The most often used terms in simcountry are explained here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact The Gamemaster. This list is maintained daily.
boost1_N | Boosters | |
boost2 | Boosters | |
boost2_N | Boosters | |
boost3 | Boosters | |
boost3_N | Boosters | |
boost4 | Boosters | |
boost4_N | Boosters | |
boost5 | Boosters | |
boost5_N | Boosters | |
boost6 | Boosters | |
boost6_N | Boosters | |
boost7 | Boosters | |
boost7_N | Boosters | |
boost88 | Boosters | |
boost88_N | Boosters | |
boost9 | Boosters | |
boost9_N | Boosters | |
boosters | Boosters | |
Bouwcapaciteit | Om een bedrijf op te richten heb je een fabriek nodig. Een verzoek voor een nieuw bedrijf zal direct leiden tot een bestelling van een fabriek. Als je al een fabriek bezit zal het bedrijf sneller geleverd worden. Het hebben van een fabriek betekent eigenlijk dat je de mogelijkheid hebt om een bedrijf op te richten dat nu beschikbaar is. Soms is het goed een fabriek van te voren te bestellen. | |
Bron van de lening | Dit is de naam van de partij die de lening verzorgt. In veel gevallen is dit de wereldbank die alle leningen verzorgt voor alle landen en bedrijven. Gebruikers kunnen ook leningen aan elkaar geven en daarover rente verdienen. | |
btwschools | Back-To-Work Schools | |
Budget van de gezondheidszorg | Dit is de hoeveelheid geld dat wordt gereserveerd voor gezondheidszorg voor 1 jaar. Je geeft meer of minder uit maar het is belangrijk om te proberen het budget goed in te stellen. Een verkeerd gezondheidszorg budget kan een negatieve invloed hebben op de gezondheids index. | |
Budget van Defensie | Dit is het geld dat is gereserveerd voor het complete leger. Je moet proberen je budget goed in te stellen. Grote verschillen tussen het budget en de echt kosten zullen resulteren in een lagere budget index en zal ook andere indexen beschadigen. Het budget te hoog instellen is net zo erg als te laag. | |
buildingthearmy | Building and Maintaining The Army | |
buttonbackground | Button background | |
buttonforeground | Button text color | |
Buy ammunition and supplies for the army | This feature will ensures that the army will not run out of ammunition and supplies. The country will order ammunition and supplies based on the number of active weapons in your army. | |
Buy Strategies | Buying strategies are needed for corporations to purchase raw materials on the market. Corporations are interested in the lowest possible price for raw materials but they also want to be sure that the materials are bought and delivered and their production process can continue uninterrupted. They can make a choice of one of the available buying strategies and make a tradeoff between the price they pay and the chance they receive the raw materials on time. One buying strategy is to place raw material orders at market price plus a percentage or if products are easily available, offer several percentage points under market price or use a strategy that offers a fixed price. Another strategy is to offer low at the start and increase the offer price by several percentage points for each month the product was not delivered. (time based). | |
buyC3Country | Purchase a Country | |
buycoins | Purchase Gold Coins | |
buycredits | Extend membership and receive Gold Coins | |
Buying Best Price | Placing orders at Best price means that the product will be purchased a the current market price. It is frequently called Market. You do not need to specify a limit and the chance that the products will be purchased is high. It depends mainly on the availability of products on the market. This setting will apply to all corporations. | |
Buying Strategy | This part is about deciding on a purchasing strategy for all the raw materials your corporations need, in one single setting. The purchasing strategy is important because it has a major influence on your capacity to supply your corporations with the raw materials they need so that they can continue production at full capacity. Setting the purchasing strategy for all the corporations does not mean that the strategy will be the same for all but rather, the setting may be different but the method used to decide on it in each corporation, is the same. | |
Buying Time Based | This is both a selling and a purchasing strategy. When selling products, time based means that the product sell price will be reduced in time. Every month the product remains unsold, its price will be reduced by a certain percentage. When purchasing products, time based means that the price may increase as time goes by. For every month the product is not purchased, the offer price will increase by a certain percentage. This setting will apply to all the corporations. | |
