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Detailed Description:
Population transfer is a sellers market (more buyers than sellers), which in itself is good. Players have spent a long time growing their countries and should be able to sell off excess population to raise gold coins.
However, it's also bad for players wishing to grow their populations more rapidly than the game allows by natural process, and there is currently no alternative.
I suggest the introduction of a population growth rate booster. eg. Spending 1 GC increases birth rate by 20,000 per month for 3 months plus you get your registration extended. The cash market for population should still be bouyant as 1 million pop. transfer costs 8 GC, and this method would cost 16.5 GC / million.
Those in favor say aye, against say nay.
63 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
This is a very clear vote. We will add the booster. In the mean time, as this may take some time to implement, we have resumed our offers on the population market as it became impossible to get any. This will solve the problem in the short term and the offer price is lower (5 gold coins).