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Documentation - Corporations
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| | Enterprise Corporations |
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Managing Corporations

Table of Contents:

1. Corporations
2. Products
3. The Production Process
4. Corporate finance
5. Corporate Income
6. Product Pricing
7. Corporate costs
8. Cost of using country resources
9. Taxes
10. Material costs
11. Maintenance costs
12. Fixed cost in corporations
13. Corporation's quality
14. Special clinics for the rehabilitation of the disabled
15. Reintegration schools for housewives
16. Corporate orders
17. Supply of airports, air bases and other large objects
18. Supplies of Construction, Services, Maintenance, Air Transport and Electric power
19. Profitability of Corporations
20. Corporate profit, loss and cash flow
21. Corporate taxes and profit payments
22. Profit payments
23. Loan limit in corporations
24. Corporate assets
25. Corporate Market Value
26. Corporate market value - public corporations
27. Corporate market value of state corporations versus private corporations
28. Presidents can block CEOs from setting up corporations
29. Private and Public Corporations versus State Corporations
30. Efficiency of Corporations
31. Automatic Upgrading of Corporations
32. Corporations - Production levels
33. Retaining products in corporations
34. Automatic Product reservations for contracts
35. Not delivering on contracts and spending limit overruns
36. Contract pricing
37. Selling retained products
38. Corporations with many unsold products
39. Cancelling of contracts is free of penalty
40. Workers in Corporations
41. Salaries in corporations and Salary targets
42. Setting Salary Targets
43. Corporations - Hiring and firing
44. State and national corporations
45. Money transfers between countries and state corporations
46. Private Corporations
47. Private corporations - Upgrade level
48. Automatic bidding on corporations
49. Public Corporations
50. Corporations can repurchase their own shares
51. Corporations can issue new shares at market value
52. Setting up new corporations
53. Building corporations
54. New Corporations Profitability
55. Building corporations in Computer Controlled Countries
56. Purchasing existing corporations
57. Corporations in countries with no president
58. Gamemaster Corporations
59. Moving a corporation to another country.
60. Moving a corporation into a C3 country
61. Corporations at risk of being closed
62. Closing Corporations
63. Recently closed corporations
64. Changing the name of a corporation
65. Some Product Descriptions
66. Air force Maintenance
67. Airports
68. Advanced Effectivity Products
69. Advanced Quality Products
70. Airplanes
71. Aluminium
72. Ammunition Components
73. Ammunition Quality Products
74. Assets Maintenance
75. Baradium
76. Bread
77. Butter
78. Carbon
79. Car Engines
80. Cargo Airplanes
81. Car Parts
82. Coal
83. Copper
84. Construction
85. Defensive Weapons Maintenance
86. Electric Cars
87. Electric Cars Batteries
88. Electric Cars Motors
89. Electric Trucks
90. Electric Power - Produced with Oil and Gas
91. Factory Maintenance Units
92. Gas
93. Gold
94. High Schools
95. High tech Services
96. Iron
97. Metadium
98. Military Base Maintenance
99. Military Services
100. Military Supplies
101. Lead
102. Lithium
103. Mercury - Mercury is a natural resource that can be produced in many countries on all the worlds., It is used in many industries, and is a component in many products including electric car corporations.
104. Navy Weapons Maintenance
105. Nuclear Missiles
106. Nuclear Power
107. Nuclear Submarine Missiles
108. Offensive Weapons Maintenance
109. Oil
110. Plutonium
111. Precision Bombers
112. Precision Bombs
113. Production Plants
114. Roads
115. Road Maintenance
116. Schools
117. Selenium
118. Solid Missile Fuel
119. Services
120. Shuttle Maintenance Units
121. Silver
122. Sulfur
123. Solid Missile Fuel
124. Space Centers
125. Strategic Bombers
126. Strategic Weapons Maintenance
127. Targon
128. Train Tracks
129. Train Tracks Maintenance
130. Trucks
131. Universities
132. Uranium
133. Weapon Grade Components
134. Water Treatment Products
135. Water Maintenance
136. Weapon Grade Uranium
137. Weapons Quality Upgrades (WQU)
138. Wind Farms
139. Wind farms Maintenance
140. Risks of large numbers of wind farms
141. Corporations that build wind farms.
142. Wind Turbines

1. Corporations [ top ]

Corporations in Simcountry are essential to the economy of all countries. Each country has initially between 12 and 15 corporation.

There are several types of corporations.
There are state corporations that are owned by the country itself and national corporations that are also state corporations but are considered essential to the country and cannot ever be taken over by a private investor.

There are private corporations that are owned by an Enterprise and reside in a country and also public corporations that are owned by many shareholders who own shares in the corporation. The shares of such corporations are traded on the stock market. The shareholder, who owns the largest number of shares, is considered to be the CEO of the corporation and is in control of the corporation. This means that the corporation appears on his/her list of corporations.

There are several types of public corporations. In some of the public corporations, the country where the corporation resides is the largest shareholder. We call these corporations "Country controlled" public corporations. In some of the public corporations, an enterprise is the largest shareholder. We call these corporations "Enterprise controlled" public corporations.

We also look differently at public corporations where the largest shareholder has less than 25% of the shares. These are "truly" public corporations and they can become even more valuable than any other corporation type in Simcountry.

Corporations employ many workers and their success is essential for your success in the game. Corporations are successful if they produce and sell large quantities of the products they produce. They must run at full capacity or close to full capacity and sell everything they produce.

Full production can be achieved if the corporations sell their product in a competitive way on the market or close direct trading agreements with other corporations and countries.

Corporations can be very profitable if handled correctly and will pay taxes to the government, which will in turn enable it to pay for whatever it wants to achieve. Failing to manage the corporations may lead to large losses and to bankruptcy and closure of the corporations.

Corporations are meant to be very large and they produce a single product or a group of products. Examples: Corn, meat (any kind of meat), Meat products (any kind of processed meat products), Services, High tech services or military services. There are more than 200 different products, each with its own production process and raw materials that are needed in the production process.

Simcountry is running 3000 to 6400 countries in each world. Having 10.000 or 100.000 corporations in each country, would make it impossible to process the huge number of transactions and impossible for any player to manage such numbers. With the current number of corporations per country we are already running 50.000 to 120.000 corporations in each world.

2. Products [ top ]

There are more than 300 different products in the game. They vary from food and industrial products to High-tech products and weapons. All products are used in large quantities but there are significant differences in quantities that are being used.

Services are used everywhere. People use services, schools use them, the army, and all the corporations too. Corporations use services that are provided by others during the production process. They purchase services or otherwise they will not be able to make their own products.

The consumption of services is very large and of course, there are many services corporations.

High-tech services, (Automation, data processing, robotics etc.), are not used by people but mainly by corporations. Most of the purchases of High tech services come from corporations who are using these services as part of their production process.

When you look at the Market utilization page (on the Trading menu) you will see a full list of all the products in the game and the quantities being produced and consumed. Also the number of corporations in the world producing these products is available.

3. The Production Process [ top ]

Corporations make products by using their production facilities, workers they hired to work in their facilities and raw materials and services they need to make their own products.

Each product has its own production process. For example: the car manufacturing corporation will use: Aluminium, steel, copper and other metals, Chemicals, Plastics, Electric and Electronic components, Services and High-tech services. It also uses maintenance products to keep the factory in top form.

There are other corporations that produce all these raw materials and each of these corporations has its own manufacturing process, where other raw materials are needed.

Each corporation needs workers of different professions. They need workers, managers, executives and high tech people. Depending on the type of corporations, the numbers needed from each group may vary.

Each corporation has a detailed page that shows which products are used in the production process, the quantities that are needed and the quantity that the corporation has in stock. It also shows how many workers are needed to make the production possible.

4. Corporate finance [ top ]

Corporations produce very large quantities of product and sell their product for large amounts of money on the market or in direct contracts to their partners. Corporations also have high cost and pay for raw materials, salaries and much more.

It is essential for the corporation owner to try and achieve high income. It makes it possible for him/her to improve the financial situation of his corporations, pay possible debts the corporation may have and it makes it possible to pay part of the profits as taxes or profit payments to the owner. The owner might be the country if the corporation is a state corporation or an enterprise, if the corporation is a private corporation. It may also be a group of shareholders that share in the ownership of the corporation.

Countries and enterprises depend on payments they receive from their corporations. They are only able to develop and thrive if they receive large contributions from the corporations.

5. Corporate Income [ top ]

The income of corporations comes from the sale of their products. Their income from these products is in the hundreds of millions to several billions each month. Income may be even higher if the corporation produces high quality products and is able to sell them at a higher price. If there are shortages of the product on the world market, prices may increase and income may sour to even much higher levels.

Product pricing on the world market may change quickly, and very high monthly sales can diminish and the corporation may make losses. The welfare index in the country and the salary levels in the corporation are also important factors that influence the productivity in the corporations and have a major influence on its profits.

We advise you to look into your corporations and try to increase production levels to the maximum possible. If there are not enough workers, it is better to close a low production corporation and free workers to increase production in other corporations.

6. Product Pricing [ top ]

The price of products on the market fluctuates with demand and supply. The market is "regulated" in several ways: Changes are limited to four percentage points per game month. The reason is that production can take some time to increase and unlimited price hikes, can cause major damage before more supplies become available.

Price fluctuations are also limited to about 50% above the "base price" of products. The base price is the price that was attached to products by design, to make sure that corporations will be able to become profitable.

At 50% above the base price corporations become extremely profitable but the price can also fall to about 50% of the base price at which level, corporations will loos money.

A major factor in the pricing is the quality of the products. The market price of products as it shows on the market pages does not include any quality factors. A product at quality 240, will in general, be sold at a price twice higher than a product at quality 120.

7. Corporate costs [ top ]

The cost in corporations includes salaries to the workers, the cost of raw materials, fixed cost including the cost of having the facilities and buildings and the cost of the corporate management and administration.

There is also the cost of maintenance to keep the production facilities in good shape and in continuous production, the cost of upgrades that are needed to improve the corporation's product quality and the efficiency of the production processes and if the corporation has an outstanding debt, the cost of interest payments on this debt and repayment of expired loans.

8. Cost of using country resources [ top ]

Private and enterprise controlled public corporations have an additional cost factor, which is a contribution of part of their turnover to the country where they reside as compensation for the use of country resources and for occupying part of the country's economic capacity.

There are exceptions to the payments for country resources. If a corporation makes a large loss, currently about 400M, the amount due for country resources will be reduced by the amount of the loss.

In most such cases, it will result in cancellation of the contribution to the country. Payments are restored when the corporation reduces its losses or becomes profitable.

9. Taxes [ top ]

Most corporations are profitable, and after paying these costs, will probably pay taxes to the country where they reside and some dividends to the shareholders. These shareholders may be the country only, if the corporation is a state corporation, the enterprise only if the corporation is a private corporation or it may be a larger group of smaller shareholders, in case the corporation is a public corporation.

10. Material costs [ top ]

Corporations use large quantities of raw materials in the production process. Computing the material cost is a little complex. A corporation has large quantities of materials on stock and may produce at full capacity for several months without purchasing any raw materials. On the other hand, it may run out of several materials on the same month and make huge purchases of materials in a single month with costs that are much higher than the income the corporation makes in several months.

These variations in cost of materials can make the corporate finance hard to understand. To make it easier to understand and more stable, we look at he materials used each month and take the value of the used materials as the cost of materials for the month. This is done independent of any purchase of materials on the market.

When materials are used, the value of all materials on stock is reduced, and the reduction in their value is in fact the cost of the materials used in that month.

On the other hand, the purchase of materials on the market is not considered to be a cost for the corporation. The purchase of materials is in fact exchange of cash for materials. The total value of materials plus the cash remains the same. The value of raw materials a corporation has in stock is calculated each month and it shows on the cash flow on the corporation. When raw materials are purchased, cash is paid out and cash reserves in the corporation may drop sharply but the cash is replaced by an increased value of the raw materials the corporation has in stock.

Cash may run out if the cost of materials is very high and new loans must be taken to bring the cash back to the green. When cash is negative, loans are taken automatically.

11. Maintenance costs [ top ]

Maintenance is part of the cost of corporations keeping their facilities running at their current quality level. The cost depends mainly on the quality level of the corporation. Corporations use "Corporate maintenance Units" to keep their facilities running at full quality.

Maintenance cost in corporations depends on the quality of the corporation and on its type. State corporations require more maintenance and high quality corporations also require higher quality maintenance.

Corporations buy factory maintenance products and use them each month. The number of factory maintenance products that are needed each game month, depends on the quality level of the corporation and on the type of the corporation. State corporations use more factory maintenance products.

Corporations must have enough factory maintenance units to make sure they are well maintained. If there are shortages of the product in a corporation, the corporation may see its production level declining.

Corporate maintenance units are purchased by the corporations in the same way raw materials are purchased.

Once a state corporation becomes a private or a state corporation, the cost of factory maintenance falls.

Maintenance cost does not depend on the production level in the corporation. It is the same amount independent of the income of the corporation. This is why maintenance cost is relatively higher if the corporation is producing at a low level. Corporations that are producing a low level become much less profitable because several cost items become relatively high.

12. Fixed cost in corporations [ top ]

Fixed costs that include rent for the corporate facilities and general overhead and administration, also depend on whether a corporation is a state corporation, which is less efficient and on the quality of the corporation. Fixed costs are higher in state corporations and are independent of the production and hiring levels.

The fixed cost of a state corporation is higher, especially if the corporation is producing at a very high quality. If the corporation becomes a private or public corporation, fixed cost will immediately fall.

Fixed cost, like maintenance cost, does not depend on the production level in the corporation. It is the same amount independent of the income of the corporation. This is why the fixed cost is relatively higher if the corporation is producing at a low level. Corporations that are producing a low level become much less profitable because several cost items become relatively high.

13. Corporation's quality [ top ]

When corporations are created, they make their products at standard quality. They all start with a quality level of 120. It is possible for the corporations to improve their production process and increase the quality level of the corporation up to a level of about 200 (for state corporations and 225 for private and most public corporations).

Upgraded real public corporations can now reach a level of 250. This level is only possible in public corporations where the largest shareholder owns less than 25% of the shares.

You may decide to increase the quality of the products in your corporations. To achieve this, you must upgrade your corporations and purchase quality upgrades. These products are costly but the investment pays back.

The quality upgrades result in a corporation that produces higher quality products. Increasing the quality will enable the corporation to sell its products, for a higher price and make more profit. Quality upgrades are purchased by the corporation on the open market and their price fluctuates with supply and demand.

14. Special clinics for the rehabilitation of the disabled [ top ]

It is possible to convert hospitals into special clinics that will give intensive treatment to disabled people and return many of them to normal life.

Each clinic can treat 1000 disabled people and will release 200 of them each month as fit for jobs in the economy.

The clinics are in fact financed by contributions to the economy made by private corporations. The rehabilitated people are working for these private corporations. The number of people that can be treated depends on the number of people in the country who are working for private corporations.

The maximum number of people that can be rehabilitated is 40% of the number of people that are working in private corporations.

If private corporations close and the number of workers in these corporations is reduced for any reason, the number of disabled may grow again.

This feature makes it possible to increase the percentage of people in the country that participate in the economic process and it makes it possible to build more corporations with the same population numbers. It also helps to reduce the payments for social security that are paid to disabled people and constitute a major cost each month.

15. Reintegration schools for housewives [ top ]

It is possible to convert universities into special schools that retrain housewives for participation in the job market.

Each school can train 12.000 housewives and 1000 of them return to the job market each month.

The schools are in fact financed by contributions to the economy made by private corporations. The retrained housewives work in these private corporations. The number of housewives that can be trained depends on the number of people in the country who are working for private corporations.

The maximum number of housewives that can re-enter the job market is 40% of the number of people that are working in private corporations.

If private corporations close and the number of workers in these corporations is reduced for any reason, many housewives may leave the job market.

Achieving excellent finance is in fact difficult if these features are not used. Enterprise owned corporations are essential in the process and presidents should make sure that many enterprises, their own enterprises and other, will set up or purchase corporations in their countries.

16. Corporate orders [ top ]

Corporations order materials when the available quantity is reduced to the quantity they need for two months production.

Orders for new materials are large and may be seen as unrealistic. They are made large by design, to reduce the number of orders on the product market. Orders for raw material are at a level of about 12 months of what is needed for the production process.

