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Market Price needs updating (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Problems: Market Price needs updating (Little Upsilon)

SuperSoldierRCP (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 09:37 pm Click here to edit this post
Below are prices for Wheat, Wine, Conventional Missiles, Interceptors.(in order)

Base Price 310 SC$ per ton
Market Price without Quality Effects 135 SC$ per ton

Base Price 2,100 SC$ per crate of 1000 bottles
Market Price without Quality Effects 951 SC$ per crate of 1000 bottles

Base Price 820.00M SC$ per missile
Market Price without Quality Effects 416.08M SC$ per missile

Base Price 193.00M SC$ per interceptor
Market Price without Quality Effects 106.51M SC$ per interceptor

In all cases items are selling for below base prices which means they can never make a profit. Dozens of corps are like this. Game Master PLEASE make it so that market price is never below the base price. Thanks

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