Wyatt Bounaparte and Maria Bounaparte (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 05:25 pm  GAY PEOPLE SUCK!!! You guys ruin the holyeness of marriage. |
Wyatt Bounaparte and Maria Bounaparte (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, June 5, 2008 - 04:05 pm  No gay people dont suck plz read the furom Nazism to understand why i said that. Comments plz! |
Iaru Hetep (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, June 20, 2008 - 08:27 pm  Hmm acheive aims better in Europe than America.. Hmm not sure.. if ya take a closer look at America than the simple views of the average news cast.. You find that just about any thing is legal SOMEWHERE and somehow in America.. I mean even the most conservative of places have their local oddities. Take a look at the American West, want to start a bizaar religous cult that runs totally contrary to any remote consideration of global norm? Have we got a place for you! How about the American east, If you can think of it, and have the cash to finance it, I assure you there is a place for you here. Want to create a utopian community based on any single notion your heart can conjure? Why America has been taking those sorts of people from Europe and the rest of the world for over 200 years now. There are compounds, communities, secret societies, enclaves and cells of just about every group imaginable and they live in basic harmony with their surrounding communities all over the country. *SHHH just don't tell anyone, because we here in the states don't like to talk about it, or the odd bunch that live down the streets from any of us. LOL* People like to look at the US, and imagine that it is identical from one place to the next, but nothing could be further from the truth. Heck, sometimes, moving from one state, to the neighboring one can give you culture shock. Hmm I realize I am starting to sound like I work for tourist promotions, so I will cease this diatribe. *smile* Iaru Hetep *looking forward to my 15th year with my sig other come November, and proud citizen of the American South. How is that for living in OZ. LOL* |
Michael Morrison (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 10, 2008 - 08:01 am  lol, funny, I was reading this thread, and I was thinking the same damn thing as Iaru! You would have much greater success here in the States. You little experiment has been used so many times it isn't even funny. There is one that I can think of that does the exact opposite of what david wants to do, and that was in Lowell Mass I think. I know the name of the town was Lowell, not sure which state, but these owners of this factory decided to set up barracks-like dorm housing for a bunch of girls and not pay them...Well, their families get paid, but only a very little. There is another group, perhaps the most famous of them all....They are called hippies! And they're still around [looks around suspiciously] [/looks around suspciously] Good, I think we're safe here from them damn hippies! lol that youtube video is the best that atheists can come up with for "proof" about the non-existence of God? I have a loooooong thread about REAL proof FOR the existence of God, and that is in another thread, if anyone actually cares to take a look at it. Now, Christians = people who follow Christ, and try to do what Christ himself does. Christ accepts everyone, whether your gay or straight, black or white, tall or short...doesn't matter. As long as "people love one another, as He loves you," and that you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. Now, I do not like to preach, because I feel I would be a hipocrit if I do so. I know I am not accepting of others the way I should be (nobody has ever been, nor will anyone ever be, except for Jesus himself). I lie, I cheat, I steal, I fight, I curse. So, uh, yeah, I'm not a preacher, and I believe what I believe because of the evidence that has presented to me for these beliefs. I have faith that I will one day be saved, and cleansed from all of my shortcomings. Now, enough of that. I do not care one way or the other about gay people. They are just people. I could care even less whether gay marriage is legal or not. Doesn't matter to me one bit, as long as the nasty stays behind closed doors. Same thing with heterosexuals. The nasty should be behind closed doors whether it male-male, male-female, or female-female. It DOES bother me seeing two dudes kissing in public, but I don't even notice when heterosexuals are kissing. But if I know some guy is gay, that doesn't bother me at all in itself. I would befriend a gay dude just as quickly as I would befriend a regular dude. My big problem is when people think of Christians as those that are holier-than-thou represents ALL Christians. TRUE Christians are not nearly as preachy. True Christians do not use words to preach, but rather, actions. Mother Theresa was a true Christian. Princess Diana was a true Christian. Most Latin Americans (who happen to be mostly Catholic) are true Christians, and same with most of them who are from the Indian Subcontinent. Americans and most