17. Supply of airports, air bases and other large objects [ top ]

On the supply and demand list, you may see that there are airports available or military bases etc. and you may purchase them. This does not mean that airports are sitting on the "shelve" waiting to be purchased. It does mean that there is free capacity on the market to build such airports or schools etc. and the capacity is not fully occupied at this point in time.

When you purchase the airport, it means that you closed a contract to build it. Building will start immediately and delivery time depends on what object it is. Schools are delivered faster than airports, roads, train-track and military bases. Delivery times are in fact unrealistic. Objects are delivered quickly.

If there is a shortage of schools or other such large objects, it means that there is no party in the market that will close a contract to build the school and you must wait until such capacity becomes available.

18. Supplies of Construction, Services, Maintenance, Air Transport and Electric power [ top ]

Unlike bread, corn, cocoa and medical equipment, services and construction are not products that can be bought and stored. The availability and purchase of these products on the market means in fact that contracts for supply have been closed and the products will be delivered, as they are needed for use. The products are purchased and sold on the market. Their prices change with supply and demand.

19. Profitability of Corporations [ top ]

Corporations that are upgraded to high quality and produce at full capacity can become very profitable. Especially when they produce products that are in short supply, profit levels can increase.

Corporations that are producing at low level are not profitable. It is difficult to keep a corporation afloat when it produces at less than 50% of capacity. If product prices are low, corporations will make even larger losses and may go out of business.

We advise you to review the corporations in your country. Close some of them if they are not profitable or producing at low levels. Man power in the country is essential and if there are too many corporations, or education is not balanced correctly, you may not be able to keep all corporations at full production.

You should setup new corporations for products that are in short supply. Upgrade these corporations and make sure they sell their products at the max price possible in the market and have all the raw materials they need.

Each successful corporation is a major asset. Their market value can be very high and they will produce high profits and increase your income.

20. Corporate profit, loss and cash flow [ top ]

As a result of this way of computing the costs of the corporation (which is very close to the way the real world works), corporations show a stable financial process. Their income and cost may vary from month to month but the cost depends on the level of production and is independent of the purchase of raw materials. The quality of raw materials used in production is very important as the quality of the produce, depends on the quality level of the production process and the quality of the raw materials.

The cash flow in a corporation is more erratic. There are many months with income from product sale and no cost for materials, which causes the cash to go up fast. There are also several months when the corporation makes large purchases of materials and its cash sinks very fast and may end up deep in the red. In general, the total of cash plus the value of materials in stock plus the total debt of the corporation is stable and will go up if the corporation makes a profit and down is it loses money.

21. Corporate taxes and profit payments [ top ]

Most corporations are profitable. The country can set tax levels for corporations and will receive part of that profit. The remaining amount can remain in the corporation but the owner may also decide to make the corporation pay part of the profit after tax to the owner.

Example: If the tax is at 30%, and the profit payments are at 60% it means that if profit was 100 M. 30 M will be paid as tax and 42 M (60% of the remaining 70 M) will be paid to the owner as profit participation. You are advised to leave part of the profit within the corporation and allow it to pay back loans. Loans require interest payments that reduce the profit of the corporation.

Corporate tax as set by the country president has many consequences. The net profit of corporations that is used for the computation of profit per share is based on the profit after tax and profit sharing (Or dividend) deductions.

Changes in the percentages of tax and profit sharing result in immediate changes in profitability, and have consequences for the share price.

Some presidents manipulated the tax percentages and influenced share prices while trading in the same shares for their own benefit. They know in advance what is about to happen to share prices and they trade with this knowledge.

Frequent changes in tax percentages have no function except for influencing of profits and market values. These changes are limited in size to prevent anyone from exploiting this feature.

The market value of the corporation depends on its profit after tax. The market value is important as it is part of the assets of the owner and assets are a measure of success and have an influence on the score of the country or enterprise.

22. Profit payments [ top ]

Corporations pay part of their profits to the shareholders (owners). State corporations pay the country, which is the owner of the corporation. Private corporations pay the enterprise and public corporations pay dividends to the shareholders. The level of payments can be set by the owner.

Corporations that have large loans and negative assets should in fact not pay profit sharing or dividends. They should take care of their own finances first. Some corporations pay large amounts in profit sharing and keep so little cash for themselves that the cost of upgrading such corporations must be paid out of loans.

Corporations are prevented from paying out their profits if the total assets of the corporation or its net cash (cash less loans) are negative. Retaining more cash in the corporations will help them to reduce their debt.

It is also possible to support corporations with cash from the country or enterprise. It will be a good move to reduce corporate debts and in this way also prevent bankruptcy of many corporations. Bankruptcy is disastrous as the owner inherits the debt of his bankrupted corporation.

Corporations with large amounts of cash are forced to transfer some of the cash to their owners. These transfers begin at net cash levels of around 50 B and amount to 2 B per game month and they are increased if net cash is at 100B and 300B levels.

23. Loan limit in corporations [ top ]

When the cash position of corporations becomes negative, they will receive a loan. The loan will be given by either a player who offers loans on the money market or by the world bank if no loans are available from other players.

Loans must be paid back and they carry interest that is paid each game month. The interest rate is 15% per real year.

Corporations that keep losing money and are not helped by their owner, who can transfer money to the corporation, may bankrupt.

The loan limit for corporations depends on their asset value. There are in fact three loan limits:

If the corporate assets are <0 (technically bankrupt in the real world but not in Simcountry): The corporation will bankrupt is the total of its loans, less the cash it has less the value of the raw materials it has in stock, is >90 B.

This means that the total of loans if much larger (by 90 B), than the total of cash it has plus the value of raw materials.

Also if the corporate assets are <0: The corporation will bankrupt is the total of its loans is >120 B independent of its cash and raw materials.

A corporation will also bankrupt, if the loan total is >200B. This is independent of the corporate assets that may even be positive.

Countries and enterprises can support their corporations, transfer funds into the corporations and repay debt to prevent closings. In case of a closing, the cash of the corporation and the debt of the corporation are inherited by the owner of the corporation. This is either the country or a CEO. {text] Some players are sometimes surprised to see new loans in their country or enterprise while their cash position is positive. These loans are in most cases, the result of corporate bankruptcy.

The debt limits for corporations will be reduced further. The current levels are unrealistically high.

24. Corporate assets [ top ]

The assets of the corporation include the value of the facility (factory or farm land etc.) plus the cash, debts and value of the materials in stock. The assets of the corporation will increase if it is profitable and decline if losses are incurred.

When assets are negative, the corporation is technically bankrupt but this is currently not implemented to the full. Bankruptcy conditions allow corporations to continue and give the owners a change to improve the situation. A warning is given if 60% of the bankruptcy levels have been reached.

25. Corporate Market Value [ top ]

The value of corporations depends on their profit or loss. The more profitable they are, the higher their market value. Public corporations are traded on the stock exchange and share prices depend on supply and demand.

Private and state corporations values depend on a longer-term profit figures and not on a single month profit hikes. A sudden change in the profit (caused by sale of multiple month production in a single month, cannot cause corporate values to jump.

State and private corporations are sometimes in very bad conditions, suffer losses and have huge debts.

Very low corporate values do not always imply that these corporations are close to bankruptcy. If a corporation is selling a product that is in short supply or the corporation is upgraded to a high level and has the capability to produce profits in the future, than it may make sense to support it with cash transfers and allow it to pay back its debt.

Bidding on such corporations becomes easier. The minimum bid amount is 1.0 million. Winning such bids and taking over such corporations does bring the risk of financial liabilities for the new owner. If a corporation you own is bankrupt, your country or enterprise (the owner of the corporation) will inherit the debts. If a corporation with 90 Billion in debt bankrupts, you inherit the obligation to pay the complete debt.

26. Corporate market value - public corporations [ top ]

The market value of public corporations depends on the share market. They fluctuate mainly between values that correspond with P/E ratio of 4 to 70. P/E ratio is the result of dividing the market value of the corporation by its profit in the last period or the price of one share, divided by the average profit per share in the last period.

Some corporations have a high P/E ratio, which means that the corporations are less profitable. The share price should go down but sometimes it does not because there are buyers for these shares.

Most share trading is done automatically by investment funds that are investing part of their cash in shares. These funds will not buy shares with a high P/E ratio and they will start selling if the P/E ratio goes under a certain value.

Players can buy at any price and some try to protect the value of their corporations by purchasing the shares that were offered on the market at any price to prevent them from falling.

The share market is active and large scale trading is taking place.

27. Corporate market value of state corporations versus private corporations [ top ]

The market price of such corporations is computed as a function of their profit (after tax) as a percentage of their revenue. The more profit they make, the higher their market value goes. A corporation that makes a profit percentage of 25% may be 4 times more valuable than one that makes 12.5% profit.

If such corporations have a lot of cash and no loans, their assets value will add to their market value while high loans and low assets value will reduce the market value.

The market value will be reduced even more, depending on the tax percentage the corporations pay. The market value depends on the profit after tax. A 30% tax reduces the net profit after tax to 70% of its full level and the market value is also reduced.

Countries that set their tax percentages very high will see high tax revenues but also lower assets and their corporations will become easy targets for a takeover. They may be profitable corporations but have a low value because of the low after-tax profit. After a takeover, the new owner may move the corporation to a low tax country, increase the market value of the corporation and make a nice profit.

28. Presidents can block CEOs from setting up corporations [ top ]

Presidents can choose to completely block CEOs from building in their countries. The function can be turned on or off on the settings pages.

Having private corporations in your country is very profitable and can enable higher levels of development. Read more about private corporations and don't rush to block CEOs.

29. Private and Public Corporations versus State Corporations [ top ]

Many players are blocking private corporations and do not allow them to set up in their countries.

This is a major error.

Private and public corporations contribute much more to the host country than any state corporation.

Private and Public corporations are paying a percentage of their revenue to the host country. This is a percentage of the product sales they make, not their profit. In addition, they also pay taxes to the country.

State corporations are less efficient and spend more on maintenance and they also spend more on corporate fixed cost than private and public corporations. This reduces their profits and their market value.

In addition, private and public corporations do not need any military protection as they are immune to any war activity and cannot be damaged or destroyed. State corporations are and remain prime targets in any military conflict.

30. Efficiency of Corporations [ top ]

When created, corporations use a basic production process, which is part of their design, which makes them employ a fixed number of workers in different levels (High level workers, High-tech engineers etc.). All corporations are created at an efficiency level of 100.

You may decide to increase the efficiency of your corporations. To achieve this, you must upgrade your corporations and allow them to purchase efficiency upgrades. These products are costly but the investment may pay back.

Efficiency upgrades will make a corporation produce the same amount of product but use a smaller number of workers. It will use a much smaller number of low-level workers and medium level but require more high level workers, managers of all levels and high tech engineers and executives. In addition, it may slightly increase the need for High-tech services the corporation will purchase and use in the production process.

The main advantage of the efficiency upgrades is a reduction in the number of workers that are involved with each corporation. It makes it possible to build more corporations in the country with the same population level.

Each Efficiency upgrade you purchase for the corporation will increase the efficiency by 1 point. You can increase the level of state corporations from the initial 100 up to 200.

Upgraded public corporations can now reach a level of 225. A level of 250 is also possible but this level is reserved to public corporations that have most of their shares traded on the market and the largest shareholder owns less than 25% of the shares.

As a corporation becomes older, its efficiency will automatically decline. It declines by 1 point each 8 to 10 game months but this interval may change in the future.

A corporation that was fully upgraded will use a smaller workforce. The reduction can reach up to 40% compared to the workforce needed when the corporation is not upgraded. Salary costs will remain at the same level or may increase slightly.

Repeated upgrading of many corporations will increase the need for high-level workers, managers, executives and high tech employees. The education system must be tuned to produce them. If not, the economy will be short of these professionals and corporations might reduce production or stop production altogether if they are unable to find the workers they need.

31. Automatic Upgrading of Corporations [ top ]

Corporation upgrades are used to improve both the quality of products and the efficiency of the production process. Upgrading corporations is a lengthy process and requires manual intervention.

It is also possible to set this process into automatic mode. The feature can be set on for all new corporations on the automation page. It can also be set on for each corporation separately and it is possible to set this option on for all corporations at once.

32. Corporations - Production levels [ top ]

Corporations try to produce at full capacity unless explicitly required to reduce production by their owner. There are however, several reasons that can make a corporation reduce or stop production.

When products remain unsold, and the automatic process drives the production in the corporation, it will reduce production and wait for the products to be sold. It will also fire some workers to reduce cost.

When a corporation does not find enough workers, it will hire what it can and adjust production to the hiring levels.

When some raw materials or services are not available, the corporation may stop production altogether. If you have no oil, you cannot produce gasoline. All corporations depend on raw materials and services and their production process will fail when it is short on any of these raw materials.

A corporation will increase its production levels if the welfare of its workers is considered high. This is the case when the country has a good social security system, employment is high and the salary levels are good. The salary level in the corporations is the most important factor. Corporations' output in standard conditions and full availability of raw materials is considered to be at a level of 100. With a very high welfare index, the level may increase to 105, 110 or even up to 130.

All the details and data on each corporation are available in the corporation's pages with many detail pages on each and every aspect of each corporation.

33. Retaining products in corporations [ top ]

Corporations can retain products to be able to deliver on signed contracts. This can be done manually and the user decides how much to retain. It can also be automatic. In that case, the amount of retained products is computed based on the existing contracts.

If contracts expire or when you move from manual to automatic mode, all retained products that are not needed, will be sold automatically on the open market.

Retaining large quantities of products is risky. Corporations that retain large quantities of their products do pay their workers, purchase the raw materials they need but make no revenue. These corporations will accumulate debt and may even bankrupt unless cash is injected to keep them afloat.

Some players use these corporations to stock weapons. This is fine if the stock levels are equal to several months' production. If stocks are much higher, than production levels in the corporation will drop as very high stock levels in corporations may cause them to bankrupt.

Countries have the possibility to stock strategic supplies of all products and also the capability to keep weapons in reserve without the need for a huge army. These options represent a better way to keep strategic reserves.

Enterprises too can stock up any products and can be used as places where products are kept for later trading and as a source of supplies.

A corporation that has more than 12 months stock of produce will automatically sell 10% of its stock in immediate mode.

34. Automatic Product reservations for contracts [ top ]

All product reservations are automatic unless a player has chosen to set product reservation to manual mode. Any contract you close, both within the local and common markets, and outside these markets, will be followed by an automatic product reservation to ensure delivery of products that are promised in these contracts.

When you are interested in keeping some of your products in some of your corporations on stock and not offer them on the market, you can do so by changing the reservation procedure in these corporations into manual mode. In that mode, the product reservations in these corporations are your own responsibility.

A corporation may produce 1000 units of some product, have contracts for the delivery of 500 and retain 800 units because you want to sell 300 units at a later date. (The last 200 units will be offered on the world market).

You can set the reservation of that corporation to manual and retain 800 products per month. Any change in the contracts of that corporation must be followed by a manual update of the retained quantities.

If you decide to set the product reservation for a corporation to automatic mode, the quantity of products that are needed to be reserved for the existing contracts will be recomputed and all the retained products that are not needed for the current contracts will be offered on the international market.

35. Not delivering on contracts and spending limit overruns [ top ]

When a corporation does not deliver on a current contract, a message is showing on the corporation page but such failure has no further consequences.

Country contracts for delivery of weapons and products in general, may cause the spending limit of the country to overrun. The same may be the case with the spending limit for weapons.

If the spending limits become negative the contracts are updated downward, by a mall percentage. If the spending limits remain negative and the limit is exceeded by a large margin, contracts may be cut by 50% in each game month this happens, until the spending limit recovers. Contract quantities remain at the reduced levels even when the spending limits recover.

36. Contract pricing [ top ]

All contracts in the game are executed at market price. In the past, deviations from the market price where possible but they have been used to intentionally benefit one of the two parties and practically allowed for large fund transfers between countries, enterprises and corporations.

In the current situation, money transfers have been made easier. Countries within empires can move large amounts of money between them and other ways to obtain money in the game are also available.

37. Selling retained products [ top ]

Some corporations retain large quantities of products and are not selling any of them on the market. This leaves the corporation without any revenue for a long time and it should in fact go out of business. As this may be seen as harsh and unreasonable, we think that such corporations are used either to stock weapons, which is now also possible in the countries (reserve army) and in enterprises or they are used to manipulate corporations value by creating a huge turnover and profit once in a while.

These corporations will not go out of business. Instead, a corporation that has more than 12 months stock of produce will automatically sell 10% of its stock in immediate mode.