Buying Time Based Raise | When your offers for raw materials are placed, you can also add a percentage of increase of your offer price, in case the products where not bought due to shortages on the market. If you have offered to pay 105 and filled in 10 in this raise field, you offer price will be raised by 10 points to 115 in the next game month and to 125 in the following game month if the products where not found on the market. This makes your offers become more competitive and makes sure you will receive the products you need and not wait for ever. You can also start much higher but in that case you will probably pay more even if the product is reasonable available. Make sure you set these numbers in a way that will guarantee delivery. Experimenting with these strategies may result in an optimal solution. This setting will apply to all the corporations. | |
Buying Time Based Start | When you place orders on the market, mostly automatic, you can set the offer price higher if you want the product to be bought quickly. You can try and set your offer price lower and may wait for ever to receive it. In this case, you do not take quality into account. If you offer 100, it means that you want to pay the base price but at the end you may pay more because quality is higher. Offering 110 will put you higher on the list of offers and you may be served quickly, depending on the surplus or shortage in the product. If you want your corporations to have the raw materials they need always delivered on time, offering a higher price will help but it will lower their margin and profit because the pay more for these materials. This setting applies to all corporations. | |
campaign | Campaign | |
Can't accept Bid | The total of Cash and Loans must be between -1.0 and 1.0T SC$. | |
Can't accept bid on Country or Enterprise | A bid on a country or enterprise can't be accepted:
| |
Can't accept bid on population | The bid on population can't be accepted:
| |
Cancel All Consumption Contracts | This function will cancel all contracts for delivery of this product both in the local and the common market. | |
Cancel All Corporation Materials Contracts | Choosing this function will result in cancellation of all contracts for raw materials for this corporation. | |
Cancel All Materials Contracts | Choosing this function will result in cancellation of all contracts for raw materials for all the corporation. | |
Cargo Shuttle | No description available yet | |
Cash in Corporations | This is the total amount of cash in all the corporations that are owned by the country. As cash can move between the country and its corporations, corporate cash is part of the net cash of the country. | |
Cash Inherited from Conquered Countries | If one of your countries is conquered, you may incur a major cost. If the country that was conquered had large loans and not enough cash, the total net cash of the country will be inherited by the main country that remains in the empire. This is done to prevent players from robbing one of their conquered countries and then intentionally losing the country in war and have it gone with huge debt to the new owner. With this feature, the current owner remains with the debt. | |
Cash vorige maand | Dit is het bedrag dat beschikbaar was aan het eind van de vorige maand. Het wordt gebruikt om te laten zien hoeveel geld er was in de vorige periode, de veranderingen op dit moment en de totale beschikbare gelden. | |
cashmarket | Documentation - Share Cash Market | |
cashPaymentConfirmation | Payments | |
cauto | About Automation | |
cauto_0 | About Automation | |
cauto_1 | About Automation | |
cauto_2 | About Automation | |
cbudget | Budget per Department | |
cbusiness | Business Statistics | |
ccPaymentSucceeded | Payments | |
cdefense | The Army | |
cdefforce | Defensive Army | |
cdisabled | Disabled Workers | |
ceducation | State Education | |
cempire | Your Empire | |
cempiredefense | Your Empire | |
cempireindexes | Your Empire | |
cempireprodgrps | Your Empire | |
cempireproducts | Your Empire | |
CEO Name | Momenteel nog geen beschrijving | |
cfinance | Finance Statement | |
chatlogin123 | Live Chat | |
chealth | Health Statistics | |
chosenPayment | Payments | |
chowto | Now What - How to Improve | |
ciSwitchMainEntityCancelText | Cancel | |
ciSwitchMainEntityConfirmFunction | ciConfirmedNewMain() | |
