Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 07:12 pm Yet again the diseased running festerous lesion NLUO/TNA member known as 'Lord fLee', has declared war on a Hydra member unprovoked! As before pesticides/medication will be administered and the irritation will be handled. There will be repercussions and consequences, after all sometimes the 'itch' (fLee) has to be 'scratched' (spanked) again. Is it correct to assume that the self proclaimed 'NLUO World Government Military' is declaring war on Hydra? The actions say yes. The country that issued the first dec is Mesopotamia that is a country of Mr fLee's and is part of the sub fed of TNA called 'Little Upsilon Treaty Organization.' As its ideology statement it says.. 'NLUO World Government Military,' thereby unequivocally proving its affiliation with the NLUO. This is one of many in a long list of aggressions that the NLUO has instigated against Hydra. Hydra asks that those who do not wish to share in the 'sins' of the NLUO, get out from among its midst unless you want to share in her destruction! Hydra will most certainly retaliate against fLee and discussions are underway as to the final result for the rest of those that support these hostile actions. This once again shows the direction, or lack thereof, of the NLUO. Hydra understands there are some new leaders among the NLUO and we urge them to take quick, decisive, firm and just actions against all those involved.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 09:34 pm Would you like to Charge Lord LEE? Hez could you give me a list of chargeable crimes?
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 09:47 pm Sorry Mr Cameron, I understand that you want to help the NLUO gov. However Hydra does not recognize their system of governing, therefore as such, Hydra will not charge anyone through the system that the NLUO has set into place. If members of the NLUO desire to do so, thats their business, so I respectfully decline your offer. Hydra has its own 'brand' of justice that is soon to be poured out upon the wart of SC's butt Mr. fLee. You are of course free to proceed as you so desire.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 09:47 pm Although I am deeply troubled and sorry for the war dec that has gone out at the hands of Lord Lee. The NLUO has nothing to do wit Lord Lee's aggressive attack. The attack is a federation only attack in retaliation for past wars such as the Hydra/NLUO World War where a significant amount of assets were taken. Also King James the Fair was attacked and assets taken from him because of Security Council Resolution brought against Serpent. This war was not authorized by the TNA federation, nor the NLUO. This is a lone act of aggression, and he has no defensive support in this war dec. We will at the federation level contact Lord Lee and ask him his reasoning for his actions. Since the NLUO world Government is undergoing structural reform as well as constitutional reform. I don't deem it wise to engage Lord Lee at the LUICC level. This should remain at the federation level, and the NLUO should have no involvement militarily or politically. Although as Chairman of the TNA Federation, I will consult with Lord Lee for his actions. If the parties involved are willing. We can all sit down in the General Assembly chat since it is a neutral world forum to handle these high level war issues.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 09:49 pm Under stood. But I'd still like a list of chargeable crimes, for future reference.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 09:54 pm We are going to re-write the laws, and crimes at the Constitutional convention so all members of the gov, and the citizens of LU are on one page. I thank you for your stedfast attention to this potential crisis. Mr. Deputy Chief Justice.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 10:01 pm His country 'flies' the NLUO banner. therefore by association it is responsible. If one of my Hydra mates dec'd somebody I cant then claim the rest of us aint responsible. The simple fact is this, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR MEMBERS. There is no other way this act of aggression can be explained. I will re-post what I said before....
This kind of aggression has went on for long enough. The time now... is for action!
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 10:08 pm Let it be known that the NLUO advocated for peace and Hydra is taking an aggressive tone. So here is your beloved Hydra LU. The Pot calling the kettle black.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 10:35 pm The NLUO has NOT advocated for anything. All the NLUO has up to this point proven to be is sniveling worms. I hope the new officials can change things. You gotta understand Mr Hez, that your actions and the actions of those you CHOOSE to associate with mean alot more than the propaganda you spew forth! If the NLUO really wants peace for their other members, as this is no longer an option for Mr. fLee, they must publicly in this forum, on this thread, denounce and reject Mr. fLee for his current actions. In that case, the NLUO might be able to escape the certain judgement that will be metted out to those who have chosen to act irresponsibility. So yes, you are correct in your assessment of an aggressive tone! What else do you expect?
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 10:46 pm Must suck to log in every day to your main country and see serpents army at your boarders. But your war lvl 1 anyway so it don't matter. Maybe they don't like the way you run your fed. They have a idea of how things should be you have yours. But this war was started by one of your members to even say you had no idea means your not in control of your fed. Shame on you for always trying to be the victim.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 10:50 pm Exactly... thanks smokes... the proof is in the pudding!
