Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, February 19, 2010 - 10:19 pm I started a country on Golden Rainbow in the hopes of playing alongside some friends I know, but unlike my country on Little Upsilon, I find that my Golden Rainbow country is horribly bankrupt, losing about 4-billion a month. I've been trying my best to increase the quality and efficiency of the corporations in my country to combat this untenable financial state, but I can't see any progress at all, and at this point even my cash on hand has dropped 8billion into the negatives. What can I do to fix this? I really want to play on Golden Rainbow and not on Little Upsilon, but I can't seem to make this country work. |
Crossdale (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 12:15 am Message "My Kind of Town" and ask him if he will put in a vote for you on the Security Coucil for 5T. It's my friend Jack Jones if it works out it will help you out. |
Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 01:33 am I can do that, definitely. What steps can I take on my own, though, to try and bring my country back into the black? I've been encouraging my corporations that have a product in-demand, and I built a couple extra to make up for the four corporations that are completely not in demand. |
Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 01:46 am At least, if I can figure out how to send the message, I can do that. |
Daelin (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 02:36 am What's your country's name? Several of us would be willing to give you general tips, though I'm not knowledgeable of the specific economy ups-and-downs on GR. |
Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 02:56 am Freedonia is the name of my country. Any advice you can give would be very welcome. |
Vicious (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 03:37 am You can get the most profit by selectively inviting CEO corps to your country. The attraction of CEO corps is that they pay a monthly country resources fee to the host country. That fee equals 40% of monthly gross income. If a CEO corp sells 5b per month, then it pays your country 2b per month. That means you would want CEO corps with very high gross income. New CEO corps haven't been upgraded and therefore have low gross income. Some industries never achieve high gross income. For example, a cocoa corp is unlikely to have more than 1b in monthly gross income. It's country resources payment would be small. But an FMU corp can have 6b in monthly gross income. If 2 highly upgraded FMU corps relocate to your country, their country resources payments probably would eliminate your 4b monthly deficit and give you a surplus. The trick is to find already upgraded, desirable CEO corps to relocate to your country. To start, you can study profit and loss statements of different corps to identify industries that pay the highest country resources fee. |
Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 04:35 am How would I then attract such desirable corporations to my country? |
Joe3811 (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 05:44 am I'd suggest close your road companies, your food companies, your stone company, your Light tank ammo country. They're all money pits. Drop your corporate tax to 5%, and invite CEO's (there's a thread in Golden Rainbow 0-5% tax corps). You'll get revenue without any cash layout. Change your buy strategies to 91% start, 5% increase. You're paying too much for suppies. Change your sell strategy to 120%, decrease 7%. It's good you're using the quality based strategy-but you're selling too cheap. If you have trouble getting the screens to do what you need, just ask. Hopefully you'll get some development assistance soon. By the way save your gold coins. Use them to buy pop once you get all the corps you have workers can staff. Don't worry about your mistakes. When I was starting Jack Jones told me "the game has a steep learning curve." |
Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 05:49 am I Thought I had made all my mistakes when I went from level 1 to 2 on Little Upsilon, but I seem to have somehow avoided making them until I got to Golden Rainbow, which is where I actually wanted to be. Then it charged me 30 coins to get a country, and the country clearly needs a lot of work. I really appreciate all the advice, guys. Please suggest anything else you think of, too. |
Plato (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 06:07 am I loved Duck Soup. Have fun. |
Vicious (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 04:43 pm There are always some desirable CEO corps in countries with insufficient workers. The poor labor conditions depress their hiring and production. They need to relocate anyway, and many would appreciate your invitation. One source of information is the share market. On your left hand menu, click on "shares," then click on "buy shares." If you've already decided which high income industry you like, click on it. After you click on "find corporations," click on "sort corporations listing the one with the lowest market value first." Many of those suffering corps need to relocate. Once you find corps you want moved to your country, you can message their CEOs. By the way, I'm not suggesting that you buy their shares. But that you use that list to find desirable corps to invite to relocate. Public corps can upgrade the highest, which gives them the highest income potential, and the highest potential country resources payments. CEO public corps with a process quality at or near 250 are the most worthy of your invitation to relocate to your country. |
Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 04:55 pm Thanks for that! I've been following the advice given so far, and I've been looking for ways to temporarily cut spending in nonessential areas while I try to get over the hump and turn around. Still losing about 4 Billion a month, though, and currently sitting around -140 billion or so. |
Crossdale (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 12:08 am If you have some GC's put them up. I will give you a generous offer to get you out, just don't put yourself back in the same spot again. Crossdale. |
Finvara Marx (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 01:11 am I spent 30 GCs getting a country on Golden Rainbow, and the rest boosting corporations and buying population. I'm tapped. |