange them, and sell and lease docks. After you build a space program you could create and a space station in space and mange it. What do you guys think?
9 gamers voted for the proposal.
6 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We have this planned for a long time but to date, there was only one request to purchase a private space station and it did not sound as potentially a popular option.
We do have plans to extend the space game and at such time, this feature may be added.

Detailed Description:
Current process. 1-Select "FROM" 2-Select "TO" 3-Select "PRODUCT" 4-Select "QUANTITY" Basically, my proposal is for step 3. We should be able to select more than 1 single product from a Location.... when you are moving several stuff from different locations it becomes too tedious to make the same process ton of times. Vote YES to be able to select more than 1 product from a location. Regards.
10 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
An improved feature will be added ASAP.

Detailed Description:
most countries don't use conscription to create military units anymore. so i am proposing creating a a new profession for soldiers and officers. instead of having the current system of buying them with gold coins. doing this should add more realism to the game and make the consequences of war more real.
14 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Soldiers and officers are recruited from the ranks of workers and mid level managers. This is how most armies in the game are built. When you purchase weapons, the army recruits the people it needs.
Reading some documentation will help as this issue is described and discusses in details in many parts of the documentation and is quite important in Simcountry, with implications for the economy and finance.

Detailed Description:
hey i have an idea for the game i think it will be a lot fun if you see the population happines example 100% happines = The People Loves You 90 % happines = they still belief in you 80% happines = rumers are spreading 70% happines =they begin to talk about you and your rule 60% happines = They beginning to lose faith in your rule 50% happines = the will question your rule 45% happines = They demand inprovements 40% happines = They demand elections /you can choose / Yes i will win the people's heart again or No there is no need for an election 35% happines = Demand that that you Resign from office 30% happines = Demonstrations / you can choose talk to the demonstraters or crush the demonstration 20% happines = small riots in a few of your major cities 10% happines = riots all over the country and they warn you for an uprising 0-5 happines = Civil war a war with your military and loyalists against the people whoe are against you and other country's can choose to support the current regime or the rebbels the hapines will increase and decrease with the current situations of your Finance jobless rate if a war is lost the happines wil decrease if a war is won they will increase and your health and education and social-security and it will decrease if your country is in dept. this is my iedea it gives more strategy within your country keep the population happy or your nations will be destroyed by civil war i hope this will come in the game it gives more to do with and brings more fun to the game thank you and it will be nice if you have an nieuw force such as the armed military you can now create Police forces they can defend you country and keep order in you city's if there will be a riot or a civil war the your police force can fight them but i will decrease your population happiness if you arrest or kill the ring leaders of the mob they will dismiss but if you kill al more will join the resistence and will trigger the civil war you can now create as police force City police County Police Riot police S.W.A.T teams armored police unit police helicopter unit and more you cannot attck another country with it they are only for within your country you can choose to attack mob that are rioting this will damage you city's they not much but very few 0.5 or 1 % but thats why you need send the police there to take controll and bring order and if they will not dismis but go further there will be a civil war and the police and the military can figt the resistance /government vs anti-government if there is a civil war going on the city's and towns that are under government controll has a green line and rebbel controlled are red and if all city's and towns and ounty's are red the rebbels have won and the current leader has stept down or he can choose fight till the death with his few loylists but if the president is killed you have to make a new president and will it be a new dictator or a man of he people but if you win or lose there will be very much damage and dead and wounded and other players can support the rebbels or the government with military supplies and medical supplies and weapons and amored vechicles if you click on the city you see a popup you can see there is an war going 67,323 rebbels against 25,890 Policemen and 30,555 military forces you can send you airforce or divisions to the city to regain controll of the city if you taken the city it wil be marked with green lines and so on ( sorry for my bad english im from the Netherlands ) ;)
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
9 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been REJECTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Although it is rejected, we do understand how this is seen as an extension of the game. If our hands were free, we would be interested. However, we have many features that are requested before. there are excellent features that can be added and will improve Simcountry a lot more.

Detailed Description:
allow all players to trade between themselves for gold coins, US$, and SC$ with the GM monitoring the trades for honesty and execution. allow players to sell a single country, a single enterprise/ceo, an entire empire, and his/her simcountry whole account. all transactions to take place on the sc plateform (not paypal or other sites) either through the existing direct trading (auction style) or private deals between the involved parties with their own specific terms, and the GM monitoring these trades for genuiness/witness. again, these trades are no cost between premium players, and at a cost of $0.10 USD per transaction involving any free player. these improvements will help grow the game, encourage the players to have more interactions among themselves, as well as generate additional real revenues (USD) for the game's developments. Please vote "YES" to these improvements Thank you :)
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This can be an improvement, but the current system allows players to agree on a price of such an assets, and then execute immediately on the current market. Direct sales would add some functionality, but a minimum price, as in the current system will be needed, to prevent misuse as we had in the past.

