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Ongoing Warfare - Infinite Possibilities vs. GR Military Federation

Topics: Golden Rainbow: Ongoing Warfare - Infinite Possibilities vs. GR Military Federation

Eeeee OOOooo

Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:41 am Click here to edit this post
In what has undoubtedly been one of the longest wars in recent memory, Robert and myself have been forced to continue campaigning against The GR Military Federation. Our federation, Infinite Possibilities, has turned away waves of attacks and seized territory from our enemy without suffering territorial losses ourselves.

Yaroking, LLL, etc continue to build up new countries on our borders despite losing 32 countries and counting over the course of the last 3 weeks.

A previously defensive war fought in our homeland of Draca Mixor has evolved into a massive invasion of the GR Military Federation in Centura Donna.

While success has been ours thus far, our opponent has shown relentless drive to continue the fight.


Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:44 am Click here to edit this post
A short statement from King Robert of the Asgard Empire:

"I am very pleased with the latest conquest of yet another country from the hands of the ruthless, incompetent and undisciplined tyrants of the GR Military Federation. While our people have been subjected to ongoing cowardly Nuclear attacks, our defenses held strong with precision and decisiveness. Our people are safe, our Combat Warriors handled the ongoing mission of defense and conquest well and we are in review of tactics, supplies and planning for changes to further upcoming campaigns.

As we move yet another step closer to the annihilation of the tyrant "Kingyaro/Yaroking/LLL" (whoever he may be these days)- we feel confident that our strikes and tactical warfare are justified by his blatant disregard to civility, respect of others and dedication to the suffering of the whole Golden Rainbow Community. We encourage ALL Freedom loving Nations and Leaders of Golden Rainbow to join our cause in any way you can- boycotting his products and services, tarnishing his image and reputation and sharing his shameful acts to ALL corners of our beautiful planet!

Eeeee OOOooo and I are dedicated to a flourishing Golden Rainbow community where our citizens and children can live their lives in love, peace and harmony- reaching their full potentials in life. We WILL NOT STAND for tyranny!

Freedom, happiness and great profits to all!

King- Asgard Empire


Friday, May 24, 2024 - 01:38 am Click here to edit this post
LOL. This last round of war was started by the two of you. As soon as two of my countries were no longer in protected mode, you took the opportunity to declare war. I hadn't attacked any of your countries since the previous round of wars. Stop pretending to be "freedom-loving" or "peaceful".

Eeeee OOOooo

Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:38 am Click here to edit this post
My guy, most of your countries are actively being built up around our empires.

You've launched, what, FOUR rounds of attacks against us? Five?

And you think we're just going to let it go while you clearly gear up for your sixth round? This has absolutely been a punitive invasion that will continue to be ongoing. Clearly, peace only arrives when you get put down.

We didn't start this, but we'll finish it.


Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:37 am Click here to edit this post
Comical. You're the only one we're kicking in the sea- do you see us at war with anyone else? No. Do you see us taking other players countries? No. Peace loving doesn't mean we take your Nuke and Conventional strikes and just move on- it's called defense through clearing the offender (you).

Learn to understand the difference while you're locking yourself in your room with the curtains closed. *Grin*

By the way- thanks for all the loot- selling it on the market and filling the coffers for the next round! :)


Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 03:08 am Click here to edit this post
Well if you really were interested in peace we could sign peace treaties.


Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 05:39 am Click here to edit this post
We were peaceful before you attacked- you threw the first bomb and crossed into our Federation border. We are now taking action to keep you from expanding- against us and others. If *YOU* really want peace- our terms are as follows (not much change from the original):
- You leave Draca Mixor- agree to never return.
- You agree to never come into regions where we have countries.
- You give us two countries to cover our costs:

1. State of Peninsularia
2. Littoral Kingdom

- You agree not to attack other players- only fight C3's- going forward.

These terms of peace are simple and fair. Actions have consequences- pay them now or pay them later- at a higher price.

The choice is yours.


Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 02:56 pm Click here to edit this post


Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 02:57 pm Click here to edit this post
You're not interested in peace then


Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 04:26 pm Click here to edit this post
Not with tyrants, correct. We shall always serve and protect the free and peaceful citizens of our Empires and GR.

Fine- whether we settle this now, or later- our way will be done. Keeping you caged in your War Protection (*giggle*) is an easy way to keep you in check. Makes our job easier- thank you!


Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 05:24 pm Click here to edit this post
Similar to the other post regarding this war with LLLL's ally, I don't have a horse in this race so my opinion should carry essentially no weight, I'm mainly just chiming in for a 'yay interaction with people!' feeling.

LLLL, the insinuation that they aren't interested in peace, it really doesn't hold any water in this situation. If this conflict started with an unprovoked attack that you initiated, you were clearly the one that wasn't interested in peace. The statement that they initiated hostility against two of your countries right after coming out of protection doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of a conflict that by all means sounds like you initiated. If your empire begins an armed conflict with another, why would certain countries of yours that aren't protected by game mechanics be considered off limits?

If I have the timeline of this conflict wrong absolutely feel free to correct me, I'm only able to go by the information available to me.

Sometimes we start conflicts and bite off a little more than we can chew, it happens. It doesn't have to be the end of the world. It sounds like they have given you the option to end hostility and continue your game experience in a relatively peaceful growth, but at the same time they for very understandable reasons need assurances that they can believe that you won't just take the prospect of peace as an opportunity to rearm and try the same thing all over again because while war is absolutely a part of the game it is a taxing part that consumes a lot of resources and time and disrupts all involved.

Throwing your hands up as a victim because you don't agree with their terms to end hostility doesn't help your situation. If you disagree with what they want to stop hitting you back in the conflict you begun, come up with a sensible alternative and present it. People who make reasonable offers of peace to aggressors that initiated conflict against them seem like they'd be pretty likely to entertain reasonable counter-offers as well. From the sounds of the pace of this conflict, the offer of peace is primarily to your own benefit as it appears the war is essentially one sided at this point.


Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 10:45 pm Click here to edit this post
Agreed, auditor- and your input is appreciated. If it helps clarify points from another angle, it certainly helps.

As you mentioned- "biting off more than we can chew"- or even stepping on our wee-wee and saying "Oooops- my bad, sorry" can certainly be overlooked and shrugged off as "it happens". I was more than willing to do so at the initial strike- "whatever"- had he just walked away. The attacks continued, however- onto multiple of my countries, to the point where punishment must simply be felt.

Altogether we have taken and spit out to recycle about 32 of his conquest countries. He is confined to his self-induced "War Protection", also fine, but it does not clear the bar tab of a drunk who had a night on the town and now doesn't want to pay up. Reparations are in order.

The campaign continues. Peace is always on the table going forward- but the price tag for the aggressor grows with every step.

Eeeee OOOooo

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 04:18 pm Click here to edit this post
And so it continues for another round:

From: Kingyaro
Fwd: Declaration of War

This is an official declaration of war against Banishment.
War will start on November 26 5154.



Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 01:00 am Click here to edit this post
Man this is wild.


Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 02:46 pm Click here to edit this post
Hilarious. Normally Eeeee OOOooo says "Hold my beer"- but LLLL (aka: "King"yaro/Yaro"King", Bubba, Chuckles, King Clown, etc) is so bad at this game, he'll go down in Simcountry history as the example of "How to lose your stuff in 30 seconds or less"- again and again and again and

Eeeee OOOooo

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 - 08:59 pm Click here to edit this post
Robert and I have conquered 35 countries. We have lost 0. Just a quick update on this very "competitive" war.


Sunday, June 9, 2024 - 03:56 am Click here to edit this post
Wake me when I can Dude Yaro/LLLLL hiding behind war protection- thank you for supporting the game with all of the Gold Coins you're buying. LOL!

