Wyatt Bounaparte and Maria Bounaparte (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, June 22, 2008 - 06:13 pm  I made this furom so other people who love history can talk about this major event witch i think is rather neglected and often forgot about because of ww2. I want to open this up with a qu7estion do u think the usa's involvment in ww1 was necassary?? |
FarmerBob (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, June 22, 2008 - 10:28 pm  The AEF tipped the scales allowing the Allies to break Germany's back militarily on the Western Front. The outcome was inevitable, however, due to the effectiveness of the Royal Navy's blockade. WWI was a real tragedy and worthy of discussion in SC as it was begun in a conflict of egos. |
Wyatt Bounaparte and Maria Bounaparte (Fearless Blue) | Monday, June 23, 2008 - 02:23 am  let me get this straight. Fancis ferdinan however the hell u spell it was shot by a serbian nationallist. this caused austria to declare war on serbia (because of the issue of honor) russia serbias allie declared war on austria so germany declared war on russia is that correct? and if so why did bismark take over belgium thus starting a war with france and england? |
Quetzalcoatl God of War | Monday, June 23, 2008 - 06:01 am  The Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism written by Paul Kennedy...... Examines the root causes of the Great War. WWI was due to too many alliances. Another good lesson for SC. |
FarmerBob | Monday, June 23, 2008 - 07:49 am  Que recommended an great book there. WWI was a great mistake as you will learn. |
John Fire (Little Upsilon) | Monday, June 23, 2008 - 08:55 am  Wyatt, Bismark took over Belgium because he knew that by declaring war on Russia, France would support their ally, Russia, and go to war with Germany (the natural enemy of France was Germany). In an effort to avoid fighting on the highly fortified Maginot Line and to strike France in a way that would supposedly have defeated them early, Germany marched through Belgium. However, the original German plan (the Schlieffen plan?) called for several actions that were not undertaken by the Kaiser. This incomplete strategy led to the failure of the invasion of France early in the war. The point being that Germany declared war on Belgium in an effort to achieve a quick victory against France (and assumably setting the stage for an easy war with England) because they would have attacked Germany anyway via alliance. |
Wyatt Bounaparte and Maria Bounaparte (Fearless Blue) | Monday, June 23, 2008 - 04:23 pm  So really the Kaiser (emperore of germany) was not at fault for ww1 and they were just helping there allies right? Also how did the ottomans get involved with the centrall powers and what effect did this have on the war? |
El Cruz (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 04:44 am  It is amazing how really one bullet and one person can change the course of history. Because of the Great War many people died also many more will die because really the War did not ended which lead to another war. But one thing did come out of it The first attempt of the United Nations. |
Wyatt Bounaparte and Maria Bounaparte (Fearless Blue) | Monday, June 30, 2008 - 05:47 pm  actually i dont think the united nations (league of nations at first) is such a great organzation it seems to be extremly currupt. Plz correct me on that statment if its false |
Goldern Horde (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 02:20 am  As far as I know russia france and britain were allies at the time. Germany could not fight a war on both fronts so tried for a quick win in the west by attacking through belguim. However they got stuck which resulted in trench warfare in the west, but beat the russians in the east. The us did not realy need to enter the war as it was nearly over by that time. They made a few dollars in the process which has always been thier number 1 aim! The league of nations was a waste of space as wwII proves. Just as the UN is a wastte of space today! |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 06:12 am  As always the Europeans dragged us into their silly wars once things had been throughly mucked up. Flash to the present and we are the whipping boy for Euro-trash liberals for following their shining example for the past 232 years. How can the apple fall far from the colonial tree? |
Zeta (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, July 27, 2008 - 06:36 pm  lol. |
Michael Morrison (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 27, 2008 - 10:56 pm  The "reason" the US entered the war was because Germany kept sinking our ships. The Lussitania (spelling?) was a passenger liner the Germans sank, which outraged the American public. That's not so far off from what happened in September, 2001. Or March, 1775 (A MUCH lesser tragedy to be sure, but Americans were still attacked by "ousiders" Am I wrong? |
