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High Weapons on WG

Topics: Trade: High Weapons on WG


Friday, February 15, 2013 - 01:45 am Click here to edit this post
This is from my Enterprize Corporate Supply Company:
Type Q Qauntity (now)
Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries 348 15,890
Anti Aircraft Missiles 348 100,000
Anti Tank Missile Batteries 348 15,524
Anti Tank Missiles 346 47,000
Armored Vehicle Missiles 345 300,000
Armored Vehicles 348 20,403
Attack Drone Missiles 323 133,763
Attack Drones 338 20,000
Attack Helicopters 329 600
Attack Torpedoes 322 13,367
Defensive Missile Batteries 347 16,439
Defensive Missiles 347 20,000
Fighter Planes 335 2,984
Hand Held Missiles 349 5,000
Heavy Armored Vehicles 349 1,910
Heavy Artillery Shells 347 300,000
Heavy Jeeps 348 7,477
Heavy Tank Ammunition 350 300,000
Heavy Tanks 349 5,847
Helicopter Carriers 348 1
Helicopters 347 9,400
Interceptors 348 9,900
Light Artillery 347 31,186
Light Tanks 348 30,753
Mid Range Missile Batteries 347 4,960
Missile Interceptor Batteries 341 20,000
Off Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries 348 9,460
Special Forces Units 250.71M SC$ per SF unit 346 526

Let me know how many per group how many total and where to send them.

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