38. Corporations with many unsold products [ top ]

Some corporations are stocking up many products and never sell them. Such corporations in the real world are bankrupted. Products are aging and should be discarded.

Simcountry has a way to stock up products. It can be done as strategic stock both in enterprises and in countries.

Corporations with unsold output that has a market value above 300 B (which is equivalent to several years of production) will see 1% of the product disappear each game month with a minimum of one product. This procedure eliminates old products from corporations and makes them sell the products on the market or stock them up in their enterprises or countries.

Such corporations sometime have large loans outstanding and may bankrupt if they do not sell the products and use the proceeds to pay back the loans.

39. Cancelling of contracts is free of penalty [ top ]

A corporation can cancel any contract any time and the cancellation has no further financial consequences. Deliveries will stop directly after the cancellation.

40. Workers in Corporations [ top ]

When created, each corporation is designed to employ a certain number of workers. There are many groups of employees. Workers: (Low, middle, and high level), managers: (low, middle, high level and executives), high-tech engineers, senior engineers and executives.

The numbers depend on the type of the corporation (The product it produces). Many agricultural products corporations hire mainly workers, some managers and executives but no high tech employees. High tech services corporations hire large numbers of high tech workers.

When a corporation produces at 50% of its capacity, it may do so with 50% of the workers in all professions.

If the number of high-level workers available to the corporation is only at 20% of what it needs, it will not produce at a higher level even if there are sufficient numbers of employees available in all other professions. It is essential to make sure that workers are available or production will be damaged or even stop.

The numbers hired, needed, their salaries and many other details are available on the corporation pages.

If a corporation is upgrading its efficiency, the number of workers needed is changing. With each efficiency upgrade, the number of low and medium-level workers needed is reduced. The number of high-level workers is increased slightly and also the number of executives and high-tech workers is increased.

This shift in the numbers needed, repeats itself with each upgrade. The number of workers needed is decreasing and even with the higher salaries of the higher-level professionals that are increasing in numbers, the total amount of salaries is slightly decreased with every upgrade.

41. Salaries in corporations and Salary targets [ top ]

The salaries in new corporations are initially set to the average of salaries in all the corporations in the country. The level is a percentage relative to the initial salary levels as at the start of the game. The original level was 100.

You are able to increase or decrease the salary level in the corporations and you may leave this decision to the automatic system that will decrease salaries if a corporation is losing money and increase the salaries if a corporation is profitable.

The salary level in a corporation is measured with an index, which originated at 100. if the index is at a 200 level, it means that salaries are at twice the base level.

If salary levels are below 70, changes are limited to 10 points up or 3 points down.
If salary levels are above 70 and lower than 500, changes are limited to 3 point up or 3 points down.
If salary levels are above 500, changes are limited to 3 point up or 30 points down.

It is also possible to set salary target levels in corporations. Salary levels will then be changed monthly with the permitted percentage until they reach the target level. Targets can be set to all corporations at once.

The salaries are important for the motivation of workers (The level influences the welfare index), and with it the production levels in the corporation. Salary levels are also very important in the competition with other corporations.

A corporation that pays its workers at a lower level than other corporations in the same country may see its workers quitting their jobs. These workers will move to other corporations for better salaries. This process is limited to 10% of the workers in any corporation per game month.

There is always some competition for workers, between different corporations, state and private corporations. There is also a tendency to increase salaries to prevent workers from moving out.

High salary levels however, will result in high salary costs for the corporations and at very high levels, reduce profitability. Corporations may suffer losses as result of salaries that are too high. They will see their market value plummet, their cash reduced, they will have to take loans and pay interest.

Salaries in corporations have an influence on the government salary index. If Government salaries remain lower, people can start leaving their government jobs for employment in the industry.

Private corporations can set their salary level without any influence on the government salary index and the movement of workers.

42. Setting Salary Targets [ top ]

Changes in salaries are limited to several percentage points per month. It is however possible to set salary targets per corporation and for all corporations and an automatic process will change the salaries gradually and reach the target over time. This function reduces the amount of clicking that is needed to change salaries each game month for a long period.

The function is available on each corporation page and also on the page that shows salaries for all corporations. Targets can be set for one, many, or all corporations at once. The target is set as a salary index number. Base salaries are showing an index of 100. Setting targets to 120 will bring salaries to a level of 20% above the base value. Monthly changes are limited to 3 points and will end when the target is reached.

43. Corporations - Hiring and firing [ top ]

When production levels are reduced for any reason, corporations will reduce their work force. They cannot reduce the work force to the required level at once but must adjust hiring step by step. Firing workers will be limited to 10% of the work force per game month. In the mean time, corporations might produce at a lower level but keep paying salaries to a much larger number of employees.

When hiring, a maximum of 12% of the work force of full capacity can be hired in a single game month. This may limit the production while hiring is not completed.

If a corporation cannot find the workers it needs, hiring will be limited. In this case, hiring levels may change faster than the limits described before.

As an example, large purchases of weapons may require many new officers in the army. These officers are recruited from the group of medium level managers (up to 50 years old). If this group is depleted and none are available for corporations because they all went to the army, corporations might not be able to hire any workers at all and production will stop. (Adjust education priorities if you need many soldiers and officers).

44. State and national corporations [ top ]

There are two types of government owned corporations. These are state corporations and National corporations. The only difference between the two types is that national corporations cannot be purchased by an enterprise.

Enterprise CEO's can purchase state corporations from governments. When a state corporation is purchased by an Enterprise, it becomes a private corporation.

You may decide to keep several industries under control of the state. These may be weapon factories, or some high value corporations. The reasons are up to the president. It is possible to change the status of a corporation and make it a national industry. However, only twenty corporations may be national. If you already have twenty national corporations and you want to make a different corporation a national industry, you must first change the status of one of the national industries into a state corporation.

State corporations, including the national corporations, pay taxes to the government. The percentage of the tax payments can be changed but very high taxes will destroy the capability of the corporations to function. In addition, state corporations pay some of their profit after tax to the corporation owner, which is again the government. Also the percentage of these payments may be set by the president.

If you want to prevent any takeover of any of your corporations, you can block CEOs. All your corporations will remain state corporations. We strongly advise against it as the profits of state corporations and mainly their contributions to the state, are lower than the contributions by private and public corporations

45. Money transfers between countries and state corporations [ top ]

Money transfers are possible between a country and a state corporation. The feature makes it possible for countries to support their state corporations and prevent bankruptcies. Corporations with high loans may otherwise be forced to close down. Money transfers from the country will allow them to pay their debt and prevent closure.

Transfer can take place to many corporations in a single operation. Loans can be paid in the same way and repeated transfers can follow, to clear up all loans and raise cash levels.

46. Private Corporations [ top ]

Private corporations are owned by a CEO of an enterprise. Enterprises are large groups of corporations that reside in different countries in the world. An enterprise may not start a new corporation in a country without the president's knowledge or permission. The CEO does not need any permission to start a corporation in a "computer controlled" countries (c3).

An enterprise owner may also bid to purchase a state or a private corporation in any country. The bid price starts at the market value of the corporation but other enterprise players may bid for the same corporation and the price may change. The highest bidder will become the owner. The bidding period is around 4 game months. Presidents can block CEOs from bidding for corporations in their country.

Private corporations function in the same way as state owned corporations. They pay a percentage of their income as taxes to the government of the country where they reside.

In addition, private corporations pay a percentage of their revenue (percentage of the raw income from sales) to the country where they reside. The percentage depends on the quality level of the corporation. This payment represents a major income for the country and is frequently the reason why country leaders invite CEOs to build and purchase corporations in their country.

When viewing the corporations pages, the group of private corporations is listed separately. The country president is not able to manage the private corporations in his country. It is the enterprise CEO who is managing these corporations.

The CEO has a disadvantage when managing his corporations. Shortage of workers can be corrected by tuning the education system in the country to produce the professionals needed for the industry. Only the country president is able to do this as he is managing the education system in his country.

Enterprises have their corporations residing in many countries (Not more than six can be purchased in a single country) and they are not able to influence the education system in any of these countries.

As private corporations are major contributors to the economy in the country, it is in the presidents' interest to tune the education system in a way that will also benefit the private corporations in the country.

47. Private corporations - Upgrade level [ top ]

When a CEO is taking over a private corporation, the upgrade level, both efficiency and quality, is increasing by 30. The increase is independent of the previous upgrade level and can end up higher than the max level that can be achieved by repeated upgrading of a private corporation. The level may then reduce in time to the max level for private corporations.

If a corporation is nationalized and becomes a state corporation, its upgrade level will decline by 30.

This measure makes private corporations more profitable.

48. Automatic bidding on corporations [ top ]

Bidding for corporations is sometimes difficult because of a possible increase in the value of the corporation while the bidding process is taking place. The bidding amount can be increased automatically if the corporation market value is increasing. The bidding amount does not increase automatically if another bidder enters a higher bid.

49. Public Corporations [ top ]

Public corporations are a feature in all the worlds. Public corporations are corporations that have performed a public offering and are now traded on the share market. The public offering means, that part of their shares have been offered to the public and the corporations may now have many shareholders.

Shareholders in public corporations may be the old owners (the country or enterprise), or Enterprise CEOs that have bought shares on the share market. Investment funds in countries (managed by the president) can also invest their funds in shares to try and increase their value.

Public corporations are managed by the largest shareowner who does not need to have more than 50% of the shares but she/he must have more shares than any of the other shareholders in the corporation.

If some enterprise is the largest shareholder, the corporation will appear on the list of public corporations on the enterprise corporations' page. The list may however change frequently. If any of the other share holders increases his holdings by purchasing more shares of the corporation, she/he may become the largest share holder and the corporation will appear on her/his list of corporations and she/he may manage it from then on.

Holding more than 50% of the shares, will of course guarantee that the corporation will remain under control of the same shareholder.

Public offering can be used to raise cash by corporations or by enterprises that want to invest in new corporations without the need for large loans.

Part of the profit of the corporation can be paid out as dividend and is shared between the shareholders on the basis of the number of shares they own. Cash transfers that are possible between a private corporation and its enterprise owner are prohibited in public corporations. The cash of the corporation belongs in fact to all its shareholders.

50. Corporations can repurchase their own shares [ top ]

Corporations can repurchase their own shares on the stock market. This may result in soaring share prices but the corporation may have a lot of funds and use them. Higher share price will result in higher market value. Corporations can repurchase their shares if their net cash is positive. A corporation with high debt will never repurchase its shares. It may decide to issue more shares and use the cash to pay debt.

When shares are purchased, they are destroyed and the number of outstanding shares is reduced. The reduction can go down to 10 million shares but not lower. The number of shareholders may be reduced and if only one shareholder remains, the corporation is not public any more. If the one shareholder is a country, it becomes a state corporation. If the one shareholder is an enterprise, it becomes a private corporation.

51. Corporations can issue new shares at market value [ top ]

Corporations can sell their newly issued shares at market price. At the initial public offering of shares (the IPO), there is no market price and the IPO price is set automatically. Further shares placements on the stock market can take place at market price or at any price limit.

The price and profitability of the corporation will determine the success of such share offering. Shares will be sold easily if their PE ratio is reasonable.

52. Setting up new corporations [ top ]

When you start playing the game, your newly chosen country may have 10 to 15 corporations. The number depends on the type of corporations you have. Each corporation has 200.000+ workers and they are important for your economy.

It is possible and important to build new corporations but this only makes sense if there are enough unemployed workers in your country. Unemployment should be reduced, by setting up more corporations. When nearly all workers have jobs, it becomes difficult to set up new ones and having too many corporations with lower hiring levels in each corporation, can reduce profits.

You may request the setup of up to ten corporations at any one time. If you have already requested the setup of ten corporations, you must wait for at least one to be delivered before you can request another one. It takes time to build such large corporations, it involves large investments.

Corporations must be built and the capacity to build them is not always available. If production plants are in short supply on the world market, it may result in long delivery time for new corporations.

Having several production plants in stock in your country, will guarantee a faster delivery of new corporations.

Using a corporation building booster, can increase the pace of building to three corporations per game month, provided production plants are available.

53. Building corporations [ top ]

Each corporation needs a facility for production. Some need factories; some need offices with equipment and machines. Agricultural corporations need land and equipment and mines need equipment and other facilities.

When you request the setup of a corporation, it results in a search on the market for capacity to build the corporation. You do not need to purchase production capacity it is taken care of automatically.

The capacity to build corporations is measured by the availability of Production Plants. These can be purchased on the open market. Available Production plants mean that there is someone on the market who is capable of building your corporation. You need one production plant for one corporation. When you setup a new corporation, an order for a production plant is issued which is in fact a contract for the building of the corporation. A shortage on the world market of production plants can cause delays in the building of corporations.

If a country already purchased several production plants in advance, it means that building contracts for corporations are in place. Ordering a corporation may become faster.

Players may try to square the market, order many production plants and drive the price up selling them later for more. This is however costly without any guarantee for profit.
We advise you not to order many production plants and keep up to 3 or 4 in stock.

New corporations flash a "NEW" icon next to their name on the corporations list page. The icon stays there for one week and makes it easier to find new corporations on your list and manage them more carefully in the initial period.

54. New Corporations Profitability [ top ]

New corporations receive an initial capital injection. The money is given to the corporations for the initial purchase of raw materials. It is intended to prevent the corporations from going into debt. The money is paid by the country or CEO who are setting up the corporation. The initial capital that corporations receive is 50 B.

55. Building corporations in Computer Controlled Countries [ top ]

CEO's sometimes have difficulties in finding countries to build their corporations. It is easy to build in Computer Controlled Countries (C3).

Building in C3 countries is always possible whether there are sufficient numbers of workers or not. If the number of workers is too low, raising salaries to a level just above the salary level in the state corporations will pull workers from state corporations in the C3 country to the private corporation.

The education in the C3 countries is automatically set and provides all the professionals that are needed. Shortages are being corrected.

In general, the corporations that are making products that are in oversupply will be the ones losing their workers and may close down later, which is a natural process in the economy. It will reduce the overproduction.

56. Purchasing existing corporations [ top ]

Enterprise CEOs may decide to purchase existing corporations. Corporations may be purchased if they are not National corporations and if they did not change hands in the past 36 months. This means that a corporation can be purchased and repurchased again by another enterprise but there must be a minimum period of 36 game months between such transactions.

When purchasing an existing corporation, you may review a list of many corporations which can be purchased. National corporations and ones that changed hands recently are not showing on the list.

It is possible to choose and bid on any of the available corporations. The list is ordered by market value. You can also review all the data on the corporation, its production history, profit and loss history and the change in its market value.

When making a choice, the debt of the corporation and the profit or loss should be reviewed and may influence a bidding decision.

Once a bid is made, it may be changed or withdrawn in the first several minutes but it becomes definitive shortly afterwards and cannot be changed.

During the bidding process, the corporation may improve or decline and its market value may change. In case the market price changes and becomes higher than the highest bid and no new higher bids are placed, the corporation will not be sold.

Bidders receive messages when their bid is not the highest anymore and they may increase their bid. (This is also the case when the market price is becoming higher). The owner of the corporation being targeted will receive a message with the result of the process. It is also possible to automate the increase in the bid price and increase the chance for your bid to succeed.

57. Corporations in countries with no president [ top ]

Countries without a president are run automatically. The automatic process that runs these countries will periodically try to build new corporations that are producing products that are on short supply. This process takes place if the country has at least 50% of the needed manpower to run such corporations. Corporations with low production levels and low market value are closed after some time.

58. Gamemaster Corporations [ top ]

When an enterprise is abandoned, some corporations may lose their last shareowner who is a real player. Corporations with only investment funds or an Enterprise without a CEO as shareowners are not managed by anyone and will probably fail and close.

Such corporations are moved to the ownership of the Game Master enterprise on each world. The Game Master enterprise does not have a CEO and is not managed. We advise any player who is interested in purchasing a corporation to look into this enterprise, make bids and purchase the corporations

The Gamemaster Corporations enterprise may have a large number of corporations and all these corporations are easy to take over by any CEO with no delay or permission required.

Many of these corporations make products that are in short supply and have 100% production and hiring levels. They have a good potential to generate profits.

It is very easy to move gamemaster corporations to your enterprise. In case of private corporations, it is possible to bid for the corporation. If you win the bid, the corporation is yours immediately. In case of public corporations, buying some of the shares will move the corporation under your control. Investment funds are always eager to sell shares if the price is ok. They consider the price OK if they can make a profit of 20 to 30%.

