whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 05:26 am Windy has done it again, declared on someone who she has no issue with in the search for nothing but assets, just look at the following: Country name: FUPAYME Fed: Da Bill Collectors Ideology Statement: FUPAYME IWANTMYMUUNEY War declarations against EC who has done absolutely nothing and was in empire wide war protection, 2 countries slipped...and the asset raider strikes again...sigh...everything she claims the rest of us are, it's all about money and assets to her, really a drain on the game. OH, and forgot to mention, she has all of her real countries in WP as usual, wanting to take things from others while risking nothing of her own as usual. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 05:50 am *YAAAAAWWWWNNNNSSSS* *EC*, You, Zeba, EO, Serpent, all had a whole lot of fun bidding on my ceo corps to try and wreck my 1st place. You phailed. Don't start none won't be none, that golden rule. Would you like to take this opportunity to start a boycott? You've got my vote. Quit Itchin Start Playing. Less Talk Moar WAR!!! I'm getting board. |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 05:54 am heya wendy, you know i still like you, i really do. i still have respect for you, but its time that if you really wanna run with the big dogs, you might wanna start eating your wheaties... |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 05:57 am big mouths is more like it all this crying I see. I doubt at this point crying on the form is going to get any of you any sympathy after all this raiding you've done this week. Cashed Up was in The Mob too, btw maybe he should have had WP or defenses up. That is the new MOB slogan, right? |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:01 am Don't Make Me LoL... |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:08 am i'm not crying, and i haven't raided any one for a week. and i'm not a mob member. are you trying to find easy assets? then your doing good. or well, tracking well. maybe not so good if you are trying to challenge a power base, because you feel they are abusing their power? well then, you are doing a piss poor job... |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:14 am Excuses excuses...ASSET RAIDER |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:16 am Ok, this week, last week, now you are really going to make me LoL. How about that boycott now. |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:24 am OMFG you are worse than I thought you were, FIRST, you make a claim that you took one of our countries...which is a lie...SECOND, you rename the country 'Seized From the Mob' which is also a lie...THIRD...you actually asset raided that country from Ricky Harris after Keto SOLD it to him. You seized it from an innocent/non-aggressive player...classic asset raid from the worst of them all. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:36 am Yes, the country was in the MOB CD which is why I attacked it. Inanna - 1 MOB - n0ne If you are in the MOB, affiliated with the MOB, or if I feel like attacking you, you will be targeted. Sold, Traded, Feded, Befriended, Mobbed, its all targets. Wuteva Please stop making me LoL. |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:36 am actually, it was 3 weeks ago it was epic, we attacked the largest federation in the game, and all they could do only cry foul!!! what a bunch of .... anyway, as i'm sure your aware, your not attacking the same crowd... so again, if your asset raiding, then good tracking!!! if your trying to create an equilibrium against an established power base??? then your doing a piss poor job, try eating some wheaties!!! |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:37 am Mmmk wuteva. |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:39 am wuteva?!? really is that all you've got? you called me the slum of scum, when your not shooting at me, but now, that you have to... wuteva... if you wanna be champion, eat your wheaties |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:39 am You are such a POS, asset raid a guy you know has nothing to do with us because he forgot to remove the country from a fed branch when he purchased it...you're horrible, should really be ashamed of yourself trying to pretend you're all righteous. I don't even dislike you anymore, just feel sorry for you, a sad, sad specimen you are. Get some help... |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:43 am Forget, forgot... who cares. No one cares what you guys did to WGC, or DTA, or Alarich, or anyone else. Quit crying star playing. You are making me L O L. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:45 am @josias, lmao, Scum of the Slum. And Two faced precedes that saying. not slum of scum, that really made me L O L Wuteva |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:45 am " No one cares what you guys did to WGC, or DTA, or Alarich, or anyone else. " -wendy really, i'm going to quote that one every time you start to claim your justified holy c3 crusade... your going to see that one allot eat your wheaties!!! |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:47 am 2 faced? you mean, that i actually don't want to fight from endless c3s? makes me two faced? sounds like you could use a big bowl of wheaties!!! |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:47 am Did I forget the part where I am supposed to say, Should have had WP, I play the full version of the game. And I have not received boycott messages yet, in case you 4got, it is under tabs/trade/boycotts/new boycott request Cast Your Vote TODAY! That will really make me LoL |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:49 am Can I bust out the Kleenex for you ladies yet? |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 06:59 am did you do something that was suppose to hurt? i didn't notice |