Europeans who consider themselves to be Christians, are not at all. Those people who you think of as Christians are a tiny minority of actualy Chrisitanity. You think of Christianity the way you do, because real Chrisitans hardly speak at all. Everything is conveyed through actions, and most people are blind to this, they do not see people doing good at all, but rather people see people doing violence, and just turn their heads when there is a random act of kindness happening. There is one example of a random act of kindness that has happened just a few months ago, and it happened in China, and is now quite famous. A 9 year old boy, who freed himself from a bunch of rubble after the earthquake that killed 70,000+ people, went back and rescued two of his classmates. The kid said he did this because he was the leader of the class...he was the hall monitor, and it was his duty to help someone else in need. The kid is now a national hero and celebrity. He walked alongside Yao Ming during the Ceremonies the other day. THAT is the kind of thing Christians do, only usually on a much less gallant scale, and more everyday type of things, which generally goes unnoticed. The worst are those damn televangelists. I HATE those people. Or rather the concept. It is terrible to see these firebreathing people preaching about how you should spread the love, help the poor, do this and that that jesus ghas done. They look TERRIBLY fake. Wearing a fancy suit and tie, with cuff links, a microphone, their hair all styles perfeclty, with like 5 or 6 $3,000 LED televisions, and the music....GOSH don;t get me started on that damn music! Too touchy-feely! If that is the image your people have of Christianity, I am sorry to say you have it COMPLETELY wrong. Televangelists, and a few others out there are a poor representation of Christians. It would be like us Americans thinking all Germans are Nazis, or all Englishmen are spoiled rich kids with their dumb little tea sets (they are, aren't they? :P). That is called sterotyping, and I hear atheists, and agnostics telling ME that since IM a Chritian, I am constantly judging others (which isn't quite true btw), and how I should keep an open-mind about others! lol They do not seem to be practicing what THEY preach half the time themselves! It is rather hilarious. |
AFChairman David Walker (Little Upsilon) | Monday, December 29, 2008 - 08:53 pm  Anyone else who is gay or bi care to jot a comment? |
Pluto | Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 04:32 am  Englishmen are spoiled rich kids with their dumb little tea sets (they are, aren't they? :P). ------------------------ Oi ! :P |
AFChairman David Walker (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 03:57 am  What has saying that got to do with anything here? |
Pluto (Little Upsilon) | Friday, January 2, 2009 - 05:28 pm  Im british .. |
AFChairman David Walker (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, January 3, 2009 - 01:38 am  Using your tangled logic, you're gay then as well. |
Pluto | Saturday, January 3, 2009 - 03:02 pm  umm nope lol |
The Crafty Cockney (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 06:33 pm  'course you are, all Walthamstow wankers are gay, love you pluto. |
AFChairman David Walker (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 09:32 am  I got a message from someone the other day saying "Hi Sexy!". I have replied enquirng who they are but no luck. There profile says nothing. It's a MYSTERY! YEY! |
Pluto (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 03:24 pm  Lmao CC ... And you dagenham'rs aint ? haha :P and it aint Stow Wankers its Chingford C**t's :P |
John R | Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 03:26 pm  You know what they say about true love... It's a mystery, my love. Pluto is totally gay. He just doesn't know it yet. |
AFChairman David Walker (Golden Rainbow) | Monday, January 12, 2009 - 02:56 am  Pluto, I had a dodgy ex from Dagenham and a hire care from Plaistow. LOL! I lived in Canary Wharf and then bailed to Brighton last year. By my reckoning, excellent timing! Lol! Haha to all those greedy bankers driving up property prices! |
Pluto | Monday, January 12, 2009 - 04:31 pm  Laguna .. I thought we wouldnt talk about that night on the forums ? :P And Dagenhams a dodgy area as it is :S.. working there is enough ! |
AFChairman David Walker (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - 05:58 pm  You work in Dagenhan?!?!?!? Is it in what's left of the Ford factory? Blimey, do you live there as well? Dagenham to Stratford is like 1 gian council estate all the same lol. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - 06:04 pm  You guys need to visit the 'Blighty' thread!!!! |
The Crafty Cockney (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 12:02 pm  And David, I hope you pronounce that "Dar-gen-ham", ;) |
Pluto | Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 04:23 pm  LMAO ..Like putting lipstick on a pig :P |
AFChairman David Walker (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, January 18, 2009 - 05:57 am  lol |