The largest non-investment funds share holder will control the corporation.

59. Moving a corporation to another country. [ top ]

Corporations can move to another country if their owner decides to do so. State owned corporations cannot be moved to another country. The government owns them and obviously, the government wants to keep them in the country because they provide work for its citizens.

Private corporations may be moved from one country to another but at a considerable cost for the owners. Permission is needed from the accepting country as the new corporation may change the employment market.

There are several conditions that must be met before a CEO can move a corporation out of a country. When the conditions are met, there is a cost involved that must be paid to the country as a compensation for the unemployment and loss of profit as a result of the move.

There are also some conditions that will allow the corporation to move out without any compensation to the country.

General conditions when moving corporations out of a country

1. The corporation age must be > 48 game months.
2. The corporation was not moved in the past 40 game months.
3. The new country where the corporation is moving to, must have availability of at least 25% of the needed work force in all categories.
4. Limitations as to the max number of corporations owned by a single CEO must not be exceeded. Not in your own countries and not in foreign countries.
5. The target country does not block CEOs.
6. The target country should not have other requests for new corporations or for the move of other corporations into the country at the same time.

Conditions for moving a corporation out of a country at no cost: A corporation can move out at no cost if:

1. The source country has no president.(C3). The move is immediate.
2. The president of the source country has sold population.
3. The tax rate in the source country is above 40%.
4. The corporation is damaged. The reason could be war or a rebellion.
5. The Production in the corporation is limited by non availability of manpower even though corporate salaries are above government salaries. The corporation must have a hiring target of 100%. It may produce at a lower level but its request for workers, at any level, is not fulfilled.

The cost of moving a corporation is 5% of the market value of the corporation with a maximum of 5 Billions.

60. Moving a corporation into a C3 country [ top ]

Moving corporations into C3 countries or building in such countries is immediate. There is no waiting period and no need for permission.

61. Corporations at risk of being closed [ top ]

The corporation-list page shows which corporations are at risk of being closed. There are two types of icons showing. One is just a warning message that links to the corporation page that shows the reason for the warning.

The other possible icon is a closure icon that also leads to the corporation page and shows the reason the corporation might be closed. This feature is intended to prevent surprises around the magical disappearing of corporations.

62. Closing Corporations [ top ]

It is possible to close a corporation independent of its value. There are several exceptions: Corporations cannot be closed if the country is involved in war or when there are offers outstanding to purchase the corporation. The max number of corporations that can be closed each month is three. Closing valuable corporations was in the past misused to create shortages on the market. New accounts were created briefly with the sole purpose of closing corporations. This is the reason for limitations on value and numbers of corporations that a player can close each game month.

Closing of corporations is easier for Premium Members because the risk of misuse is much reduced. With 200.000 to 300.000 workers per corporation, closing 3 corporations in a single month, and firing 750.000 people, is quite significant.

When a corporation is closed for any reason, its cash is moved to its owner which is either a country or an enterprise. All its loans are also moved to the owner who remains responsible for the payment of interest and for paying back the loan when it is due.

When public corporations are closed, any remaining cash is divided between the shareholders, relative to the number of shares they own.

63. Recently closed corporations [ top ]

The corporation-list page shows a message if any of the corporations was recently closed. The details of such closures have always been in the country newspaper and this remains the place where more details are available.

64. Changing the name of a corporation [ top ]

Corporation names can be changed, by clicking on the corporation on the map. The detail window shows the name of the corporation and other data. It also allows for name change. Changing the name is also possible from the corporation page and corporations menu.

65. Some Product Descriptions [ top ]

This section will describe many products in details. Currently only a small number of products are described. We are adding many new descriptions. We will also add a detailed description of what each type of corporations needs in the production process, numbers of workers and and professionals.

66. Air force Maintenance [ top ]

Air force maintenance corporations are producing products that are needed in the maintenance of the air force. The products are used in the maintenance of all air force.
These very large corporations produce very large numbers of maintenance units. In the production process, these corporations use mainly air force weapons. This is done to simplify the production process and prevent the creation of many new products that would complicate the air force products markets and add too many products.

The operating costs of each and every air force weapon, define exactly what is needed to perform the maintenance. The maintenance typically requires military services, fuel and military supplies but also some missiles and air force maintenance units. The products are traded on the market. A country can decide to produce what it needs or purchase the products on the market.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production87500.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Attack Drones
1.2  drones
Attack Helicopters
0.12 helicopters
Factory Maintenance
20  units
Fighter Planes
0.1  aircrafts
0.15 helicopters
High Tech Services
3,000  units
0.15 interceptors
Long Range Radar Planes
0.35 planes
Military Transport Airplanes
0.24 transporters
Navy Fighter Planes
0.12 aircrafts
Navy Helicopters
0.19 helicopters
Navy Interceptors
0.07 interceptors
Precision Bombers
0.1  bombers
Radar Planes
0.15 planes
3  units
Stealth Bombers
0.17 bombers
60  trucks
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 125,000-340
Medium Level Workers 110,000-290
High Level Workers 60,000-80
Low Level Managers 16,600+40
Medium Level Managers 7,300+35
High Level Managers 4,000+25
Executives 2,400+5
High Tech Engineers 70,000+30
High Tech Seniors 14,000+25
High Tech Executives 1,600+6
67. Airports [ top ]

Airports are very large objects that are always linked to air transport corporations. When an air transport corporation is constructed, an airport will be constructed too. It is impossible to build an air transport corporation if airports are not available.

Airport construction corporations are large, and use a lot of raw materials in the production process. The materials that are needed in the process, include airplanes and cargo airplanes. The need for such items sometimes lack some of the items needed and create delays in the supply of airports.

Airports must be constructed locally, and cannot be moved between countries or loaded on cargo shuttles. There are also no quality considerations in the airports industry. Airports, by their linkage to air transport corporations cannot be bought or sold on the market independently.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production0.50 airports per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
10  airplanes
2,500  units
Building Materials
20,000  units
Cargo Airplanes
5  cargo airplanes
5,000  units
Electric Power
200  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
10,000  units
High Tech Services
7,500  units
Household Products
1,000  tons
Industrial Equipment
15,000  units
Mobile Devices
2,000  devices
1  units
10,000  units
25,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 135,000-470
Medium Level Workers 138,000-260
High Level Workers 40,0000
Low Level Managers 18,300+40
Medium Level Managers 8,500+35
High Level Managers 2,900+22
Executives 1,500+4
High Tech Engineers 68,000+41
High Tech Seniors 13,600+18
High Tech Executives 1,700+4
68. Advanced Effectivity Products [ top ]

Advanced Effectivity Products are used to upgrade the internal working of corporations. A corporation can be upgraded, step by step from effectivity 100 to 200. Each step will influence the hiring pattern of workers in the corporations. Each upgrade will reduce the number of workers, mainly low level workers and medium level workers and slightly increase the number of managers, high tech engineers and other professionals.

The reduction numbers of workers is much larger than the increase in the numbers of professionals and corporations end up hiring much smaller numbers of people. The feature enables countries to build more corporations because the numbers of workers in upgraded corporations are much smaller.

The advanced effectivity products are produced by large corporations. The products are bought by corporations that were set up to automatically upgrade and purchasing continues because upgraded corporations need 1 additional upgrade once in several game months. The products are traded on the market. They cannot be purchased by countries.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level5
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production13.00 upgrades per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Books And Newspapers
56,250  units
31,500  systems
Def Weapons Maintenance
10  units
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
50,000  units
Factory Maintenance
27.5  units
High Tech Services
9,000  units
Household Products
15,750  tons
Mobile Devices
1,575  devices
1  units
9,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 127,000-430
Medium Level Workers 104,000-420
High Level Workers 44,000-30
Low Level Managers 14,000+30
Medium Level Managers 7,400+30
High Level Managers 2,500+12
Executives 1,250+6
High Tech Engineers 85,000+30
High Tech Seniors 17,000+20
High Tech Executives 1,800+6
69. Advanced Quality Products [ top ]

Advanced Quality Products are used to upgrade the quality of products the corporation is producing. A corporation can be upgraded, step by step from quality 100 to 200. Each step will influence the quality of the products the corporation is producing.

The quality of products produced by a corporation depends on the quality level of the corporation and on the quality of the raw materials the corporation is purchasing to use in the production process.

The advanced quality products are produced by large corporations. The products are bought by corporations that were set up to automatically upgrade and purchasing continues because upgraded corporations need 1 additional upgrade once in several game months. The products are traded on the market. They cannot be purchased by countries.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level5
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production13.00 upgrades per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Books And Newspapers
45,000  units
42,000  systems
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
56,250  units
Factory Maintenance
27.5  units
High Tech Services
9,000  units
Household Products
15,750  tons
Mobile Devices
1,575  devices
1  units
9,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 113,000-430
Medium Level Workers 94,000-420
High Level Workers 44,000-30
Low Level Managers 14,000+30
Medium Level Managers 7,400+30
High Level Managers 2,500+12
Executives 1,250+6
High Tech Engineers 85,000+30
High Tech Seniors 17,000+20
High Tech Executives 1,800+6
70. Airplanes [ top ]

Airplanes are used in corporations that build airports. Each airport has many airplanes and these must be bought from airplanes building corporations. Airplane corporations have in fact only a few types of corporations that are purchasing its products. In addition to airport corporations, assets maintenance corporations are also using airplanes.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production12.00 airplanes per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
7,500  tons
10,000  units
32,500  systems
Electric Motors
15,000  units
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
35,000  units
Factory Maintenance
50  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Industrial Equipment
32,500  units
Mobile Devices
15,000  devices
7,500  tons
1  units
25  tons
10,000  units
2,500  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 117,000-600
Medium Level Workers 89,000-570
High Level Workers 35,0000
Low Level Managers 14,500+30
Medium Level Managers 11,000+35
High Level Managers 3,500+25
Executives 1,750+6
High Tech Engineers 80,000+35
High Tech Seniors 16,000+22
High Tech Executives 1,600+6
71. Aluminium [ top ]

Aluminium is a natural resource. It is a metal that must be mined in a country that has the natural resource and the mined materials are then turned into Aluminium in a production process. The country must have the Aluminium natural resource to be able to set up a corporation.

The natural resource is not unlimited. The corporation page shows how much Aluminium remains in the ground and when Aluminium is produced, the material in the ground is used and the reserves are declining. At the end, the resource will run out and the corporation will be closed.

Aluminium is not used by countries and not used by the population. Only corporations use it. Aluminium is used in the production process of many products. The quality of gas is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with it.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production750000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
37,500  tons
42,500  tons
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
175,000  tons
1  units
10,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 160,000-360
Medium Level Workers 152,000-270
High Level Workers 56,000-70
Low Level Managers 15,000+65
Medium Level Managers 10,200+35
High Level Managers 4,400+25
Executives 2,200+2
High Tech Engineers 40,000+35
High Tech Seniors 8,000+15
High Tech Executives 800+2
72. Ammunition Components [ top ]

Ammunition components are used in the production of many types of ammunitions. There are many types of ammunitions in Simcountry and these products are therefor used in a very large number of corporations.

Ammunition components are also used in the maintenance of army assets. The quality of the products matters. The higher the quality of the ammunition components, the higher will the quality be of the corporations using them.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production37000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
20,000  tons
Def Weapons Maintenance
30  units
Electric Components
12,500  units
Electric Power
225  million kwhs
Electronic Components
12,500  units
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Household Products
1,000  tons
Industrial Equipment
12,500  units
Machine Parts
10,000  units
Mobile Devices
1,500  devices
Navy Vessels Maintenance
65  units
2.5  tons
1  units
3  tons
7,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 112,000-400
Medium Level Workers 97,000-400
High Level Workers 53,000-20
Low Level Managers 12,000+30
Medium Level Managers 6,200+25
High Level Managers 3,000+15
Executives 1,500+6
High Tech Engineers 80,000+30
High Tech Seniors 18,000+24
High Tech Executives 3,000+6
73. Ammunition Quality Products [ top ]

Ammunition quality products are used in military units to upgrade their quality. Military unit have large quantities of ammunition and the quality of the military unit depends among others, on the quality of its ammunition. The ammunition quality products are used to upgrade the quality of the ammunition. each piece of ammunition, will use one ammunition quality product to upgrade its quality by one point. The quality upgrades can take place once a month if the units has been set to upgrade automatically.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production11750.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Ammunition Components
8,000  units
Books And Newspapers
2,500  units
12,500  systems
Def Weapons Maintenance
35  units
Electric Power
375  million kwhs
Electronic Components
7,500  units
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
6,750  units
Household Products
5,000  tons
Mobile Devices
1,000  devices
Navy Vessels Maintenance
67.5  units
1  units
4,500  units
6,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 112,000-400
Medium Level Workers 97,000-370
High Level Workers 51,000-30
Low Level Managers 12,000+30
Medium Level Managers 5,600+20
High Level Managers 3,400+20
Executives 1,700+4
High Tech Engineers 77,000+35
High Tech Seniors 21,000+25
High Tech Executives 2,100+4
74. Assets Maintenance [ top ]

Assets maintenance products are used to maintain government assets, military bases and other fixed assets. Each such installation needs several products each month and countries with many assets need very large numbers.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production44250.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
0.05 airplanes
0.03 airports
Cargo Airplanes
0.05 cargo airplanes
Cargo Shuttles
0.07 shuttles
Elementary schools
0.35 schools
0.35 highschools
0.03 hospitals
Production Plants
0.01 plants
0.35 miles
2.5  units
Shuttle Maintenance Units
20  units
Space Centers
0.03 centers
Train Tracks
0.35 miles
45  trucks
0.02 universities
Water treatment facilities
0.03 installations
Wind Farms
0.01 wind farms
Wind Turbines
0.02 wind turbines
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 110,000-330
Medium Level Workers 120,000-330
High Level Workers 48,000-200
Low Level Managers 17,000+45
Medium Level Managers 8,000+35
High Level Managers 2,400+30
Executives 1,200+5
High Tech Engineers 70,000+40
High Tech Seniors 14,000+25
High Tech Executives 1,400+6
75. Baradium [ top ]

Baradium is a rare metal that can be found on the Tiny Atlas world only. It was recently added to Simcountry and will be used in the production of Electrical cars (EV cars) and in the production of EV automotive parts. It will be gradually used in more products in Simcountry.

Baradium can be transported to all worlds and can be traded on the markets of the 5 main worlds. Immediate orders are not possible. The product must be available to be purchased.

We expect Baradium to be used in an increasing number of products. Producing it in sufficient quantities will take time but also the introduction of the new products using Baradium will happen gradually over the next (real) months.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production400.00 grams per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
4,000  tons
Electric Power
400  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
250  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Household Products
750  tons
40  grams
250  units
20,000  units
200  grams
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-270
Medium Level Workers 90,000-180
High Level Workers 90,000-50
Low Level Managers 20,000+35
Medium Level Managers 12,000+40
High Level Managers 6,000+29
Executives 3,000+2
High Tech Engineers 150,000+28
High Tech Seniors 60,000+9
High Tech Executives 9,000+2
76. Bread [ top ]

Bread is one of the basic products used by the population. Bread is one of the products that can result in hunger in a country that has a shortage of bread.

Make sure you never have a shortage of bread.

Corporation Details
Product GroupFood
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production650000.00 1000 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Electric Power
175  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
2,500  units
1  units
5,000  units
280,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 132,000-240
Medium Level Workers 125,000-110
High Level Workers 42,000-30
Low Level Managers 11,000+45
Medium Level Managers 7,900+35
High Level Managers 1,800+26
Executives 900+2
High Tech Engineers 23,000+23
High Tech Seniors 4,600+13
High Tech Executives 460+1
77. Butter [ top ]

Butter is one of the basic products used by the population. Butter is one of the products that can result in hunger in a country.

Corporation Details
Product GroupFood
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production140000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Electric Power
400  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
5,000  units
297,500  m3s
1  units
5,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 132,000-230
Medium Level Workers 116,000-120
High Level Workers 48,000-30
Low Level Managers 10,000+45
Medium Level Managers 7,300+35
High Level Managers 2,100+25
Executives 1,050+2
High Tech Engineers 28,000+23
High Tech Seniors 5,600+13
High Tech Executives 560+1
78. Carbon [ top ]

Carbon is a natural resource. It must be mined in a country that has the natural resource and the mined materials are then turned into Carbon in a production process. The country must have the Carbon natural resource to be able to set up a corporation.