Zeta (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, July 27, 2008 - 11:44 pm  You're wrong. I'm wrong. The whole damn system is wrong! Wait... Is that a misquote? |
JMR32 (Golden Rainbow) | Monday, July 28, 2008 - 12:12 am  MM, spelling is only one S in the ship. GH, you're right about the alliance between Russia, France, and Great Britain. However, I have to repectfully disagree with the assessment that the US did not need to enter the war because it was almost over. The October Revolution which overthrew the Czar in Russia caused Russia to withdraw from the conflict, giving huge morale and strategic benefits to the Central powers. There was no longer two fronts. At the same time the populace of France and particularly Great Britain were extremely tired of seeing their young men killed, maimed, and gassed after 4years, in what was seemingly an endless war. The economies of all the Allied countries was in shambles due to the lack of workers. The sinking of the Lusitania was indeed the watershed event which finally garnered enough support for Woodrow Wilson to get a war declaration passed. The huge influx of "fresh" bodies and material was more than enough to counteract the loss of Russian involvement (they were never very effective during the war anyhow), and gave the needed morale boost to the populace. Agreed that the League of Nations was a loser, especially after Congress refused to give approval for the US to join. Side notes: The Communists did not take over in Russia until later. The US has nearly always been a "sleeping giant" in war situations. MM mentioned the Lusitania, 9/11, and the "Boston Massacre". How about "Remember the Alamo" which began the Mexican-American War, the "Remember the Maine" which began the Spanish-American War, Pearl Harbor, and the "Gulf of Tonkin incident" which allowed LBJ to commit full military resources in the Vietnam War. |
JMR32 (Golden Rainbow) | Monday, July 28, 2008 - 12:16 am  Sorry for the double post. John, the Maginot Line was not built until the 1930's. The rest of your post is dead on target. |
Andreja Gligorijevic (Little Upsilon) | Friday, September 12, 2008 - 08:05 pm  Actually, the cause of that war, was the deployment of one ship: HMS Dreadnought. In that one move, the rest of the worlds navies were outdated, and Germany thought it could match Britain's fleet, by producing its Dreadnought's. This led to a naval arms race, with all the European powers constructing Dreadnought-class ships, which England put a stamp on, by building 8 (?) Dreadnoughts in a year. Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination caused an Austrian ultimatum, of a type that were issued before, but this time, they didn't have the military might to back their words. Hence war was declared. |
Adler Asterozoa (White Giant) | Monday, November 29, 2010 - 02:09 am  Okay, I feel like saying things right now. So, here we go! This is a quick, unbiased summary of WWI: In the early 20th Century, Europe's most prominent empires were divided into two power-hungry factions that eyed each other suspiciously; they built up their armies, economies, and propaganda to hopefully outdo one another. Then, one day, a Serbian radical takes an advanced semi-auto pistol and puts a bullet in the Austrian Archduke. Then a period of political chaos began; ultimatums and diplomatic messages were flying all over the region as to the situation happening. Then, without anybody's consent, the war began. The Triple Entente and Commonwealth Powers were dragged into the grueling conflict - the world's first taste of conventional modern warfare - one by one. After some years of fighting and no progress being made, the good ol' US of A came about on the Entente side, after the alleged sinking of an 'innocent' supply ship to Britain (by the Germans). With the Americans (like me), the Entente beat the LIVING S**T out of the other side of the European coin of military alliances. When that ended, the treaty proposed by the Entente nations went to far - as they REALLY HATED the Germans, according to overexaggerated accounts - with making sure that a war of such magnitude was never to happen again. But unfortunately, they were DUMBA**ES; Germany tried to get back on its feet after the conflict, but it staggered so badly, that it seemed that there was no hope left for the Fatherland. That's where Hitler, Goebbels, and Goering come in. And then, twenty years later, this happens: WWII. The end. Any questions? |
Filip Targovsky (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, January 2, 2011 - 10:01 pm  It can be said that the war was started mainly because of three reasons. in 1870 when the prussians took Alsace and Lorraine, The french saw it as a matter of honor to retake those two regions. Then there is Nationalism as a second reason. Austro Hungary tried to Germanise the Yugoslavs, Germany tried to asymilate the population of Poland (poland was divided by russia austria and prussia in 1796). Then finaly there is imperialism. The UK had its power built in Asia, France was building a colonial empire in Africa. As Germany grew stronger the started to dream about colonies. All this led to a cold war between two alliances, the "Summer at Sarajevo" was just like pulling the trigger. Austria wanted Serbia - Serbia wanted croatia which was in the austrian empire, Germany was allied to austria so they declared war on Serbia then it all happened. Russia declared war on Germany and austria, France did the same and so did the UK, gavrillo prinçip was not really respondible for this war. |
