Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Powerful Account for Sale at bargain cost

Topics: Trade: Powerful Account for Sale at bargain cost

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Friday, May 11, 2012 - 01:57 am Click here to edit this post
I'm in really need of selling my empires here. I don't expect to get what it worth.
All I need is just sell it and the best way I know to sell things fast is by selling at the very low price.

WG Empire:
8 countries and a total of 681.4 million pop.
One of these countries has 271m pop.

Net Cash of the Empire is 31,581.98B SC$

LU Empire:
9 countries and a total of 1040 million pop.
One of these countries has 245m pop. (country name = Country 1)
One of these countries has these weapons: (country name = Country 8)
- Precision Bombers = 33.298
- Conventional Missile Batteries = 9075
- Conventional Missiles = 17.343
- * hundred of Strategic Weapons (batteries and ammo)

Net Cash of the Empire is 47,018.69B SC$

FB Empire:
1 country with 70.8m pop + (based on SC calcs) 2350.86 gold coins in military assets.
Heavy Artillery 74.834
Heavy Tanks 44.666
Mid Range Missile Batteries 205.608
Military Transport Airplanes 9.683
Navy Fighter Planes 48.735
Off Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries 114.645
Stealth Bombers 158
Anti Aircraft Missiles 2.027.776
Mid Range Missiles 2.649.381
Laser Guided Bombs 3.390
Heavy Artillery Shells 48.022.271
Heavy Tank Ammo 15.004.556
Navy Fighter Missiles 1.818.150

Net Cash of the Empire is 8.8T

Most of the countries are heavily developed and their corps are CEO corps (most of them in my ceo's, one in WG and one in LU).

WG CEO: WG Empire
Cash Available: 5T
Monthly profit average: 60B (it can be much more if you play well with trade strategies)
# of Corps: 390

LU CEO: WG Empire
Cash Available: 1.4T
Monthly profit average: -50B (it can be profitable and very good if you play well with trade strategies)
# of Corps: 603

Plus, my account currently have:
Gold coins = 2732.39

Game Cash = 394.67T

What would be the price you would offer for the account? (not what it worth, if it not, what you would offer)

I'm open to sell it all as a whole or in pieces.

Thank you.


Friday, May 11, 2012 - 10:42 am Click here to edit this post
can i just take over? :)

i don't go no money to buy, but i want to build my simcountry empire

i'll give you credits/recognition as a founder of part of my empire?

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Friday, May 11, 2012 - 02:35 pm Click here to edit this post

----> I'm open to sell it all as a whole or in pieces.

This also means I can sell gold coins and game cash for real money too.
Ex. 1000 gold coins for 40 USD.


Friday, May 11, 2012 - 03:46 pm Click here to edit this post
that's gonna be a while for me to buy your country then.

how many gold coins you have and how much simcountry dollars (SC$) do you have?

what's all your account worth if i buy everything?

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Friday, May 11, 2012 - 05:32 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks to those who messaged me.

The gold coins are sold out already.

All the countries and CEOs are still on sale. Same as the Game Cash.

40USD per 95T game cash. 4 slots available.

what's all your account worth if i buy everything?
In response to your last question, without counting the gold coins and game cash ... which means countries + ceos = 350 Dollars.

Account population worth more than that, which is great as I said I'm not looking to get what it worth.
It also has a lot of Military Weapons on FB, which gives you the opportunity to "produce" thousands of gold coins by conquering C3 at WL 9,10, etc.
Also, the countries are making profit and you can make a couple dozens of Trillions game cash every real month.

And I forgot to mention, the account also has 37 cargo shuttles.

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Friday, May 11, 2012 - 07:58 pm Click here to edit this post
I have reviewed my calcs, and some of them were wrong. I'm updating the total price of the account which is now accurate (and lower than my previous post).

Total Price of my account = 250 USD if payed all at once.
It includes the following.
- 37 Cargo Shuttle
- Within 100-150 gold coins I guess
- No Game Cash
- 3 Corporations per Month Booster: Most of the countries and both CEOs have a few dozens boosters.
- War Protection Boosters: All the countries already have several War Protection boosters.
- WG Empire: 8 countries and a total of 681.4 million pop. + One country with 271m pop + Net Cash of the Empire is 31,581.98B SC$
- LU Empire: 9 countries and a total of 1040 million pop + Net Cash of the Empire is 47,018.69B SC$
One country with 245m pop. (country name = Country 1)
Two countries of 215m pop. (country names = Country 10 / Country 11)

- FB Empire:
1 country with 70.8m pop + (based on SC calcs) 2350.86 gold coins in military assets.
Net Cash of the Empire is 8.8T

All countries have secrecy parameters disabled. You take a deeper look at them.
Also, most of them have "Best Price" as Trade Strategy which is making the country earn from 30B to 60B per game month. I have been testing different trade strategies and that's the last one most of them have.
Using a better Trade Strategy will for sure increase the monthly profit heavily as most corps per country are CEO corps and countries are heavily developed.

