Maxwell (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 10:43 pm Greetings Wendy, I indeed have a desire to end the conflict between us but not at all cost. First off I would like to thank you for giving me a greater understanding of the war machine in SC prior our conflict I had no great need to invest any time in the war & weapons docs nor had I stockpiled much in the way of weapons and ammo and even found it a little difficult to take a C3 which I am sure now will be a breeze. You'll notice that most of the communication I've had with you either in the forum or directly ends with the credo Live Free or Die. I don't make that statement lightly I would prefer to lose all than to lose my liberty. The word of a man I believe to be his bond and so it is. For me to give you my word my bond that I would or will never fight on the behalf of LDI I cannot in good conscience give nor would I give LDI or CIS or any other Fed for that matter my word that I would never stand with the UC or anyone else including yourself. I will fight for the right to preserve my liberty to stand with whom I choose. Live Free or Die What I can do is to try and allay your concerns about my dealings and doings with LDI. I am not now nor have I ever been a member of LDI they have neither asked me nor have I asked to be a part of there Fed. Prior to the decs on my country I had no dealings with them whatsoever at that time if you had asked me who or what LDI was I would have been hard pressed to tell you. After the decs on my countrys is when the lines of communications opened up between the members of LDI and myself. Quite frankly the dealings I have had with them where of a positive nature and because of the unconditional help that was rendered I feel a bit beholden to some in that group. At this moment in time though I have no intentions of going to war with anyone. No compensation is expected or required war is part of the game and loss is a part of war. If you find the previous statements satisfactory and of good nature let us put this war behind us. I look forward to your response. Respectfully Maxwell You are a noble man indeed, I hope we can remove our wars should you assure me you have no intrest in the LDI war now or in the future, and we can settle it. I will offer you compensation if you decide to leave the war between us and LDI. Your choice, but I figure if you can be reasonable, I will end this conflict between our empires and target only LDI countries. I ojnly need to know that you don't plan to enter on their behalf in the future. |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 10:52 pm Haha, good man, it is finished. But remember that any involvement with LDI in this war will nullify this agreement, and yes of course you are at liberty to choose to support them materially or not. But that freedom to choose to do so, will not give you immunity to the consequences. I still offer you compensation as i have in the past, you fought well, but you lost alot, and its all because PLUTO said you were LDI. Maybe he was fooling but hey who cares, the cash cab is open for business. Have a great game. LDI . . your dead scumsukkers! Muhahahaahaaa |
jason (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 11:00 pm That crack has gone to your head got to stop smoking it. |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 11:19 pm don't you mean your head, you are the only crack smoker i know. |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 12:57 am That's all you ever say. You must smoke it yourself to be such an expert of seeing when someone is showing symptoms of crack smoking... |
Johanas Bilderburg (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 06:22 am Congratulations Maxwell. Best of luck my friend. I have removed Air Support 1 from your Fed until such time as she raises her ugly head once again. You fought very well against terrorism and prevailed. And yes Windy the Low Profitess I had never spoken with Maxwell before you tried to extort concessions from him. Your continued ugliness, strife, and complete lack of understanding has led me to meet several excellent players. Please find other noble, devoted players to harrass so I can become acquainted with them as well. |
Maxwell | Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 06:46 am This post is a bit overdue. I would like to thank the individuals of the LDI Fed who rendered and offered me there advice and assistance these where of great value. Thanks Maxwell |
Austia (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 07:00 am Everytime I see Jason post, he's telling someone to quit smoking crack.... "One never checks behind a door unless he has stood there once before". |