ira0348 (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, August 21, 2008 - 08:43 pm I think I remember seeing somewhere about moving corps from one country to another. As CEO I want to try rescuing a corp (public corp) by moving it to under the umbrella of my president. Can this be done, what are the menu links, and now I've just noticed its done a reverse share split! Aaargh, what does this mean? Time to find out some more about the minefield known as the stock market. IF any of you kind and knowledgable people feel like it the corp is Ridgecrest water maintenance c/o rising rats (KB), thanks gamers. |
Vous (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, August 22, 2008 - 01:18 am In the corporations page go to the "profit, cash and debt" link at the center top of the page and click on that link. Along the right side of the page is a link that says "move corp." I hope that helps. |
ira0348 (Kebir Blue) | Friday, August 22, 2008 - 10:36 am Thank you very much, being going through everything for days to find that, must have been because I was paying attention to the page headline links, not the sneaky little elusive links 8-). Ta again. |