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 11:00 pm Hydra is always going on the offensive in matters of international politics. Did you even contact Lord Lee about his actions, or did you immediately come to the international forum to condemn the NLUO soon as you seen one of its members doing something you feel is illegal and irresponsible, but yet you have taken assets from nations just because you can. This makes you a bully in my book. I would call on the NLUO and the international community to condemn your actions serpent, but as of now our public image is not a favorable one. You will have your day under the sun Serpent.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 11:13 pm i like the sun, its warm, and good for my complexion. not to mention, the bikinis gotta love california
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 11:22 pm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM8ix0siRVQ
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Thursday, April 18, 2013 - 11:29 pm serpent wouldnt your war be with TNA and not NLUO as I have ULUN members in NLUO who have had nothing to do with this aggresion yet are in NLUO. So this in the great scheme of things your pushing agression on ULUN and some of your own hydra members in NLUO... not trying to sound agressive or anything im just making a point..
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:12 am @Hez No I did not. Did fLee care to contact Keto before he dec'd him? C'mon Hez, you know thats not right. Also when have I taken anything from any of you guys "just because I can"? You guys have lost assets because you start stuff and you end up losing! You put it out there, smack us with it, we kick your butt and take it from you! Thats all it is Hez! @JMC JMC please re-read my statement, Ill quote it again for you:
So the question is, 1) Do you support the actions taken by Lee dec'g unprovoked on Keto? Or 2) Do you support Hydra as we defend ourselves against these hostilities? These are simple questions. If you answer yes to #1 then we are, in your words, "pushing agression"! However after thinking for a moment Im sure you realize that we are not pushing nothing, we didnt start this. This was a dec by fLee, not Hydra or its members. We are simply defending ourselves. If you fly the same banner as he does then you must choose where you stand. Is this not reasonable?
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:17 am I agree with Serp. This war dec came out of no where. Hydra is going to defend themselves. I wish i could cease the conflict but i dont think i can. I have not signed the war treaty in NLUO in case of this. Just dont dec on me and we will be good. Serp, i will work hard with the cabinet of NLUO to stop this from happening again.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:18 am
No one is ever in complete control of a federation. All leadership can ever do is dictate their policy, state their rules and offer incentives for following them or offer disincentives for disobeying them. After doing so all a leader can do is keep an eye out for trouble spots and react to them in a timely manner, often hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. All the preparation in the world however becomes pointless when the one wronged acts rashly as in this case. When seems to be ignored here is all a leader can do is react to problems. You can't ever prevent them from arising except by seeing to it your group doesn't exist. Joining a group does not in any way remove a member's capacity for free thought or independent, unilateral, action. Most do recognize taking such action would put at the very least a great strain on their leadership and put their fellow members are risk. Not all care about said risk though and that's the type which gets called a rogue and left out in the wind. Declaring a federation war would accomplish nothing there except cause more problems such as showing others you're unreasonable. After all from the OP all that seems to have occurred is a single member started a war and because of their affiliation with another, disliked, group the war was needlessly widened to the federation level. This is the epitome of rashness because you're not considering other possibilities and approaching the issue logically but instead are approaching it from an emotional level. If there's a lot of history between two groups then it stands to reason there would be occasions where members would unilaterally take action. Simply put this action by Hydra is poorly chosen. To associate a federation with the action either this rogue would need to have taken part in an action condoned by his group or had some measure of authority within said group to the extent that his action might be properly taken for an extension of orders he's given to others. I don't see any of this. I do see a presumption of guilt for those who aren't even taking part in the attack. Considering how "easy" Hydra is willing to let people go for merely distancing themselves from these acts by simply stating they disapprove of it I don't see how this escalation by Hydra is warranted when the same could have been obtained through peaceful discourse. This widening war is not so much about justice as an extension of a grudge.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:39 am peaceful discourse, has never resulted in the NLUO backing down. if the NLUO wants peaceful discourse, then they should kick out the members that consistently go rogue. its a cheap tactic to allow members to go rogue, to further the groups own agenda, while disclaiming responsibility, but excepting the individual as a respected leader. this is not the first time this has happened
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:45 am You are wrong! Your assumptions are flawed. Fact: NLUO members have been aggressive against Hydra many many times in the recent past. Fact: Hydra has never dec'd unprovoked on any NLUO member. Fact: When at 'war' Hydra agreed to a ceasefire (which was really 'Hydra stop shooting at us'). Fact: Hydra has helped and continues to have members in the NLUO to assist them. However these members publicly condemn the hostil actions by other NLUO members by their actions (such as offering assistance with air d and other means.) You are correct. Maybe you would agree that when a member puts the rest of his fedmates at risk they have the right to pass judgement on his actions. After all, as I mentioned earlier he does reflect upon his fed, good or bad. This is exactly what is being suggested. Those that support or do not support the NLUO's members actions need to react! By its very nature of claiming to be a 'world government' the NLUO has attempted to confuse the line between who is who within the LU community. So as no mistakes are made, a simple question has been laid out. Hydra is easy to work with. However I ask, was it 'peaceful discourse' that made fLee dec Keto? Obviously not! There is no grudge. Why would Hydra have a grudge? Oh yeah... maybe its because of some NLUO members repeatedly threatening us and dec'g us that has us a lil bit upset! So here is a simple question Mr. Metgredko, do you support Mr fLee's hostile actions against Hydra? Do we have your permission and blessing to defend ourselves?
