Arimsa Suryavamsa | Saturday, July 24, 2021 - 04:40 pm JOINT STATEMENT After An extensive meeting held in the UDL senate, and after taking opinions from all our members, the UDL Issues the following statement. We as the UDL, retariate that UDL's main aim is to coexist and to advocate and enforce peace. The UDL was formed with the sole intention of making White Giant a better and a active place for players. And currently the UDL's mission is internal development of member nations both in economic and security aspect. As we know that White Giant has recently witnessed two cowardly sneak attacks, one of which was on one of our member. As per Our relations with King Lee, We the UDL tried to council Lee in order to bring an end to one of the top most issues threatening peace to the White Giant Community. This was done under the UDL's "Peace through Dialogue " program but Remains Solely on Concerned agreement as the UDL has little Role or No role to play. The UDL and its member wants to make it clear that UDL is a Democratic federation and the Federation laws only binds to it's members. Also we would like to state that our top priority is Sustainable peace. For anyone on the Planet who hampers peace will be in odds with UDL , and the UDL does not support any action which endangers peace. UDLs mandate. it's also clear to State that the UDL federation does not interfere in Domestic matters of other federations or Policies set by them and expects vice versa, until there is any official pact or deal between them and the UDL, after which the UDL will be sensitive to the concerns of the other pact members. We want to let you know that we are open for anything that will bring and uphold harmony and peace in White Giant Community With Regards The UDL. |