The natural resource is not unlimited. The corporation page shows how much Carbon remains in the ground and when Carbon is produced, the material in the ground is used and the reserves are declining. At the end, the resource will run out and the corporation will be closed. The quality of Carbon is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with it.

Carbon is not used by countries and not used by the population. Only corporations use it. Carbon is used in the production process of many products.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production85000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
50,000  tons
60,000  tons
Electric Power
325  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
25,000  units
Household Products
12,500  tons
4,500  tons
1  units
25,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 158,000-310
Medium Level Workers 147,000-240
High Level Workers 46,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,800+40
Medium Level Managers 9,000+35
High Level Managers 3,300+25
Executives 1,650+2
High Tech Engineers 35,000+25
High Tech Seniors 7,000+12
High Tech Executives 780+2
79. Car Engines [ top ]

Car engines are used in the production of cars and trucks. Car engines are currently not used in any other product. The quality of Car engines is relevant as it is influencing the quality of the cars and trucks that are using them in the production process.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production280000.00 engines per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
33,750  tons
15,000  tons
Electric Components
20,000  units
Electric Motors
50,000  units
Electric Power
300  million kwhs
Electronic Components
25,000  units
Factory Maintenance
20  units
High Tech Services
7,500  units
10  tons
5  units
5,000  units
40,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 130,000-440
Medium Level Workers 121,000-390
High Level Workers 63,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,300+30
Medium Level Managers 8,000+20
High Level Managers 3,100+14
Executives 1,800+3
High Tech Engineers 47,000+28
High Tech Seniors 8,400+14
High Tech Executives 840+3
80. Cargo Airplanes [ top ]

Cargo Airplanes are large transporters that are used to move resources around. They are capable of flying twice each day or in terms of the game, 60 flights per game month (4 hours).

Cargo airplanes are produced in large corporations and can be purchased on the market or in direct contracts.

Cargo airplanes are used in the delivery of emergency resources. They are also used to move army units that are moved to long range locations overseas. Countries need cargo airplanes to have the capacity to move these resources around.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production12.00 cargo airplanes per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
7,500  tons
15,000  units
35,000  systems
Electric Motors
17,500  units
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
50,000  units
Factory Maintenance
60  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
Industrial Equipment
60,000  units
Mobile Devices
2,500  devices
7,500  tons
1  units
40  tons
10,000  units
4,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 128,000-480
Medium Level Workers 84,000-330
High Level Workers 40,000-30
Low Level Managers 14,600+36
Medium Level Managers 8,800+32
High Level Managers 3,800+28
Executives 1,900+3
High Tech Engineers 75,000+34
High Tech Seniors 15,000+17
High Tech Executives 1,500+2
81. Car Parts [ top ]

Car parts are used in the production of cars, Trucks, Electric cars and electric trucks. The product is added to increase the weight of the car industry in Simcountry.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1850000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
50,000  tons
10,000  tons
Electric Components
25,000  units
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
10,000  tons
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Household Products
2,000  tons
3,000  tons
Machine Parts
40,000  units
Mobile Devices
20,000  devices
1  units
10,000  tons
7,500  units
30,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 140,000-300
Medium Level Workers 111,000-190
High Level Workers 41,000-30
Low Level Managers 13,500+25
Medium Level Managers 9,100+24
High Level Managers 2,900+18
Executives 1,450+2
High Tech Engineers 54,000+35
High Tech Seniors 9,800+20
High Tech Executives 980+2
82. Coal [ top ]

Coal is a natural resource. It must be mined in a country that has the natural resource. The mined material is in fact the product itself and does not require any production process. The country must have the Coal natural resource to be able to set up a corporation.

The natural resource is not unlimited. The corporation page shows how much Coal remains in the ground and when Coal is produced, the material in the ground is used and the reserves are declining. At the end, the resource will run out and the corporation will be closed.

Coal is not used by countries and not used by the population. Only corporations use it. Coal is used in the production process of many products most significantly, it is used in the production of steel. It is also used in the production of several other natural resources and in some industrial products. The quality of Coal is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with it.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production790000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
100,000  tons
Electric Power
375  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
1  units
12,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 157,000-330
Medium Level Workers 156,000-260
High Level Workers 47,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,800+48
Medium Level Managers 10,400+35
High Level Managers 5,200+28
Executives 2,600+2
High Tech Engineers 36,000+30
High Tech Seniors 7,200+15
High Tech Executives 900+2
83. Copper [ top ]

Copper is a natural resource. It is an important metal used in some industries. It must be mined in a country that has the natural resource. The mined material is processed in the corporations and the process is in fact turning the mined materials into copper. The country must have the Copper natural resource to be able to set up a corporation.

The natural resource is not unlimited. The corporation page shows how much Copper remains in the ground and when Copper is produced, the material in the ground is used and the reserves are declining. At the end, the resource will run out and the corporation will be closed.

Copper is not used by countries and not used by the population. Only corporations use it. Copper is used in the production process of only several products. Some of the products are industrial ones but it is also used in some defence industries. The quality of Copper is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with it.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production725000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
105,000  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
15,000  units
1  units
50,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 156,000-320
Medium Level Workers 153,000-250
High Level Workers 50,000-60
Low Level Managers 14,600+38
Medium Level Managers 10,200+40
High Level Managers 5,100+24
Executives 2,550+2
High Tech Engineers 38,000+30
High Tech Seniors 7,600+18
High Tech Executives 900+2
84. Construction [ top ]

Construction is a major product in Simcountry. Building homes, or corporations, schools and hospitals all use construction. The product is used both by the population and by countries and corporations.

Some of the spending by the population is for the payment of interest on loans. The interest on loans is currently considered, in Simcountry, as spending on construction of homes. Most of the interest paid by the population, also in the real world, is for loans they have taken to purchase homes and the money is then spent on construction.

Construction is traded on the market. Like several other products that do not have a physical representation, it can be transported, or moved instantly between countries and even to countries on other worlds. The quality of Construction is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with it.

Corporation Details
Product GroupConstruction
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1525000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
150,000  tons
Building Materials
20,000  units
Cable TV Services
300  units
100,000  tons
100,000  tons
Electric Components
300  units
Electric Power
375  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
20  units
5,500  tons
High Tech Services
7,500  units
300  units
1,250  tons
1  units
12,500  units
25,000  tons
300  units
150,000  tons
2,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 154,000-320
Medium Level Workers 122,000-260
High Level Workers 51,000-50
Low Level Managers 20,000+33
Medium Level Managers 8,000+25
High Level Managers 2,600+21
Executives 1,500+3
High Tech Engineers 39,000+30
High Tech Seniors 7,800+20
High Tech Executives 780+3
85. Defensive Weapons Maintenance [ top ]

Defensive weapons maintenance corporations are producing products that are needed in the maintenance of defensive weapons. The products are used in the maintenance of all defensive land weapons.
These very large corporations produce very large numbers of maintenance units. In the production process, these corporations use mainly defensive weapons. This is done to simplify the production process and prevent the creation of many new products that would complicate the defence products markets and add too many products.

The operating costs of each and every defensive land weapon, define exactly what is needed to perform the maintenance. The maintenance typically requires military services, fuel and military supplies but also some ammunition and defensive weapon maintenance units. The products are traded on the market. A country can decide to produce what it needs or purchase the products on the market.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production492500.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Ammunition Quality Upgrades
120  units
Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries
4.5  batteries
Armored Vehicles
9  vehicles
Defensive Missile Batteries
4.5  batteries
Factory Maintenance
20  units
High Tech Services
5,000  units
0  jeeps
Light Artillery
6  cannons
Light Tanks
7.75 tanks
Missile Interceptor Batteries
4.5  batteries
Navy Missile Batteries
10.75 batteries
Navy Missile Interceptor Batteries
10  batteries
Nuclear Defense Batteries
1.15 batteries
3  units
5,000  units
20  trucks
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 132,000-380
Medium Level Workers 106,000-330
High Level Workers 75,000-100
Low Level Managers 17,600+50
Medium Level Managers 7,000+45
High Level Managers 4,500+35
Executives 2,250+5
High Tech Engineers 68,000+40
High Tech Seniors 13,600+25
High Tech Executives 1,700+6
86. Electric Cars [ top ]

Electric cars are now created in Simcountry. Electric cars are now added as a product that is used by the population in the same way cars are now used. Only a small fraction of the cars used by the population is electric. The percentage of electric cars will however increase in time.

The production process of electric cars includes the use of electric cars motors and electric cars batteries.

These new industries are now added to the game and will be produced in larger numbers to enable the production of electric cars.

The production process of Electric cars motors requires Metadium which is produced on the Tiny Atlas world only. The production process of Electric cars batteries, requires Silver which is produced in small quantities and more Silver will be needed to produce these batteries.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production35000.00 ecars per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
5,000  tons
Car Parts
350,000  units
3,500  tons
5,000  tons
Electric Cars Batteries
35,000  units
Electric Cars Motors
35,000  units
Electric Components
7,500  units
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Electronic Components
12,500  units
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
7,500  units
1,750  tons
Mobile Devices
12,500  devices
5,000  tons
1  units
7,500  units
5,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 123,000-440
Medium Level Workers 109,000-370
High Level Workers 68,000-10
Low Level Managers 13,700+30
Medium Level Managers 9,000+22
High Level Managers 3,400+18
Executives 2,000+3
High Tech Engineers 53,000+29
High Tech Seniors 10,600+14
High Tech Executives 1,300+2
87. Electric Cars Batteries [ top ]

Electronic cars batteries are currently used only in electronic cars. The batteries will also be used in the production of electric trucks. Electric trucks will be introduced in the near future.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production100000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
500  tons
Electric Power
300  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
7.5  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Industrial Equipment
20,000  units
1,000  tons
1,000  tons
10,000  tons
Mobile Devices
1,500  devices
10,000  tons
1  units
5,000  tons
7,500  units
100  tons
10,000  tons
3,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 132,000-310
Medium Level Workers 122,000-270
High Level Workers 54,0000
Low Level Managers 13,600+30
Medium Level Managers 8,000+22
High Level Managers 2,700+18
Executives 1,600+2
High Tech Engineers 59,000+25
High Tech Seniors 11,800+14
High Tech Executives 1,500+2
88. Electric Cars Motors [ top ]

Electric Cars Motors is the first product in a new group that will enable the production and use of Electric cars and electric trucks. The use of Electric Cars and Electric Trucks will start a little later, allowing some time for this industry to start and make some products available.

The production process of Electric car motors, includes a small quantity of Metadium which is a recently added rare metal. Metadium is already produced on Tiny Atlas. It can be transported to all the worlds, and can be traded on the 5 world markets.

Metadium is available in all TA countries. It can be mined on TA and then moved to any of the worlds and can be used in the production of Electric Cars motors.

Electric car motors are part of all electrical vehicles, both cars and trucks. anyone who is interested in building these motors, needs to make sure it has a steady supply of Metadium.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production250000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
5,000  tons
5,000  tons
5,000  tons
Electric Components
25,000  units
Electric Power
100  million kwhs
Electronic Components
25,000  units
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Industrial Equipment
10,000  units
5,000  tons
50  tons
250  grams
5,000  tons
1  units
5,000  units
25,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 115,000-350
Medium Level Workers 109,000-310
High Level Workers 54,000-50
Low Level Managers 9,600+25
Medium Level Managers 7,700+20
High Level Managers 3,200+15
Executives 1,600+3
High Tech Engineers 75,000+25
High Tech Seniors 15,000+19
High Tech Executives 2,300+2
89. Electric Trucks [ top ]

Electric trucks are now created in Simcountry. Electric trucks will be added as a product that is used by corporations in the same way trucks are now used. Only a small fraction of the trucks used by corporations will be electric trucks. The percentage of electric trucks will however increase in time.

The production process of electric trucks includes the use of electric cars motors and electric cars batteries.

The production process of Electric trucks requires Baradium which is produced on the Tiny Atlas world only. The production process of Electric trucks also requires Targon which is also produced on the Tiny Atlas world only.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production500.00 etrucks per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
500  tons
50  grams
Car Parts
50,000  units
500  tons
Electric Cars Batteries
20,000  units
Electric Cars Motors
3,000  units
Electric Components
1,500  units
Electric Power
50  million kwhs
Electronic Components
1,000  units
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
2,000  units
Mobile Devices
1,500  devices
500  tons
1  units
2,000  units
500  tons
10  grams
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 123,000-440
Medium Level Workers 109,000-370
High Level Workers 68,000-10
Low Level Managers 13,700+30
Medium Level Managers 9,000+22
High Level Managers 3,400+18
Executives 2,000+3
High Tech Engineers 53,000+29
High Tech Seniors 10,600+14
High Tech Executives 1,300+2
90. Electric Power - Produced with Oil and Gas [ top ]

There are several ways to produce electric power in Simcountry. The traditional way that was part of Simcountry from the start was producing Electric power in large generators, powered by Oil or Gas. These installations remain one of the main suppliers of electric power and can be found in many countries on all the planets. There are currently very few or no such installations on Tiny Atlas as the possibility of wind power is probably easier on that planet.

Oil and Gas installations are large, they use very large quantities of these resources and in the process produce large amounts of CO2. The average production capacity, compared to wind farms is around 10, meaning that one such generator produces 10` times more elctric power than a wind farm using 300 wind turbines.

There is a process of moving the energy source from oil to gas and small changes are made from time to time, to reduce the use of Oil and increase the use of Gas.

Although wind power is quite beneficial to countries, the traditional installations are probably here to stay for a long time.

Electric power is traded on the market. Like several other products that do not have a physical representation, it can be transported, or moved instantly between countries and even to countries on other worlds.

The quality of electric power is taken into account when the electricity is used in the production process of other products or when used by the population.

Corporation Details
Product GroupUtilities
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production21000.00 million kwhs per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
35,000  units
10,000  tons
55,000  tons
17,500  systems
Factory Maintenance
50  units
75,000  units
High Tech Services
25,000  units
200,000  tons
3  units
25,000  units
20,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-420
Medium Level Workers 100,000-340
High Level Workers 31,000-100
Low Level Managers 10,000+18
Medium Level Managers 6,300+10
High Level Managers 1,550+10
Executives 770+3
High Tech Engineers 60,000+25
High Tech Seniors 12,000+13
High Tech Executives 1,800+2
91. Factory Maintenance Units [ top ]

This product is used in the maintenance of corporations. Corporate Maintenance Units fall into the High-tech products group and are used by all corporations. Corporate Maintenance Products are traded on the markets and can be transported to all worlds, countries and enterprises.

Corporations that produce at a very high quality level are using more maintenance products. If a corporation does not have the products on stock, it may see its quality reduced.

All corporations are using Factory Maintenance Units. These units are considered essential is keeping corporations in good shape and able to continue production. Some corporations use them in very small numbers and many corporations, when fully upgraded, use more of these units.

Numbers vary from 10 to 50 per game month in a single corporation. Factory maintenance units must be available for the production process to continue. The quality of Factory Maintenance units is taken into account when used in the production process of other products.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level5
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production5000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
4,000  units
Books And Newspapers
20,000  units
Building Materials
22,500  units
10,000  systems
Electric Components
22,500  units
Electric Power
200  million kwhs
Electronic Components
22,500  units
Factory Maintenance
1  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Household Products
1,750  tons
Industrial Equipment
22,500  units
900  tons
Mobile Devices
3,000  devices
1  units
10,000  units
15,000  units
200  trucks
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 137,000-520
Medium Level Workers 113,000-490
High Level Workers 45,000-60
Low Level Managers 16,000+35
Medium Level Managers 10,400+40
High Level Managers 3,000+35
Executives 1,950+5
High Tech Engineers 78,000+45
High Tech Seniors 15,600+20
High Tech Executives 1,800+6
92. Gas [ top ]

Gas, like oil is used in the production of electric power in generators that run on Oil and gas. These are the electric power corporations that are used in large numbers in many countries.

Gas is also used in the production process of a few other mainly industrial products.

The quality of gas is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with gas.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production667500.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
125,000  tons
Electric Power
550  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Household Products
10,000  tons
Industrial Equipment
125,000  units
1  units
20,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 140,000-390
Medium Level Workers 131,000-280
High Level Workers 56,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,100+50
Medium Level Managers 7,700+44
High Level Managers 3,800+24
Executives 1,900+2
High Tech Engineers 51,000+40
High Tech Seniors 10,200+25
High Tech Executives 1,020+2
93. Gold [ top ]

Gold is a natural resource. It is a metal that must be mined in a country that has the natural resource and the mined materials are then turned into Gold in a production process. The country must have the Gold natural resource to be able to set up a corporation. Gold can be found in countries in all the worlds including Tiny Atlas.

