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Auto-Loan error (Fearless Blue)

Topics: Problems: Auto-Loan error (Fearless Blue)

CorporatePartner (Fearless Blue)

Friday, November 18, 2011 - 10:56 pm Click here to edit this post
Enterprise: Construction Inc
Fearless Blue: May 12 2975

The entities, not just this one, are now taking "auto-loans" at different times, apparently, another "change". However, there are errors or "bugs" now, and many auto-loans are not registering correctly.

For example, see below: it states that there is a loan total, however, there are no loans listed, no where to pay back, and it is not even clear if this is a "real" loan. The enterprise has surplus cash, in fact, so "there is no need" for auto-loans.


Loans you received

The total amount of the loans you received is 340.00B SC$.
You have 1.55T SC$ in cash.

World Bank interest rates depend on your total outstanding debt.
The World Bank loan offer: 15.0%

All interest rates show as a percentage for a real year (not a game year).

[no loans listed here]

[Print this List] print received loans
(un)mark loans
pay back marked loans
request a new loan

Back to main loan page

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Enterprise Assets
Total Market Value of all Corporations 312,512.27B SC$ Total market value
Debt of the Enterprise 340.00B SC$ Loand taken
Total Loans given to Others 0.00B SC$ Loans given
Cash Available 1,553.57B SC$ Cash position
Total Assets 320,499.65B SC$ Total assets

WitchyPoo (Fearless Blue)

Friday, November 25, 2011 - 11:22 am Click here to edit this post
I've had this exact same thing happen to me several times. I don't know what would cause this.

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