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:48 am Hydra are terrorists and under the terrorism act I have impunity to declare on them as such!
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:49 am right on serp!
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:51 am Therefore the people of the countries that you dec Hydra with will die as you wallow in your filthy lies.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:53 am Inbox me Serp when you're at War Level 7 and I'll declare on you too and destroy your empire!!!
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:56 am doubt it lee
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 01:56 am
met, this is the problem, the history of the NLUO is constantly clouded by individual members using a "world government," and its laws to justify any action. and thats all well and good, until you are in the cross hairs, isn't it?
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 02:00 am fLee, we all have our place. Right now my place is to cover the lower war levels of our fed. Your place however, as it has been and will probably continue to be, is to be on the 'toe-end' of a Hydra boot!
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 02:38 am More like you can't even reach war level 4! Launch Pad? More like Titanic!
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 03:14 am I am pushing to have Lord Lee to be evicted from the NLUO for Terrorism as he has declared war for no reason on multiple Hydra members and claims his reason is they are terrorist, which they are not. Lord Lee is the Terrorist and I am charging him with Terrorism at a Level 7 Felony Level. Hez I know you said no charges can be pushed but Lee is out of line, He has declared war on two Hydra members and claims it is because they are terrorist and they are not.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 03:17 am Indeed!
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 03:23 am I will contact Gaddafi to set up a court summons, and get an indictment, and we can start the process pf charging and indicting Lord Lee for war crimes. O
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 03:29 am Thank you Mr. Hezekiah.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 03:33 am All details are here http://nluo.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/8880544-government-lawsuits-?next=
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 03:54 pm Come on Lord Lee did u even prep for this war. Your WI is at 53.17 just saying you might wanna get your WI to 90-100 then dec.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 06:58 pm Doesn't look like it Smokes Lee are you trying to give away your countries? Sry to say but your attempt at war looks amateur at best. You'd need your entire empire at war to even compete with Keto/Hydra. I give you 0% chance.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 07:28 pm These half arsed attempts at war just make you guys looks like noobs. Best thing for the NLUO right now is to stay quiet and build. You's are no match for Hydra and never will be if you's keep up your feeble attempts at war. Im mean no disrespect
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 07:42 pm The problem here is that people are still stuck in the past. Serpent here is basing Lee's actions on what has happened in the past between NLUO and Hydra. Lee's most likely doing this based on old glories he once enjoyed. What every one needs to do is calm down and be civil. Peace will always succeed, if you give it the chance to. NLUO, if indeed Lord Lee is not acting on your behalf, then cut him loose. When alone amongst the crashing waves, one begins to rethink their actions. Hydra, send Lord Lee a warning. You shouldn't outright destroy him. If you do, it will make you look bad to the rest of the worlds as being uncompromising and with mercy. If he ignores your warnings, then take one of his countries. Keep on repeating until peace is established.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 07:57 pm Careful Ms. Tallisibeth! Im not bashing any past actions. fLee's actions are current, maybe you should look at the war decs he issued and their dates. I do however bring up past, but still very recent (as in weeks or couple months ago), incidents to prove that his behavior has established a pattern of conduct that he and others have made. Hydra has never been the aggressor even when threatened by these renegade presidents. However I cant forever claim this will be the case. When the locomotive starts rolling, its hard to stop it from going down the track! Is it not?