The natural resource is not unlimited. The corporation page shows how much Gold remains in the ground and when Gold is produced, the material in the ground is used and the reserves are declining. At the end, the resource will run out and the corporation will be closed.

Gold is not used by countries and not used by the population. Only corporations use it. Gold is used in the production process of a small number of products. The quality of Gold is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with it.

Gold is traded on the markets in the 5 main worlds. It cannot be purchased in immediate mode and must be available to be purchases.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production20.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
50,000  tons
8,000  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
Household Products
30,000  tons
1  units
12,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 140,000-300
Medium Level Workers 139,000-210
High Level Workers 54,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,100+45
Medium Level Managers 8,200+40
High Level Managers 3,700+29
Executives 1,850+2
High Tech Engineers 42,000+36
High Tech Seniors 8,400+15
High Tech Executives 840+2
94. High Schools [ top ]

High schools in large numbers are needed in all countries and are part of the education system. High schools are built by high school building corporations that can deliver the high schools to the country or sell them on the market.
Players can either build high schools or purchase them on the market.

Each high school, employs workers and mainly about 50 teachers. The country must have teachers available or the high schools will not be able to function and might close. High schools do not have any quality considerations, as is the case many other government facilities in health and education.

High schools cannot be moved between countries and cannot be sold on the market. High schools are far too large to be transported with cargo shuttles. They must be produced in your country or in the world where your country resides. The number of high schools in the country is the essential factor in the high school index.

Corporation Details
Product GroupGovernment
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production27.00 highschools per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
1,500  units
Building Materials
100,000  units
12,500  units
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
175,000  units
High Tech Services
25,000  units
Mobile Devices
3,000  devices
1  units
15,000  units
250,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 128,000-390
Medium Level Workers 113,000-250
High Level Workers 29,0000
Low Level Managers 19,400+30
Medium Level Managers 8,700+28
High Level Managers 3,100+24
Executives 1,450+3
High Tech Engineers 46,000+38
High Tech Seniors 9,200+16
High Tech Executives 920+3
95. High tech Services [ top ]

High tech services is one of the main products in Simcountry. High tech services are used in many corporations and are responsible for technical and software services in all corporations. Nearly all corporations use high tech services. Food and agricultural corporations use small amounts of high tech services and high tech corporations, including computer and software corporations and the space industry are using large quantities of such products.

The high tech services corporations are large and employ many professionals. Their quality is important because it influences the quality of all products that use them in the production process.

High tech services are not used by the population but rather by corporations. Nearly all corporations use them. The products are also used in the maintenance of many weapon systems and are purchased by countries for this reason.

The product is part of the high tech products group and the corporations producing them are very profitable.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1050000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Air Transport
75,000  units
Books And Newspapers
20,000  units
30,000  systems
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
50  units
High Tech Services
0  units
Household Products
12,500  tons
Mobile Devices
2,000  devices
1  units
10,000  units
30,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 117,000-320
Medium Level Workers 77,000-180
High Level Workers 33,000-90
Low Level Managers 19,900+19
Medium Level Managers 11,300+16
High Level Managers 4,300+17
Executives 2,150+3
High Tech Engineers 102,000+13
High Tech Seniors 20,400+15
High Tech Executives 2,040+4
96. Iron [ top ]

Iron is a natural resource. It is a metal that must be mined in a country that has the natural resource and the mined materials are then turned into Iron in a production process. The country must have the Iron natural resource to be able to set up a corporation.

The natural resource is not unlimited. The corporation page shows how much Iron remains in the ground and when Iron is produced, the material in the ground is used and the reserves are declining. At the end, the resource will run out and the corporation will be closed.

Iron is not used by countries and not used by the population. Only corporations use it. Iron is used in the production process of a small number of products, The main use is in the production of steel. The quality of Iron is relevant as its quality is influencing the quality of the products that are produced with it.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production950000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
25,000  tons
80,000  tons
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
15  units
High Tech Services
5,000  units
Household Products
5,000  tons
1  units
5,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 146,000-280
Medium Level Workers 145,000-160
High Level Workers 46,000-50
Low Level Managers 13,800+41
Medium Level Managers 9,600+30
High Level Managers 2,300+24
Executives 1,150+2
High Tech Engineers 36,000+28
High Tech Seniors 7,200+18
High Tech Executives 1,020+2
97. Metadium [ top ]

Metadium is a rare metal that can be found on the Tiny Atlas world only. It was recently added to Simcountry and will be used in the production of Electrical cars (EV cars) and in the production of EV automotive parts.

Metadium can be transported to all worlds and can be traded on the markets of the 5 main worlds. Immediate orders are not possible. The product must be available to be purchased.

We expect Metadium to be used in an increasing number of products. Producing it in sufficient quantities will take time but also the introduction of the new products using Metadium will happen gradually over the next (real) months.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1150.00 grams per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
2,000  tons
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
1,500  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
Household Products
500  tons
1,000  units
20,000  units
125  grams
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-270
Medium Level Workers 90,000-180
High Level Workers 90,000-50
Low Level Managers 20,000+35
Medium Level Managers 12,000+40
High Level Managers 6,000+29
Executives 3,000+2
High Tech Engineers 150,000+28
High Tech Seniors 60,000+9
High Tech Executives 9,000+2
98. Military Base Maintenance [ top ]

Military base maintenance corporations are producing products that are needed in the maintenance of Military bases. The products are used in the maintenance of all military bases.
These very large corporations produce very large numbers of maintenance units. In the production process, these corporations use mainly military bases. This is done to simplify the production process and prevent the creation of many new products that would complicate the military bases markets and add too many products.

The operating costs of each and every military base, define exactly what is needed to perform the maintenance. The maintenance typically requires military services, fuel and military supplies but also some military bases and military base maintenance units. The products are traded on the market. A country can decide to produce what it needs or purchase the products on the market.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1675.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Defense Fortifications
0.15 locations
Defensive Military Airports
0.13 airports
Defensive Military Bases
0.13 bases
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
5,000  units
Offensive Military Airports
0.13 airports
Offensive Military Bases
0.13 bases
3  units
5,000  units
Str Weapons Maintenance
13  units
Strategic Airports
0.14 airports
Strategic Military Bases
0.14 bases
50  trucks
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-340
Medium Level Workers 110,000-340
High Level Workers 58,000-120
Low Level Managers 17,000+40
Medium Level Managers 7,300+35
High Level Managers 2,900+25
Executives 1,450+4
High Tech Engineers 76,000+30
High Tech Seniors 15,200+20
High Tech Executives 2,200+5
99. Military Services [ top ]

Military services are used in the maintenance of military installations and of weapon systems. Military services are in fact everything the army needs to maintain its assets. These are large corporations that are part of the industry in nearly all countries. Military services are traded on the market. Like several other products that do not have a physical representation, it can be magically transported, or moved instantly between countries and even to countries on other worlds. Military services are traded on the market. Like several other products that do not have a physical representation, it can be transported, or moved instantly between countries and even to countries on other worlds.

Corporation Details
Product GroupServices
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production2425000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Air Transport
40,000  units
Books And Newspapers
20,000  units
40,000  systems
Electric Power
750  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Household Products
40,000  tons
Mobile Devices
4,000  devices
1  units
20,000  units
50,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 145,000-350
Medium Level Workers 124,000-160
High Level Workers 37,000-70
Low Level Managers 21,800+26
Medium Level Managers 10,400+21
High Level Managers 2,700+19
Executives 1,350+2
High Tech Engineers 68,000+26
High Tech Seniors 13,600+15
High Tech Executives 1,360+2
100. Military Supplies [ top ]

Military supplies are the products needed to take care of the military in the army. All soldiers and officers need military supplies and the amounts of military supply products needed for the army is directly linked to the number of soldiers and officers serving in the army.

Military supply products are for the military the same as military services are to the weapons and other war assets in the army. Military supply products are produced in large corporations, they use many food products and other consumption products and each military serving in the army is assumed to consume one product per game month.

Military supply products are traded on the markets

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1900000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
30,000  1000 units
4,000  tons
15,000  tons
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
25  units
100,000  tons
High Tech Services
5,000  units
Household Products
4,000  tons
20,000  tons
Mobile Devices
5,000  devices
Other Food Products
75,000  tons
1  units
5,000  units
65,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 99,000-150
Medium Level Workers 46,000-150
High Level Workers 10,000-60
Low Level Managers 10,500+12
Medium Level Managers 4,300+12
High Level Managers 2,300+9
Executives 1,150+1
High Tech Engineers 41,000+12
High Tech Seniors 8,200+6
High Tech Executives 820+1
101. Lead [ top ]

Lead is a natural resource that can be produced in many countries on all the worlds, including Tiny Atlas. It is used in many industries, and is a component in many products.

Lead can be traded on the markets of the 5 main worlds. Immediate trading is not possible. The product must be available to be purchased.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production50000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
100,000  tons
12,000  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
25,000  units
Household Products
45,000  tons
1  units
25,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 156,000-320
Medium Level Workers 140,000-160
High Level Workers 46,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,700+41
Medium Level Managers 8,800+30
High Level Managers 4,000+24
Executives 2,000+2
High Tech Engineers 44,000+28
High Tech Seniors 8,800+18
High Tech Executives 960+2
102. Lithium [ top ]

Lithium is a natural resource that can be produced in many countries on all the worlds, including Tiny Atlas. It is used in many industries, and is a component in many products.

Lithium can be traded on the markets of the 5 main worlds. Immediate trading is not possible. The product must be available to be purchased.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production22500.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
150,000  tons
5,500  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
30,000  units
Household Products
20,000  tons
1  units
15,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 156,000-330
Medium Level Workers 131,000-160
High Level Workers 50,000-50
Low Level Managers 15,500+41
Medium Level Managers 7,700+30
High Level Managers 3,500+24
Executives 1,750+2
High Tech Engineers 41,000+28
High Tech Seniors 8,200+18
High Tech Executives 820+2
103. Mercury [ top ]

Mercury can be traded on the markets of the 5 main worlds. Immediate trading is not possible. The product must be available to be purchased.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production70000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
150,000  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
17,500  units
Household Products
30,000  tons
1  units
17,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 146,000-340
Medium Level Workers 146,000-160
High Level Workers 50,000-50
Low Level Managers 13,800+41
Medium Level Managers 9,500+37
High Level Managers 3,500+24
Executives 1,750+2
High Tech Engineers 56,000+28
High Tech Seniors 11,200+18
High Tech Executives 1,260+2
104. Navy Weapons Maintenance [ top ]

Navy weapons maintenance corporations are producing products that are needed in the maintenance of navy weapons. The products are used in the maintenance of all navy weapons.
These very large corporations produce very large numbers of maintenance units. In the production process, these corporations use mainly navy weapons. This is done to simplify the production process and prevent the creation of many new products that would complicate the navy products markets and add too many products.

The operating costs of each and every navy weapon, define exactly what is needed to perform the maintenance. The maintenance typically requires military services, fuel and military supplies but also some navy missiles and navy weapon maintenance units. The products are traded on the market. A country can decide to produce what it needs or purchase the products on the market.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production5025.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Aircraft Carriers
0.05 carriers
Anti Tank Missiles
30  missiles
Attack Boats
0.67 boats
Attack Destroyer Torpedoes
25  torpedoes
Attack Destroyers
0.07 destroyers
Cruise Missiles Ship Based
2.25 missiles
Cruise Missiles Ships
0.05 cruisers
0.05 destroyers
Factory Maintenance
20  units
Guided Missiles Frigates
0.09 frigates
Helicopter Carriers
0.05 carriers
High Tech Services
5,000  units
Navy Base
0.05 bases
Navy Helicopter Missiles
2.25 missiles
3  units
Seals Units
2  units
5,000  units
0.07 submarines
Supply Ships
0.05 ships
35  trucks
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 125,000-380
Medium Level Workers 110,000-380
High Level Workers 65,000-150
Low Level Managers 17,500+50
Medium Level Managers 7,300+45
High Level Managers 4,200+30
Executives 2,500+5
High Tech Engineers 65,000+40
High Tech Seniors 13,000+25
High Tech Executives 1,600+6
105. Nuclear Missiles [ top ]

Nuclear Missile Corporations are producing these nuclear missiles and they can sell them on the market. The product is bought by countries that have nuclear weapons but it is also used in the training and maintaining of military units that have these weapons.

Nuclear Missiles are also used in the production is strategic maintenance units as a raw material. Their quality is important as it influences the quality of products that use these missiles as a raw material.

The missiles can be traded on the markets. Trading is also possible on the Carina Space station.

Corporation Details
Product GroupStrategic
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1.00 missiles per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
2,500  tons
Ammunition Components
7,500  units
40,000  tons
20,000  systems
Electric Power
400  million kwhs
Electronic Components
20,000  units
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
25,000  units
Industrial Equipment
12,500  units
12  kilograms
1  units
25,000  units
Solid Missile Fuel
3,250  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 102,000-120
Medium Level Workers 102,000-120
High Level Workers 65,000-30
Low Level Managers 8,400+6
Medium Level Managers 6,800+6
High Level Managers 4,300+6
Executives 2,600+2
High Tech Engineers 71,000+12
High Tech Seniors 14,200+7
High Tech Executives 1,700+2
106. Nuclear Power [ top ]

There are several ways to produce electric power in Simcountry. Nuclear power was introduced a long time ago and is used widely in many countries. Nuclear power installations are using Uranium as fuel. There is no use of fossil fuels and no CO2 emissions2.

The nuclear power installations produce more electric power than the traditional Oil/Gas installations, and the production process is less costly and in most cases, nuclear power comes at a lower price. Countries and corporations do not automatically purchase nuclear power. As a result, it is sometimes forgotten and although there are shortages of power on all our worlds, nuclear power cost could fall for lack of buyers.

Some presidents do know that they can purchase nuclear power at a lower cost and do so in very large quantities. When nuclear power is purchased, it is added to the electric power in the country. The product from all electric power producing corporations is the same. There is no separate storage of nuclear power.

The price of nuclear power fluctuates more as a result. when forgotten, the price could decline to much lower levels, When large quantities are bough, it could create a shortage and the price increases.

Nuclear power is trade on the market. Like several other products that do not have a physical representation, it can be transported, or moved instantly between countries and even to countries on other worlds.

The quality of nuclear power is taken into account when it is used in other corporations.

Corporation Details
Product GroupUtilities
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production25000.00 million kwhs per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
25,000  units
1,500  tons
6,000  tons
4,000  systems
Electronic Components
7,500  units
Factory Maintenance
7.5  units
High Tech Services
9,000  units
Household Products
750  tons
2,500  tons
Machine Parts
7,500  units
1  units
6,750  units
6,000  units
80  kilograms
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 96,000-380
Medium Level Workers 88,000-380
High Level Workers 34,000-90
Low Level Managers 8,000+25
Medium Level Managers 5,800+25
High Level Managers 1,700+15
Executives 1,400+5
High Tech Engineers 60,000+35
High Tech Seniors 12,000+18
High Tech Executives 1,500+5
107. Nuclear Submarine Missiles [ top ]

The missiles are nuclear devices that are used as ammunition for Nuclear Submarines. These are dangerous weapons that are produced in small numbers and have a high price.

Corporations that are producing Nuclear Submarine Missiles can be built on all worlds.

The missiles can also be traded in contracts on all worlds. Trading is also possible on the Carina Space station.

Corporation Details
Product GroupStrategic
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production0.90 missiles per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
2,500  tons
Ammunition Components
5,000  units
17,500  tons
15,000  systems
Electric Power
200  million kwhs
Electronic Components
15,000  units
Factory Maintenance
15  units
High Tech Services
25,000  units
Industrial Equipment
15,000  units
14.4  kilograms
1  units
12,500  units
Solid Missile Fuel
3,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 94,000-130
Medium Level Workers 101,000-140
High Level Workers 54,000-30
Low Level Managers 7,800+11
Medium Level Managers 6,400+9
High Level Managers 3,000+7
Executives 1,500+2
High Tech Engineers 65,000+18
High Tech Seniors 13,000+9
High Tech Executives 1,600+3
108. Offensive Weapons Maintenance [ top ]

Offensive weapons maintenance corporations are producing products that are needed in the maintenance of offensive weapons. The products are used in the maintenance of all offensive land weapons.
These very large corporations produce very large numbers of maintenance units. In the production process, these corporations use mainly offensive weapons. This is done to simplify the production process and prevent the creation of many new products that would complicate the offensive products markets and add too many products.