Detailed Description:
Fellow members. Acknowledging that there is a cost to transportation which includes building and maintenance of roads, train tracks and Water treatment facilities. However though I believe that income can be derived from all three elements of the transportation sector.Various modes of transportation use both roads and train tracks and ought to pay a fine in using them. In real life it's either a toll road tax or for trains a simple fine. I therefore urge members to support this idea so that a income can be generated from the transportation sector. Afterall it is costly for as the economy growns so to must we develop the transportation sector.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will add this feature at some point. We think that it makes sense but we do not see it as an urgent addition. It is added to our wish list.

Detailed Description:
i am proposing removing the transfer restrictions between countries. if we can't combine our countries why can't we transfer as much stuff (like weapons or people) as we want. for example i don't get why we are limited to transferring under 100 billion worth of weapons. we should be able transfer as many people we want and what ever amount of weapons we want. so please vote yes if you to think we should be able to.
15 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We will look into these limitations and make sure they are updated and make sense.
The restrictions are aimed at making it a bit more difficult to make absurd transfers that are unimmaginable in any real situation. Not trying to make it realistic as it is not, we do not think that one country should be able to transfer its entire army to another, with a fair chance of destroying its economy in the process, it is also unfair to allow a country to build an army so fast while other players have no time to react to such changes.
The 100B limitation is in fact far too high. Weapons and ammunition declined in price to a fraction of what they were in the past and now, you can transfer a huge amount of weapons and ammunition, and you can repeat this each (game) month.
Transferring poeple does not make sense at all, let alone, transfering an unlimited number.
In all empires that existed in the real world, they never unifief countries and never trasferred large numbers of people.

Detailed Description:
please vote for all the countries of the current 5 simcountry worlds to be on one planet. put all the countries of the current 5 worlds into one large map with kb countries in the middle, fb countries to the north of kb's , lu countries to the south of kb's, wg countries to the west of kb's, and gr countries to the east of kb's...then require that each player to have one empire or/and one enterprise on simcountry. and do not have any limits on the number of countries in the empire and no limit on the number of corporations in the enterprise. the way the game is currently run is killing simcountry (i.e. fewer active players) and it is too much works for players to operate up to 5 empires and 10 enterprises in the current system. the new system will make this game easier for players to manage their game assets. and all that is required would be for the gm to re-name the existing continents/regions of fb, lu, gr, and wg to be different from those on kb. please vote "YES" for this new concept to make this game better....THANK YOU
5 gamers voted for the proposal.
10 gamers voted against the proposal.

Detailed Description:
At the moment I'm trying some more trading in space. I have noticed, while trying to buy some shuttles, that people dump their old and used space ships. I think there would be more of a market if it's possible to buy space shuttles exactly the way that they are being sold now. I would like to give an amount of gold coins per mission. I think this would be a boost to the space shuttle market as well. Vote agree to trade shuttles with quality.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The quality of the space shuttle is taken into account but older shuttles are being offered that do not have many missions left.
This is now changed and will be installed on Dec. 3.
Shuttles that are offered for sale will be new or used but to a less degree than in the current situation. Several weeks later, we will make another change and require shuttles that have a minimum of 2/3 of their life time left when offered for sale.

Detailed Description:
It should be an option to make a general offer to trade workers for workers of another type instead of requiring a worker trade where an extended previous correspondence between the two countries is virtually required. Obviously, this would require a limit on the difference in number of workers to avoid abuse.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We think that communication between players is a good requirement when exchanging resources. We do not think that in the current situation, an open market for such trades will work as the requirements are specific, there are many possibilities and they have to be discussed in advance.

Detailed Description: To simplify: >Have a separate cancellation list for nations that have been in your control for 60+ game months, with a custom-duration confirmation period, (because you put so much effort into it) >Make easy 1-2-3 raiding, so you can check-box nations that have been in your control FOR A VERY SHORT TIME(raided C3s) to have all the resources transferred to the nation of your choice, the money wired to your account, the cash in alleged 'corporations' (which no longer exist as of bombs/grenades) and you can stock up on materials, or have the consumer goods wired to the market for immediate sale(or if Andy feels that would be bad for the market, is sold to ghost consumers). >After #2 (the 1-2-3 raiding) is done, the C3 is removed from your account, and you don't have to worry about accidentally checking the nation you so dearly love and swear the lives of 300000 fully upgraded professional soldiers, because it won't be on that list. >Nation on that list you wanna keep(that you just took over), but wanna toggle all, loot, and cancel? Just click the lock box, and it'll stay there for any number of raiding sessions until you unclick it.
8 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This "Feature" is perfect for the needs of one or two players that can in fact do the same with the current functionality. We do not think that a huge development effort should be put into such an option. Instead, we might be able to improve many existing features and introduce some others that will have a positive effect to many players.

Detailed Description:
They are about the only products in SC that aren't influenced by their quality. If you have Q300 upgrades your units should be upgraded by 3 instead of one. If you have Q300 maintenance, you should only use one third of the amount you would use normally.
14 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Quality should matter for all the products in Simcountry. We have promised to achieve this goal and have done so for many products. we will continue to introduce features that will make quality important for all the products in Simcountry.

