Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Buying a country on gr

Topics: Golden Rainbow: Buying a country on gr


Thursday, June 19, 2008 - 06:09 am Click here to edit this post
Im looking for a nice country with nooks and alout of cash stashd in there message me or post if selling

TattooedPriest (Golden Rainbow)

Thursday, June 19, 2008 - 06:15 pm Click here to edit this post
Well I don't meet that criteria but I have two countries up for a mere 50 coins each (I only get 35 coins out of them). They are nothing special but the idea is that they are great starter countries for someone. Instead of taking a C3 and having to rebuild it and add population, these two countries already have 20 million population each and some decent corporations in them. I am only selling them because I have too many countries at the moment and need to downsize. I don't have the time to build them up really well with so many countries in my empire. Check them out, they are Zachariah and TattooedPriest.

Sincerely, Tattooed Priest


Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 05:40 am Click here to edit this post
post when you get on il buy it when your ready


Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 05:41 am Click here to edit this post

TattooedPriest (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 07:19 am Click here to edit this post
I had them up, someone bought one, now I put the other back up for 50 and a different one for 65, the one for 65 is called Shemhamphorasch and has about five bombing wings in it, a good starter for a military country, and the other country is called tattooedpriest, good luck and have fun.

John Fire (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 09:25 am Click here to edit this post
Tattoed be sure to have your countries leave the UC before selling them, then we can try to recruit them if we want to. We must maintain our recruitment policies and standards.

Quetzalcoatl God of War (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 05:07 pm Click here to edit this post


We must maintain our recruitment policies and standards.

I spit coffee on that one.


Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 05:27 pm Click here to edit this post
1. Half a brain
2. Prepubescent teens
3. Can multi a tall building in a single bound.

Quite a list of requirements. :)

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