Long live the King War Protection!! :)


Sunday, June 9, 2024 - 05:20 pm Click here to edit this post

Eeeee OOOooo

Sunday, June 9, 2024 - 06:05 pm Click here to edit this post
Using at least 4 different accounts to fight huh?

Stop or you get reported mate. We've allowed you to use 2 for the entire war so far, but I see another half dozen accounts that are probably yours.

Stop. Players with more than one account that are discovered when GM looks into them get removed.


Monday, June 10, 2024 - 02:12 am Click here to edit this post
I've seen a lot of accounts pop up that seem like they could be the same player but I don't go around accusing people.


Monday, June 10, 2024 - 02:19 am Click here to edit this post
I've seen a lot of account pop up that seem like they could be from the same player but I don't go around accusing people. Besides, even if those were all mine why does it matter? It isn't like I've ever been able to beat you in war AND if I were willing to "contribute money" to the game through those accounts that's not your problem.

Eeeee OOOooo

Monday, June 10, 2024 - 02:43 am Click here to edit this post
Who do you see looking the same? Go ahead, let's hear who you think is the same player playing on multi-accounts. Multi-accounting is considered cheating by the gms and players need to have accounts removed for that.

I've played for many years, and the multi-account players are almost all extremely easy to spot, including you.

These are the rules of the game:

At least these 6 accounts are managed by you - using the same federation, location, economic strategics, naming conventions (3 different players have the same very random capital name, for example), love of mass amounts of debt, matching war protection upgrade times, unit structure, disdain for looking at any country indices, logon times, and play style. Essentially, each country is managed in exactly the same, very poor manner. A quick IP check will confirm:

itsame walu
Mark Henderson
Alexander Sharp
Anthony Lammert

There are likely more but these are all the same person who keeps attacking me and Robert. Cheating is not the answer or correct response to getting consistently defeated. Perhaps you're not good enough with 1 or with 10 accounts to get the results you want right now. Attacking over and over and losing over and over doesn't seem smart.


Monday, June 10, 2024 - 03:00 am Click here to edit this post
Turn him in- time to flush.

Oh wait...he is entertaining. Nice target practice every now and then, ability to test new tactics/gear. He funds the game (give it to me- haha), uhm..... "Thank you"?

I'm bored with him....just flush.


Monday, June 10, 2024 - 04:06 pm Click here to edit this post
The Commonwealth of Bepor is no longer under war protection. Just letting you know since you like attacking me at any given chance.

Eeeee OOOooo

Monday, June 10, 2024 - 04:12 pm Click here to edit this post
You're such a troll.

You've initiated waves of attacks against us and rejected all peace proposals. Of course we'll attack the countries you build up on our borders. You're building them for one purpose - to attack. You launched attacks as recently as YESTERDAY.

This is situation you created and a situation you continuously reject opportunities to get out of. Playing victim in a fight you started is pathetic. Stop the gaslighting.


Monday, June 10, 2024 - 08:08 pm Click here to edit this post
Yaro- you chose this life. You struck me at Volgorod, one of my countries on Draca, unprovoked. You passed up opportunity after opportunity to settle your aggressions and settle back into peace. You said "NO!" to our terms of peace, so now we will drive you into peace on our terms. Rest assured your movements are limited and expensive for from here on in.

Golden Rainbow is a better place because of your imprisonment and isolation.
Good will triumph over evil!

Peace and Great Profits to all- except Yaro/LLLL!!

Prince Greg

Monday, June 10, 2024 - 09:11 pm Click here to edit this post
King Yaro, your courage and commitment to your cause are undeniable. However, it is essential to recognize the severe consequences of your prolonged conflict taking a look at your countries... While Volgorod's incident and your subsequent actions have undoubtedly fueled current hostilities, continuing this path will only guarantee more suffering, loss, and instability for you.. I'd suggest you revisit the terms of peace and exploring other avenue that will minimizes further bloodshed, than been driving into peace through force..


Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 04:11 am Click here to edit this post
There is no such thing as achieving peace through war. I offered to sign a peace treaty and that was rejected.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 04:22 am Click here to edit this post
*Yawwwwn.....*, yet- more declarations from the confused Yaro.

Go back up this thread on our offer for peace (to which you replied, "NO"):

Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 05:39 am Click here to edit this post
We were peaceful before you attacked- you threw the first bomb and crossed into our Federation border. We are now taking action to keep you from expanding- against us and others. If *YOU* really want peace- our terms are as follows (not much change from the original):
- You leave Draca Mixor- agree to never return.
- You agree to never come into regions where we have countries.
- You give us two countries to cover our costs:

1. State of Peninsularia
2. Littoral Kingdom

- You agree not to attack other players- only fight C3's- going forward.

These terms of peace are simple and fair. Actions have consequences- pay them now or pay them later- at a higher price.

The choice is yours.


Instead of agreeing to the terms of surrender, you declared on us...AGAIN.
Well meaning Neutral members of GR even chimed in to make an effort for you to see the wrong in your ways- and yet, nothing.

Much like Japan at the end of WWII- your surrender will *NOT* be on *YOUR* terms. They will be on *OUR* terms- *UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER- on YOUR behalf, with spoils that we have asked for to compensate us.*

EEeee OOooo and I are firm on this. You started it, we will finish this- PERIOD.

Resistance is futile- you WILL be assimilated.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 04:35 am Click here to edit this post
LOL I'm not giving up two of my countries


Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 04:59 am Click here to edit this post
You've given up over 35 already, Amigo.... :)


Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 06:54 am Click here to edit this post
Yes,but I'm not willing to give up the two you specifically mentioned as part of the peace process :)

Prince Greg

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 11:53 am Click here to edit this post
It seems the issue at hand is your reluctance to relinquish these two countries as compensation for your actions. You've already lost more than 35 countries. Why can't you give up these two as well? Have you met the other terms? 35 countries is already a significant number of countries to loose.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 08:45 pm Click here to edit this post
Update: June 11, 2024

In the days leading up to war declared by Yaro on our Empire, Asgardian Forces built up a smaller, yet efficient, force to handle the campaign against Atlantis. In the early hours of the campaign, our forces deployed- virtually unopposed- taking out only pockets of resistance described by observers as men dressed in clown outfits with plastic play guns and huge red noses. The Capital was entered- yet again, unopposed- and taken by Asgardian forces. In all areas of the country, the civilian populations met our forces with cheers, flowers and tears of gratitude! Euphoria, joy and hope now glow on the faces of the populace where just days prior, doom, fatigue, despair and sadness prevailed.

Initial observations on entry show a country severely neglected by incompetence, corruption, liars and blowhards. Severe shortages of the most basic kinds that the rest our nations take for granted: fruit, fish, shoes, medical equipment, meat, other meat products- and so much more- were menacing the population. Hospitals were shuttered and lacking supplies.

I have given the order to ship in supplies and meals while our economic experts work to re-establish the economy. Our Federation, in agreement with EEeee OOoooo, has accepted Atlantis into its fold for protection from Evil doers.

Yaro, being so severely incompetent in all aspects of game, is proving to become a bore with decisions and mannerisms that only confuse the masses. Smaller nations interested in taking over countries that he so gladly hands us (other than the two we intend to keep for each of our own), are encouraged to contact myself or EEeee OOooo to potentially taking the last blow which will deliver these nations to you as victors. Each situation will be dealt with individually on a per basis consideration.

Yaro- you are a fool. "I'm not willing..." and "Uncoditional Surrender" are so obviously different that we will gladly school you.

Resistance is futile- your destiny is sealed.


Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 03:53 am Click here to edit this post
A short statement from King Robert of the Asgard Empire:

"We have successfully ended, yet again, another round of operations against "Yaro/LLLL/Itsame Walu" (whatever other alias he is using this days) in defense of our Empires and our Federation members.

