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LU Federation Statistics: 3 June 2010 (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Little Upsilon: LU Federation Statistics: 3 June 2010 (Little Upsilon)

Scarlet (Little Upsilon)

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 08:27 am Click here to edit this post
Top 20 Federations, sorted by population.

Sponsored by: Independent Defense Coalition.
"IDC. Engineering the future of Little Upsilon."
Message Scarlet Zeppelin for details.

Note - I'm not 100% on some of these Complexes I set up, if anyone sees an error her please inform me:
VS Complex
-Tempis Fugit Diem
-Tempis Fugit Volare
-Valde Subsidium

LUA Complex
-Little Upsilon Alliance
-Little Upsilon Alliance 2
-LUA Elite

FN Complex
-Free Nations Central
-Free Nations Garda de Fier

RankFederation Population Army Production % in Army Ppc
1The Mob Complex 3,072,591,521 226,800,945 20,826,672,913,973 7.38% 6,778
2VS Complex 1,659,276,501 64,446,665 13,352,546,180,013 3.88% 8,047
3FN Complex 1,478,859,727 79,373,936 9,496,900,194,753 5.37% 6,422
4LUA Complex 1,080,828,948 21,914,973 5,879,454,886,981 2.03% 5,440
5GSE 598,235,108 22,803,747 3,755,497,331,386 3.81% 6,278
6The New Federation 537,086,312 21,953,184 3,334,645,520,550 4.09% 6,209
7The LU Fire 515,942,586 18,655,993 3,327,542,651,405 3.62% 6,449
8Heros Dream 476,944,131 25,834,336 3,075,484,043,913 5.42% 6,448
9THE BLUE TEAM 470,054,779 13,988,870 2,454,967,871,429 2.98% 5,223
10Dakota Defense 437,527,445 11,941,791 3,728,578,566,148 2.73% 8,522
11Iceni Uprising 427,820,222 19,663,430 2,376,376,412,850 4.60% 5,555
12Underachieving Firewatcher Association 389,821,727 6,369,254 3,485,944,912,189 1.63% 8,942
13Infernal Host 379,796,005 15,138,289 3,970,446,693,569 3.99% 10,454
14The Federation of United Empires 372,822,169 8,945,380 1,506,917,678,751 2.40% 4,042
15Kyouran Kazoku 346,347,068 11,303,112 2,892,930,801,293 3.26% 8,353
16New World Order 299,999,288 3,985,463 1,390,359,712,106 1.33% 4,635
17DTA 278,617,571 27,749,426 1,957,359,763,102 9.96% 7,025
18Sons Of Light 270,177,464 6,203,177 2,098,335,509,056 2.30% 7,767
19New Age Political Group 249,670,660 4,130,129 1,082,942,578,995 1.65% 4,337
20TSS Complex 246,822,376 14,374,906 1,072,938,909,394 5.82% 4,347

opensesame11 The Conqueror (Little Upsilon)

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 11:33 am Click here to edit this post

EO (White Giant)

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 04:20 pm Click here to edit this post

EC (White Giant)

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 10:24 pm Click here to edit this post
Enough said


Friday, June 4, 2010 - 11:55 pm Click here to edit this post
woot woot

Orbiter (White Giant)

Saturday, June 5, 2010 - 05:49 am Click here to edit this post
congrats the mob, good work guys

ZANZIA (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, June 5, 2010 - 10:17 pm Click here to edit this post
LOL MOB I'd be embarressed. All this shows is that the frightened big donators had to band together to rape the new countries cause they would never fight a real war. Like the chubby kids in elementry school who would sit on each new kid at recess & take his lunch money, then laugh & pretend they were tough hells angels. When they grow up - they become real pasty faced CEO's & ride harleys on saturdays lol. Then one day they run into a real biker. Can't wait for that day one here! :)
On othere on-line games they call them CAMPERS.


Saturday, June 5, 2010 - 11:16 pm Click here to edit this post
I would be surprised if anyone in The Mob has spent any significant amount of money on this game aside of the $4/month subscription fee.
It's really not necessary to spend real life money to get assets in this game. You can get a lot of gold coins from levelling up, and well-developed countries generate plenty of money to buy ammo with.

EC (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, June 6, 2010 - 02:40 am Click here to edit this post embarrassing. Biggest donation we have had lately is from you guys. You guys must of thought you were real bikers considering you attacked us.

Thanks by the way ;)

EO (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, June 6, 2010 - 03:37 am Click here to edit this post
Lol Zanzia. Its not too hard to not pay if you learn whats up. You should try learning some econ.


Scarlet (Golden Rainbow)

Sunday, June 6, 2010 - 04:20 am Click here to edit this post
Seeing EO and EC, I was tempted to change my name to ED then post here but had second thoughts. :/

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, June 6, 2010 - 09:17 am Click here to edit this post
Frightened big donators (you mean donors btw)...interesting take still clearly haven't figured out much about the game. (read Camulos' post). As far as 'banding' do realize that there are like 6 of us right? And if it was just my army alone it'd be the 3rd largest among the federations behind Free Nations and Valde, trailing Valde by just 3 million? We don't need to be in a fed together, we want to be. We're all friends and we enjoy playing together and unfortunately no one of us can play 24/7 so it's nice to have some people who you can trust to have your back.

Anyway, although you're quite misguided I like you've got some balls and you're willing to back them up with action. I really hope you guys build back up bigger and better.

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