New Map Viewer.

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New Map Viewer. Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

Make a map viewer in a java applet or the like to: +View things in real-time. Watch your troops in foreign territory. (If with adequate communication) May take a bit more time because of having to communicate via relay towers and/or satellites. +Easy access information on landmarks(mouse-over) +Compare landmarks (cities, troops, etc.) right under the map. It can compare as many landmarks as the window can fit of comparison sections. Close sections by X-ing them out. You can also close the whole comparison area for a larger viewing area. Add a landmark to compare by clicking. +Reference distances on the sides and/or by right clicking an area and then another to view the distances between each. And maybe even right clicking another to view the distances to that from the first and second selected areas. +Caching of selected countries (but always your own if caching enabled) to speed up loading times. It will load the map from your hard drive and any unconformities are quickly updated. +Quick zooming in and out without loading in the web browser. Usually takes a few times for the browser to understand to speed up loading the picture from the cache.(at least for me) *Examples of controls of course aren't set in stone.

Keep the browser based map in case people don't want to load the applet.

Vote yes for the new map viewer or no if you are just fine with the browser based one. If you are only just fine with the browser based one, you should vote yes anyways. It will help those that are more comfortable with real-time viewing. Still vote yes if you want to make that sort really annoyed :). Wage war on us?! You might just need/want a better viewer that will add more capabilties to the war effort.

26 gamers voted for the proposal.
15 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

We would like to add such features to the new war engine. You should realize that it is very easy to write down several nice features that will take months to develop (each). W3C will continue to add as many features as possible. With more support form users, our capacity will increase.

Simcountry Introduction