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Low supply of workers in enterprise corps

Topics: Help: Low supply of workers in enterprise corps

Martin Childs

Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 03:37 pm Click here to edit this post
Hi, how do I address low numbers of workers in corps in enterprise?

Matthew IV

Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 06:13 pm Click here to edit this post
Increase the salary to attract more.

Directly, there is nothing you can do to fix the employment situation of another country, but if you make your salary higher for that corp it will recruit workers first. As a CEO you rely on other workers from other countries, so when building corporations you must make sure that country has the workers needed.

Martin Childs

Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 06:53 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank you Matthew for your advice.

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