ciSwitchMainEntityConfirmText | Confirm | |
ciSwitchMainEntityHead | Main Game Entity | |
ciSwitchMainEntityLine1 | Do you want to change the main game entity of your account? | |
ciSwitchMainEntityLine2 | Your @strip(tbuff1)@ will become main game entity. | |
ciSwitchMainEntityLine5 | If you confirm you cannot change it for 7 days. | |
claimGiftCertificate | Simcountry | |
claimGiftCertificateByNumber | Simcountry | |
clesson | Game Level 2 in 60 seconds and receive 10 Gold Coins | |
cnewname | Change Country Name | |
cnowwhat | How to improve your country | |
cntrBankruptMessage | The netcash limit for countries is @debtLimit@T SC$. The netcash position of "@cntrName@" is @netCash@T SC$. Please improve the financial position of your country before it goes bankrupt. | |
cntrDebtMsgHelpCreateCorporation | @cntrName@ has high debt and there is high unemployment. A corporation has been created to solve this problem. | |
cntrImproveFinanceMessage | The netcash limit for countries that are part of an empire is @debtLimit@T SC$. The netcash position of "@cntrName@" is @netCash@T SC$. Please improve the financial position of your country before it goes bankrupt. | |
cntrKickoutBusiness | Under this president's rule, the population has to face a recession. | |
cntrKickOutBusinessIndexWarning | The people of @cntrNewsCountry@ are protesting against the lack of business opportunity in their country. They demand that the government do more to promote business activities. | |
cntrKickoutDebt | The country spent money far beyond its means. The debt has soured above the permitted limit. The president did not take any measures even after several messages warning him of the high debt. | |
cntrKickoutEmployment | The president's employment policy is unacceptable. Corporations had to fire most people or they have been closed. | |
cntrKickOutEmploymentWarning | In @cntrNewsCountry@, there is public outrage at the government's employment policy. The people demand more jobs now. | |
cntrKickoutFinance | The country is bankrupt. The country assets are negative for many months now. The president did not take any measures even after several messages warning him of situation. | |
cntrKickOutLoansWarning | In @cntrNewsCountry@, there is a deep public concern about the government's loans policy. People are demanding national debt reduction. | |
cntrKickoutNoLogin | The president had been showing a lack of interest in his country. He did not show up at work for a very long time. | |
cntrMarketInvited | @cntrName@ is invited to join the common market '@mktName@'. Please join us! | |
cntrMessageLiberated | @cntrName@ has been liberated. The country was occupied for more than @cntrOccupiedMonth@ months. | |
cntrMsgHelpGovSalariesNoProfit | @cntrName@ has high debt and is making losses. The salaries of all government workers have been reduced. | |
cntrMsgHelpGovSalariesTooHigh | The salary level in "@cntrName@ is too high. The salaries of all government workers have been reduced." | |
cntrNewsCorpClosed | Het bedrijf @cntrNewsCorpName@ in @cntrNewsCountry@ is gesloten omdat @cntrNewsCOrpCloseReason@. @cntrNEwsFired@ werknemers zijn ontslagen. | |
cntrNewsCorpClosedSummary | @cntrNewsCorpName@ is gesloten. | |
cntrNewsCorpClosedTitle | Het bedrijf is gesloten | |
cntrNewsCorpMovedFrom | The corporation @cntrNewsCorpName@ has been moved to @cntrNewsCountryTo@. The move was a direct order from the CEO of @cntrNewsEntName@. @cntrNewsFired@ employees were fired here. | |
cntrNewsCorpMovedSummary | @cntrNewsCorpName@ has been moved. | |
cntrNewsCorpMovedTitle | Corporation Moved | |
cntrNewsCorpMovedTo | The corporation @cntrNewsCorpName@ has been moved here from @cntrNewsCountryFrom@. The move was a direct order from the CEO of @cntrNewsEntName@. The corporation employs @cntrNewsFired@ workers. | |
cntrNewsEmigrateSalaryMessage | Corporations are not paying fair salaries to their employees. This month @peopleEmigrated@ people emigrated from @cntrNewsCountry@ which is @percentEmigrated@% of the total population. | |
cntrNewsEmigrateSalarySummary | Workers are complaining about their salary. | |
cntrNewsEmigrateShortageMessage | The government is not purchasing the products that are needed for the population. This month @peopleEmigrated@ people emigrated from @cntrNewsCountry@ which is @percentEmigrated@% of the total population. | |
cntrNewsEmigrateShortageSummary | Citizens are leaving the country because of shortages. | |
