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Aries - Please sell me weapons thread

Topics: White Giant: Aries - Please sell me weapons thread


Friday, July 15, 2022 - 10:18 am Click here to edit this post
I'm back, and I could use a few weapons. I made the subject line generic, as I may reuse this thread to ask for some more stuff. For now, I could really use some precision bombers. If anyone can help me out, say so here, tell me your country/enterprise name, and I'll send some requests, or just send me some offers to my country Candinnalm.

thanks all!


Friday, July 15, 2022 - 10:42 am Click here to edit this post
Welcome back and welcome to WG.
Sent offer for 500@305Q if you want them.


Friday, July 15, 2022 - 10:57 am Click here to edit this post
Awesome. Can't accept that yet with my spending limit. My fault. Month was ending and I immediate ordered a few. Any chance you can send another offer with half, 250, that many? I can try to accept the other offer later.



Sunday, July 17, 2022 - 07:05 am Click here to edit this post
So, I started this thread before I was aware of game changes that caused direct traded weapons to go to inactive stock. I might start a discussion on that soon..

As is, I might not ask for many more weapons. Doesn't seem I can alleviate short-term needs with this type of ask.

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