The operations against the rogue actor were successful and swift. This round now makes 42 countries that he has attempted to thwart us with- laughable as it may seem- and we are prepared to continue the mission we are committed to- total defeat of the incompetent aggressor or unconditional surrender on his behalf. The choice still is his to make.

The significance of this campaign was my orders that Cadets from my Empire's Military Academies direct these battles with supervision from mid-level Officers of previous operations. The successes are obvious, and I compliment my Cadets and Combatants in their surgical execution of the operations.

I would also like to congratulate my Ally Eeeee OOOooo- a very intelligent, talented, skilled and personable leader and Warrior who I am glad to stand shoulder to shoulder with vs. face to face. His execution and strategies are exemplary! Between the two of us, we took two each territories Yaro/LLLL/Itsame Walu person held captive.

Our terms for Yaro/LLLL/Itsame Walu remain the same:


The choice is simple.

Happiness, Good Fortunes & High Profits to all (except Yaro and company)!*


Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 11:46 am Click here to edit this post
Petty LOL "except Yaro and company"


Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 06:59 pm Click here to edit this post
I suppose you feel you're owed an apology? :)


Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 03:25 pm Click here to edit this post
Update 6/15/2024

It appears cracks have formed in Yaro's resolve as War Protection for countries in his multiple player accounts are not being renewed. I have instructed the Asgardian War Ministry to issue War Declarations as these War Protections drop, in accordance with our Federation's commitment to hold the rogue War Criminal Yaro/LLLL/Itsame Waly accountable for his crimes against our Empire, Federation and the citizens of GR.

In Lieu of reports from Asgardian Military Intelligence and Spies burrowed among the oppressor's nations, I can report that military resistance and Gear is minimal and of poor quality. Land defenses are virtually nonexistent and morale among his troops that do exist, is extremely low.

The head of our Entertainment Division's "League of Midget Wrestlers" has offered to spearhead future campaigns in exchange for rights to broadcast on Pay-per-view and recorded sales on a per-operation scale. I have reluctantly agreed to this, provided Military forces adapted to scale provide backup in the event needed. Members of the "League of Midget Wrestlers" will receive limited special training, some basic gear and be transported to campaign countries. They will then be loaded onto Tour Buses and driven to areas where Intelligence expects Yaro's "Clown Resistance Forces" will be operating with their infamous Nerf Guns, plastic swords and water balloons.

Details for live and recorded Pay Per View events will be provided by my Empires Entertainment Division and "League of Midget Wrestlers" advertising and promoting companies.

The campaigns are expect to be short and entertaining.

Prince Greg

Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 07:38 pm Click here to edit this post
Robert you seem so excited have taken over 35+ countries from this dude.. We're watching. I see how Excited you are.

Eeeee OOOooo

Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 10:05 pm Click here to edit this post
@Greg - not sure what your point is.

This guy has attacked us for six weeks. Not sure why you're just noticing how many countries he's attacked us with now... Please feel free to continue watching I guess along with whoever you else you say is watching. Who's "we" lol? There's less messaging here than in your flame war that lasted 2 days for what it's worth.


Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 10:11 pm Click here to edit this post
Prince Greg- not excitement, boredom, trust me. But I will continue to stand up for myself. How would you handle it, curious?

Prince Greg

Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 11:12 pm Click here to edit this post
I have clearly called out Yaro for his hostile actions. At one point, I was also a victim of Yaro's aggression. I don't care how you respond to this situation, but I am certainly concerned about your peace offers, Robert. You've already taken more than 35 countries from him, and now your offer for a peaceful resolution is for him to give you two more important countries. If your intention is to track his Wp and hold him accountable for his actions, then go ahead and do it finish him off! rather than offering a deal that looks like a facade! It's equally in your powers to do as you please..

@EO since I came back I've seen you do three wars, one with lee, the other with ikanoba and then with yaro. All you've dealt rationally with every situation. It's been Six weeks already!! You're a big dog in the war game. The greatest of all times!! Who dares challenges thee! The mighty man of valour.. Seize giving him the attention. We all know there's nothing possibly he can do to youu. You could as well save Robert the Excitement.