cntrNewsFacilityReduction | Due to a lack of @cntrNewsReason@, @cntrNewsCountry@ was unable to maintain its @cntrNewsFacilities@. Their number has been reduced from @cntrNewsFacilityOldNum@ to @cntrNewsFacilityNewNum@ @cntrNewsFacilityUnits@. | |
cntrNewsFacilityReductionSummary | Shortages force destruction of facilities. There is a shortage of workers maintaining facilities in the country and some are being closed. | |
cntrNewsKickout | The president of @cntrNewsCountry@ has been evicted. @cntrNewsReason@ | |
cntrNewsKickoutSummary | Angry citizens storm the presidential palace. | |
cntrNewsKickoutWarningSummary | Observers fear the government will not last much longer. | |
cntrNewsLiberated | The president of @cntrName@ has been evicted. After occupation of more than @cntrOccupiedMonth@ months, the empire decided to liberate @cntrName@. | |
cntrNewsLiberatedSummary | Empire decided to liberate @cntrName@ | |
cntrNewsLowCashMessage | The government of @cntrNewsCountry@ is spending more than it can afford. The president should improve the financial situation of @cntrNewsCountry@ or transfer game money to the country. | |
cntrNewsLowCashSummary | The country is low on cash. | |
cntrNewsOfficers | In @cntrNewsCountry@, more than @cntrOfficerFractionSafe@% the Medium Level Managers are now Officers in the army. Fears are mounting that this will hurt the economy in @cntrNewsCountry@, due to the inability of companies to fulfill all vacancies. | |
cntrNewsOfficersSummary | High demand for Officers is hurting the economy. Mid level managers go to the army. Increase the education priority for mid level managers. | |
cntrNewsSchoolReduction | Door lage educatie prioriteiten in @cntrNewsCountry@, zijn sommige scholen en middelbare scholen vernietigd. Nu zijn @cntrNewsSchoolNum@ scholen, en @cntrNewsHighSchoolNum@ middelbare scholen over. | |
cntrNewsSchoolReductionSummary | Overschot in scholen en middelbare scholen is verlaagd. | |
cntrNewsShortageMessage | The citizens of @cntrNewsCountry@ are complaining of shortages. There is a shortage of | |
cntrNewsShortageSummary | Citizens are complaining of shortages. The country is not purchasing the products that are needed for the population. | |
cntrNewsSpendingMessage | The citizens of @cntrNewsCountry@ are complaining of shortages. The government is ordering more products than it can afford. The president should improve the financial situation of @cntrNewsCountry@ or change the strategy for ordering products. | |
cntrNewsSpendingSummary | The country is not purchasing all products that are needed for the population. | |
cntrUnemployedMsgHelpCreateCorporation | @cntrName@ has high unemployment. A corporation has been created to solve this problem. | |
cntrWarDeclarationMessage | Dit is een officieele oorlogsverklaring tegen @warAttackedName@. De oorlogs start op @warStartDate@. | |
cntrWarNotDeclaredDistance | Jouw federatie heeft oorlog verklaard op @attackedName@. Jij zal niet meedoen aan deze oorlog omdat @attackedName@ te ver weg is. Je federatie genoten starten de oorlog op @warStartDate@. | |
cntrWarNotDeclaredStaff | Jouw federatie heeft oorlog verklaard op @attackedName@. @attackerName@ zal niet meedoen aan deze oorlog omdat je niet genoeg soldaten en officiers heeft. Je federatie genoten starten de oorlog om @warStartDate@. | |
cntrWarTreatyExecutedMessage | Omdat @attackedName@ oorlog heeft verklaard op een federatie genoot, @attackerName@ heeft oorlog verklaard op @attackedName@. De oorlog start op @warStartDate@. | |
cobjects | Change Visibility Country Map Objects | |
cobjicons | Change Country Map Icons | |
cobjlines | Show/Hide Roads and Train Tracks | |
coccupation | Employment and Income | |
coffforce | Offensive Army | |
Coins Allowed to Spend | This is the number of Gold Coins you are allowed to spend now to exchange for game money. The numbers are limited to prevent players from buying so much money, they can outspend everyone and win a high position by just purchasing game money. The number allowed is however more than enough to keep a country afloat and allow very fast development. | |
comcenter | Communication Center | |
commenu | Communication Center | |
common | Documentation - Common Market | |
Common Market Score | This is the common market score of the enterprise. The common market score depends on the percentage of the total trading of all the corporations in the enterprise, that is done through local and common market contracts. The higher the percentage, the higher the common market index. | |
comprefedit | Communication Center | |
comprefupdate | Communication Center | |
