Josias Jorvick (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, December 11, 2010 - 04:28 pm Hello, I recently was given quite a few countries. They are all located together in the Lions Club region of Hercula Major. I would like to offer these free to newish players, and players that feel they can use a little help. These are 24-26 ish Million pop countries, dec'd out with CEO corps. I was also given the CEO that controls most those corps. So you will have a stable CEO backing you up, or we can make arrangements to remove the corps, or what ever. They also have an OK military for their size. And make a decent profit. Additionally, should you choose to, you may join a regional federation that i'm forming, "Jefferson State Lions Club" This offer is not limited to bran new players. Message me at "Opening Salvo," if interested. Josias |