Detailed Description:
Simple poll: Raise the limit of corporations an enterprise can own from 750 to something higher.
15 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
750 is a very high limit and with the ownership of shares in public corporations, it can be extended to 1250.
Players with two enterprises can reach 2500 corporations and we think that the limit is actually far too high, relative to the total number of corporations in a single world.

Detailed Description:
I propose that the GM re-implement the old system of notifying Presidents when a disaster strikes in the empire. The old system provided a popup on the country page detailing the disaster. I know we should all read the newspaper every day but it is the internet.
21 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Simcountry has an extensive notifications system that allows you to ask for certain notifications, by mail, Facebook etc. This includes notifications of disasters.

Detailed Description:
loans interest rates are too low and not as frequent as they should be if they are going to be as low as they are if they are going to be that low the interest should be paid bi-monthly excluding the first month (of course) ... I see this increasing the length of time countries lend money as well as the debt of countries will not be as great as it is right.
6 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The interest rates are too high. There is no inflation in Simcountry, there is deflation, and they should be reduced.
There is also no reason for the introduction of an extra complication of bi monthly payments. there is no advantage what so ever, only confusion, as players will complain they do not receive interest payments when they check.

Detailed Description:
No more free water! No more free train rides! For the love of Andy! Pay your bills! Please note that I list 'needed' in my suggested contribution. That's because if you have an index of 120, then 20% of the train tracks do not contribute to their maintenance. This is to prevent profit. My goal is to not have transportation profit, but instead collect contributions like education or healthcare. >ROADS: I can understand not getting anything from this, but I should probably get about 5-15% in tolls for maintenance costs (5-15% of NEEDED road maintenance) >TRAINS: Train rides cost money and I believe people need to pay for that. So I believe this so I believe trains should contribute more. (50-75% of NEEDED train maintenance) >WATER: People shouldn't get free water. For the love of Andy! Pay your water bill! (100-125% of NEEDED water maintenance) Honestly, I can make a profit without this and in fact, have a good financial index. Remember a long time ago, there was an update that reduced the cost of healthcare and education to a country? Well, I believe that having a contribution factor to transportation would be nice.
22 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The population contributes to the health system, but government pays the balance. Transportation is paid for by the government. We could change this, and have the population pay for transportation, even pay a high price, and then reduce taxes for the population by the same amount and keep their net income unchanged.
Such a change will require quite some development work and will change nothing as the income of the country will remain unchanged and the free income of the population will also remain unchanged.
We think that there are other options and improvements possible that will result in an improvement. This one, will change nothing.

Detailed Description:
The Gamemaster has announced a major change to the current computation of the quality of the product a corporation produces. This proposal states that the Gamemaster is NOT to make any changes to the current computation of the quality of the product a corporation produces. This Gamemaster change if enacted will significantly increase your raw material costs and significantly decrease your corporations' profits. Please vote against the Game master's plan by voting that you AGREE with this proposal for the Gamemaster to not make the planned changes or any other changes regarding this computation. If you need more information before you vote see the Simcountry Forum, General Section - W3C - Quality of raw materials.
25 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
The change has taken place already and the profitability of corporations is improved, and not declined.
When the change was announced, we have said that we will make sure corporations will remain as profitable as they are or improved and indeed, they have.
The change was necessary to make quality important for several maintenance products and electric power. We will continue a steady change that will make quality important for all products in Simcountry. Currently some product quality is not taken into account and it reduces the profitability of corporations producing such products.

Detailed Description:
Stop forcing players to fight harder wars when war levels are updated, the last update raised C3's defenses by 1 war level, making it harder to win. This should not happen. When W3C update war levels they should ensure that players do not fight harder battles.
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
When we come to the conclusion that fighting and winning a war against a C3 country of any level, or against a country with a president, becomes too easy or too difficult, we will update the procedure.
Recently, for various reasons, it became too easy and the rewards for trivial wars became absurdly high. hence the changes.

Detailed Description:
With the navy updates looming, I'd like to suggest a new weapons be added. Currently the only way for a navy fleet to attack air units with navy fighters. But because only 250 will be spent with a fleet means that air power for a navy will be very limited. I'd like to suggest the GM add Navy Offensive Anti Air. They would be identical to offensive anti air in all ways other than they would be stationed on a navy. I think this would give navies and extra dimension in war and allow players more options when warring. Vote yes to add Vote no to keep as is
12 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We think that the navy groups will have enough fire power and there will be more choice of navy groups. We will wait to see how this is working, add attack submarines and measure results. The navy has also navy cruiser with very effective sea based cruise missiles that can be used against land based targets.

Detailed Description:
The limit on how many corps an enterprise can have. Let's remove it, or at least raise it to something like 1000 or 1500.
11 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the pro