confirm_extendaccountgcCancelText | No | |
confirm_extendaccountgcConfirmFunction | uaConfirmed_extendaccountgc() | |
confirm_extendaccountgcConfirmText | Yes | |
confirm_extendaccountgcHead | Extending your Membership | |
confirm_extendaccountgcLine1 | ||
confirm_extendaccountgcLine2 | You are using @strip(miArg1)@ GC to extend your Simcountry Membership by @strip(miArg2)@ day(s). | |
confirm_extendaccountgcLine3 | ||
confirm_extendaccountgcLine4 | Are you sure? | |
confirm_extendaccountgcLine5 | ||
constructie tijd | Dit is de tijd die nodig is voor de bouw. Sommige producten worden niet gelijk geleverd. Zelfs nadat ze zijn gekocht, het duurt een paar spel maanden tot ze geleverd zijn. Dit is zo in het geval van scholen, ziekenhuizen, bedrijven, sommige wapens en militaire basis en andere grote objecten. | |
Consumptie contracten tekenen | Deze kolom laat zien of een land contracten aanvraagt voor de producten die worden gebruikt door de populatie. Als het uit staat, worden de consumptie benodigdheden van het land overgeslagen en wordt er geen moeite gedaan om contracten te vinden. | |
Consumption covered by Common Market Contracts | These figures show the total amount of money involved in contracts with corporations on the common market that are delivering their products to the country for consumption by the population of the country. It also shows which percentage of the needs of the country is covered by these contracts. If the percentage is close to zero, it mean that only a small part of the products the country consumes, come from corporations in the common market. The higher the percentage, the more products are bought on the common market. | |
Consumption covered by International Contracts | These figures show the total amount of money involved in contracts with corporations on the international market that are delivering their products to the country for consumption by the population of the country. It also shows which percentage of the needs of the country is covered by these contracts. If the percentage is close to zero, it mean that only a small part of the products the country consumes, come from the international market. The higher the percentage, the more products are bought on the international market. The aim of a common market is in fact to make sure many of the products the country needs, come either from the local corporations or from the common market. | |
Consumption covered by Local Market Contracts | These figures show the total amount of money involved in contracts with corporations on the local market that are delivering their products to the country for consumption by the population of the country. It also shows which percentage of the needs of the country is covered by these contracts. If the percentage is close to zero, it mean that only a small part of the products the country consumes, come from corporations in the country. The higher the percentage, the more products are bought on the local market. | |
Consumption Product | This is the name of the product the country uses. Not all products that are used in the world economy are on this list. Just the ones countries consume. | |
Consumption Stock Value | The country has many products in stock. This column shows the value of the stock of each product the country currently holds. | |
Consumption Supply Level | These columns show the quantities of products the country has and the estimated level of consumption per month. It also shows the percentage of the consumption level that is covered by contracts. These columns give a quick overview of the supply and consumption levels of all products. | |
Contract and Accept | Momenteel nog geen beschrijving | |
Contract Details | Clicking on the links in this column, will show the details of the contracts for this corporation. It will show all the contracts of the corporation, both buying and selling products and the quantities and prices of these contracts. | |
Contract Price | This column shows the price per unit for each contract. | |
Contract Price Difference From The Current Market Price | Not in use any more | |
Contract Quantity | This is the quantity of products that is sold each game month. | |
Contract Repetition | This column shows the period the contract will run. It can show the end date of the contract or until cancelled which means that the contract is indefinite. | |