Theokles | Monday, February 21, 2011 - 07:39 pm  "I made this furom so other people who love history can talk about this major event witch i think is rather neglected and often forgot about because of ww2." True indeed. I love history and especially WW2. But I quickly learned that WW2 is a continuation of WW1 so therefor you can not study them in isolated manner but in conjunction with one another. Thanks for the forum, looking forward to dig in (pun intended)! |
Wilhelm III | Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 12:40 am  It was the Kaiser's fault, only his |
Jark Valiga | Sunday, March 10, 2013 - 07:08 pm  your all ignorant..... confusing ww1 with ww2 and little falsities here and there |
Philipp Bauer | Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - 09:34 am  Filip is ignorant and Adler's last post is preposterous... Germany declared on Russia for mobilizing on Austria and the US went in all minding other people's business as usual. Period, it was all Austria's fault. Of course the arrogant French would want Elsass-Lothringen back... But they couldn't so they seized the opportunity in the Versailles Treaty, despite the Imperial Territory having a majority German population even before the Franco-Prussian War. Furthermore, Lusitania was a British Ship, the German Navy matched the British Navy prior and during the war and the US wasn't dragged into European politics... It meddles in it on purpose. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk promised Polish, Balkans and Ukrainian sovereignty, but they had to become the victims of course, especially Poland. Voila |
thewhy | Friday, August 2, 2013 - 05:18 am  zimmerman telegram? unrestricted sub warfare? those are reasons enough for the US to get involved.... if you even want to call it involvement it was honestly a mere token force that the US sent not even enough to get Wilson's 14 points seriously considered.... before the end of WW2 US was mostly isolationist so save your rhetoric on americas meddling until we actually do meddle |
thewhy | Friday, August 2, 2013 - 05:22 am  adler seems to love his country very much and has overexagerated US involvement not to mention his not mentioning of the real reasons why US got involved..... its worth noting however that wilson had wanted to join the war with the entente he was an extreme interventionist by comparison to the rest of the country... you could call him pretentious really but his 14 points were good ideas however to good for the real world |
Philipp Bauer | Friday, August 9, 2013 - 12:07 am  The Zimmerman Telegram was enough a reason, but only when Germany already knew the US would jump in the war. Otherwise your country wouldn't even be of deserving attention to the World powers of the time. The Unrestricted sub warfare was against Britain and not the Americas, so much blind people. Americans tend to claim victory to both conflicts they arrived late at, despicable. America meddled, that is what happened and I will continue with my rhetoric as I please. Were it not for the early Russian offensive... France would have fallen, Britain starved and America isolated even more. |
thewhy | Saturday, August 10, 2013 - 08:03 pm  Yes us imperialist Americans we can't help ourselves we are just so much more worthy then everyone..... Zimmerman telegram occurred before war declaration and could be considered an example of meddlesome Germans.... If it wasn't for the telegram US wouldn't have any justification for war and we would never have entered.... And I'm an American and I don't claim we won the wars it was Russia both times.... However you could claim we "won" the wars simply by the fact that America benefited most from the conflicts our economy was huge compared to Europe after the wars simply because you all destroyed each other while our manufacturing grew incredibly |
thewhy | Saturday, August 10, 2013 - 08:20 pm  I just did some research and it appears the Zimmerman telegram was a proposal of an alliance with Mexico only if US entered the war.... So I attribute the war to Americans predisposition to support democracy and an unusually interventionist president |
Philipp Bauer | Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 07:11 am  You just realised your lack of excuse... Pity.... Meddlesome, Meddlesome... Meddlesome. Currently, the European GDP is greater than that of America. |
