Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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6 gc's paid for new people??????

Topics: Problems: 6 gc's paid for new people??????


Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 11:10 pm Click here to edit this post
"Population offered for Coins image By Accept in Min. Price My Bid Best Bid Result
* 1,000,000 people from GameMaster My Nation on WG 6.00 GC 6.00 GC 6.00 GC your bid is accepted

* you placed the best bid'

The 6 gc's subtracted from my account, however as far as I can tell no new population for my humble country. I needed people for a new corp... still short


Thursday, August 24, 2017 - 09:12 am Click here to edit this post
Please check the population graph of your country.
the 1 million population is added to your country at the same time the 6 gold coins were subtracted.

You see it in the graph 1 game month later.


Thursday, August 24, 2017 - 05:39 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks... I was unaware of this graft. I was going by my ability to man corps. I guess the 1m people were grab by my manpower hungry companies??. I'll buy 1m more and see what happens. My theory is I should be able to man 1 or more corps this way.


Thursday, August 24, 2017 - 07:12 pm Click here to edit this post
In the 1 million, there are children, and old people too.
you do not gain 1M workers.


Saturday, August 26, 2017 - 12:13 am Click here to edit this post
A kind of unrealistic mix, one would expect children, however as you paid money for workers to enter the country you would think people to old to work would not be allowed to cross your borders just to go on social security. Your taxpayers would not accept that once they knew.


Saturday, August 26, 2017 - 04:23 am Click here to edit this post
He does have a point :)

You can't immigrate to even Canada unless you meet their criteria.

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