Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Beginners Info
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Can you explain how tax payments work?
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The way the defense works
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How to Play Simcountry
I see shortages of products in my factories, why?
Is it bad to have shortages in factories?
How long does a factory remain idle of there are shortages?
What can I do when a corporation has shortage of supplies?
There is a shortage of Air Transport. Who can build a corporation?
There is a shortage of Production plants, what can we do about it?
I have shortage of products in my country. How do I solve it?
My corporations have shortages. How do I solve it?
How do immediate orders work? Should I use them?
What happens if I sell immediately?
I see shortages and they disappear within several hours. How does it happen?
I have many unsold products. How can I sell them?
There are shortages of upgrade products, can I purchase them immediately?
Simcountry Introduction
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