Eeeee OOOooo

Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 12:24 am Click here to edit this post
He's attacking us with the countries. What would you have us do? Let him attack without responding and keep building brand new countries on our borders? Because that's what you'd do? Right...

Robert is doing great. We're both dealing with Yaro.

What exactly is it we're doing you don't approve of? Why do you have a say in how this goes?

The offer is the same as it's always been for peace. The peace deal is for us to determine, not off-world players. It's Yaro's choice to buy another 20 countries and attack us with them or not. The countries we're asking for aren't his. If he won't give them up, I see that as his choice and his problem.

Ikanoba attacked me and I responded. Lee attacked me twice, and I responded. Yaro continues attacking me and I'm responding. Responses require attention, and I can manage that how I like. Why are you allowed to give this attention while I'm supposed to stop? I'm being attacked and you are playing on other planets. I do not understand.


Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 01:25 am Click here to edit this post
Prince Greg- this Yaro clown has been given multiple, I repeat MULTIPLE opportunities to back down and go away- and yet he always returns- with more hostilities. I/we have had enough of him and we are doing him in. It's like a fly that buzzes around your head and you try to shoo away- but it didn't, so you finally take a fly swatter and bring an end to it.

The significance of the two countries is simple- they were countries formerly owned by an old friend and mentor of mine- an Icon on this game- Lord Mndz. This yaro entity owning countries once ruled by an Iconic Veteran is an insult to all Veterans who have played this game for decades. It soils his memory! Additionally, as with any hostile aggression- and I'm sure a veteran like yourself would know and surely agree with- has to end with a take down, one side or the other, just as yaro would do with me had I allowed it.

Eo's involvement is as a result of our alliance in our Federation as well as victim of yaro's secondary aggression. Eo and I have been friends for as far back as I can remember and I have great respect for him, both as a person and as an excellent player.

Last- if my comments come across as "Glee and joy"- it is more an effort of public humiliation when private messages to him failed. You can check his War Status to see he is listed as #1 on GR. He has the track record of an aggressor. Where there is smoke there is fire....

Rest assured there is no "glory" for taking (now) over 40 countries from someone when these countries were undefended (Literally). He attacks with absolutely zero skill and a ton of cockiness and incompetence. There is no "loot" in this for either of us. I will say I netted 3,383 Cruise Missile Batteries in the last country I took that he set up directly next to my Main on GR, however....THERE WAS NO AMMO! This is the caliber player we are dealing with- even after now 40+ countries.

My actions are justified and I do not apologize for them. I have been playing this game for over 20+ years now and NEVER dec'ed on an active player unless I or a Federation member was attacked. My history on WG has been as a Builder who stayed out of pi$$ing contests, I prefer to build empires vs sacrifice years of hard work. You can see that for yourself on WG, where my Main is "Maricopa".

As for EO- never before have I met a more "Just" player who loves this game to his core. I have great respect for him and hold him in the same light as Mndz, both icons in this game.

I am surprised at your positioning on the matter when so many others have seen the events unfold and even commented publicly against the multi-account owning clown. It is, however, your right to decide what side in history you prefer to be on. If you feel I am unfairly picking on a "victim"- that is your right also, but you are mistaken.

Again- I stand by my record as a player and my resolve to this situation. Yaro/LLLL/Itsame Waly and whoever else he may be now- his fate is written as a result of his own actions and refusal to walk away when we granted him the opportunities to do so.

Prince Greg

Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 05:27 pm Click here to edit this post
Good luck with whatsoever you're doing Robert! Figured I was an off world player.


Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 08:04 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank ya's...always good to chat up a new player. GR is normally a great place to raise a family- who knew?

Off to master my skills with my latest weapon of choice- the Fly Swatter!


Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 08:10 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank ya's...always good chatting up with another player. GR used to be a great place to raise a family- who knew?

Off to master my new weapon of choice- the Fly Swatter!

Peace out.

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