The operating costs of each and every offensive land weapon, define exactly what is needed to perform the maintenance. The maintenance typically requires military services, fuel and military supplies but also some ammunition and offensive weapon maintenance units. The products are traded on the market. A country can decide to produce what it needs or purchase the products on the market.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production37750.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Ammunition Quality Upgrades
3.75 units
Anti Tank Missile Batteries
1.25 batteries
Conventional Missile Batteries
0.48 batteries
Factory Maintenance
10  units
Heavy Armored Vehicles
0.8  vehicles
Heavy Artillery
0.62 cannons
Heavy Jeeps
0  jeeps
Heavy Tanks
0.38 tanks
High Tech Services
3,000  units
Land Based Cruise Batteries
0.4  batteries
Land To Sea Missile Batteries
0  batteries
Mid Range Missile Batteries
0.62 batteries
Navy Fighter Missiles
3.5  missiles
Off Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries
0.3  batteries
Rapid Deployment Ammo
115  grenades
Rapid Deployment Units
0.25 RD units
3  units
Special Forces Units
0.62 SF units
Supply Ships
0.23 ships
20  trucks
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 113,000-340
Medium Level Workers 110,000-300
High Level Workers 71,000-80
Low Level Managers 16,500+40
Medium Level Managers 7,300+35
High Level Managers 3,500+25
Executives 2,200+5
High Tech Engineers 70,000+35
High Tech Seniors 14,000+25
High Tech Executives 1,600+6
109. Oil [ top ]

Oil is one of the most important natural resources. Oil is used both by the population and by many types of corporations and by the government as part of the maintenance of many government and army assets.

The largest quantities of Oil are used by electric power generators that are using oil and gas. The quality of oil is relevant for some products that are using oil as raw materials, like gasoline and air craft fuel. To produce Oil you need to have the natural resource in your country and start a corporation that produces oil.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1500000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
100,000  tons
12,500  systems
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
15,000  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
Household Products
7,500  tons
Industrial Equipment
25,000  units
1  units
12,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 142,000-330
Medium Level Workers 145,000-170
High Level Workers 53,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,300+52
Medium Level Managers 8,600+35
High Level Managers 3,650+20
Executives 1,825+3
High Tech Engineers 49,000+40
High Tech Seniors 9,800+16
High Tech Executives 980+3
110. Plutonium [ top ]

Plutonium is an industrial product, not a natural resource. Plutonium cannot be mined anywhere, it is produced with Uranium and weapon grade uranium.

Plutonium is the base ingredient in all nuclear weapons. It is used in small quantities; the cost per Kg is very high and it is also produced in small quantities. All nuclear missiles, Tactical nuclear war heads and strategic bombs contain plutonium.

Plutonium is only purchased by corporations that are the producers of all nuclear products in Simcountry.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production8.00 kilograms per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
17,500  tons
Electric Power
375  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
7.5  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
100  tons
1  units
12,500  units
5  kilograms
Weapon Grade Uranium
5  kilograms
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 33,000-60
Medium Level Workers 16,000-60
High Level Workers 3,000-50
Low Level Managers 6,600+4
Medium Level Managers 1,200+4
High Level Managers 750+4
Executives 380+1
High Tech Engineers 41,000+6
High Tech Seniors 7,200+6
High Tech Executives 720+2
111. Precision Bombers [ top ]

Precision Bombers are offensive weapons that are designed to use agariunst enemy forces, and civilian targets. They are used against land forces, and can destroy cities and military bases. The military details are available in the weapons document.

Precision bombers are produced by large corporations that can be built in all countries with a game level 3 or higher.

Precision Bombers are trading on all the worlds. Trading is also possible on the Cervus space station.

Corporation Details
Product GroupOffensive
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production2.25 bombers per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
2,000  tons
5,000  systems
Electric Power
100  million kwhs
Electronic Components
7,500  units
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
5,000  units
Industrial Equipment
5,000  units
2,000  tons
1  units
5,000  units
250  tons
Weapon Grade Components
6,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 87,000-120
Medium Level Workers 89,000-80
High Level Workers 51,000-50
Low Level Managers 7,250+9
Medium Level Managers 5,933+9
High Level Managers 3,490+8
Executives 2,053+2
High Tech Engineers 68,000+10
High Tech Seniors 13,600+10
High Tech Executives 1,400+2
112. Precision Bombs [ top ]

Precision Bombs are used by precision bombers. They are produced in all worlds in countries that are in game level 3 or higher. The details on these bombs are in the weapons document.

Corporation Details
Product GroupOffensive
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production475.00 bombs per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
4,000  tons
Ammunition Components
10,000  units
7,500  tons
7,500  systems
Electric Power
150  million kwhs
Electronic Components
7,500  units
Factory Maintenance
20  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
Industrial Equipment
6,500  units
1  units
7,500  units
7,500  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 97,000-90
Medium Level Workers 76,000-110
High Level Workers 31,000-20
Low Level Managers 8,000+12
Medium Level Managers 5,067+12
High Level Managers 2,533+9
Executives 1,267+2
High Tech Engineers 45,000+12
High Tech Seniors 9,000+9
High Tech Executives 900+2
113. Production Plants [ top ]

As described before in this document, production plants are needed if you want to build new corporations. A steel corporations needs a factory where steel is produced and a corn producing corporations needs a very different plant, including a lot of land to produce corn.

There are many types of plants that are needed to produced all these different products, and if we want to do it right, we would probably have 100 different types of production plants. This is far too complex in the game and a production plant is created that is a kind of an average of what should be expected from a production plant and it is used in all cases, preventing the creation of many products that are in fact doing the same thing: Enabling the creation of corporation.

As described before, you need a production plant in your country to build a corporation and you are advised to have several such productions plants available in the country to prevent delays and problems when you try to build new corporations.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1.00 plants per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
5,000  units
Building Materials
25,000  units
22,500  units
5,000  displays
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Industrial Equipment
17,500  units
750  tons
Mobile Devices
5,000  devices
1  units
17,500  units
50,000  tons
600  trucks
60,000  tons
750  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 126,000-430
Medium Level Workers 123,000-280
High Level Workers 55,000-40
Low Level Managers 18,300+52
Medium Level Managers 9,100+50
High Level Managers 4,000+39
Executives 2,000+4
High Tech Engineers 75,000+47
High Tech Seniors 15,000+19
High Tech Executives 1,500+4
114. Roads [ top ]

Road producing corporations are needed to produce the roads all countries need. The larger the population of the country, the more roads it needs. These corporations produce, in many cases, more roads than one country needs and they sell their products on the markets. Countries can purchase roads on the market but cannot sell the product.

Corporation Details
Product GroupGovernment
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production42.50 miles per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
200,000  tons
Electric Power
150  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
7,500  units
Mobile Devices
500  devices
1  units
5,000  units
300,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-440
Medium Level Workers 110,000-230
High Level Workers 32,0000
Low Level Managers 19,500+30
Medium Level Managers 7,300+25
High Level Managers 2,600+20
Executives 1,300+3
High Tech Engineers 52,000+38
High Tech Seniors 10,400+17
High Tech Executives 1,040+4
115. Road Maintenance [ top ]

Roads in the country need maintenance. One road maintenance unit is needed for each mile/km of road each game month. Road maintenance corporations produce large numbers of road maintenance products. Road maintenance products are traded on the products market. A country can build it own corporations or just purchase what it needs on the market.

116. Schools [ top ]

Schools in large numbers are needed in all countries and are part of the education system. Schools are built by school building corporations that can deliver the schools to the country or sell them on the market.
Players can either build schools or purchase them on the market.

Each school, employs workers and mainly about 50 teachers. The country must have teachers available or the schools will not be able to function and might close. Schools do not have any quality considerations, as is the case many other government facilities in health and education.

Schools cannot be moved between countries and cannot be sold on the market. Schools are far too large to be transported with cargo shuttles. They must be produced in your country or in the world where your country resides. The number of schools in the country is the essential factor in the school index.

Corporation Details
Product GroupGovernment
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production27.00 schools per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
1,500  units
Building Materials
75,000  units
15,000  units
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
200,000  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Mobile Devices
3,000  devices
1  units
7,500  units
250,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 123,000-380
Medium Level Workers 114,000-250
High Level Workers 39,0000
Low Level Managers 19,000+30
Medium Level Managers 8,600+26
High Level Managers 3,200+20
Executives 1,400+3
High Tech Engineers 42,000+37
High Tech Seniors 8,400+15
High Tech Executives 840+4
117. Selenium [ top ]

Selenium is a natural resource. To produce Selenium, a country needs to have Selenium in the ground and will then be able to setup a Selenium producing corporations. Selenium is used as one of the raw materials in the production of glass. Selenium is traded on the Lyncis space station only. The quality of Selenium is relevant. It quality will influence the quality of the glass, produced with it.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production500.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
67,500  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
30,000  units
Household Products
25,000  tons
Industrial Equipment
200,000  units
1  units
30,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 144,000-300
Medium Level Workers 148,000-180
High Level Workers 47,000-50
Low Level Managers 13,700+30
Medium Level Managers 9,800+30
High Level Managers 3,350+20
Executives 1,675+4
High Tech Engineers 49,000+40
High Tech Seniors 9,800+15
High Tech Executives 1,150+3
118. Solid Missile Fuel [ top ]

Solid missile fuel is used in the production of cargo shuttle boosters and in the production of many types of missiles.

The solid missile fuel corporations use large quantities of chemicals in the production process.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production195000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
100,000  tons
Electric Power
425  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Household Products
5,000  tons
500  tons
167,500  tons
1  units
12,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-380
Medium Level Workers 92,000-180
High Level Workers 31,000-30
Low Level Managers 13,600+35
Medium Level Managers 8,200+34
High Level Managers 2,900+27
Executives 1,450+3
High Tech Engineers 61,000+36
High Tech Seniors 19,000+21
High Tech Executives 1,300+3
119. Services [ top ]

Services is also one of the main products in Simcountry. Services are used in virtually all corporations and are responsible for aal operational services needed in all corporations. All corporations use services. Food and agricultural corporations use them and high tech corporations too. The wide use of services requires many such corporations in each world. Thousands such corporations are functioning in all worlds,

The services corporations are large and employ many workers and many professionals. Their quality is important because they influence the quality of all products that use them in the production process.

Services are used by the population and by corporations. The products are also used in the maintenance of many weapon systems, all country assets, education and health and are purchased by countries for this reason.

Corporation Details
Product GroupServices
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1275000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Air Transport
42,500  units
Books And Newspapers
14,000  units
10,000  systems
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
20  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Household Products
6,000  tons
Mobile Devices
2,000  devices
1  units
12,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 145,000-410
Medium Level Workers 99,000-240
High Level Workers 27,000-120
Low Level Managers 21,000+36
Medium Level Managers 12,000+24
High Level Managers 4,000+22
Executives 2,000+3
High Tech Engineers 51,000+27
High Tech Seniors 10,200+21
High Tech Executives 1,100+3
120. Shuttle Maintenance Units [ top ]

Shuttle maintenance units will be phased out of Simcountry. The maintenance units are now being used and will remain in use until all stocks are depleted. The reason to phase the product out is its complexity and it is rarely being used.

argo shuttle can be used with or without the maintenance units. If the maintenance units are not available, the cargo shuttles will weare off a bit faster. The difficulty and misunderstanding are in the way these maintenance units are used. You never see the product being used. You currently just need to make sure it is available at space stations and you can see the number of available product being reduced in time as they are used.

Some players just do not purchase them and do not make them availabl.e As we add new products to Simcount, some existing products might become obsolete and removed from the game.

The current situation

Cargo shuttles are used in the transport of goods between our planets. Thousands of such cargo shuttles are employed by many countries. Shuttle transports are created to move large quantities of a specific product and they run from one space center to another, sometime very far away, and to and from space stations. Cargo shuttles have the capacity to move 100.000 units of cargo. Some products use only a fraction of a unit per ton, other products use many cargo units per product. Up to 20 cargo shuttles are used for each transport if these are available.

Cargo shuttles need shuttle maintenance units for each transport and they find these shuttle maintenance units either on the shuttle itself if it was loaded there or at space centers they visit during transport, provided that these maintenance units were stored in these space centers.

One shuttle maintenance unit is used in each cargo shuttle movement, except for flight to Tiny Atlas space centers. These missions use 5 shuttle maintenance units. If the quality of the shuttle maintenance units is high, a smaller number will be used in each flight. The cargo shuttle cargo page and the cargo shuttle log, show how many such units are available on the cargo shuttle and how many are used in each mission. Shuttle maintenance units will be used either from those stored on the cargo shuttles or ones stored at space centers or stations they visit.

Cargo shuttles have a life span that allows them, dependent on their quality, fly up to several thousands missions. The number of missions remaining declines with each flight and declines faster with each flight to Tiny Atlas.

However, in cases when the cargo shuttle does not have any shuttle maintenance units, and none are available at space centers it visits, the cargo shuttle will age faster. It will use more missions on all flights and age faster.

Corporation Details
Product GroupSpace Industry
Required Game Level5
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production25.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
7,500  tons
5,000  systems
Electric Components
7,500  units
Electric Power
100  million kwhs
Electronic Components
5,000  units
Factory Maintenance
5  units
High Tech Services
5,000  units
Industrial Equipment
7,500  units
1  units
5,000  units
Shuttle Boosters
1  boosters
Shuttle Components
250  Components
Solid Missile Fuel
25  units
5,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 60,000-360
Medium Level Workers 48,000-230
High Level Workers 30,000-50
Low Level Managers 8,000+30
Medium Level Managers 3,000+31
High Level Managers 1,200+25
Executives 700+3
High Tech Engineers 48,000+34
High Tech Seniors 9,600+19
High Tech Executives 600+3
121. Silver [ top ]

Silver is a high value natural resource that is used in the production of jewellery but will also be used in the production of a new type of battery that is used in E-Cars and E-Trucks.

Substantial quantities of Silver will be used in these new batteries and the amount of Silver that is used in these industries will surge.

Silver can be mined in all the worlds, including Tiny Atlas. The cost of production on Tiny Atlas is lower mainly because corporations producing Silver on TA need smaller numbers of workers.

Silver can easily be transported on cargo shuttles from TA to all the other worlds.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production210.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
2,500  tons
2,500  tons
500  systems
Electric Power
100  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
5,000  units
Household Products
500  tons
1  units
5,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 156,000-270
Medium Level Workers 120,000-180
High Level Workers 40,000-50
Low Level Managers 14,600+41
Medium Level Managers 8,000+30
High Level Managers 3,500+27
Executives 1,750+2
High Tech Engineers 37,000+31
High Tech Seniors 7,400+12
High Tech Executives 1,040+2
122. Sulfur [ top ]

Sulfur is a natural resource that is used in some industrial products and can be produced on 5 worlds. We expect that following discovery runs on TA will find Sulfur and will make it possible to produce Sulfur also on TA.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1115000.00 tons per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
100,000  tons
135,000  tons
15,000  systems
Electric Power
600  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Household Products
15,000  tons
1  units
15,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 154,000-240
Medium Level Workers 132,000-180
High Level Workers 46,000-50
Low Level Managers 15,300+36
Medium Level Managers 7,800+25
High Level Managers 3,300+19
Executives 1,650+2
High Tech Engineers 42,000+29
High Tech Seniors 8,400+11
High Tech Executives 840+2
123. Solid Missile Fuel [ top ]

Solid missile fuel is widely used as the energy source for missiles. The main use is in the military industry. The product is not used by the population and is traded between corporations and the countries that are using it to maintain their army.

Solid missile fuel is also used in the production of cargo shuttle boosters. The solid missile fuel corporations use large quantities of chemicals in the production process.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production195000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
100,000  tons
Electric Power
425  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
20,000  units
Household Products
5,000  tons
500  tons
167,500  tons
1  units
12,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-380
Medium Level Workers 92,000-180
High Level Workers 31,000-30
Low Level Managers 13,600+35
Medium Level Managers 8,200+34
High Level Managers 2,900+27
Executives 1,450+3
High Tech Engineers 61,000+36
High Tech Seniors 19,000+21
High Tech Executives 1,300+3
124. Space Centers [ top ]

Space centers are the places where cargo shuttles can take off and land. Space centers have very large storage capacity and can store products that are incoming from other destinations and products that are destined for transport to other locations.

