King Hezekiah II | Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 06:37 am  Little Upsilon World Government The Little Upsilon Community should be full participants in their World Government. The NLUO world Government Was established to govern the conduct of nations through policies on the NLUO. The main objective is for better interaction between the government and the nations of Little Upsilon. Nations who are not in the government, but are on Lu can vote for their candidates for office This World Government is divided up with 2 political parties, and 85 seats representing a Region through a Federation., and 85 Seats representing each region through the common markets. All Little Upsilon Nations who support the NLUO are encouraged to Vote, and email their representatives on Little Upsilon for their concerns. The NLUO World Government is for peace, prosperity, and security for all nations under the guidance of the NLUO World Government.. |
King Hezekiah II | Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 06:42 am  The None Aligned Nations The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a group of states which are not aligned formally with or against any major power bloc. Their main federation is called Hydra, which sole purpose is to destroy the NLUO World Government. These states do not acknowledge the NLUO nor do they want it to exist. |
King Hezekiah II | Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 07:00 am  Little Upsilon World Government Members Executive Administration Secretary General: King Hezekiah II (E) Israelite Empire Secretary of State: President SweetPea(I-Pure_OwnaGe) Secretary of Defense: His Holiness King Stephen Ryan (E) DON Secretary of Justice: President PrizePack (E) ANZ Secretary of the Treasury: King Lord Lee (I-AA1) Secretary of LU Security: Emperor King Herod VI (I-Nation of Edom) |
King Hezekiah II | Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 07:33 am  Joint Chiefs of Staff of Regional Federations Executive Oversight: Secretary of State President SweetPea (I-Pure_OwnaGe) The Majority Leader: Chief Jackseptic (E) California Republic The Minority Leader: President Arccuk (I- Craven Park ) Centura Donna- Decambra Seat: King Hezekiah (E) Israelite Empire Federation Representing this Region: The NLUO Federation Centura Donna- Fornax Musica Seat: Cesar Mclean (E) Ergot Blossom FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU Defense Organization FEDERATION Centura Donna-Micron Bellero Seat: President: Carthaginian0 (I-Carthage)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: The NLUO FEDERATION Centura Donna-Hora Est Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Apache Tribe FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFENSE ORGANIZATION Centura Donna-Putman Minolta Seat: Emperor: Mr. J. Skullz (E) The Realm of Skullz FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Unholy Alliance FEDERATION Draca Mixor-Cantonnia Bella Seat: President Nix001 (I-Mother Nature's Army)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE THINK FEDERATION Draca Mixor-Bavaro Bello Seat: King James the Fair (E) The Saxon Band FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE NLUO FEDERATION Lacerta-South Dade Seat: Emperor Xaldin (E) Krondarian Empire FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE KRONDARIAN EMPIRE FEDERATION Lacerta-Jura Fantastica Seat: President PrizePack (E) CBA FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU FINANCIAL GROUP FEDERATION Lacerta-Kusbara Verde Seat: Her Majesty Emperess thetheth01 (I-Tribute to MW) FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WOLF FEDERATION Lacerta-Great Veronica Seat: His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-Decay)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Ottella Monda Seat: His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-Deep Unknown)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Taurus Grande Seat:His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-Apparition)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Taylor Desert Seat:His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-The Anti)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Salem Kadury Seat: President Slayerofgods (E-FortressHell)Federation Representing this Region: The Unholy Alliance Federation Hecula Major-Cabana Magnifica Seat: King Lord Arbuckle (I-The Lucion Republic)Federation over this Region: The LU Defense Organization Federation Hercula Major-Indian Hills Seat : Prime minister: Boris Johnson (E) New Britain UK Federation over this Region: The Common Wealth Federation Hercula Major-Lake Yorma Seat: Her Majesty Emperess thetheth01 (I-Tribute to Prying Eyes)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WOLF FEDERATION Hercula Major-Bellago Seat: His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (E) Machiavelli FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Insane Assylum PM FEDERATION Hercula Major-Great Palms Seat: His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (E) America FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Insane Assylum PM FEDERATION Hercula Major-Great Palms Seat: President Arccuk (I- Ravenser )FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Hercula Major-Vanguard Seat: President Arccuk (I- West Park)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Hercula Major-Octavia Seat: His Highness Caesar: maclean FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU Defense Organization FEDERATION Auriga Bella-Great Liberty Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Blackfoot FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LDI FINANCIAL FEDERATION Auriga Bella-Nassau Seat: His Highness Caesar maclean (E) Spanish Fly FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Auriga Bella-Karabi est Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Dakota Sioux FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFRENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Paova Major-Crane York Seat: President Yankee (I-Faded Glory)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE TRES LOBOS FEDERATION Paova Major-North Portmuth Seat: President Yankee (I-Enigma)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE TRES LOBOS