Hern | Sunday, February 27, 2022 - 07:33 pm My main country was hit with a huge earthquake (10% of my corporations lost, seriously...) and I had no idea until I noticed my population declining severely. I hadn't checked my slave countries in a day or so, and needed to do that as well. Upon checking the most recent addition, I received the notification that my main country was hit with an Earthquake. Despite this notification technically being targeted at my account (as it says "Dear Hern..."), it only seemed to appear on the country I most recently acquired. Perhaps this warning does exist for every owned country and I was blind to it on my main country and my other slave countries, but there should definitely be a better way of notifying someone that they were just hit with a disaster. I've lost over a million people due to inaction because I was unaware. We can receive mail for every single share sold and every time a corporation is built by an enterprise, even one self-owned. Mail should definitely be sent for a disaster (perhaps this is a suggestion too.) Thanks, Hern |