Contracted Percentage of Materials needed | This column shows the percentages of the three types of contracts. Local contract are the best ones as the country is able to supply its own corporations. Common market contracts are also preferred because of their stability and fixed agreements in the common market. International contracts are the least stable of the three groups. The higher the percentages, the better off the corporations are because they become less dependent on the general supply and demand market and delivery of the materials they need is more secure. | |
Contracted Percentage of Production | These are the percentages of products that are produced by corporations in the country and are contracted in local, common and international contracts.. | |
Contracted Percentage of the Consumption | This column shows the percentage of products that are consumed for the population in the country and were delivered through contracts. Some contracts are signed with local corporations, some with corporations on the common market and other contracts are with other corporations outside the common market. The total percentage should ideally be 100% but many times the total is lower and sometimes it is higher than 100% which means that the country signed contract for more products than needed for its population. | |
Contracted Volume for Materials needed | This column shows the amounts of money that are involved in the contracts for raw materials. High numbers, specially in the local and common market columns, mean that the corporations in your country are supplied by other corporations in your own country or corporations in the common market. International contracts are also preferred to the purchase of raw materials on the general market where there are frequent shortages. | |
Contracted Volume of Products | These are the quantities of products that are produced by corporations in the country and are contracted in local, common and international contracts.. | |
Contracten aanbieden op gemeenschappelijke markt | Het bedrijf kan zijn producten aanbieden op de gemeenschappelijke markt. De producten worden aangeboden aan landen (en hun bedrijven) die meedoen aan de gemeenschappelijke markt. Contracten voor levering van de producten worden automatisch afgesloten. Het geeft een garantie dat het bedrijf een stabiele markt heeft voor zijn producten en houdt een groter deel van de handel binnen de gemeenschappelijke markt. | |
Contracten aanbieden op lokale markt | Het bedrijf kan zijn producten aanbieden op de lokale markt. De producten worden aangeboden aan bedrijven in je land. Contracten voor levering van de producten kunnen automatisch afgesloten worden. Het geeft een garantie aan het bedrijf dat er een stabiele markt is voor zijn producten en houdt een groter deel van de handel binnen het eigen land. | |
Contracten aanbieden op lokale- en gemeenschappelijke markt | Het bedrijf kan zijn producten aanbieden op de gemeenschappelijke- en op de lokale markt in het eigen land. De producten worden aangeboden aan landen (en hun bedrijven) die meedoen aan de gemeenschappelijke markt en aan je eigen bedrijven. Contracten voor de levering van de producten kunnen automatisch afgesloten worden. Het garandeert dat een bedrijf een stabiele markt heeft voor zijn producten en houdt een groter deel van de handel binnen de gemeenschappelijke markt. | |
Contracten zoeken op gemeenschappelijke markt | Deze optie kijkt naar alle contracten die aangeboden zijn op de gemeenschappelijke markt en tekent contracten voor alle bedrijven die dat aanvragen. De optie zal ook lokale markt contracten voor de consumptie van de populatie tekenen als dit is aangevraagd. De optie zal geen contracten zoeken op de lokale markt. | |
Contracten zoeken op lokale markt | Deze optie kijkt naar alle contracten die aangeboden zijn op de lokale markt en tekent contracten voor alle bedrijven die dat aanvragen. De optie zal ook lokale markt contracten tekenen voor de consumptie van de populatie als dit is aangevraagd. De optie zal geen contracten voor de gemeenschappelijke markt zoeken. | |
Contracten zoeken op lokale- en gemeenschappelijke markt | Deze optie kijkt naar alle contracten die aangeboden zijn op de lokale- en de gemeenschappelijke markt en tekent contracten voor alle bedrijven waarvoor dat is aangevraagd. De optie zal ook lokale- en gemeenschappelijke markt contracten tekenen voor de consumptie van de populatie als dit wordt aangevraagd. | |
Contracts Offered Price | This is the offer price for the contract. It is based on the market price and can differ up to 20% from the market price. Bigger differences un unrealistic and always designed to benefit on of the parties. | |
