Money and Loans
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Finance is important
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I see the number of soldiers and officers changing. Is that automatic?
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Money and Loans
Why is spending limited even if I have enough money and can take more loans?
It seems that I get loans without asking?
Is it bad to have large loans?
How are interest rates set? Why do they increase and sometimes decrease?
How can I balance my finances?
Why are the costs for education, transport and defense so high?
Does it make sense to increase salaries for government employees?
I have built schools, hospitals and more, why are some of then being closed?
May I change the tax levels for my citizens?
Why do we need a budget and what does it do?
Do I have to balance the budget?
Can I have a surplus on the budget?
The education page shows me the cost of educations. Is this per month?
Simcountry Introduction
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