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Documentation - Common Market
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| | Enterprise Corporations |
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The Common Market

Table of Contents:

1. The Choice of corporations and trading
2. The organization of trade
3. Local trade
4. Common market trade
5. International trade
6. Trade contracts
7. Common Markets - Minimum Commitments
8. Common Market Membership
9. Member communication
10. Common market score

1. The Choice of corporations and trading [ top ]

Countries and Enterprises run many corporations to make the profit they need to run their country or enterprise. Their choice of products depends on the market conditions as they try to produce products that are on short supply. They may also choose products they view as strategic for their country like weapons or ammunition of some types.

Countries and enterprises sell their products on the international market and have no knowledge which party is buying the products they sell except for products they sell directly or as part of trade agreements with others.

The common market and the local market features add a different dimension to the management of the industry and trade. Countries and Enterprises are encouraged to make changes to their industry that will increase the trade between their own corporations.

Contracts in the local market are easy to setup and users can make sure that everything their countries and corporations need and is produced in their own country or enterprise will be purchased in their own country and not on the international market.

As players are not able to produce everything they need, trading on the common market will make it possible to increase the percentage of products they trade with their partners.

The members of the common market can try to produce everything they need or at least increase the percentage of trade within their market. They can start produce products they need and close other corporations making products that are in oversupply.

Common markets are driven by the consumption figures of the participating countries and the automatic contracting is aimed at maximizing the trading within the common market.

It is possible for the members to set the quantities of the needed materials. These settings will apply to all products, including weapons and other non-consumption products. It is also possible to set quantities higher than strictly needed.

With the common market contracting features it is possible to automatically setup contracts for any products, including weapons, either within a common market or within the local market.

2. The organization of trade [ top ]

Trade is divided into three different categories. The trade within the country between the state corporations in the country is treated as local trade. Trade with other participants in the common market is common market trade and trade outside their market is international trade.

3. Local trade [ top ]

The corporations within one country and the country itself can try to purchase and sell products to each other. Depending on the choice of corporations in the country, the percentage of trade within the country may vary. The same principle applies to enterprises where the corporations within the enterprise try to trade as much as possible with each other.

Within countries, trade is between the state and national corporations but also the trade between the country and these corporations. Countries purchase the products their population consumes and the products they use in state functions like the army, education, health etc.

4. Common market trade [ top ]

Members of the common market will try to purchase all the products they need and sell all the products they produce within their common market. Some of the trade will be possible within their local market but many products will not be available and they will need to trade outside their own countries.

The members of the common market will try to make as many trades as possible within their common market. Their performance will be measured by their success in trading with their partners.

Interaction between the common market partners and data they receive about the performance of their common market will make it possible for them to decide which products are in short supply and which countries should build a corporation to produce these products.

On the other hand, they will also see which products they over produce and may decide to close some of these corporations if their workforce is limited. In time, they will be able to increase the percentage of products they trade within their market.

5. International trade [ top ]

All the products that are not traded on the local market or on the common market will be offered and purchased on the international market.

Players will try to reduce their purchases on the international market and at the same time, continue to sell products they do not need on the international market.

6. Trade contracts [ top ]

It is easy to set up trade contracts. Both the offering of products on the local and common market have been made easy. Offers can be made for many products with a single operation.

The matching process for contracts is also easy to perform. You can search all offers by members of your common market or all corporations in your country for trade offers and close the contracts automatically. Countries too are able to close contracts very quickly.
It is also easy to cancel all contracts or some of the contracts you have.

To prevent absurd contract pricing, we have set a limit of 20% on the deviation from the market price. The real price paid for products will of course depend on the quality of the products that are actually traded.

7. Common Markets - Minimum Commitments [ top ]

Members of common markets are required to commit at least 25% of their production capacity to the common market.

The percentage is also part of the common market agreement and can be changed by a vote. It can be set to 100%. All existing common market contracts have the minimum commitments of 25%.

8. Common Market Membership [ top ]

Common markets can vote on membership and accept new members. When the vote is accepted, the new candidate will receive an invitation and can accept it to become a member.

It is possible to withdraw common market invitations after some time, if the invited countries did not accept their invitations.

9. Member communication [ top ]

Members are able to communicate effectively with other members in the same way federation members do. This communication is essential for an effective setup of a successful common market. There is also a private chat room for each common market and all the members of the market are members of the chat room.

10. Common market score [ top ]

The members countries of a common market receive a score for their performance within the market. The performance is related to the percentage of materials the country is purchasing by use of common market contracts. The score is one of the factors in the total country score.