Keto (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:00 am Way to go windy, taking a country from an innocent econ playing player. Kinda the pot calling the kettle black eh windy? First off, I sold Ricky Harris that country months ago, and forgot to leave the federation before I sold it, so in fact Ricky Harris was not affiliated with "The Mob". Ricky can confirm this on the forums if he chooses to. Just another classic example of windy asset raiding and covering it up as if it were something else. Shame on you windy, you are a disgrace to everything that is SC. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:01 am and there is my point, I didn't attack you or MinnieMouse, the floodgates swung open in a hurry on this thread. Anything else before I go tata and off to slumber? |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:05 am You are a sad, sad human being that really should get some help, that is unless you know you're full of it, in which case you still need help but a different kind...I guess either way it's extensive psychotherapy... |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:06 am See keto, first of all, you are full of that brown stuff, I think we call it ish... The game automatically removes countries from feds upon sale. I know because I have bought and sold many. The game didn't automatically remove them a long time ago, but that was fixed. One of my favorite things to do in my younger SC days was to conquer a country in a rival fed, and start an eviction proceeding on the current chairman. It was huge LOLS. SO nice try p0ptart, but try again. No one cares anymore and I don't either. At least it is one player, and not 5. Ricky Harris is soooo innocent. I always wanted to be like Serpent, should have had WP I play the full version of this game. Is that line no longer valid? You guys used it to justify raiding an entire fed, but I can't for a single country? What is wrong with this picture here? |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:08 am I'm not sure if that was worth a LoL. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:13 am Nothing else to say fairies? Good, holla at ya l8trz. Reminder: Ladies, ladies... There's no crying in Baseball! |
Keto (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:16 am That country was sold months ago, and besides, why didnt you declare on the country I had out of wp(on purpose) which had no military in it? Too bad the transaction records dont go that far back. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:21 am At this point Keto would it matter why I didn't declare on your country, that you had out of WP "On Purpose" Are We smarter than me now...? Not in this lifetime. |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:34 am no wendy, you are ABSOLUTELY wrong, i've sold countries, then had to ask them to remove themselves from the fed, after... it might suppose to work your way, but it doesn't always as far as the WP thing, we say that to people who DON"T WANT TO FIGHT, you of course do. and that doesn't apply to you, we want you to drop wp but you wont, you claim to justify yourself, based on trying to equal the power base... but if you really wanted that, you wouldn't use the least effective method possible!!! you'd gain friends and build a fed, to compete, but thats to much work, and you have to pay for WP, don't you? you do have to pay for your WP, don't you? try eating some wheaties |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:54 am /passes Josias teh Kleenex Dry your eyes young lad. All will be fine in teh morning. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 08:21 am I'm not wrong, you are talking about way back when you used to play, josias, things are different now when you sell countries. Try again. |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 08:35 am no, wendy, it happened recently but nice try, if you keeping feeding bs, people will buy it, u know that, one of the cool things about you. seriously, you are very smart. but if you did something to hurt me, i didn't notice, maybe you should try again. |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:23 am As usual you are wrong, I'm pretty sure we've bought and sold far more countries than you've ever thought about because we are actually good enough to build something worth selling. Can I pre-pay your first session? I'd be willing to pony up the cash to get you the help you need, pretty sure helping people with severe disabilities is tax deductible. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:34 am tissues ladies, tissues .... lets say it was left in the branch for a long time and was overlooked. Maybe your recent actions put him under tyhe impression that his country saying The Mob CD was some kind of defacto WP. WRONG! He was active I am very sure he noticed what fed he was in and enjoyed his stay. |
Serpent (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:53 am tsk tsk.. poor lil poodle! |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:54 am being a mob member, is different that being in a branch, i'm in 2 different mob branches on WG, does that make me a mob member? no, actually, it does not. infact, i'm am not a member of the mob, they are my friends, and would help me if i asked, but their is a difference. if you had had friends... well you would watch quietly while they open a can of whoop ass on them selves, and not speak up until they backed down... and i'm not making this up doesn't sound like much of a friend. and you call me 2 faced... |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 12:38 pm Really made me LOL for that one. You are in two different branches of the mob, but that doesn't make you a member. In a fed out of the fed, in but not a member. What part of He was in the MOB and he should have had war protection if he didn't have any defenses. I play the full version of the game. I attacked Ricky to show him he was vulnerable needs protection from the likes of WhiteBoy. Is that a better excuse? |
