KingWoel | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 03:54 am You need to have the professionals available to reach 100% production. There should be a list of them in mulitple windows. One of the ways to see them is via Department menu at the top.. Then education then education priorities. It should list a bunch of things. Two are unemployed and the other is number it takes to reach 100% hiring. For the low, medium and high workers you can convert some of your other professionals into those professions. Up to 100k per game month. For the other professions outside of the ones i just mentioned, you can either fill the gaps via educating enough people OR for a faster solution, you can do "Exchange professionals with others". Pick a country you own or a random country and it will show the professionals in that country. You may want to message the leader of the country before or after the exchange to see if whatever you offer in the exchange is fair. Just to avoid the offer being declined or ignored altogether. Hope that helps. ~ Kingwoel |