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Financial Page: Materials sold or used by Government ?

Topics: Help: Financial Page: Materials sold or used by Government ?

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 09:09 pm Click here to edit this post
Materials sold or used by Government 7,709,106.35M SC$.

Hello guys,

Anyone knows what does that means?

Tooltip explanation for that field is:
This is the income from sales of materials that are sold by the country to others. It is not government income. The materials were paid for by the government and this is a compensation for sales of such materials to others.

Is there are way to know exactly which products were sold and at which price?
I'm seeing that number keeps increasing and I would like to control that money.

I checked World Trade ---> Transaction Logs ---> Review Recent Sales and it's empty. (I'm not sure if is related to this or just population with direct sales for instance).

Yesterday, my country available cash was increased by 3T.... and such "profit" was not mentioned on the monthly profit/loss :s.

Any ideas?

Thank you.


Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 03:30 am Click here to edit this post
I know what it means.



Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 09:56 am Click here to edit this post
Government is buying services, pays for them and the money is not considered cost like health care but rather goes off the cash.

then the services are used by the army. the value of the materials used by the army appears on your cost as part of the cost of the army.

now you paid twice?

The cost of services used by the army, is returned to the government cash to compensate for the reduction in stock of services used by the army.

I hope it is clear.

The same with the population.

the government buys gasoline and pays for it. the money goes off the cash of the country.
then, people use the gasoline.
the money they pay for the gasoline is part of their salaries and it goes back to the government.

government buys gasoline once in several months, the population pays back each month.

the amounts show of the cash report on the financial page.

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