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Buying shuttles and space centers with enterprise launches them

Topics: Problems: Buying shuttles and space centers with enterprise launches them

Vladian Enache

Friday, October 11, 2019 - 06:18 am Click here to edit this post
Considering that space shuttles and space centers are supplies for corporations i think buying them should keep them in stock, not launching them automatically

already lost 50B or so but now i have space centers and shuttles in space

i see dismantling space center doesnt return it to stock

how can i recover my shuttles, its 15B a piece!

Vladian Enache

Friday, October 11, 2019 - 06:23 am Click here to edit this post
Problem 2 is setting up purchase contracts or products that are used like 0.05 per month buys 1 full product per month.

this is aggravating the problem described first, the fact that you can't store shuttles and space centers

John Galt

Friday, October 11, 2019 - 12:39 pm Click here to edit this post
This is just an idea. I have never done it before. Once you buy the shuttle, they stay in your enterprise stock for a game month. Just quickly move them into the space centre. I think they won't launch if they are stored away.

Vladian Enache

Friday, October 11, 2019 - 01:22 pm Click here to edit this post
It could work but only a few times for a temporary fix

if you keep a contract shuttle->enterprise you will end up with an armada in space after a few days , especially when you sleep.

and who stays to every 4 hours to make a 2nd job moving shuttles :)


Friday, October 11, 2019 - 02:01 pm Click here to edit this post
Set your reserve stock manually. Depending on how often you log in, set it equal to 6 or 12 months production and the corp will store the product. Then direct sell to your corps needing that product.

If your Ent doesn't have a Space Center you can store Shuttles.

Vladian Enache

Friday, October 11, 2019 - 02:08 pm Click here to edit this post
that could work, the problem appeared after storing 1 space center

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