- WG CEO: WG Empire
Cash Available: 5T
Monthly profit average: 60B (it can be much more if you play well with trade strategies)
# of Corps: 390

- LU CEO: WG Empire
Cash Available: 1.4T
Monthly profit average: -50B (it can be profitable and very good if you play well with trade strategies)
# of Corps: 603


If not sold as a whole, everything can be bought with Gold Coins individually.

WorldCountry NameGold CoinsDetails
Little UpsilonCountry 1 on LU600
Little UpsilonCountry 7 on LU200
Little UpsilonCountry 8 on LU400military stuff
Little UpsilonCountry 9 on LU200
Little UpsilonCountry 10 on LU750military stuff
Little UpsilonCountry 11 on LU500
Little UpsilonCountry 12 on LU200
Little UpsilonCountry 13 on LU200
Little UpsilonCountry 14 on LU200
White GiantAntilla Major 02 on WG200
White GiantAuriga Bella on WG200
White GiantVirgina Bella on WG200
White GiantThe Punisher on WG800military stuff
White GiantVirgina Bella Pegersus on WG200
White GiantNot For Sale on WG200
White GiantDraca Mixor 02 on WG200
White GiantLacerta on WG200
Fearless BlueAir Defense 1 on FB1300military stuff
WorldCEO NameGold CoinsDetails
White GiantWG Empire250
Little UpsilonLU Empire350

Send me a message and I will sell you what you are interested in buying.

Thank you for your time.

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Friday, May 11, 2012 - 08:03 pm Click here to edit this post
Last note:
If payed all at once (250USD), it has a discount of 50USD.
If you buy each country/ceo I posted, the total price in terms of gold coins is 300USD.


Friday, May 11, 2012 - 11:24 pm Click here to edit this post
very impressive :)
wish i had that $250 USD to buy your empire, but i don't at the moment. i'll pray that you don't sell them off before i get the money.

say if you got empire on different world, can you do trade with each other? help each other other out if war comes to any of your countries or empires?

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Friday, May 11, 2012 - 11:34 pm Click here to edit this post
To be honest, I'm not sure what your lasts questions.

Marshal Ney

Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 02:46 am Click here to edit this post
I believe it was can your country on FB trade or send troops to your country on WG (for example). I have no idea of the answer though.


Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 09:27 am Click here to edit this post
i meant that you have empires in different worlds, if i buy all of them can i operate them as one empire under me?

or that can i exchange resources of my empires, i mean your empires :) between the worlds they are located?

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 03:20 pm Click here to edit this post
Yes, as long as they are in the same account. 1 account per player is allowed.

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 03:24 pm Click here to edit this post
If you have further doubts NOT RELATED to this topic, please create your own topic.



Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 11:47 pm Click here to edit this post
my questions are directly related to this post, i need to know before i start.

since you have empires in different worlds, i needed to know that i can transfer weapons, ammos, population, resources, etc from the FB empire to the LU empire, or transferring of any resources between the empires that i owned.

seem that you're saying you have one simcountry account for all those empires? that means you must be a premium player? i read somewhere that premium player must pay the GM a certain amount of money every month per the number of countries they owned in simcountry, is this true? if that's true, then your account would seem to be very expensive with all those number of countries you owned?

i have posted elsewhere that if we all want to earn some real money in simcountry, why isn't the concept of introducing sponsors into the game taken seriously. i'm sure there are real companies/products in the real world that want to be seen by the simcountry players?

anyways, your account is impressive :)
and anyone who gets it should feel fortunate. but to get it in pieces, would just be like starting from ground zero again. get it as it is, then build on top of it would be the smarter choice for the buyer.

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Sunday, May 13, 2012 - 07:04 pm Click here to edit this post

I told you via ingame message how it works and that it's not expensive.
Premium members pay 30 gold coins per real month per empire PER world and PER CEO per world.

It's not expensive at all. Conquer one C3 (Computer Controlled Country) at War Level 4 or 5 (which is extremely easy) and you will have enough to pay for all my account for two or three real months.
Being a premium member is extremely cheap.

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Sunday, May 13, 2012 - 11:57 pm Click here to edit this post
Everything up on sale again.

By the way,
If you happen to be interested on any of these countries BUT you wanna pay lower than that, please send me a message with the amount of gold coins you wanna bid on it.

WorldCountry NameGold CoinsDetails
Little UpsilonCountry 8 on LU400military stuff
Little UpsilonCountry 10 on LU750military stuff
White GiantThe Punisher on WG800military stuff
Fearless BlueAir Defense 1 on FB1300military stuff

Thank you.

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
Still on sale !

Everything up on the cash market.

First one bidding the minimum requested will be accepted.

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 02:05 am Click here to edit this post
3 countries gone ! (Country 8, Country 10 (210m x 400gc only !) and The Punisher)

Hurry up, bid and take yours

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 04:56 pm Click here to edit this post
3 more countries gone! (country 11, country 7, LU enterprise)

Country 1 is near to be gone too.

Hurry up, bid and take yours !

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - 05:04 am Click here to edit this post
3 more countries gone! (Country 14, Country 13, Country 9)

Hurry up, bid and take yours !

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