Orbiter | Monday, March 2, 2015 - 06:45 am Hello, this will be a long post and, well maybe not annual, but some communication is necessary. In the past when i requested price feed back, it has opened the door to space trade. I'd like to do that again, and look at a few products i've been successful at selling, and a few more before getting into prices, their are several ways to calculate price. considering for most products, i'm selling at 450Q, calculating the initial cost of 330Q, then adding upgrades, considering military upkeep, is cheaper than just figuring out 450Q, but i'm saving time, and cutting the GC cost to a fraction, i figure this is the best, feed back, and math on this is welcome. First, i'd like to review Cervus. Currently, i have 10 docks, that meet my needs in supplying 4 weapons, and their ammo, 8 products. 10 docks means 100 total sales offers, and over all, it works out about right. i intend to review 4 weapons and ammo, 8 products i sell on Cervus, additionally, i'd like to discuss 2 weapons and ammo, 4 products, on Columba, and 5 weapons, 3 ammo, on Canri, with a mention of 2 more ammo products. a total of 22 products. Stealth Bombers, Base price 1.33B SC$ per bomber 25 SB per sale = 33.25B x 3.3 (330Q) 109.725 / 32B per GC, 3.42GC my current price is 3GC, for over 330Q. This is a FB only product Laser Guided Bombs, base price 24.00M SC$ per bomb 1250 LGB per sale = 30B x 3.3Q = 99B /32B = 3.09GC, my current price is 2.99GC, this is a FB only product Both of those products have been my bread and butter for the last few months. Precision Bombers, base price 164.00M SC$ per bomber 250 Bombers per sale = 41B x 4.5Q = 184.5B / 32B = 5.76GC my current price is 1.3, just updated from 1.2 for 450Q Precision Bombs, base price 5.10M SC$ per bomb 2500 Bombs per sale = 12.75B x 4.5 = 57.37B / 32B = 1.79GC, my current price is 1.0GC for 450Q Fighter Planes, 167.00M SC$ per aircraft 250 per sale = 41.75B x 4.5Q = 187.87B / 32B = 5.87GC, my current price is 1.3GC updated from 1.2GC for 450 Fighter Missiles, 4.80M SC$ per missile 2500 per sale = 12B x 4.5Q = 54B / 32B = 1.68GC, my current price is 1GC, for 442Q, i do how ever indend to sell at 450Q, i just got the waters muddied. Attack Helicopters, (these sell, better than bombers, to my surprise,) base price 156.00M SC$ per helicopter 250 per sale = 39B x 4.5Q = 175.5B / 32B = 5.48GC, current price, 1.2GC for 450Q Attack Helicopter Missiles, base price 5.75M SC$ per missile 2500 per sale = 14.37B x 4.5Q = 64.68B / 32B = 2.02GC current price 1GC for 450Q I have no intentions of selling drones, NFP or NH, i'll leave drones to some one else, and for the naval airforce, theirs a flaw in buying HQ navy from space, unless all the parts are available. The flaw is, when a unit, wing or navy is put together, all the pieces average. if you expect you NFP to operate at 450Q because you bought them with GC, but manually bought your defensive end at 330Q, you'll end up with a navy in the 370-400 range, at best. so i wont sell them, until i can sell all the parts. so, for my exisiting and potential customers, would you buy more, less, or about the same, if i raised weapons prices, and lowered ammo prices? any other thoughts? a thought i'd like to pass on, a very famous, skilled, powerful player, that is probably in the top 5 best current players one of the few i'd run from once said, something to the effect of, swiping your card, get drunk, and have fun all week end. I'd like to make that possible, while still making the 4$/month a viable game. I feel finding the right prices that players are willing to buy at, is good for both |
Orbiter | Monday, March 2, 2015 - 07:15 am so moving on Columba, The Defensive aviation market i'm interested in selling 450Q interceptors and helicopters, and ammo i have no docks here, but i'm thinking i want about 5. Interceptors. base price 120.00M SC$ per interceptor 250 per sale (thats 2 wings,) = 30B x 4.5Q = 135B / 32B = 4.21 B proposed price 1.4GC (0.7GC per wing) Interceptor Missiles, base price 1.99M SC$ per missile 5000 per sale = 9.95B x 4.5Q = 44.77B / 32B = 1.39GC proposed price, 0.5GC (thats 1GC per wing) the proposed prices would mean about 1.7GC per I wing, at 450Q Defensive Helicopters, base price 89.60M SC$ per helicopter 250 per sale = 22.25B x 4.5Q = 100.12B / 32B = 3.12GC proposed price, 1.1GC Defensive Helicopter Missiles, base price 1.97M SC$ per missile 5000 per sale = 9.85B x 4.5Q = 44.32B / 32B = 1.38GC, proposed price, 0.45GC Thats 1.45GC per H wing any one willing to invest in Columba to buy? |
Orbiter | Monday, March 2, 2015 - 07:58 am Canri The Defensive Industry Market I have no docks here, but i'd like to encourage enough business for 7-10, based on the number of products i'm interested in selling. mostly garrison stuff, except LTA and LAS would reduce the over all Garison quality. but that stuff isn't worth buying at HQ. Anti-Aircraft Missile Batteries, base price 26.80M SC$ per battery 2500 per sale = 65.2B x 4.5Q = 293.4B / 32B 9.1GC, these are usually min price, so 2GC would be the proposed price. Anti-Aircraft Missiles, base price 2.12M SC$ per missile 5000 missiles per sale = 10.6B x 4.5 = 47.7B / 32B = 1.49GC proposed price 0.7 GC Defensive missile batteries, base price 24.50M SC$ per battery 2500 per sale = 61.25B x 4.5Q = 275.62B / 32B = 8.6GC proposed price will be 2GC Defensive Missiles 2.29M SC$ per missile 5000 per sale = 11.45B x 4.5 = 51.52B / 32B = 1.6GC proposed price 0.8GC Missile interceptor batteries, base price 24.60M SC$ per battery 2500 per sale = 61.5B x 4.5 = 276.67B / 32B = 8.64GC proposed price 2.2GC Missile Interceptors, base price 2.18M SC$ per missile 5000 per sale = 10.9B x 4.5 = 49.05B / 32B = 1.53GC proposed price 0.8GC (this one deserves a premium) Light Artillery, base price 20.70M SC$ per cannon 1000 per sale = 20.7B x 4.5 = 93.15B / 32B = 2.91B but always low price, means 1.0GC price Light tanks, base price 26.70M SC$ per tank 800 per sale = 21.36B x 4.5Q = 96.12B / 32B 3.0GC proposed price 1.0GC LAS, and LTA just wont be worth selling at 4.5Q, so i want to figure these at 3.3 Light Artillery Shells, base price 18,900 SC$ per shell 500000 per sale = 9.45B x 3.3Q = 31.185B / 32B = 0.974GC, proposed price 0.5GC Light Tank Ammo, base price 18,900 SC$ per grenade 500000 per sale = 9.45B x 3.3Q = 31.18B / 32B = 0.97GC proposed price 0.5GC |