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Best Price (White Giant)

Topics: Suggestions: Best Price (White Giant)

Nathan Spiegel (White Giant)

Friday, March 2, 2012 - 04:03 am Click here to edit this post
I know what best price does... but I never know what the best price ends up being! I would absolutely love if I was able to find out what those soybeans (or what ever) actually sold for. This could work in the following way:

1. When an order is entered manually, the player receives a message in their inbox ***Your country bought 20000 Heavy Artillery Shells for $104,587 each****
2. For automatic country orders, maybe there could be a list of all the purchases in the past 3 months...


Nicolas Fernandez Ponce (White Giant)

Monday, March 12, 2012 - 02:41 pm Click here to edit this post
Hi Nathan,

You should have that information on:

1 - Click on "World Trade" link
2 - Click on "review recent purchases" link

You will find out there is a limit of transactions to be shown per page...

Maybe the suggestion could be, the ability to FILTER by "Product Type" / "Product Name" + Date.

Was it what you were looking for?


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