King Hezekiah II | Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 06:10 am  Expansionist Party: This political party's platform is an aggressive platform. They believe in an aggressive role for the NLUO in the governing of Little Upsilon. They put focus on the Federations, and the Security Council. They help build up the federations to have a strong military presence in Little Upsilon. They put great pressure on the LU Security Council to pass resolutions for war against any aggressive behavior by nations who go to war without consent of the NLUO. The NLUO Secretary General has the most power in this political atmosphere. Through this Party the Secretary General will be free to issue executive orders if the LU Security Council does not act on any issues that should arise. They believe that the NLUO should play a dominant role in the security of Little Upsilon. Generally this party does not focus so much on finance. They believe that through an aggressive foreign policy, the world Economy will take care of itself. Generally the State Department, LU Security Department, and Justice Department have a great amount of power in an Expansionist party Administration. They rarely pass Foreign aid budgets. Instead they prefer to use foreign aid as a precursor for behavior modification of nations. This administration limits the power of the Justice Department, and LU International Court, and uses the LU Security Council for passing resolutions etc. In all this party wants to expand the control and domination of the NLUO on Little Upsilon. Isolationist Party: This political party's platform is a more passive platform. They believe in a more non interventionalist role for the NLUO in the governing of Little Upsilon. They put more focus on finance, and helping nations to build their economies. They believe in non intervention in times of war. They would rather pass economic sanctions on nations who are overly aggressive. As long as a nation is not causing any harm to the global economy in their endevors, this political party's administration takes a non intervention stance on war. They don't believe the NLUO should be used as a war tool for control, but rather economically help new and banrupt nations repair their economies. They send resolutions to the LU security council for Economic aid to countries. The Secretary General submits foreign aid budgets to the LU security council. Generally in this adminstration, the common markets are built up, and they believe this will bring security to Little Upsilon. The Treasury Department is generally the most powerful office in this administration. The Secretary General is usually pressured not to use Executive orders in this administration. The Justice Department is used in this administration to contain the power of the Secretary General, State Department, and LU Security Department. This administration also uses the LU International Court more than the Lu Security Council in this Administration. In all this party wants to play a more behind the scenes role for the NLUO on Little Upsilon. |