Orbiter (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 01:37 pm i'm in mob brances in wg, becuase after the wgc war, we just can't sell off fast enough, we got in it together, why not wait out the selling out together. you want to judge people for being friends, but you don't even care about you own friends. you'll laugh while ary calls me out, and wont really get involved until he's admits he doesn't really want to fight me... you will cause problems for UC, but sit in protection while EO dismantles UC becuase his irritation for you. and when i sit in mob branches, on wg, to protect my friends, because we pissed off the largest fed in the game, you criticize that. wendy, you do not know what a friend is, or how to be one, your selfish, thinking that by being a nuisance, you will eventually effect the change you want... but that is facade, you don't really expect to effect a change, you just expect to effect attention, and create a method to justify raiding weak countries, while judging others that are actually playing the war game. your not even a bottom feeder, or even a scavenger, your a leach, attaching yourself, some how to every event in sc, whether you put out effort to be a part of it, or a part of the conclusion. you just attach yourself to what ever banner seems best to you at the moment, and call it "the path to fairness," if you wanted to make the game fair, after 2 years, you could have built a power base that could challenge the powers that be, but you haven't you've chosen to take the path of a scavenger, which is high ground for you... congratulations, you are the sc scavenger!!! |
Laguna | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 02:08 pm I'll just come in here say "bananas" and take my leave... Bananas |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 02:33 pm How dare you ... You'll pay for that LG... ....YOU'LL PAY!!! @orbituary Pleazeee already, you are making me LOL. |
Laguna | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 04:46 pm I'll pay in cod, if you don't mind. Delicious, salty, unrivaled cod... |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 04:59 pm lAGUNA wE nEED tO sEE yOU iN cHAT rIGHT nOW!!! |
Zeba (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 05:14 pm Hahaha...nice one Orbiter...Ouch...way to take her down another notch below Bottom Feeder!!! LOL...you are spot on! Windy...once again you display your ignorance of the game despite 3-4 experienced players telling you the truth. Are you that desperate to say you took a country from the Mob?!? Ricky is apparently a visa econ player and bought a country from a GREF member awhile ago and the same thing happened. When you sell a country...it stays fedded...when you conquer a country...it gets removed from the fed. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 07:58 pm Okay so he mistakenly stays in a fed for "months". He was MOB and he got took, should have had WP. Wuteva , makes no difference to me zen00b |
Zeba (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 08:57 pm Your missing the point as usual num-skull If you weren't such a stubborn idiot...you might have a few friends and/or learn something about this game you profess to be Queen of. Just to clue you in...point 1 would be nobody except Ricky cares that you took his country, but guessing on his style of game play maybe even not him...he does in fact deserve it for not leaving the fed. Keto got paid and judging on everyone's comments nobody from the Mob cares...did you see any counter decs? Point 2...listen to vets when they tell you about the game...don't be an noob / asshat! Point 3...When you call the kettle black...it makes you a hypocrite...you asset raid any chance you get except you go for the weak targets in a fed. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:22 pm The point is, oh, you don't have a point. Except for the one on your head. Raise your dunce cap high Zeb00b! |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:29 pm You know he wasn't in the Mob which is why you're being so defensive about it asset raider. Never spoke to Ricky Harris in my life, neither has anyone else in the Mob, he's a guy who buys and sells countries for whatever reason and we have no affiliation with him. You raided him, be honest about it and stop the BS. Then go get help. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:38 pm WB I think I haven't cared since yesterday. You left him in your fed, oops your bad. If you guys wanna buy his country back for him, being how this was Keto's mistake for not removing him, I'll be glad to sell it you. Funny you gals sat around all but Josias. At least he made a late attempt to stop me. WB you sat around and watched while I took a country from your fed because all you do is start trouble. A mob member lost his country because you sat around hiding in WP. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 09:44 pm Zeba (Golden Rainbow) Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 08:57 pm Click here to edit this post Your missing the point as usual num-skull If you weren't such a stubborn idiot...you might have a few friends and/or learn something about this game you profess to be Queen of. I like frenemies better. Just to clue you in...point 1 would be nobody except Ricky cares that you took his country, but guessing on his style of game play maybe even not him...he does in fact deserve it for not leaving the fed. Keto got paid and judging on everyone's comments nobody from the Mob cares...did you see any counter decs? There were no counter decs becuase the entirety of Mob CD was in WP, most proly still are. Of course no one cares he got a country took, it was in the Mob lol. And no WP, tough luck. You can go finish crying in that little place you call quitsville. |
