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War PSA - New players PLEASE READ

Topics: White Giant: War PSA - New players PLEASE READ

Matthew I

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 - 09:12 am Click here to edit this post
His most Imperial Majesty, Matthew I, Protector and Royal Sovereign of Batavia and her Dominions has a message for the Sovereign Nations of White Giant!

Just wanted to share some knowledge regarding the war game that might help a few people out.

I've ran into a few people, both in my Federation and throughout the planet at large, that don't seem to have a solid grasp on the War Game. Specifically, the barriers to warfare.

Simply put, on White Giant, you MUST be 'War Level 3' to access ANY Player V. Player content. Otherwise you CANNOT be attacked or attack. Period. Each country starts out at 'War Level 0'and must fight NPC controlled countries (C3's) in order to raise said level. (The actual process of fighting said C3 is a rabbit hole for another day, but I'll go ahead and warn any new players to NOT follow the advice the game gives you to fight wars at WL1 or you will -absolutely- get your teeth kicked in by the C3 at WL2, let alone WL3. Be wary of old guides too.)

Even when this war level is achieved, there are STILL barriers to 'Total war'. You have the ability to put secured mode on your 'Empire Leader' meaning that unless you purposefully attack with your Empire Leader or take off secured mode, even when you are WL3 your Secured country cannot be attacked.

More than a few new players, even existing ones, are seemingly unaware of this. I myself wasn't even exactly sure how it functioned exactly until I asked some of the other members of WGA who have been around the block longer than I. So whether you are plotting the downfall of your neighbor (or you're a revisionist power trying to undue a certain Federation's Hegemony...) just make sure you know YOU HAVE TO BE WL3 BEFORE THE MISSILES START FLYING!

And just to put it into perspective, here are the ONLY powers on the entire planet that can actually wage war:

Amalie -WGA
US King -WGA
Jiggle Billy
Marcus -WGA

Out of the grand total of EIGHT people that have the ability to wage war, FOUR of them are from the same Federation. As time goes on, this disparity will (probably) just get larger as myself and several others wiggle their way to WL3. The White Giant Alliance will soon move forward with trying to get all the members that are interested in war to the WL3 level. Hopefully, this entices others to follow suit, move out to WL3 and get the planet more active and involved.

That is all! Hope y'all are having a great day.

Matthew I

Thursday, December 17, 2020 - 06:47 am Click here to edit this post
bump for the newbies

Two New editions to WL3 including myself

Matthew I

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - 11:54 pm Click here to edit this post

MORE people have joined the WL3 club. Bringing the total number to 14. We have DOUBLED the WL3 population since a few months ago on the planet.

Hope that number keeps rising.

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