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Preemptive Thread - 'Hostile Bidding.'

Topics: Little Upsilon: Preemptive Thread - 'Hostile Bidding.'


Friday, January 15, 2016 - 07:05 pm Click here to edit this post

I am posting here with the intention to head off any unnecessary unpleasantness, before it may arise.

I have forcibly nationalised three private corporations in my primary country, Chaos I. Usually I would not resort to such extreme measures. However, the CEO's had been asked to move their companies on two separate occasions - first a large number of weeks ago, and secondly at the beginning of this week. This week's message contained a warning that said companies would be nationalised and liquidated come today.

The affected corporatons are:
Odin Light Artillery Shells | Markets
Aqaba Books and Newspapers | Belgian Air Cadets
Bellona Household Products | Belgian Air Cadets

I hope that no enmity will arise from these actions. I certainly hold none towards said CEOs who have either been inactive or do not place much value on those corporations. I am happy to withdraw the bids happenstance the CEOs become active and request that I do so.

Best Regards,

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