Trade centers can exchange products with the country where they reside. everything that is transported into the space center can be easily moved to the country storage and the other way around, products stored in the country, can be moved to the space center.

A country can have multiple space centers but except for the risk of war when a space center could be destroyed, there is no need for more than one space center in a country.

Space centers are always built locally. They cannot be traded on the market and cannot be moved with cargo shuttles. Each country that ants to participate in trading with countries on a different planet and especially participate in the trade on Tiny Atlas, needs a space center.

The production of space centers requires many raw materials and takes quite long. The corporations are among the largest in Simcountry and have the potential to become very profitable.

Space centers quality is not relevant. They are all fully functional. It does not make sense to invest in high quality raw materials as these might result in high quality space centers and these have exactly the same functionality as space centers of lower quality.

Corporation Details
Product GroupSpace Industry
Required Game Level6
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production0.75 centers per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
12,500  units
Building Materials
35,000  units
25,000  systems
15,000  units
7,000  displays
Electric Components
35,000  units
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
15,000  units
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
30,000  units
Household Products
7,500  tons
Industrial Equipment
35,000  units
Machine Parts
50,000  units
1  units
12,500  units
35,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 115,000-420
Medium Level Workers 120,000-500
High Level Workers 70,000-20
Low Level Managers 15,300+45
Medium Level Managers 8,000+45
High Level Managers 3,500+45
Executives 1,750+8
High Tech Engineers 68,000+45
High Tech Seniors 14,000+35
High Tech Executives 1,600+6
125. Strategic Bombers [ top ]

Strategic bombers are weapons designed to carry hydrogen bombs. Strategic Bombers are used by countries in nuclear military units. They are also used in strategic maintenance products.

Corporation Details
Product GroupStrategic
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1.00 aircrafts per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
5,000  tons
50,000  systems
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
50,000  units
Factory Maintenance
60  units
High Tech Services
50,000  units
Industrial Equipment
50,000  units
10,000  tons
1  units
40,000  units
500  tons
Weapon Grade Components
20,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 89,000-120
Medium Level Workers 98,000-110
High Level Workers 85,000-40
Low Level Managers 7,400+7
Medium Level Managers 6,500+6
High Level Managers 4,200+6
Executives 2,100+2
High Tech Engineers 75,000+8
High Tech Seniors 15,000+12
High Tech Executives 1,950+3
126. Strategic Weapons Maintenance [ top ]

Strategic weapons maintenance corporations are producing products that are needed in the maintenance of strategic weapons. The products are used in the maintenance of all strategic weapons.
These very large corporations produce very large numbers of maintenance units. In the production process, these corporations use mainly strategic weapons. This is done to simplify the production process and prevent the creation of many new products that would complicate the strategic products markets and add too many products.

The operating costs of each and every strategic weapon, define exactly what is needed to perform the maintenance. The maintenance typically requires military services, fuel and military supplies but also some nuclear missiles and strategic weapon maintenance units. The products are traded on the market. A country can decide to produce what it needs or purchase the products on the market.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level5
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production2650.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Ammunition Quality Upgrades
30  units
Chemical Missile Batteries
0.05 batteries
Chemical Missiles
0.05 missiles
Factory Maintenance
10  units
Nuclear Missile Batteries
0.05 batteries
Nuclear Missiles
0.05 missiles
Nuclear Submarine Missiles
0.06 missiles
Nuclear Submarines
0.05 submarines
3  units
Strategic Bombers
0.09 aircrafts
Strategic Bombs
0.06 bombs
Tactical Nuclear Weapons
0.09 bombs
Tactical Weapons Launchers
0.07 launchers
50  trucks
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-250
Medium Level Workers 110,000-250
High Level Workers 70,000-200
Low Level Managers 16,500+25
Medium Level Managers 7,300+25
High Level Managers 3,500+17
Executives 2,200+5
High Tech Engineers 70,000+30
High Tech Seniors 14,000+15
High Tech Executives 2,400+4
127. Targon [ top ]

Targon is a rare metal that can be found on the Tiny Atlas world, in small quantities. It is currently used in the production of Targon missile batteries and Targo missiles, which are defensive weapons that are capable of stopping nearly any incoming missile.

Targon defence comes at a high cost but it is a very powerful defence. Countries using Targon batteries and missiles in sufficient numbers are considered fully protected.

Targon is also used in the production of Metadium and Baradium that are also rare metals found on Tiny Atlas.

Targon, is produced on Tiny Atlas and can be transported with cargo shuttles to all other worlds and can be traded on the world market. It is possible for all countries to order Targon but immediate orders are not possible.

The product must be available on the market to be delivered. No shortages can be covered by immediate orders as is possible with many other products.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production650.00 grams per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
25,000  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
1,500  units
High Tech Services
50,000  units
Household Products
5,000  tons
1,500  units
50,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 120,000-270
Medium Level Workers 90,000-180
High Level Workers 72,000-50
Low Level Managers 20,000+35
Medium Level Managers 12,000+40
High Level Managers 6,000+29
Executives 3,000+2
High Tech Engineers 106,000+28
High Tech Seniors 29,000+9
High Tech Executives 6,000+2
128. Train Tracks [ top ]

Train Track producing corporations are needed to produce the train tracks all countries need. The larger the population of the country, the more train tracks it needs. These corporations produce, in many cases, more train tracks than one country needs and they sell their products on the markets. Countries can purchase train tracks on the market but cannot sell the product.

in tracks are not functioning in a better way if their quality is high. Producing them at lower quality will lower their cost.

Corporation Details
Product GroupGovernment
Required Game Level1
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production60.00 miles per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Building Materials
65,000  units
Electric Power
150  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Mobile Devices
500  devices
1  units
10,000  units
65,000  tons
150,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 129,000-390
Medium Level Workers 118,000-240
High Level Workers 37,000-40
Low Level Managers 19,500+36
Medium Level Managers 7,800+34
High Level Managers 2,350+28
Executives 1,175+3
High Tech Engineers 47,000+42
High Tech Seniors 9,400+18
High Tech Executives 940+3
129. Train Tracks Maintenance [ top ]

Train tracks in the country need maintenance. One train track maintenance unit is needed for each mile/km of train track each game month. Train track maintenance corporations produce large numbers of train track maintenance products. Train track maintenance products are traded on the products market. A country can build its own corporations or just purchase what it needs on the market.

130. Trucks [ top ]

Trucks are used in the building process of several types of corporations, they are used for transportation and in military units. The army is organized in army units that move with all their weapons, ammunition, gasoline and military supplies.

Each army unit includes many trucks to carry supplies for a period. Supply units are used to re-supply military units that are deployed in their own country or on enemy territory. Such supply units consist of mainly trucks, and some weapons to defend them. These convoys move back and forth between the ammunition storage in your own country and the places where units are stationed.

The numbers of trucks that is needed to supply armies in action is very large. A land base division that may have about 2000 weapons require 750 to 1500 trucks and large convoys may have up to 1.000 trucks.

Country and empire leaders, who are active in the war game, should realize that they need large numbers of trucks that may be destroyed when military units are attacked or when convoys are attacked on their way to and from military units that are deployed anywhere.

Trucks quality matters when the trucks are used in the production of other products. Quality is not relevant when used in military units.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production850.00 trucks per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
20,000  tons
50  units
Car Engines
2,550  engines
Car Parts
1,000  units
35,000  tons
3,500  displays
Electric Components
57,500  units
Electric Motors
8,500  units
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
65,000  units
Factory Maintenance
40  units
High Tech Services
17,500  units
Industrial Equipment
35,000  units
Machine Parts
65,000  units
20,000  tons
1  units
17,500  units
10,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 121,000-350
Medium Level Workers 122,000-240
High Level Workers 65,000-10
Low Level Managers 14,000+35
Medium Level Managers 8,100+26
High Level Managers 3,250+24
Executives 1,800+3
High Tech Engineers 47,000+28
High Tech Seniors 8,400+16
High Tech Executives 840+2
131. Universities [ top ]

Universities in large numbers are needed in all countries and are part of the education system. Universities are built by University building corporations that can deliver the universities to the country or sell them on the market.
Players can either build universities or purchase them on the market.

Each university, employs workers and mainly about 2000 university teachers. The country must have university teachers available or the universities will not be able to function and might close. Universities do not have any quality considerations, as is the case many other government facilities in health and education.

Universities cannot be moved between countries and cannot be sold on the market. Universities are far too large to be transported with cargo shuttles. They must be produced in your country or in the world where your country resides. The number of universities in the country is the essential factor in the university index.

Corporation Details
Product GroupGovernment
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1.50 universities per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
1,000  units
Building Materials
87,500  units
25,000  units
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
87,500  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Industrial Equipment
25,000  units
Mobile Devices
2,000  devices
1  units
500,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 123,000-400
Medium Level Workers 118,000-250
High Level Workers 47,000-40
Low Level Managers 19,000+42
Medium Level Managers 7,800+32
High Level Managers 2,450+32
Executives 1,225+3
High Tech Engineers 49,000+41
High Tech Seniors 9,800+18
High Tech Executives 980+3
132. Uranium [ top ]

Uranium is a natural resource that can be produced in many countries on all the worlds, including Tiny Atlas. It is used mainly in the nuclear power corporations that are producing electric power in nuclear reactors.

Uranium is also used in the production process of weapon grade uranium which is the base of the plutonium production process. As a result, Uranium is needed where a nuclear industry is being built.

Uranium can be traded on the markets of the 5 main worlds. Immediate trading is not possible. The product must be available to be purchased.

Corporation Details
Product GroupMining
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production250.00 kilograms per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
95,000  tons
18,000  tons
Electric Power
800  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
37,500  units
Mobile Devices
5,000  devices
1  units
37,500  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 132,000-270
Medium Level Workers 136,000-160
High Level Workers 61,000-50
Low Level Managers 13,500+37
Medium Level Managers 8,000+23
High Level Managers 4,050+22
Executives 2,025+2
High Tech Engineers 63,000+31
High Tech Seniors 12,600+14
High Tech Executives 1,260+2
133. Weapon Grade Components [ top ]

Weapon Grade Components are used in the production of many weapons in Simcountry, including the strategic weapons. The products are also used in the production of weapon upgrading products.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production21000.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Airforce Maintenance
1  units
40,000  tons
Def Weapons Maintenance
30  units
2,500  displays
Electric Components
37,500  units
Electric Motors
3,000  units
Electric Power
475  million kwhs
Electronic Components
37,500  units
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
7,500  units
Household Products
5,000  tons
Industrial Equipment
37,500  units
Machine Parts
40,000  units
Mobile Devices
2,000  devices
Navy Vessels Maintenance
45  units
Off Weapons Maintenance
1  units
1  units
5,000  units
Str Weapons Maintenance
1  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 96,000-370
Medium Level Workers 90,000-320
High Level Workers 55,000-40
Low Level Managers 8,000+20
Medium Level Managers 7,400+20
High Level Managers 4,100+15
Executives 2,200+3
High Tech Engineers 83,000+20
High Tech Seniors 16,600+18
High Tech Executives 2,500+5
134. Water Treatment Products [ top ]

Water treatment corporations are needed to produce the water treatment installation all countries need. The larger the population of the country, the more water treatment installations it needs. These corporations produce, in many cases, more water treatment installations than one country needs and they sell their products on the markets. Countries can purchase water treatment installations on the market but cannot sell the product.

Water treatment installations do not have any advantage from quality and do not need to be produced at a very high quality.

Corporation Details
Product GroupGovernment
Required Game Level2
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production1.50 installations per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
1,250  units
Building Materials
50,000  units
12,500  units
Electric Power
250  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Industrial Equipment
35,000  units
Mobile Devices
1,250  devices
1  units
7,500  units
450,000  tons
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 123,000-400
Medium Level Workers 118,000-270
High Level Workers 45,000-40
Low Level Managers 19,000+38
Medium Level Managers 7,200+36
High Level Managers 2,750+28
Executives 1,375+3
High Tech Engineers 50,000+40
High Tech Seniors 10,000+17
High Tech Executives 1,000+3
135. Water Maintenance [ top ]

Water treatment installations in the country need maintenance. One water treatment maintenance unit is needed for each water treatment installation each game month. Water treatment maintenance corporations produce large numbers of water treatment maintenance products. Water treatment maintenance products are traded on the products market. A country can build its own corporations or just purchase what it needs on the market.

Water maintenance products do not have any advantage depending on quality and can be produced at low quality to reduce cost.

136. Weapon Grade Uranium [ top ]

Weapon grade Uranium is used in the production of Plutonium. Plutonium is made of Uranium and a small quantity of weapon grade Uranium. Weapon grade uranium is produced in corporations that use uranium in the production process. Weapon grade uranium is essential in the production of nuclear missiles and bombs.

The product can be traded on the market. It is produced in small quantities and its price is high ut depends on the supply and demand on the markets. Weapon grade uranium can be transported on cargo shuttles between countries enterprises and to all worlds.

The quality of the product is not important. Quality will influence the quality of products made with weapon grade uranium but these products are not having any advantage of high quality.

Corporation Details
Product GroupIndustry
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production13.00 kilograms per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
20,000  tons
Electric Power
450  million kwhs
Factory Maintenance
10  units
High Tech Services
12,500  units
Household Products
2,500  tons
Industrial Equipment
15,000  units
Mobile Devices
1,000  devices
1  units
7,500  units
100  kilograms
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 58,000-240
Medium Level Workers 48,000-200
High Level Workers 25,000-80
Low Level Managers 7,900+18
Medium Level Managers 3,300+12
High Level Managers 900+8
Executives 450+2
High Tech Engineers 55,000+12
High Tech Seniors 10,000+8
High Tech Executives 1,000+2
137. Weapons Quality Upgrades (WQU) [ top ]

These products are used to upgrade military unit weapons quality. One Weapon Quality Unit is needed for each weapon in the unit. To upgrade the weapons quality of a unit that has 600 weapons by one quality point, 600 Weapon Quality Units are needed. The weapons quality of the unit can be upgraded by one point each game month if the quality upgrade products are available.

Corporation Details
Product GroupHighTech
Required Game Level4
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production5250.00 units per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production
ProductMonthly Use
Airforce Maintenance
1  units
Books And Newspapers
7,500  units
2,000  tons
5,000  systems
Def Weapons Maintenance
30  units
Electric Power
500  million kwhs
Electronic Components
20,000  units
Factory Maintenance
30  units
High Tech Services
10,000  units
Household Products
2,000  tons
Mobile Devices
2,500  devices
Navy Vessels Maintenance
30  units
Off Weapons Maintenance
1  units
1  units
4,500  tons
7,500  units
15,000  units
Str Weapons Maintenance
1  units
Weapon Grade Components
5,000  units
Workers needed per Corporation
ProfessionWorkers Needed
when not upgraded
+/- needed per
Efficiency Upgrade
Base Salary  
Low Level Workers 99,000-350
Medium Level Workers 83,000-520
High Level Workers 33,000-10
Low Level Managers 10,200+75
Medium Level Managers 6,500+70
High Level Managers 3,800+20
Executives 1,800+4
High Tech Engineers 84,000+70
High Tech Seniors 27,000+35
High Tech Executives 3,300+5
138. Wind Farms [ top ]

Wind farms are very large installations that are installed on locations in a country and include many wind turbines to produce electric power. Wind farms have 300 huge wind turbines that are producing the electric power. They produce 1250 electric power units (1250 million kWh), each game month, for a total of 15.000 million kWhs a year.

The wind farms deliver the power to the country where they reside. The country can use the electric power or it can sell it on the international market. If the country has several hundreds of these wind farms, a substantial part of the electric power needed in the country will be produced by these wind farms.

The number of wind farms, that is needed in a country to supply the energy the country and its corporations use depends on the size of the populations. we currently think that 0.8 to 1.0 wind farm per million of population will do the job.

Having many wind farms in a country also represents a risk. It works fine when electric power is short on the markets, wind farms will fail and cause losses if there is an oversupply and the price of electric power declines.

The financial page of the country, the profit and loss page, shows the income of the country from its wind farms and also the cost of maintaining the wind farms.

Corporation Details
Product GroupUtilities
Required Game Level3
Initial Investment3B SC$
Output at 100% Production0.10 wind farms per month
Raw Materials needed for Full Production