King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - 07:45 pm  If you are a small nation of the Meds, Persians, Israelites, Edomites, or Gentiles, join the NLUO World government for unification of cultures on LU. Oppression on LU is ramped. Wars without cause, and no accountability. The NLUO World Government is a government of Laws, and organization, and diverse culture. Through the NLUO World Government, church and state is separate, but there is only one God, and it is the God of Israel, and that is the God of the NLUO. There is a diverse democracy of nations governed by laws, and policy, and a judicial to interpret law, and hand out sentenses to breeches of the laws and policies. We need your help LU. We need you to stop being divided and conquered by the establishment. We need nations from the LU Security Council to come forward, and allign with the NLUO. We need feds to align with the Feds of the NLUO. We need the common markets to align with the common makrets of the NLUO. We call the finished product of the NLUO World Government: A Global nework enterconnected nations democratically aligned for the common good, and peace. is not the establishment of peace on any of these worlds the ultimate accomplishment. Come let us reason together to move forward this movement of Global enterconnectedness. |