thewhy | Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 09:49 am  Because there's twice as many people in Europe?.... Again an exceptional president named Wilson who began the whole interventionist policy which the US didn't pick up until the Cold War when we kept Russia from taking Europe and the world... When we gave billions of dollars to Europe so they could rebuild their economy |
thewhy | Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 09:51 am  US should form the American Union and see who has a higher GDP then.... Or just make an alliance with china |
maclean | Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 10:49 am  Jmr32 and Thewhy pretty much nailed it, as near as I can tell from history. I will address a few points myself: to wit, the Lusitania was a British passenger liner, not a cargo vessel, and there were quite a few American passengers aboard, of which about 1500 were killed in the torpedoing. (if memory serves me correctly). Sorry, Herr Bauer, but Germany had it coming, sinking passenger liners like that. The U.S. contribution to the war was not only bodies, but also huge amounts of materiel, food, trucks, etc. Another thing, Herr Bauer, who was it that rebuilt your country TWICE after the wars? Yep, the eeeeevil Americans. Who gives more aid and rescue to victims of disasters worldwide than the rest of the world put together? Us meddlesome, selfish Americans. And don't get me started on Lend-Lease during the '40's. Maybe it's time we kept our money and our do-gooders at home, and see how long it takes the rest of the world to go to heck on its own. As side note, Wilson campaigned on the slogan, "He'll keep us out of war!" Yeah, right. |
Tallisibeth na Colliete | Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 07:07 pm  To me, WWI was started from a series of diplomatic errors stemming from the assassination of one man. And that's what happens when you have so many military alliances. |
Arthur Mitchel | Saturday, August 17, 2013 - 07:46 pm  not to mention how war casualties rise ahem *cough cough* America *Cough cough* "HEY see that country there lets declare war and bomb it till it can't defend it's self then send in our troops to kill the injured soldiers and help the civilians and call the country a communist dictatorship!!!" Now tell what country that sounds like? |
thewhy | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 03:19 am  "Im a bitch" what country does that sound like? id say Canada |
Philipp Bauer | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 03:26 am  Rebuild? You tried to make Germany a damn rural country after WWII until convinced that the world couldn't really function without Germany, so yeah, you are still evil and meddlesome. Twice after the wars? Are you ignorant Mr Maclean? Germany didn't suffer from destruction in the First World War. The second, is another story, your stealing of patents and destruction pretty much weighed out the fact that you "LENT" money to rebuild. Keep your stinkin blood stolen money to yourselves. Looking forward to when China rises. |
Jorge Guerra | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 03:32 am  Heated a bit |
thewhy | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 03:59 am  MERICA!!!!! FUCK YAHHHH!!!!!! |
Nico | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 04:15 am  Well that escalated quickly... |
Arthur Mitchel | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 06:36 am  Canada - founded modern peace keeping and helps third world countries daily by supplying food, water, and shelter as well as build schools, hospitals and generally improving the life of the citizens. America - Get's in everyone else business, attacks countries by destroying infrastructure and the terrain with bombs and then deploying a few thousand soldiers to clear out the dieing and wounded soldiers that got bombed and helping the poor poor citizens who were under an iron thumb who also got caught in the bombing and called collateral damage. |
thewhy | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 07:02 am  they stole our oil arthur why wouldnt we invade them |
Arthur Mitchel | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 07:08 am  America is all clumped together in massive cities and have no where to hide like in the wilderness. If attacked they would be decimated because they wouldn't be able to hide from their attackers to plan a counter attack and even though it would take a while they would fall. Americans are lazy and try to get stuff done fast and easy which a war on home turf isn't and thus wouldn't be very good at a defensive war. Canada is spread around in the wilderness and small cities, towns and villages and has plenty of places to hide to form a counter attack and even though it would take a small amount of time to fall Canadians are not lazy and are willing to wait before striking. If conquered Canadians would quickly form a resistance supplied by France and England and most other countries and fight back and kick their conquerors out. |
