josuemasson | Thursday, December 6, 2012 - 06:05 am The Commonwealth of Gonsasa has just been established this week and is searching for experienced CEOs who are looking for tax-free countries to maximise their profits. Below are some information about the current situation of the country. Name: The Commonwealth of Gonsasa Unemployed: 1 million (if needed, I am ready to destroy some state-corps) Set Target Tax: 0% (will not change) Education index: 103.43 (will continue building up to at least 150) Welfare index: 88.93 (it has been steadily going up since I arrived as president, and will continue to go up. My goal is to get it up to 120) Transportation index: 112.84 Unemployed according to profession: Workers: Low Level (LL): 228,215 Medium Level (ML): 233,609 High Level (HL): 189,288 Manager: LL: 52,261 ML: 40,902 (priority set at 12/120) HL: 9,189 Executives: 18,557 High Tech: Engineers: 72,388 Seniors: 25,459 Executives: 18,630 If you need more of a kind of profession, I will make sure to get the priority up for you, or delete a state corp. _____________________ If you need any additional information, please post here. I hope you will enjoy Gonsasa when you come to establish your industry here. Best regards, Auguste President of The Commonwealth of Gonsasa |