Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 12:16 pm There appears to be hiccup in the supply/demand for Displays on WG. Every month it goes from shortage to surplus. I've seen this before with products, it lasted a few days then corrected itself. This time it has been going on for about a week. Thanks in advance
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Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 04:21 pm Same on KB. It's been very unstable for a few weeks.
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Friday, November 23, 2018 - 10:50 am The market for Wine on WG has started to have spasms. One month there's a shortage the next a surplus.
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Sunday, November 25, 2018 - 10:36 am JohnV, Khome, If it happens from exactly one game month to the next, it will be being caused by players placing/cancelling massive buy/sell orders. If it is happening over the course of several game months, in a somewhat smooth up and down pattern. Then it is caused by how price effects demand for consumer products. As the price rises, demand falls, causing a surplus, this then causes the price to fall and demand to rice, causing a shortage, causing the price to rise again. This continues in a loop. That you can sometimes see on the 18 month graph. The exact same thing happens in real life, however because real life time is 4 hours = 4 hours, rather than 4 hours = 1 month, we aren't usually aware of it, because it happens to slowly to notice. In real life, this cycle is part of the reason economies have booms and recessions. The high price point being the boom, the drop being the time of the recession. Signed President of DanNation on LU
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Sunday, November 25, 2018 - 11:47 am Did you happen to look at the supply/demand graphs? I doubt that players could cause the same difference in supply/demand every month over the course of many game years. If the graph showed the normal cycles of surplus/shortage, I would not have made this post.
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Sunday, November 25, 2018 - 01:55 pm JohnV, I don't have a nation on WG. So I can't study the markets there. Everything seems to be fine on LU. Save for the two issues I mentioned in the post above. Signed President of DanNation on LU
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Sunday, November 25, 2018 - 08:31 pm I know how the markets work here. Full disclosure, I've been on SC for ten years, the past six with my current country. After a while one gets a sense when something is off or changed.
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Friday, November 30, 2018 - 01:04 pm Could a GM please give the WG server a shake or slap it up the side. link https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=tldhist&miKey=317&miColumn=vTradeSurplus I couldn't get the insert picture to work, let's see if the link does.
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Friday, November 30, 2018 - 03:55 pm JohnV, The link worked. And wow, that is... weird. Always spiking to exactly surplus 81 million. Then straight to negative almost half a billion. With a perfect back and forth one monthly cycle to next. Is it happening with just Displays? Or is it effecting other products as well? Signed President of DanNation on LU
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Monday, December 3, 2018 - 03:09 pm Thanks to the GM who fixed this. Daniel, like I said in the original post I have seen before with different products, but it only lasted a day or two. The day after I posted about Wine going nuts it stabilized again.