Always Ready | Monday, May 16, 2016 - 01:26 am First, I take all my weapons and store it in the spacecenter, just to be sure they not use ammunition. Secondly, I unchecked "Buy ammunition and supplies for the army", but nothing happens, they still use ammo frequently? Then I try to store all ammunition in the spacecenter, to get it away from the country and the soldiers (?), but ammo is still being used and now the game tries to buy ammo? Actually, the game buys up ammo to weapons that are not there. It gives no sense at all... Is it really true, that you cant have a stock of weapons in the spacecenter, without being forced to buy ammo, exactly as the game does when military is active? |
Always Ready | Monday, May 16, 2016 - 01:50 am WHAT?? The game just put in 600 Helicopters and 650 Interceptors as active weapons, and just 5 minutes before I had ZERO? But I can see now, that the game put back the stock I had in my spacecenter into the countrystock, but why?? |
Always Ready | Monday, May 16, 2016 - 01:59 am This is NOT nice, I am broke before I close down this browser... |
ruffled_lemur | Monday, May 16, 2016 - 02:49 am Weapons in space centers still use ammo |
Aries | Monday, May 16, 2016 - 02:58 am Weapons in space centers still use ammo, military personnel, and maintenance. If you are a small nation, the only real solution is to have the weapons you really need. For example, if you are a secured country, there is no reason to own any defensive weapons. That same secured country would not need to own any offensive weapons unless it plans to raid. In that case, it should only own the weapons needed to raid and no more. Slave countries, likewise, may not need a defense if you are below war level 3. If you are premium and have a growing amount of assets, it makes sense to invest in an enterprise, both for game level and as a no maintenance storage destination for your weapons. Enterprises are the one location you can store large numbers of weapons for no maintenance cost. |
Always Ready | Monday, May 16, 2016 - 12:36 pm Okay, gives meaning, thanks |