E O | Thursday, October 14, 2021 - 10:07 pm Figured I'd put together some stats for us - it's been a while! Note - I just pulled stats on what appeared to be the biggest players from the data I pulled. Apologies if I missed anyone, as this was hand tallied! The only players intentionally omitted from this are enemies of mine, as I simply didn't feel like pulling their stats.
President Name | Member of Federation | Countries | Total Pop | Robert | Peaceful Asgard | 18 | 1,683,599,050 | UNION STATES KING | WGA | 16 | 1,523,419,128 | Amalie | WGA | 16 | 1,470,785,991 | gregor_omahen | | 13 | 1,346,903,717 | E O | The Syndicate | 12 | 1,073,075,128 | Anihana | WGA | 10 | 992,224,832 | Matthew II | The Syndicate | 10 | 853,942,616 | Jiggle Billy | WGA | 7 | 781,257,048 | Belcher | Federation of Allied States | 16 | 615,412,696 | johnV | | 5 | 529,444,210 |
President Name | Member of Federation | Countries | Total Army | Amalie | WGA | 16 | 15,622,459 | UNION STATES KING | WGA | 16 | 14,009,181 | E O | The Syndicate | 12 | 11,904,690 | Anihana | WGA | 10 | 6,739,528 | Matthew II | The Syndicate | 10 | 5,499,008 | gregor_omahen | | 13 | 5,098,144 | Clonan | | 11 | 2,982,973 | Jiggle Billy | WGA | 7 | 2,721,271 | Lioncoeur | WGA | 10 | 2,570,224 | Mike C | Fundamental Freedom Federation | 6 | 2,466,125 |
President Name | Member of Federation | Countries | Total Monthly Profit | Robert | Peaceful Asgard | 18 | 1,733,017,270,727 | E O | The Syndicate | 12 | 1,303,462,513,831 | Anihana | WGA | 10 | 1,192,629,538,857 | Amalie | WGA | 16 | 1,077,014,988,433 | UNION STATES KING | WGA | 16 | 1,059,460,346,173 | Jiggle Billy | WGA | 7 | 657,385,320,792 | Matthew II | The Syndicate | 10 | 626,219,257,213 | Mike C | Fundamental Freedom Federation | 6 | 453,145,766,532 | gregor_omahen | | 13 | 365,042,749,182 | johnV | | 5 | 330,361,680,505 |