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Are you in need of Security Council Aid on Little Upsilon?

Topics: Little Upsilon: Are you in need of Security Council Aid on Little Upsilon?

Nute Gunray

Friday, February 20, 2009 - 07:32 am Click here to edit this post
Greetings to all Presidents on Little Upsilon
As a new Security Council Member I
Nute Gunray will use my wisdom to make this a better world. I have been the dedicated President of CHAIN GANG since March 2254. I have decided to follow the lead of Martock of Little Upsilon and start a new thread for AID package requests. I will try to maintain this until my time on the council runs out. If you feel you are in need of some extra simcountry cash to help you then please post here or send a message to CHAIN GANG. I will try to place as many aid resolutions as possible for deserving Presidents.

Kanzler Nute Gunray
Security Council Member
Chairman of THE BLUE TEAM FEDERATION ON Little Upsilon

Martock (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 01:05 am Click here to edit this post
Doh!! Now I feel REALLY EMBARASSED...I think perhaps I should pay more attention to the threads in the forum lest I create more spam threads. Don't want to earn a "Badge of LH / Hezzy". Thanks Nute for posting this and letting others know you're looking to help them.

Nute Gunray

Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 04:19 am Click here to edit this post
No problem Martock of Little Upsilon
I think we were typing at the same moment. I will let this thread go into past news and post on the other one you started
Nute Gunray

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