FEDERATION Paova Major-Great Almond Seat: President NATRAVMAN (I-Jewelsland)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE JOYA FEDERATION Paova Major-Nakomo Valley Seat: His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (E) Quintalius FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Insane Assylum PM FEDERATION Paova Major-Painted Valley Seat: President Arccuk (I- West Park)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Paova Major-Araba Mida Seat: President NATRAVMAN (I-The Republic of Morana)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE JOYA FEDERATION Paova Major-Bandria Grand Seat: President Nix001 (I-The Forces of Nature) FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE THINK FEDERATION Paova Major-Amanda Banus Seat: President Nix001 (I-Mother Natures SOS) FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE THINK FEDERATION Paova Major-Southern Fish Seat: The Honorable Emperor Mr. Baconator (E) Wendy's Capital FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGIONl THE BACON FEDERATION Antilia Major-West Walton Seat: Caesar Mclean (E) Lotus Blossom FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU Defense Organization FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Auruga Deserts Seat: President: Thraw (I-Kegit)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: COALITION OF STATES FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Menlo North Seat: President: Mr. SuperSoldierRCP (E) Melichor FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Lynx Minor- St. Lucie Seat: President: Gaz (I-Viper)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE DOGSOFWAR FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Metasta Gloria Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Cherokee Nation FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFRENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Elizabeth Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) California Republic FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE INDEPENDENT DEFRENSE COALITION FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Taurus Kulma Seat: President NATRAVMAN (I- The Kingdom of Nikaola )FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE JOYA FEDERATION Eridana- Pegersus Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Back to the Primitive FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFRENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Virgina Bella- Great Hills Seat: President Michael VII (E) The Republic of Mursiyah FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE GREAT HILLS TREATY ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Virgina Bella-Santa Rosa Seat: President Arccuk (I- Tigers)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Virgina Bella-West Seneca Seat: President: Kitsune (E) L9 Nibiru Colony FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Vulpinian Empire FEDERATION |
King Hezekiah II | Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 07:36 pm  The Little Upsilon Security Council Members J. Skullz (NLUO) 29 January 2013 Jackseptic 14 January 2013 Lord Lee (NLUO) 31 March 2013 NiAi 26 December 2012 Arccuk (NLUO) 30 April 2013 Rick 25 December 2012 Bad Dukes 24 December 2012 thetheth01 (NLUO) 21 December 2012 Xaldin 28 February 2013 SuperSoldierRCP (NLUO) 13 February 2013 Kasper Quinn (NLUO) 17 January 2013 prizepack (NLUO) 30 December 2012 MegaButcher 27 January 2013 Orbiter 21 December 2012 Mr. President 7 February 2013 |
Crafty | Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 09:12 pm  And this has exactly what to do with nationalities? |
King Hezekiah II | Monday, December 17, 2012 - 12:00 am  What does being a Patriot have to do with nationalities? |
Crafty | Monday, December 17, 2012 - 12:51 am  Nationalities Hez, real life ones. Look at the other threads lol. Still, at least this forum got a post again, it's kind of a dead forum. |
King Hezekiah II | Monday, December 17, 2012 - 02:40 am  COme on and join the NLUO and help us move this planet forward. If everyone understood how the government worked, and how it helps enhance interaction, centralized politics, a world stage to teach players the game to stay in the game, teach new nations how to war to build their empires. I just wish people could see the vision clearly. |
Crafty | Monday, December 17, 2012 - 03:12 pm  Why do you think it's ok to spam everywhere Hez? I'm not 'picking on you', I say the same to many, but you were asked to refrain last time you were here, and that WAS by the moderator, so you obviously were crossing the line then. |
King Hezekiah II | Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 12:01 am  One man's spam is another man's meal. |
Laguna | Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 05:30 am  LOL!... |
Crafty | Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 12:41 pm  LMAO, that really was quite funny nice one. |
King Hezekiah II | Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 07:30 pm  For the love of the game. |
Crafty | Thursday, December 20, 2012 - 07:51 pm  What? You didn't intend it to be funny? I love it when people are light hearted and funny in the forums. Half the fun of the game imo. |
King Hezekiah II | Thursday, December 20, 2012 - 10:08 pm  I was intending to be funny, and that is why I said for the love of the game. |
SweetPea | Friday, December 21, 2012 - 01:14 am  Hugz Around???? |
King Hezekiah II | Friday, December 21, 2012 - 06:34 am  I don't think they ready for that .lol... |
Crafty | Friday, December 21, 2012 - 08:17 pm  Uhmmm...ok then. Just, where I come from, "for the love of..." is normally associated with 'face palm'. Like "oh, for the love of Jesus...". That's the trouble with text only communication, one needs to be very careful to avoid any ambiguity in ones meaning. Isn't it. Sorry, no Hugz, you would need to remove that silly hat and shave your beard. |
King Hezekiah II | Saturday, December 22, 2012 - 12:48 am  hahahahahahahahahahqa.. I like that one Crafty.. Made me look in thew mirror.. lol... |
SuperSoldierRCP | Friday, January 11, 2013 - 10:25 pm  OMG HEZ SELF CONTROL!!! ITS A FORM OF MODERATION!!! |
SweetPea | Saturday, January 12, 2013 - 12:50 pm  A little late huh super? Last post was Dec 22 lol. |