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screens for car engines are'nt working (Golden Rainbow)

Topics: Problems: screens for car engines are'nt working (Golden Rainbow)

Joe3811 (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, November 20, 2009 - 03:31 am Click here to edit this post
When I try to contract car engines to my Car Corp I get a message--no corp in this country uses car engines. I tried to sell the engines to my enterprise so I could use the local screen to distribute to my corps, went through the steps to sell to my enterprise, but instead of showing up in my enterprise inventory they just dissapeared!

Anyone else?

Joe3811 (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - 04:14 pm Click here to edit this post
I just tried contracting car engines from my car engine corp to my car producing corp. When I try the Common market screens, nothing happens. When I try the one at a time manual method and get to the point to select the country where a car corp is located--the screen says no corp that use car engines are in the country.

The method of selling output to my enterprise and distributing to my car corp is working, but that's a high maintenence approach!

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