whiteboy (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 12:00 am You're an idiot, we didn't even know that it happened and IT WASN'T A MOB COUNTRY...get a clue, then get a life, then get some help. I couldn't care less about Ricky, it's just the latest example of you using some BS excuse to asset raid a non-combative player. Because that's who you are, an asset raider, nothing more. A pretty poor one at that, can't even take a ECON SLAVE from EC that had literally 0 defense in it less than a month before the war started, you suck. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 12:41 am Hmmm EC has 100 forts,fedded air wings and helo wings maybe 100 sf sitting on the wings and counter decs from keto and serpent and josias, for a single c3 dec? I didn't even shoot once from Clear Eyes. Kinda funny, if I wanted to I could have damaged it, I'm not going to waste time shooting at forts while running over sf units on top of that. Very tedious vs 3 opponents. Waste of time and ammo. I'll shoot when I know it is mine for sure. We'll see how long it holds before you fairies dec on it trying to save it from getting taken. And lets not talk about can or can't do, you all aren't sitting in WP because its cool. Of course the one MOB country you lose all of a sudden isn't in the mob, nor do you care, but thats no surprise silly wabbit. Before we continue, who else should I know in the MOB fed that isn't really in the MOB? |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 12:46 am Don't make me LoL. |
whiteboy (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 02:01 am Keep on trying to tell yourself that it was one of ours, won't change the fact that you know it wasn't, such an idiot. You are fully aware of the players in our fed, we've destroyed you repeatedly and we're doing so again because you're SOOOOOOO pathetic. I am sure Ricky even msgd you to tell you about the mistake when you decd, wouldn't matter to you though. You have no chance to take the country, don't talk about what is in it now, talk about what was in it when you decd up to 10 days before the war actually started: No nuke d, no ints, no helis, no sfs, 9 forts, 1 of each base, no strat bases, no ammo, it was a PURE econ slave and you still have no shot at getting to it...it really is sad. Don't talk about us sitting in WP while you have been for the past year and guess what, we're not actively out raiding people like you are because as we all know, Windy is the Queen of the Asset Raiders. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 02:07 am See here is the thing about me and WP, I don't have War Slaves in WP. Can you say the same? How many, weren't you boasting of like 7 war slaves? And all are in WP. And of Keto's? And od Slerppy's? I have not a single war slave, much less a war slave sitting in protection. Welcome to, Cashed Up... Federation, The Mob CD So you mean to tell me everyone here in that branch of The Mob, isn't actually a Mob Member? |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 02:07 am Now I am really about to LoL. |
whiteboy (White Giant) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 02:25 am You are fully aware of who is in our fed, there is no one new, Me, EO, Serp, Keto, EC, Abe...you know that, stop acting like you don't. You are aware of how that country ended up in the fed branch, you are just choosing to ignore it to make yourself feel better and to justify your asset raid of a completely non-combative player, whatever makes you feel better idiot. What does it matter what we have in WP, you're whole point is that you aren't going to put anything at risk, we don't have to either, pretty simple isn't it? But no, you want to be able to talk smack about WP while being in perma-wp forever, good for you, back to something that matters...you need help. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 03:03 am I think that you are talking smack about WP, while being in WP. I have not cried to the gms about anything. You and your girlfriends have spammed the gms with change this change that. I'm good with the game as is, and I welcome the changes too. They won't make much of a difference. Yes Ricky Harris is no longer in the MOB, because his only country that was in the MOB, is now being stripped. And you stood by and watched while your fedmate was attacked and you stayed in WP. Tsk Tsk. |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 03:21 am "And you stood by and watched while your fedmate was attacked and you stayed in WP. Tsk Tsk." -wendy seriously? are you criticizing some one for that? when eo dismantled your fed, you sat and watched in wp... and now... aww, i guess, new day, new rules. it might help us understand what we should and shouldn't do, if you just told us... every day, because the standards of right and wrong seem to change to fit you, every day. |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 03:41 am PLUS...he wasn't our fedmate, none of us even know him and you're fully aware of that, so stop with your PR campaign no one who knows anything about this game is going to believe it. We have had many challengers and no one in the Mob has ever gone down, much less even received decs without those decs being countered. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 04:29 am wasn't this YOUR criticism of me Josias and MinnieMouse, now it seems your standards are changing. And not even, we already know you're full of Cheeze. Don't make me LoL |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 04:35 am you've got a point wendy, i'll give you that one... |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 05:02 am Are We having fun yet.... |
