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Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Allowing the Country Resources to be Adjustable Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

ATM its attractive for presidents to seek CEOs as there are many advantages for the Presidents but none of real value for the CEOs to seek the presidents. I think that the president should be allowed to change the Country Resources % in their countries. This should be in the range on 0% to 40% (currently its automatically 40%). This way presidents can change this as a means to attract CEOs to their countries. So if you want more flexibility in the setting of taxes in your countries vote yes. If you don't vote no.

44 gamers voted for the proposal.
21 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

We think that CEO's need willing countries just as much as presidents need these CEOs. One of the previous votes wanted to force presidents to accept CEOs even against their will. Many CEOs are happy to find a country.

Flexible resources will allow a player with a country and an enterprise to set the percentage at 0% and allow the CEO to become very rich at the cost of the country. This feature will encourage misuse while the fixed percentage makes sure that countries benefit from public and private corporations and invite them to their countries.

Simcountry Introduction