Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 01:05 pm the taxes collected from population has dropped over 20% for no apparent reason. I thought it was a monthly abberation but it has continued. there have been no significant changes in the country. (Knights of the Round Table) KB
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Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 01:17 pm parsifal, take a look at your investment funds, particularly the interest payments, you'll notice that the pay out dropped by 1/3, it appears to be an unannounced changed. previously the pay out was like 0.075% (give or take a zero,) now its 0.05%
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Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 06:45 pm I noticed the same plunge, CC; but, it seems to be bouncing back.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 08:59 pm so what caused it and how do i fix it. i was buying and selling investment stocks rather than automatic, but have not actively worked it. i just changed to auto to see if that made a difference.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 09:06 pm Funds are at the moment being changed by the gm's.What the exact thinking behind this is anyones guess. Check out pension funds..all on a dramatic slide to negativeness.And im told it will continue till they balance
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Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 10:58 pm tnx. hope i'm still in business by then. lol
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Friday, March 18, 2011 - 02:39 am Look at that... One of my pension fund lost 100T in two game years. I say: what the fuck? Number of pensioners is dropping, other things remaining constant, I should be, um, making more, not less. The financial rationale behind this is bananas are similar to coconuts.
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Friday, March 18, 2011 - 02:54 am i guess we were making to much money?
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Friday, March 18, 2011 - 01:12 pm 7-8% drop on White Giant. One country sitting there doing nothing. About 5 world months ago, a sharp plunge on the "taxes collected" graph. About 84.6B down to 78.6B, population about 72M.
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Friday, March 18, 2011 - 07:16 pm that's been my experience. it seems to be righting itself. lost only 20b last month as opposed to 60b a few months ago. either they're changing something or there's a real glitch in the game.
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Friday, March 18, 2011 - 09:41 pm Ride out the storm boys, you should be used to it by now :P
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Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 12:05 am GC were just devalued. Therefore, it stands to reason that revenue sources are going to "adjusted" downward by any means available.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 12:40 pm The tax income from corporations and income from enterprises depend on the total performance of corporations. We are unable to change the tax numbers except for our possible intervention in the level of slaries. If we would want to change tax income levels, we should then change the working model of corporations, make them produce less and pay lower salaries and this in turn, will reduce payments to the countries. none of this took place except for a general increase in base salaries over a long period that caused an increase in tax payments because tax payments are a percentage of salaries. Over the past months, there was also a reduction is payments by enterprises to improve their profitability. changes were very small and the last one was two months ago. If you see tax payment reductions, this is the result of peridic changes in profitability of some of your corporations. Market prices fluctuate and have a significant effect on corporations and their profitability. We checked some and saw some increasing and some going down. nothing significant is going on. As to funds, they are indeed being corrected. Fund have now no serious function in the game and the numbers may be high or low but they are not part of the country assets and the president is not able to change them, use the funds or do anything with that money. we plan an upgrade to both the pension funds and the invetment and housing values and funds. first, the numbers must decrease or increase to some reasonanble levels. then, new functions will be added that will make it possible for the president to influence the use of the funds (decide on the level of income supplement to the population, from fund profits), and also, use more of the investment fund reserves in the stock market. We will make these changes in the coming period and announce any new functionality on the game news before it is implemented. Obviously, current changes in the fund levels have no influence on the finances of any country.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 02:29 pm ...
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Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 02:33 pm https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=cntrhist&miKey=232&miColumn=vCIncomeIncomeTax https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=cntrhist&miKey=232&miColumn=vCInvestmentsIncomeFromInterest https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=cntrhist&miKey=232&miColumn=vCInvestmentsTotalFund the first one is the income tax from my pop in "Scary beyond all reason," my main in WG. the second shows a corresponding drop in the IF payouts at the same exact time as the drop in income tax. The third shows that their was no significant change to the investment fund during that time. that is about the mid ground of how the change to the IF effected me. Honestly, that seems like a significant change to me. I don't like this change, but beyond saying that, i'm not complaining, it probably needed to be done. As you said Tom, to move forward with new features and thanks for the response
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 05:43 am White Giant, 72M population country sitting doing almost nothing, "Taxes Collected from Population" drops from 68.8M to about 61M, or about 12-13% over about the last 10 world months.