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% of population to Small business +tax

Topics: Suggestions: % of population to Small business +tax


Saturday, May 9, 2020 - 01:50 pm Click here to edit this post
As we all know small businesses are the workhorse of most democracies. Here though, the population is all into massive corps. Like with other indexes, small businesses should be created and a % of the population goes there. I think the % could be higher for say ineffective governments, and high unemployment.


Friday, May 15, 2020 - 03:31 pm Click here to edit this post
You are absolutely right.

To be more realistic, we should have an average of 1.000.000 corporations/small companies in each country.

Now click on the corporations button.

In the real world, there are an average of one million people running these companies.

here, it is one person.

also, processing the transactions of 25 billion companies in all our worlds, 6 times each day, with a trillion transactions is not possible.

so you should look at a bread producing corporation with 250.000 workers, as not one large corporation, but rather a collection of 25.000 bakeries.

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