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Public Corporations (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Little Upsilon: Public Corporations (Little Upsilon)

Johanas Bilderburg (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 09:33 pm Click here to edit this post
I started looking at my shares for the first time in a while and I noticed something.

Someone is screwing up public corps..

Philadelphia Tri State Enterprise
is ruining the real public corp market by being a glutton.

24 percent asshat.

Treasurer (White Giant)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 09:37 pm Click here to edit this post
She has no understanding of the economic model. She knows not what she does Sam.

For all the rest of you, a fully "public" corp is one that has the potential to have upgrades to 250 quality and 250 efficiency. This has the capacity to increase production quality of goods to 370 quality goods.

But this can ONLY be achieved if no entity owns more than 25% ownership. 24.99% preferrably.

Wendy is a moron. Don't be a Wendy.

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