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 08:08 pm Can we all just agree that with Wendy and Lee gone NLUO would be better and less people would hate on them?
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 10:25 pm ...Depends. From what I can see, there is a lot of bad blood between NLUO and Hydra. It's gonna take some time to heal those old wounds, and it won't take much to reopen them. As I always say, peace takes time.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 10:40 pm Not really, all it would take is for the NLUO to start acting like a respectable fed and not try to push their idea of a world government on those who want no part of their delusions. They can have their kool-aid, just dont try to force Hydra to drink it. Thats why up to this point we have just been defensive in nature.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 10:46 pm ...Like I said, bad blood.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 10:49 pm I want to butt in, but I've nothing to say
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 11:19 pm @Crafty lol. @Tallisbeth Indeed there is much bad blood between Nluo and Hydra. Hez said things, Wedny said things, and Lee said things, when Hezzy said things it was because Lee and Wedny wanted him too. The wounds need to heal and it is a very bad wound and bad wounds take a long time to heal. Wendy and Lee are like the infection on the wound, which slows the healing period of the wound, get rid of the infection and the wound heals faster. @Serpent Nluo is trying to be more respectable and I am trying to get them there, Lee doing this was not sanctioned by NLUO, this is Lee's thing not NLUO's. He will be tried in NLUO court for a level 7 Felony, and you and Kento can then proceed to destroy him, heck even if he finds some way to remain in NLUO destroy him, in either case Justice is being served.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 11:43 pm @ crafty: I want to butt in, but I've nothing to say I have a lot to say, but do not want to butt in.
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Friday, April 19, 2013 - 11:45 pm of course, say what ever you wish Jan.
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 08:52 am Another unprevoked attack, another major set back for the nluo. Hydra= freedom, nluo=war, they will not be happy til they are making the rules/ruling the world. They have already sent some big players out to try and enforce them. Hydra stands strong and united against the nluo's hostilitys. Players should distance them selfs from lord lee as much as possible to prevent any retaliation. If lord lee fires any nukes i will be nationalizing all nuke corps of his in my countries and would suggest others to do the same as to limit the amount of damage he may project upon our planet.
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 11:32 am So Lord Lee is attacking people unprovoked again I notice.... Lord Lee I have this quote for you in respect of your aggressive actions:- "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." ie... What goes around comes around......!
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 02:31 pm VICTORY. After a mere 10 days the 77M pop country (Mesopotamia) fLee foolishly dec'd Keto (Ontario) with has fallen as expected. Hydra would like all to congratulate Keto on his decisive and resounding military skill. Videos have been uploaded to YouTube of fLee destroying papers and running shamefully from the thunderous armies of Keto! Watch for your entertainment. For The Record: Hostilities between Mesopotamia and Ontario Mesopotamia Ground- or Airforce placed a nuclear attack on Portofo city. Ontario (the attacked country) reports: No damage to The city of Portofo is reported. The country used 2 nuclear defense missiles in the defense. The defence was assisted by Defense Interceptor Wing Helsson, Defense Interceptor Wing Bonita, Defense Interceptor Wing Bellavista and Garrison TG1124. Mesopotamia (the attacker) reports: The country lost 1 strategic bomber. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. 294 soldiers were killed and 1180 were wounded.
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 02:46 pm I watched a bit this morning also. Great job Keto!
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 02:59 pm Great Job keto, I reccomend a full Hydra offensive against Lee before he gets into WP.
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 06:17 pm Indeed!
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 09:24 pm Way to go, Keto. Good to see you back on the scene.
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Sunday, April 21, 2013 - 12:29 am Here is the Link to the indictment hearing. pleae post your thoughts Keto, Serpent, and Jackseptic. The state is using you all as witnesses of President Lord Lee's crimes. We ask that you post at this link. http://nluo.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/8889032-indictment-hearing-for-case-00004-the-nluo-luicc-vs-president-lord-lee-
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Sunday, April 21, 2013 - 01:16 am I say Shock the Monkey. Electrocute him!!!!!!
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Sunday, April 21, 2013 - 01:52 am Nluo Policy and Debate section is down.
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Sunday, April 21, 2013 - 06:22 am I say we shock you ms lil saggy hairy tits
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Sunday, April 21, 2013 - 03:10 pm lollolololol