Dvd Avins (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 10:43 am A company I bought has loans I was thinking of paying off. But the pre-payment penalty equals 54 months interest. And that's on Golden Rainbow. On a faster world, since the real-world interest rate remains the same, the in-game interest rate would be even lower, making pre-payment even worse. Am I missing something, or is pre-payment just impractical in this economy? |
Keith Allaire (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 11:32 am Interest rates used to be six times higher, making prepayment worth it. Of course, teh game gods decided to force interest rates down by fiat. Now, it WOULD be impractical, were it not for teh game gods implementing "support functions" that will drive your corps in the ground by gradually reducing its salaries down to a salary index of 10 should said corps dare carry loans. Yes, they relaxed the support functions a bit, but debt is still toxic to corps despite the low line-item cost of interest servicing. Countries...notsomuch. |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 07:51 pm Do not pay off my loans. It's hard enough to get them out there without you babies screaming how unfair it is. I need my income too, ya know. LOL |
Michael Morrison (White Giant) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 08:36 pm LOL funny. You said almost the same thing when I told you I was paying off your loan to me! Im now just 2.1 T in debt instead of 3.5 T. GO ME! |