Arthur Mitchel | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 07:10 am  I assume you are speaking of the Taliban who when they were called Mujahadeen agreed that if America supplied them with training, guns and equipment would give them oil for cheap...... |
thewhy | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 07:20 am  The US doesnt have to hide.... Shock and Awe Mother&^$*&^ US Spends 500 billion annually on armed forces Canada spends 22 Billion US has 1 million active duty personnel Canada has 68,000 Canada has about 14 million people available for military service US has 150 million US has a Gun for every person Canada has a gun for every 30 people US has 100,000,000 acres of "wilderness" canada is wilderness and when we conquer you we will have another 4 million square miles of wilderness and plenty of Ice for our beer when we watch football |
Arthur Mitchel | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 07:28 am  Shock and Awe does not always work when on the defensive. send an american seal team to my neighbor hood and lets see you wins my neighborhood or the seals. my money is on my neighbor hood cause none of us are sane and most have guns, swords, knives, bats and know martial arts. |
thewhy | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 07:29 am  why would we go on the defensive? |
Nico | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 05:19 pm  I don't know if I'm going to make this worse but America has nukes, Canada doesn't. Also yeah Canada maybe all wilderness but isn't it easier for us to attack? Can't we set up camp in the forests and when we are ready, we sneak attack your cities. And we also have a fort only couple miles off on the Canada border in NY. I believe (not sure) its the largest fort in the United States! We also could attack via Navy and create blockade of your country. Also, we could create a no-fly zone over most of Canada. We then could kill your economy by taking out Toronto and Montreal. The downside Canada is ran by Britain (at least that's what I heard) so America would never attack because we are in bed with Britian. |
Arthur Mitchel | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 07:57 pm  the border has very little wilderness so American forces trying to cross the border and enter the woods with swaths of equipment wouldn't go unnoticed. Nuking Canada would screw America up as well. We have many allies with air forces it doesn't matter how strong your one air force is, Britain's, France's, and other countries from NATO and the UN combined air forces would win, same goes for the Navy thing. |
Arthur Mitchel | Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 08:09 pm  our navy .vs. ur navy would be unfair and not because yours is larger and stronger..... ours is all being retrofitted or scrapped and replaced. |
maclean | Monday, August 19, 2013 - 09:56 am  Re: Germany after WW1: I stand corrected, Germany was not bombed to rubble (as some say it should have been), but it was the British and french who insisted on reparations for the losses they suffered. America was involved in providing aid, but not enough to pull the Weimar republic from hyper-inflation. and let me remind everyone that it was the whole of Europe that wanted a divided Germany until 20-25 years ago. Some of you youngsters may not remember when there was a West Germany and an East Germany, a legacy of the Cold War. I grew up under the threat of imminent nuclear annhilation from the Soviets, and I never thot I would say this, but it was almost better then than now. at least you knew who the enemy was, and little wannabe rogue nuke countries weren't so uppity. |
Christos | Monday, August 19, 2013 - 04:01 pm  What a nice topic! @ P. Bauer: Germany's navy never matched the British navy, even though Germany's late 19th-early 20th century attempt to build a navy (and the subsequent arms race) was in fact a serious factor that lead to the war. Don't forget that Britain ruled about 1/3 of the world back then solely based on her naval force. Even with so many ships away around the world, their Home Fleet was sufficient to keep the entire German Fleet at bay. You have a point in stating that Germany didn't need rebuilding after WW1 but it is a fact that american capital and loans were the main factor of the economy boom in 1926-1928. In fact Germany was the only european country to be so badly damaged from the crash of 1929 exactly because so much american capital was withdrawed and this lead to high unemployment and, sadly, Hitler. After WW2 american capital (along with immigrant gastarbeiter) was the main reason of West Germany's economic recovery, along of course with the renowned discipline, ability and organisation of german people themselves. This of course was due to the US - USSR conflict and dodn't come out of some humanitarian urge of Mr Truman. But the fact remains: if you compare Bohn and Munich to East Berlin and Dresden you see how good it was to have the Americans by your side during the first 20 years after WW2. |