whiteboy (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 06:06 am What was my criticism? That you are an asset raider who hides in wp so you can take stuff from others without risking anything of your own? I think that is pretty clear, with strong evidence from this specific situation to back it up. We however, were sitting quietly in WP because we weren't interested in fighting wars/didn't have time for it and not purchased WP, earned WP, unlike you. Either way, you can't do sh*t, you can't even take an econ slave that had a def index of 4 before the war started...that's because you really suck, even more reason it is hilarious for you to suggest you'd have any chance in any kind of world against me or any of my fed mates/allies. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 06:17 am MinnieMouse, please don't make me LoL |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 07:15 am MinnieMouse, please don't make me LoL |
Zeba (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 05:36 pm OMG...it is so pathetically funny to watch you make an idiot out of yourself OVER and OVER and OVER again Psycho Spin / Windy...hahahahahahaaaaaaa!!! You are so desperate for attention...I would feel very sorry for you if you didn't bring it on yourself OVER and OVER and OVER again. Question is what did your parents do or not do to cause you to alienate yourself like this and constantly seek out such negative, self loathing experiences. Its actually pretty obvious, but...I won't mention it. Oh and I had many points (not sure how you could tell me I didn't have a point when they were actually listed point by point (you can count to 3 can't you?!?...LOL)), but the biggest one was: Point 2...listen to vets when they tell you about the game...don't be an noob asshat! |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 - 05:39 pm Zen00b! It is apparent who is desperate for attention. Show us sumoar! |
whiteboy (White Giant) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 07:42 am Once again Windy showed her complete SC ineptitude, she decd a (literally) completely undefended 50 mil pop country (only had 9 forts and not a single def weapon 10 sc days before the war started) and failed to drop the war index one bit, her skill (or lack thereof) has shined through once again. Good times. We win again Windy, someday you should maybe try to learn the war engine and then you might have at least a 1% shot at getting a completely undefended country from one of us, probably not, but there's always hope! So as asset raiders go, you are the most greedy and the least capable, that's pretty sad |
Psycho_Honey (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 02:54 pm Ummm dipstick, *when* the war started 100 forts fedded air defense int and helos units in the country and it took you gals two RL days to take down a C3! Serrpy, EC, and Josias you win? Make me LOL... |
Serpent (White Giant) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 05:26 pm sigh..... poor poor nooblet. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 08:30 pm lool, poor nublet? yes you are. Which is harder? Taking a 50 million pop country with federated air defense. With a single c3. OR EC, Josias, Serpent taking a c3 attacking from 4 different countries? I think the correct wording would be poor poor n00blets! 2 Days it took yous at that.... pffft! |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 08:31 pm you make me LoL... |
Zeba (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 08:31 pm Hahahaha...Windy / Psycho Spin!!! |
Zeba (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 08:32 pm Keep spinning your BS...after all its the only thing your good at...hahahaahahahaaaaaa! |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 08:33 pm Yeah Zeb0b! Get some. I got more c3s open and waiting, wanna guess how long it will take all of you to take them? I didn't think so. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 08:39 pm All Hot air. Look at your federation on GR. I think there are less than 5 active presidents now. Decimated. At least UC was already down to 4 members when war started. Look at your whole fed on LU, all those tuff gals in WP. Your GR fed went from Hero to Zero in 2 seconds flat, and your candy arse bailed. And you're active and still cheer leading on LU too. LMAO |
Serpent (White Giant) | Friday, August 27, 2010 - 12:31 am Uh oh... does somebody need a hug? |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 27, 2010 - 12:49 am I like declarations, especially after such tough talk. Should I order some pom-poms and sequin dresses for you too Serpent? |
Serpent (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 27, 2010 - 04:23 am Sure, why not, that would be funny. Besides what makes you think I was referring to you. I mention somebody needing a hug... you assume it is you. Previous post to that I mentioned a noob.... you assume I was referring to you! (which I completly understand that one) Do you think you occupy that much of my time that every post I make must be about you? Are you that arrogant? |
Laguna | Friday, August 27, 2010 - 06:11 pm Group hug! |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 27, 2010 - 07:18 pm LOL! |