Contracts Offered Quantity | These columns show the quantity that is produced by the corporation each month, the quantity that is committed in the contract and the percentage of the contracted quantity as part of the total production. | |
Contributies aan de gezondheidszorg | Dit is het bedrag dat wordt gedoneerd door de bevolking voor de gezondheidszorg. Arbeiders met een laag inkomen doneren minder, en het totale gedoneerde bedrag is meestal niet genoeg om alle kosten van de gezondheidszorg te betalen. | |
Contributies aan de sociale zekerheid | Dit zijn betalingen van de werkers in het land als contributie aan de werkeloosheids betalingen. Hogere inkomens werkers betalen meer, maar het totale bedrag aan contributies dekt de totale kosten niet en de regering moet het overige bedrag betalen. | |
corpmodel | Documentation - Enterprises | |
corpMoveCanceled | Je aanvraag om het bedrijf @shareCorpName@ te verplaatsen is geannuleerd omdat je niet langer de grootste aandeelhouder bent van dit bedrijf. | |
corpNewsClosedByCEO | er een opdracht toe was van de CEO | |
corpNewsClosedByPresident | er een opdracht toe was van de President | |
corpNewsClosedHighLoans | De schuld is te hoog | |
corpNewsClosedLowAssets | Er is een hoge schuld en lage bezittingen | |
corpNewsClosedLowMarketValue | De marktwaarde en het gebruik zijn te laag en het bedrijf maakt verlies. | |
corpNewsClosedLowProfit | Het gebruik is laag en er is geen winst | |
corpNewsClosedLowUtilization | Het gebruik is zeer laag | |
Corporation Contract Offer Price | This shows the offering price of the products on the common market. The price does not need to be the same as the market price and can fluctuate up to 5% above or under market price. This small margin was chosen because of some miss use of these margins by multiplayers who sold products to their own countries at prices that were designed to enrich the seller. | |
Corporation Contract Offers Total Quantity | This shows the total quantity of products that was offered in contracts on the common market. This is not showing the quantities that have been contracted. The total quantity that was offered should be smaller than the total production of the corporation. | |
Corporation Controlled By | This is the name of the president or CEO who controlls the corporation. The controlling player is the largest shareholder. If you own 100% or at least more that 50%, you are obviously the largest shareholder. In public corporations, it can be a much lower percentage. If there are many shareholders, the largest one could own only 10% and be in control. In such corporations, if players sell or purchase shares, the largest shareholder could be a different one from time to time. The corporation is listed on the corporations page of the largest shareholder. | |
Corporation Debt | This is the total debt of the corporation. Corporations take large loans mainly to finance the purchase of large quantities of raw materials they need in the production process. Profitable corporations succeed in paying back these loans and in building a cash reserve that makes such loans obsolete. The need for loans also depends on the percentages of taxes and profit payments to the owners (share holders). If such payments are high, only a small fraction of the profit will stay in the corporation and large loans remain essential. | |
Corporation Founded | This date is the date that the corporation was founded. | |
Corporation Location | This is the name of the country where this corporation is located. | |
Corporation Market Waarde | Dit is de waarde van het bedrijf, berekend als de prijs van 1 aandeel maal het aantal aandelen. Dit is algemeen geaccepteerd als markt waarde omdat dit de prijs is die betaald moet worden om alle uitstaande aandelen van het bedrijf te kopen. | |
Corporation Name | This is the name of the corporation. You can choose your own names for corporations and we advise you to include in the name, the product that the corporation is producing. | |
Corporation Salary Index | This is the current salary level in the corporation. The base level is 100. Salary level of 150 means that salaries are at 50% higher than the base level. | |
Corporation Type | The corporation can be a state owned corporation or a national corporation which is also state owned but protected against any takeover offer. It can also be a private corporation, owned by an enterprise and it can be a public corporation. Public corporations have some or all of their shares traded on the stock market and may have many share holders. |