Christos | Monday, August 19, 2013 - 04:03 pm  P.S. The whole US-Canadian war games and scenarios really remind me of a South Park episode, where the US decide to bomb Canada because of Brian Adams or something (or was it because Canadians bombed the Baldwins' Mansion in Hollywood, CA?) |
Prince Alexzander Cameron | Monday, August 19, 2013 - 07:25 pm  ik what episode ur talking about..... The guy was making kids rebellious against their parents who were complaining and stuff so America decided that it was a Canadian scheme to make the kids revolt and bring down the country. thus they decided to kill him and the crew decided to save him taking them literally to hell and back. |
Prince Alexzander Cameron | Monday, August 19, 2013 - 07:30 pm  "at least you knew who the enemy was, and little wannabe rogue nuke countries weren't so uppity." *COUGH COUGH* North Korea *COUGH COUGH* |
Nico | Monday, August 19, 2013 - 09:10 pm  Did you ever notice North Korea and Israel have the same personality? North Korea wants to attack the US. Israel wants to attack Syria, Iran, Lebanon, and 100 other countries and expects the US to back them up. If I were Obama, I would forget about everyone and go to isolation. But no. We are MERCIA! |
thewhy | Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 07:41 am  north Korea is a cult of personality dictatorship and abuser of human rights that spews out incredible lies their national animal is a unicorn Israel is a reasonable state amidst a sea of enemies who routinely use Israel as their scapegoat Israel does not want to attack 100 other countries they want to survive |
maclean | Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 12:20 pm  Nico, your assertion that Israel wants to attack all her neighbors is a total fiction, and cannot be supported by one shred of evidence. To compare North Korea to Israel in the same breath is ludicrous. Name the other 97 countries that you say Israel wants to attack. @Prince Alex: Ha, you got it! and throw Iran in there, too... |
Shu Pei | Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - 03:15 am  Hi we ran some Tests, their was a person shot at Flashpoint. Their was an affront two Indignacys. And some thing had gone on at the mutual of Authoritarian Sea. |
Samael Solemn Thresher | Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - 07:51 am  A few things to ponder... - German, English and Russian royal monarchs were all cousins. The royal houses were not interested in a war between their nations, but the beaurocracy of their alliances, bad blood between Germany and France, a stupid Archduke and a bumbling assassin caused the destruction of European power for the next fifty years and sparked the events of the next century. - American involvement probably did tip the scales in the first world war, despite their modest commitment. Both the allies and axis in ww1 were spent forces after four years of grinding each other into mince. The allied powers had more manpower, but germany had actually proven their capability in warfare in the last two wars with france(look it up... the french had a bad reputation for losing before both world wars). -Germany had the advantage of better military leadership and forward thinking in tactics. They weren't opposed to new ideas like the allies were, and it showed at the beginning of both world wars. It took years before the allies woke up and realized that they were not going to win by throwing men at the Germans. They had to catch up in tecnology and tactics, and when they did, it was only a matter of time until numbers were going to add up. I think the biggest factor was that the war had hit the point where Germany had finally run out of able bodied men to put into the fight. They lost their military advantages. Despite having crushed the Russian army in a series of fortunous events, They failed to seize the initiative in belgium, and that had ended their chance to end the war in france. The war went into stalemate and it was only a matter of time before one side or another would run out of fight. France, England and Russia made very serious blunders that cost them in both world wars. But in the end, Germany couldn't seize the initiative and end the war quickly. Once their chance was gone, it was only a matter of time. We won by default, at full time whistle. - America did nothing to rebuild Germany after the war. In fact all the allied powers forced crippling conditions on Germany after the surrender. This is probably the most important reason why the Germans fell under the Nazi influence two decades on, and American aid flooded into Germany after the second world war. Europe and America could not afford to go back to another world war, despite having to prepare for one with Russia this time. - Germany paid back the money it owed for the first world war in the seventies, and was tecnically absolved of its ww2 debt about a decade later. England finally paid off its last IOU around about 2000-2010. |